FIRST RATHFRILAND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Website: Facebook: Twitter: @1stRathfrilandP Minister: Rev Trevor Boyd, Dip. Min. The Manse: 13 Redbridge Road, Rathfriland, BT34 5AH Telephone: 028 406 30272 / 07955 102923 ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR 9th NOVEMBER 2014 Jesus said, “A city on a hill cannot be hidden… In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your father in heaven.” Matthew 5: 14 & 16 We exist as a congregation: To WORSHIP the Lord in a spirit-filled way To learn and obey the WORD of God To WITNESS to our community by word and action that Jesus is the WAY to salvation To support and pray for mission in our WORLD 10.15am 11.00am 11.30am 3.30pm TODAY – 9th NOVEMBER 2014 – Remembrance Sunday Sunday School Prayer Meeting in Morrison Room Morning Service Conducted by Rev, Trevor Boyd. Sermon Based on Revelation . Rev 2:12-17 The Worldly Church Remembrance Service in 3rd Presbyterian Church NO EVENING SERVICE NEXT SUNDAY – 16TH NOVEMBER 2014 10.15am Sunday School 11.00am Prayer Meeting in Morrison Room 11.30am Morning Service Conducted by Rev. Trevor Boyd. Sermon based On Revelation. Rev 2: 18-29 The Church that Tolerated Sin 6.30pm Prayer Meeting in Choir Room 6.50pm Community Singing 7.00pm Evening Service conducted by Rev. Trevor Boyd. Praise Service with Rathfriland Silver Band 8.15pm R@FT SENIOR CITIZENS FELLOWSHIP th TUESDAY 11 NOVEMBER 10.00am Tea/Coffee Scones etc. 10.25am Community Singing 10.30am Glenn and Margaret Sands will have a slide presentation of war graves in France and Belgium 11.00am Act of Remembrance 11.05am Meeting, Speaker: Glenn & Margaret Sands Subject: The Cost of Sacrifice MEN’S CHOIR PRACTICE TH TUESDAY 11 NOVEMBER A request has been made to form the Men’s Choir for the Christmas Period and a practice will take place on Tuesday 11th November at 7.30pm in the Church. A good turn out would be appreciated MIDWEEK BIBLE STUDY & PRAYER TIME TH WEDNESDAY 5 NOVEMBER 8.00pm in The Church Hall. We will continue to study in Revelation. GIRLS BRIGADE th THURSDAY 6 NOVEMBER EXPLORERS (3 TO 7 YEAR OLDS) JUNIORS (8 TO 10 YEAR OLDS) SENIORS (11 TO 14 YEAR OLDS) BRIGADIERS (14 TO 18 YEAR OLDS) 6.30pm-7.30pm 7.00pm-8.15pm 7.30pm-9.00pm 7.30pm-9.00pm BOYS BRIGADE FRIDAY 7th NOVEMBER ANCHOR BOYS (5 TO 8 YEAR OLDS) – (P1-P4)-6.30pm-7.30pm JUNIOR SECTION (8 TO 11 YEAR OLDS) – (P5-P7)-7.30pm-8.45pm COMPANY SECTION AND SENIORS (11-18yrs)- 8.15pm-10.00pm (YEARS 8 UPWARDS) BADMINTON CLUB The Badminton Club will continue to meet on Saturday nights in the Church Hall. The Club is open to everyone regardless of age, gender or ability. We will start with the following arrangements to see how we go. Age 5-11 from 6.30-7.30pm. Age 11-16 from 7.30-8.30pm and Age 17+ from 8.30-10.30pm. REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY – 9TH NOVEMBER th Today Sunday, 9 November is Remembrance Sunday and we will have an act of Remembrance during our Morning Service. All loose offering will go towards The Poppy Appeal. BB & GB Annual Remembrance Sunday Parade. All boys and girls meet at 3.00pm at Downpatrick Street Car Park THE SHORTER CATECHISM The purpose of the Shorter Catechism is to educate children in the Reformed Faith. It is based on the Larger Catechism, which was intended for use by ministers as they taught the faith to their congregations in preaching. The Catechism is in a question and answer format. The catechism is composed of 107 questions and answers. The first 12 questions concern God as Creator. It will do us all good to rehearse the teaching of our youth week by week! Catechism No.10 Question 10: How did God create man? Answer 10: God created man male and female, after his own image, in knowledge, righteousness, and holiness, with dominion over creatures.(1) (1) Gen. 1:26-28; Col. 3:10; Eph. 4.24. CAR PARK Lines have been marked temporarily in the car park to show you the way we would like you to park. The aim is to have four rows of cars with a space left for access to the stoned area. We trust this will be a benefit to all. CEF SUPER SEMINARS IN FIRST RATHFRILAND CEF Super Seminars in 1st Rathfriland Presbyterian Church on Monday 24th November at 7.30pm. If you are involved in children’s and youth work in our congregation this would be a great opportunity to get some free training on your own doorstep. Put the date in your diary now! You are able to attend 2 out of 4 Seminars. The seminars choices are: “Inside Outside” ministering through the local church by David Crutchley. “Good News for You” helping children to understand the message of salvation by Angie McKee. “I’m not too little” teaching pre-schoolers by Olivia Crutchley. “Growing through God’s Word” by Stephen Condy. DONACLONEY PRESBYTERIAN LADIES’ GROUP Donacloney Presbyterian Ladies’ Group invites you to an evening of song with THE POLICE MALE VOICE CHOIR in Donacloney Presbyterian Church on Friday 14 th November 2014 at 8.00pm -Retiring Offering in aid of Church Building Fund -Supper Provided SOUTHERN AREA HOSPICE The Presbytery of Iveagh at a recent meeting was supportive of the Southern Area Hospice approaching congregations requesting them having an appeal. 2014 marks the 25th Anniversary of the Southern Area Hospice and this year they need 2.3million to continue providing specialist palliative care services free of charge to the local area. Next Sunday 16th November there will be a retiring offering in aid of the Southern Area Hospice. We will also donate all Loose offering on the Sunday Morning. We trust you will support this worthy cause. KIRK SESSION PLANNING DAY The Kirk Session Planning Day will take place on Saturday 15th November in Hillyard House, Castlewellan ROTAS FLOWER LIST 9th November-Mrs Marj Bell 16th November-Miss Ina McCracken 23rd November-Mrs Jacqueline Cromie 30th November-Miss Glynis Thompson AUDIO VISUAL 9 November-Robin McConnell & Neil Cheney (Remembrance Sunday) 16th November-David Scott & Andrew Warburton 23rd November-Rodney & Michelle McCready 30th November-Derek & Jonathan McDowell th CRECHE 9 November-Wendy Annett & Heather Annett th 16 & 23rd November-Sandra O’Hara & Louise McElroy 30th November & 7th December-Dorothy Harbinson & Olive Shilliday TH CHILDREN’S CHURH 9 November-Noelle Hanna & Margaret McConnell 16th & 23rd November-Anne Annett & Chantelle Annett 30th November & 7th December-Colin Boyd & Robin McConnell TH If Children’s Church and Crèche dates don’t suit, please swap with someone else on the rota or in emergency contact Anne Annett on 028406 38954. Please check list in Vestibule. COUNTING MONEY AFTER MORNING SERVICE November-Mr & Mrs George Dawson, Mr & Mrs Jim Harbinson, Mrs. Jean Annett & Family December-Maudie Gracey & Family, David McDowell & Margaret Lyttle, Mr & Mrs Noel Weir CHURCH DOOR WELCOME ROTA – NOVEMBER David Smyth & Jim Harbinson PLEASE NOTE: If you have any information to share with the congregation please forward it on to ANDREW WARBURTON by 6pm on the Thursday prior to publication Email: or Phone/Text: 075644 92961 RUC GEORGE CROSS ASSOCIATION On the behalf of the members of the Banbridge/South Down branch of the RUC GC Association it is my duty and pleasure to thank you and all those others who provided the refreshments and served tea/coffee following the service of dedication on Sunday 26th October. I was one of the last to get into the hall and it was a welcoming sight to see that the ladies had an abundance of delicious savoury and sweets to tempt me. We are really grateful for all the hard work you and your team put into make the service a success and please pass on our thanks to those others who helped in any way. Yours Faithfully Kingsley Singer Branch Secretary FIRST RATHFRILAND PW th Tuesday 18 November The next meeting of 1st Rathfriland PW Group will take place on Tuesday 18th November at 8.00pm in the Church Hall. The Speaker will be Mary Henderson, a deaconess. All Ladies will be made very welcome Saturday 29th November The Annual PW Sale will be held on Saturday 29th November from 2pm to 5pm Stalls: Toys, Craft, Cakes, Home Produce. Afternoon Tea Santa Claus will be there! Friday 5th December For those people who wish to travel by bus to the Waterfront Hall for the “Ireland in Christmas Praise Concert” on Friday 5th December. Please write your name on the list in the vestibule. Bus leaves 6.15pm Sharp
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