BURNT STORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SMOKE SIGNALS A Monthly Newsletter February 2015 Ash Wednesday February 18 9am - 11am Imposition of the Ashes 7:00pm Worship Service S E S S I O N M I N I S T R I E S Session - Ruling Elders Class of 2015 Kathy Bertani Lois Gorman Mike Huston Joni Sandles Carol Yoder Class of 2016 Gary Brewster Luceal Curry vacant Brian Hinman Barb Lohff Class of 2017 Bob Gable Ron Klein Duncan MacLean Joyce Pacifico Kent Smith Deacons Class of 2015 Donna Brast Emma May Goddard Joanie Huston Shelley Jahns Bev Long Darlene Lull Joy Merkel Teresa Todino Carol Weitz Class of 2016 Ron Bloom Nancy Brewster Pat Hansen Annemarie Klein Barbara Klein Ann Longenbarger Dar Nuckols Carolyn Peavey Kathy Potts Class of 2017 Dianne Aikey Helen Bowers Shirley Braddock Betty Graves Bonney Howard Eleanor Smith Brenda Tankersley Pam Tognarine Jim Qurollo Clerk of Session Mike Huston Ministries and Chairs *chair Christian Education Congregational Care Evangelism Facilities and Property Finance and Stewardship Mission Personnel Worship and the Arts Bertani* and Gable Gorman* and Pacifico Gaylord* and Klein Smith* and Hinman Sandles* and Brewster Curry* and MacLean Huston* Lohff* and Yoder Moderator of Deacons Ron Bloom February • 2015 P A S T O R T I M S T E W A R T The Liturgy of February The practice in our church is to celebrate Holy Communion of the first Sunday of each month … unless we defer to a more liturgical day. While we will have Communion on Sunday, February 1 as usual, we will also celebrate it on February 22 since that day is the First Sunday in Lent. We will not have Communion on Sunday, March 1. While not necessarily a liturgical day, Sunday, February 8 is a special day in our church. That day is Stewardship Commitment Sunday! On that Sunday … next Sunday … at the offering time we will be invited to leave our seats and come to the front of the chancel and place our estimate of giving cards into receptacles there. Please bring your completed card to worship on that day. The Sunday immediately prior to Ash Wednesday is always the Transfiguration of the Lord. On Sunday, February 15 we will remember this time when, atop a mountain, through Jesus, the Glory of God was on display to the inner circle of his disciples, Peter, James and John. In a remarkable passage of the New Testament which appears in all three Synoptic Gospels (Matthew 17.1-9, Mark 9.2-8 and Luke 9.28-36) the event is described in which Jesus is changed before those disciples’ very eyes. Jesus shines like the sun, he is joined by Moses and Elijah and then the voice of the Lord is heard. Peter remembers his experience on this mountain top and he refers to it in his first letter (1 Peter 1.16-18). The Transfiguration of the Lord takes its place along side his baptism, crucifixion, resurrection and ascension. On Wednesday, February 18 Lents begins with our Ash Wednesday plans. I will invite you to read Pastor Cassie’s article elsewhere in this edition of Smoke Signals. Ash Wednesday derives its name from the practice of placing ashes on the foreheads of adherents to the faith as a sign of mourning and repentance. The ashes used are typically gathered after the palms from the previous year’s Palm Sunday are burned. At services of worship on this day, ashes are imposed on the foreheads of the faithful. The minister marks the forehead of each participant with black ashes in the sign of the cross. The act echoes the ancient tradition of throwing ashes over one’s head to signify repentance. The minister says the following when applying the ashes: Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return (Genesis 3.19). As I mentioned above, Sunday, February 22 is the first Sunday in Lent. Again I invite you to see Pastor Cassie’s article in which she reminds us of several things about this penitential liturgical season. See you Sunday ... February • 2015 P A S T O R C A S S I E T O D D Lent is Upon Us “Yet even now, says the Lord, return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning; rend your hearts and not your clothing. Return to the Lord, your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love, and relents from punishing.” ~Joel 2.12-13 Ecclesiastes 3.1 reminds us, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” This month, we begin the season of Lent. In this season, it is the time of the year for prayer, fasting, and examining our selves. Repentance, turning away from sin, penitence, mourning from the sin we’ve committed, and almsgiving, giving to those less fortunate, marks this time. This isn’t Christmas; it isn’t Easter yet, either. It might seem like such a gloomy time, a time to want to stay home and not come to church. If you do this though, you will miss out. The 40 days of Lent do not include Sundays, and after consulting with Joy and Tim, I am really excited for what our Sundays in Lent will bring. You will have to come to church to experience it though! Ash Wednesday begins the season on February 18th, and we will have ashes available again in the morning from 9.00AM until 11.00AM. If you’d like to receive ashes, come right in to narthex into the Sanctuary. We will have someone to greet you and lead you in. You may either pick up a short devotion and read the devotion in a pew, sit in a pew and pray, or come straight forward. When ever you are ready to receive the ashes, come up to the front pew and Tim and I will be waiting for you up front to place the ash on your forehead. Whether you receive ashes in the morning or not please come back for a very meaningful evening service at 7.00PM. The first Sunday in Lent, February 22nd, also begins part 1 of Christian Education’s “Changing Lives” Sunday morning emphasis. We have already journeyed through “Reaching Up” and “Making Disciples” the first two parts of our mission statement, and now we have come to the third part. Changing Lives, part 1, will have two classes offered on Sunday Mornings in Lent: A World Worth Saving (9.40AM: Pete Gaylord and 11.00AM: Rosie and Bob Gable) and Christianity and Controversial Issues (9.40AM: Bob Lynch). A World Worth Saving is a Lent-specific study to help you grown in your prayer life and become involved in acts of mercy and compassion. Christianity and Controversial Issues will discuss the topic of Christian Ethics including what is Christian Ethics, are they absolute, and what is a Christian to do? I hope that you will find your way into a Sunday morning Faithworks class during the season of Lent. Also, to help our congregation follow along with this season, we will have children and adult calendars on the Information Carousel in the Narthex before the season begins. Many Blessings, February • 2015 W O R S H I P A N D T H E A R T S Joy Toll-Chandler Come one, Come all to the greatest show on earth!!!! - Well, at least one of the greatest shows in Punta Gorda! Friday, February 13 is THE DATE for our church variety show - featuring some of the amazingly talented people that call Burnt Store Presbyterian Church one of their spiritual homes. Starting time is 7:00 pm, when our host for the evening - the one and only Richard Cunningham - will welcome you with a smile and probably a joke or two. The show, the third in our TGIV concert series this year, will be a fundraiser for Haiti mission MUSIC projects. Yes, that's right, mission music projects - guitars for one mission site and hand chimes for another mission school. How exciting that we can have a great time together enjoying the musical talents God has given to us, and while there, give an offering of our financial gifts so that folks in mission areas can enjoy music as well. !The variety show is free, but an offering will be received. There are over 15 "acts" being prepared for your enjoyment - from high quality serious music to some very fun playful pieces. There's church music, and country comic "church" music. There's classics and there's contemporary. There's handbells and dulcimers and voices and pianos (4 of them at once!). There's men and there's women. There's solos, duets, trios, piano quartets, and a full handbell choir. And, yes, there will even be an amazing performance of the Hallelujah Chorus. You don't want to miss this event. Come and enjoy, laugh, and support our Haiti mission projects! See you there! Thank you, thank you, thank you to the MANY people who helped to make the First Annual Boar's Head Festival not only a reality, but a huge success! Between 40-50 singers, 2 accompanists, 11 ringers, 40 processors and dancers, 400 in the audience, 30 pie bakers, 10 costumers, on and on the list goes! Response has been strong to DO IT AGAIN next year! And indeed that is the plan - so put Epiphany 2016 (January 6) on your calendar now! (I suspect "parts" will fill up fast - so be sure to sign up early). More costumes will be made/purchased, thanks to the generous gifts of the audience this year. Bigger, better, and yet - all with one goal: to give glory, honor and praise to our amazing God for the gift of His Son, Jesus the Christ.! There are a couple of pictures attached, and here is a link to the video that George Scheer kindly took for us. (It's also available via our church Facebook page). Click here to view video God bless you all - and thank you! February • 2015 C H R I S T I A N E D U C A T I O N Kathy Bertani and Bob Gable, Elders MEET BOB GABLE … Bob graciously and eagerly accepted the position as Elder of Christian Education! Yeah! … I am thrilled to serve with Bob on Burnt Store Presbyterian Church Christian Education Ministry. Here’s a little about Bob: Bob was born in Akron, Ohio … baptized at Zion Lutheran Church in Akron. Bob joined the Ohio State Highway Patrol in 1966. Following his academy training, Bob was commissioned as an Ohio Trooper in 1968. During his over 28 years of service, he served in several positions and at various locations throughout Ohio. Some positions included investigation section, Governors protective section, and SWAT team. Bob received extensive management and leadership training in law enforcement and additional education at Kent State University, Case Western Reserve University, and Lakeland Community College. He received numerous promotions during his career with the Patrol, serving as Commander of Lebanon Post and retired in March 1995 as Commander of Patrol’s Cincinnati Operations Section. Upon retirement, Bob accepted a position as Chief of Police in Blanchester, Ohio. Here he served eight years before retiring to Punta Gorda. Bob and his wife, Rosie, reside in Burnt Store Marina. They enjoy their family of 3 children and 6 grandchildren. Bob and Rosie facilitate the 11:00 Faithworks class on Sundays. Bob has always been a Christian and believes in Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Bob is honored to serve as Elder of Christian Education and will dedicate himself to the service of the Lord through Burnt Store Presbyterian Church! Please welcome Bob when you see him and thank him for his service. If you are interested in learning more about Burnt Store Presbyterian Church Christian Education Ministry, please contact Kathy Bertani @ 941.627.0162. We would LOVE you have you as part of our team! Blessings, Kathy Bertani Chair of CE Ministry February • 2015 Y O U T H G R O U P Andy Lacza ! Treasures and Treats Youth Group Garage Sale is coming to Burnt Store Presbyterian Church Saturday, February 28, 2015 It’s time to start thinking about the Burnt Store Presbyterian Church Youth Group’s annual Treasures and Treats Sale. As you may know, this event offers a fun event while raising funds for our youth group activities and mission projects. There will be plenty of excellent bargains, great food and fellowship. Let’s get ready!! We appreciate the help of our adult BSPC members and we’re asking for your help again this year by doing any or all of the following: • Donating pre-loved items that you no longer want or need. February 28 is the date of the sale so you have plenty of time to begin the cleaning and sorting process. Collection of items will take place on three Sundays (February 8, 15, 22) and Thursday, February 26. Youth group members will assist you at the collection point. • Sorting and pricing prior to the sale and staffing tables on the day of the sale. • Providing items for our food sale. The sale is a great fundraiser for our youth and a wonderful intergenerational project for our church. We sincerely appreciate your support of this important project. If you can help with set-up, pricing or selling … please complete the form on the next page or stop by the carousel to fill one out. Thank you!! February • 2015 M.Y. P.L.A.C.E. Youth Group Treasures and Treats Sale ! Saturday, February 28, 2015 8:00AM - 12:00 NOON Fellowship Hall Donations of your pre-loved and gently used household items, furniture, clothing, books, games, electronics, etc. are greatly appreciated!! Beginning Sunday, February 8th This year donations taken on Sundays only … February 8th,15th, 22nd at Fellowship Hall entrance—drive to far end of building, Youth Group members will assist you from 8AM till 12:30PM Furniture and other large items can only be accepted February 26 and 27. Clothing should be clean and in good condition. Our “BAKE SHOPPE” will feature delicious food items...very popular!! CAN YOU HELP with set-up, pricing or selling? WE NEED YOU!! Fill out the form below and bring to the church office or place in Sunday’s offering plate. BSPC Youth Group thanks you for your support and assistance!! This event would not be possible without YOU! Proceeds from “Treasures and Treats” support our youth mission trips, retreats & projects. - - - !- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Name: ___________________________________________ Phone: ____________________ Email: ___________________________________________ ____ YES! I will help with set-up and pricing on.... Thurs, Feb 26 ___ 9:00 am - Noon Fri, Feb. 27 ___ 9:00 am - Noon ___ Noon - 3:00 pm ___ Noon - 3:00 pm (**if needed**) ____ YES! I will staff a table (sell stuff) on Sat, Feb. 28 -- 7:30 am - 12:00 noon ____ YES! I will bring ____ item(s) for the Bake Shoppe. February • 2015 E V A N G E L I S M Ron Klein, Elder Evangelism has an idea that will help us to learn more about other members in the church. the name tags that are available can be purchased in the narthex for $6.00. The name tag will have your name and where you came from or spend your time when you're not here i.e. Pete Gaylord Washington N.J. Burnt Store Presbyterian Church Please join us in this effort to learn more about each other. Thanks The Evangelism committee. W O R S H I P Barb Lohff and Carol Yoder, Elders The inaugural event of The Boar’s Head Festival is history and it was quite a success. All the planning, research, recruiting, costume preparation, practice, and volunteer hours that had gone into this exciting new project for our church paid off with a memorable and glorious festival/pageant. We want to thank all members and friends of Burnt Store Presbyterian Church who had pitched in to help make this dream a reality. We were excited to share the evening with all of our neighbors in the community. We especially want to thank all of our Burnt Store family who filled the pews (it looked like Easter morning!) to witness what is sure to become a Burnt Store traditional finale to the Christmas season. Did I mention the pies? Wow! Do we ever have good bakers here at Burnt Store Presbyterian Church … thank you for sharing your talents. We would be remiss not to thank Congregational Care for coordinating the Wassail and pie which were happily devoured by the appreciative attendees, cast, and crew. Also a big thank you to Ernie and the Property Ministry for their help in transforming our Chancel from its beautiful Christmas motif to the Grand Palace of the Royals and later the Inn at Bethlehem. It is such a blessing to have the cooperative efforts of all our ministries working for the common Good. Last, but not least, our appreciation goes out to the lady with the vision: our Director of Worship and the Arts, Joy Toll-Chandler. Job well done! Save the date for next year: Wednesday, January 6, 2016 … Epiphany! How great is that? Mark your calendar now. February • 2015 S T E W A R D S H I P C A M P A I G N 2 0 1 5 Ron Graves The theme of the 2015 Financial Campaign is "Responding To God's Generosity". During the four weeks of the campaign we will be reflecting on how we live and use the gifts from a very generous God and our response to Him that comes from the heart. We will be emphasizing the multitude of ministries that are funded through your giving. On Stewardship Commitment Sunday, February the 8th, we will all have the opportunity to present our Estimate Of Giving for the coming year. We hope to see all of you on the 8th, however, if you are not able to attend then, just bring the card to the next service. Thank you for your continued support of the ministries of Burnt Store Presbyterian Church. Ron Graves Stewardship Chair F I N A N C E M I N I S T R Y Joni Sandles and Gary Brewster, Elders ./01'-# (2-- 3 !" # # $ %" 4' #"!& " 411'5-06#7#! #! % # %" '(( !% % ! " ! The Finance and Stewardship Ministry has been very busy over the past few months. Last year ended on a positive note, come to the Annual Meeting on Feb. 15th to hear all the details. We are in the middle of our 2015 Stewardship campaign. We will have our dedication on February 8th. Our Challenge Budget for this year is 2.8% lower than last year. However, it is 1% above last years actual receipts. The Annual Report will have all of the details. Thanks, Joni February • 2015 M I S S I O N Luceal Curry and Duncan MacLean, Elders Haiti Mission Team Departs in March The Haiti Mission Team will depart for Port au Prince on March 21st! The team is set, the airline is booked, and our work plans are finalizing. Team members pay for their airline tickets, hotel costs and meals. Our Mission Ministry is supporting with funds for our translators, tap-taps, and drivers. And we come to you now for your help and support for the projects we are planning. We hope to raise $5,000 to purchase: 1) 2) 3) needed supplies for our construction team to purchase in Haiti, for their work in completing the 7th and 8th grade building of the new high school - which plans to open in the Fall of 2015! supplies for the school "team" in their program with the 600 plus children in grades Pre-K through 6th grade! and to bring supplies of nutrition-boosting "instant breakfast" and children's vitamins. This will be the fifth trip that Burnt Store Presbyterian Church has sent to Haiti, and those of us who have been blessed to be on a mission team can tell you that the efforts of Burnt Store Presbyterian Church ARE making a difference, in the thousands of lives involved with the Haiti Outreach Ministry communities! In order for this mission to truly succeed, we need the help, involvement and prayers of the entire congregation - our support team. Please consider this request for "extra mile giving" prayerfully and help as your are able. Donations toward our projects can be made through the special offering envelopes in the pews or by designated gift to the church (checks to BSPC with "Haiti Mission" noted). Soli Deo Gloria (to God alone be the glory) ! Your Haiti Mission Team 2015 Karen Poquette, Wayne Bryan, Tom Gorman, Janet Burbank, Jim Howard, Don DeWitt, Tom DeWitt, Roger Long, Ellen Mogensen, Carol Nasby, Chris Nasby, Dawn Seymour, Walt VanBeers, Dick Anderson, Mike Tardy, Penny Stiffler, and Kathy Tardy A P O S T L E ’ S B U I L D I want to thank everyone for the church support for this Habitat for Humanity 2015 home building project called Apostles Build. Our mission activity support along with eleven other local churches makes it possible for a deserving family to live in a nice blessed home and avoid being homeless. The family partner is Jacklyn Araque and her three year old son CJ. The address is 362 Lawler St, Port Charlotte. The slab blessing was on January 10 along with the wall raising for all exterior walls. BSPC volunteers worked to help build the walls. The next scheduled event is interior painting on February 28 in the morning. We will have the Angels in the attic signing in the lobby next week. These Angels will be posted in the attic of the home to bless and look over the family. God Bless Each of you … Stay Healthy Larry Kessinger February • 2015 S E S S I O N H I G H L I G H T S Mike Huston, Clerk of Session At its called meeting by email on January 7, 2015, Session called two meetings of the congregation, the first at noon on Sunday, January 25, 2015 for the purpose of presenting the congregation with the 2015 Challenge Budget and the second at noon on Sunday, February 8, 2015 for the purposes of the congregation receiving the 2014 Annual Report and approving the Terms of Call for 2015 for Pastor Tim and Pastor Cassie. [Note: As a result of action at the stated Session meeting on January 20, 2015 described below, the congregation meeting scheduled for February 8, 2015 was postponed until February 15, 2015.] At its stated meeting on January 20, 2015, Session: • Approved the minutes of the December 16, 2014 stated meeting of Session and the minutes of the January 7, 2015 called meeting of Session by email • Elected Mike Huston as Clerk of Session, Barb Lohff as Assistant Secretary and Joe Potts as Treasurer • Accepted the December Treasurer’s Report, subject to year-end inspection • Approved the request of Chari Stanley Leitch for transfer of her membership to Roswell Presbyterian Church in Roswell, Georgia • Upon motion of the Finance and Stewardship Ministry, approved transferring the excess revenues (net income) for 2014 ($22,896) to Account #3263—Roof, Carpet & Air-conditioning Reserve Fund • Upon motion of the Finance and Stewardship Ministry, approved transferring the balance in Account #3507—Session Birthday Offerings General Funds ($5,369) to Account #3263—Roof, Carpet and Airconditioning Reserve Fund • Upon motion of the Finance and Stewardship Ministry, approved Session contracting with Comcast to update the church’s telecommunications system at a cost of $13,237, to be paid with funds from Account #3423A—Audio/Visual • Approved transferring $107.49 from Account #3270-S—Capital Improvement to Account #3423D—Fire Alarm Repair to cover a shortfall in Account #3423D • Appointed Mike Huston and Brian Hinman to serve as commissioners to the Peace River Presbytery meeting on Thursday, February 26, 2015 at the Pine Shores Presbyterian Church in Sarasota, Florida • Called a meeting of the congregation at noon on Sunday, February 15, 2015 for the purposes of the congregation receiving the Annual Report and the approving the Terms of Call for Pastor Tim and Pastor Cassie for 2015 and cancelled the meeting of the congregation that was previously called for on February 8, 2015 for these purposes • Refused to approve a motion that Session rescind the action taken by Session in October, 2014 amending the Wedding Section of the Church Use Policy to prohibit the use of the church’s building and property for same-gender weddings or any event related thereto. Anyone wanting to learn more about the specifics of any of the foregoing actions is encouraged to contact the ministry responsible for the action. If you have any questions about this report, feel free to contact Mike Huston, Clerk of Session, at 941.575.1467 or mjhuston4@gmail.com. February • 2015 P R E S B Y T E R I A N W O M E N Ellen Mogensen, 941.575.0258 Presbyterian Women activities offer opportunities to connect with and get to know others in our congregation. Meet other women and make new friends! Our annual social event and fundraiser on January 18, “President and Mrs. Lincoln,” was a big success! Thank you to everyone who helped. People sold tickets, made desserts, set up tables and displays, made centerpieces, collected tickets, worked in the kitchen, cleaned up and laundered tablecloths. Thanks also to our “dashing waiters” for excellent service. An event like this takes many hands to make it successful. We thank everyone who attended—your $15 donation will help the 10 missions that PW supports each year. Local missions include CARE, homeless students and adults, Voices for Kids (Guardian ad litem), Duvall Home for developmentally disabled adults, Thornwell Home for children in crisis, and families in Immokalee. ____________________________________ Our “Small Groups” meet again in February. Visitors are welcome! This a wonderful opportunity to meet more women in our church. Three circles meet Monday, February 2, during the day, and one meets Wednesday, February 4, following the potluck dinner (see times below). We’ll discuss chapter 11 (Huldah, a counselor to kings and clergy) from our Bible Study book, Women of the Old Testament. Call Ellen Mogensen (575.0258) or Annemarie Klein (637.1266) for information. “Annual Gathering” of the Peace River Presbyterian Women will be Saturday, February 7, 9:00AM-1:00PM, Venice Presbyterian. We come together to fellowship, see the parade of banners, hear a wonderful speaker and enjoy lunch. Everyone is invited to join us—this is a special day of fun. Meet with the sisters of our Presbytery. Call Ellen at 575.0258. Registration is $10. Carpools leave BSPC at 8:00AM. Coordinating Team will meet Monday, February 9, at 1:00PM in the Boardroom. Anyone is welcome to join us in planning our PW activities. Creator’s Crafters – An opportunity for fellowship and friendship. Tuesday, February 10 and 24, Noon-3:00PM. Come for as long as you wish. Bring a bag lunch and drink. Bring any craft you would like to work on, need help with, or want to share. Or just come to socialize and see what others are doing. Take some time out to relax, visit and craft. Gathering and Salad Luncheon, Monday, March 2, at 11:30AM. Put this date on your calendar! Deborah Jo Dunham, Cardiovascular Clinical Nurse Specialist, will present a program on Women’s Heart Health. Bring a salad to serve 6, and please invite a neighbor or friend. Hosted by Ruth Circle. The annual “PW Birthday Offering” will be collected in March. This special offering is collected each spring to celebrate the blessings in the lives of Presbyterian Women. Each year up to 5 grants are awarded to fund projects— domestic and international—related to health, education, economic development and the needs of women and children. Since 1922, the PW Birthday Offering has provided much-needed financial assistance to programs not funded by the General Assembly. Dates to remember Monday, February 2 Hannah Circle meets 9:30AM in the Boardroom; Rachel Circle 1:00PM at Joyce Pacifico’s home; Ruth Circle meets 1:00PM at Pam Smith’s home Wednesday, February 4 Eve Circle meets 6:00PM in classroom 4 Saturday, February 7 Annual Gathering of Peace River Presbyterian Women, 9:00AM, Venice Presbyterian Monday, February 9 Coordinating Team Meeting at 1:00PM, church Boardroom Wednesday, February 10 and 24 Creator’s Crafters, Noon-3:00PM Sunday, March 2 Annual “PW Birthday Offering” collected at all church services Monday, March 3 March Gathering and Salad Luncheon at 11:30AM in Fellowship Hall Blessings to you all, Ellen Mogensen, PW Moderator February • 2015 C O N G R E G A T I O N A L C A R E Lois Gorman and Joyce Pacifico, Elders We are already in to the second month of the new year and we have had out dinners on Wednesday evenings, and they are enjoyed by all that attend. We have the in February the 4th and the 11th, followed by Pastor Tim’s study on the Apostle’s Creed. I would like to thank all the ladies who brought pies for the Boar’s Head Festival. I am thankful for their support. It was brought to my attention that a lot of people who are caregivers might not know that we have an Adult Day Care at the church every Thursday from 9:00AM to 1:30PM in the library (resource center.) They have activities to keep the clients entertained, while the caregiver gets a break for a few hours. If you would like to know more please contact Carol Lucas, RN at 941.255.9192. Congregational Care meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 1:00PM in the fellowship hall, please join us. It is a good way to get connected in our church. Blessings to all, Lois Gorman S T E P H E N M I N I S T R Y Training Update Our six new Stephen Ministers in training have hit the deck running in this new year. Their education has included learning more about grief, its various stages and how to be a good care giver at each stage. Depression is another issue receiving attention with our Stephen Ministers being taught types of depression and where they can and cannot minister to a care receiver who is experiencing this. Although a Stephen Minister is never assigned to a care receiver who might be suicidal, recognizing the symptoms of suicide and how to deal with this are a vital part of the training. Lastly, as the training begins to wind down, this class was instructed how to bring a relationship with a care receiver to a close. Most of the time, this is a happy event as it means the care receiver is past the crisis and doing well. We are all excited and looking forward to the last of February and the commissioning of 6 new Stephen Ministers! The following certificate of gratitude was received from Heifer International in response to our Christmas gift to them. All of the Stephen Ministers were blessed to be a part of this! ! February • 2015 F I T N E S S ‘ N ’ F U N Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9:00AM 10 Session punch card: $35.00 Drop-in fee $5.00 The scripture lesson at the service I attended this last Sunday was from the Book of Luke where Jesus tells the parable of the shrewd manager. In Luke 16:3 and 4, "The manager said to himself, 'What shall I do now? My master is taking away my job. I'm not strong enough to dig, and I'm ashamed to beg … I know what I'll do so that, when I lose my job here, people will welcome me into their houses." What struck me is how similar our world is today. Although what brought the whole thing on, was that the manager was apparently wasting his master's possessions, that's not what I had in mind today. How many of us have, or have had, comfortable positions, not requiring much physical activity, and have let our bodies deteriorate to the point of not being strong enough to dig? Whatever the excuse, stress, no time, family responsibilities, the result's the same; a shorter, less healthful life, ultimately contributing to excessive dependence on others. Now I'm sure the manager didn't have a great Stretch 'n' Tone exercise class available to him, but even if he did, do you think he would have taken advantage of it? How about you? Are you doing something to care for your temple and enhance your fitness? If not, why not give our Stretch 'n' Tone classes a try? Not only will you insure you're strong enough to dig, but you'll improve your balance, enhance your posture and flexibility, and probably strengthen your whole mental outlook! Any questions, call me, 941.575.2034. Art Anderssen, Stretch "n' Tone Instructor K I N D E R M U S I K It's Kindermusik time again! Now that the holidays are over, Kindermusik at Burnt Store is ready to be back in full swing! Classes will meet once again on Wednesday afternoons, starting at 5:30PM. (If you want to enjoy the family meal at 5:00PM before class, be sure to sign up with the office weekly!)! Class is for a parent (grandparent) and a child, and the cost is only $50 for a month, which includes the digital take home materials as well as weekly classes. Children from birth through age 3 are invited to this wonderful time of music, movement, stories, and time with their best teacher - their parent!! The first unit this winter is called "Way up High!" I'm sure we will be hearing birds singing! Hope to see you and your child there! The first class will be Wednesday, January 28. SCHOLARSHIPS are available - please call the office 941.639.0001 or email Joy to hold your spot! music83@embarqmail.com You can also register online by clicking here. February • 2015 S H O U T O U T A shout out to Joy and crew for the wonderful Boar’s Head Festival. Thank you, Joy! A shout out to Pastor Cassie for the wonderful dancing at the Boar’s Head gathering. Thank you for sharing your talent. A shout out to Lois Gorman and all who help with the Wednesday night Works dinners. Great job! W A L L O F C R O S S E S This cross was given by Marge Garrett and Nan Qurollo in conjunction with the Stephen Ministry. It was handcrafted and hand painted in Peru. Dressed in traditional Peruvian costume, the people surrounding the cross work together to carry it, illustrating both the community of all believers and the commitment Christians make to carry one another’s burdens. January • 2015 BURNT STORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH There's Music in the Air at BURNT STORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH February 16: Barbary Coast Dixieland Show Band Toe-tapping entertainment March 16: Purdue Varsity Glee Club Dynamic musical troupe with unparalleled showmanship Ticket Information: Single performance tickets are $20 Tickets will be available between worship services at the Information Carousel from September thru May and from the church office on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to noon. You can also order your tickets by mailing the form below, with a check and a self-addressed and stamped envelope to the church, attention: Concert Committee. Performances will start at 7:30 p.m. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. There is no reserved seating. Name_______________________________________________ Phone Number________________ Address__________________________________________________________________________ Feb. 16 – Barbary Coast Dixieland Mar. 16 – Purdue Varsity Glee Club Number of Tickets _____ x $20 = _____ Number of Tickets _____ x $20 = _____ Special entry for guests with wheelchairs or walkers… just inform the parking attendant upon arrival. BURNT STORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 11330 Burnt Store Road Punta Gorda, FL 33955-1402 phone: 941.639.0001 fax: 941.639.1069 e-mail: bspc83@embarqmail.com world wide web: www.bspconline.org February • 2015 Birthdays and Anniversaries 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 13 14 15 Van Long Fred Mesler Sharon Monge Boyd Owens Judy Simes Lee Simoneau Fred and Mauna Raymond Nancy Clemm Bob and Millie Matson Betsy Jenison Bob Kreig Dar Nuckols Dot Robbins Carol Welch Gloria Brown Julie Balogh Ron Graves Horst Huelsemann Ray Jasica Barbel Cadien Jackie Johnson Chris McCarthy Phyllis Williams George Scheer Michael Churchill Rebecca Nicholson Lucille Welchman Maureen Mills Glenn Ferris Sue Bareither Jenita Day Liz DeRouen Phyllis Edwards Karen Fuchs Lucy Miller Sandy Pond Harold and Dorothy Pantall 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Pat Brady Bob Miller Aimee Nazworth Jack Clay LaVaughn Ferris Phyllis Gessel Luceal Curry Sally Byle Vera Harris Fred Raymond Barb Davis Mike Tardy Mike Pierce Bob Pietrasanta Jody Wuensch Earl and Phyllis Williams Jack Gessel Mary Lou Paul-Vernon Rosie Gable Don Barratt Phil and Margaret Sieck Celia Eames Cathy Kelly Arlene Frazier Donn and Darlene Lull Penny O’Donnell Kid’s Birthdays 22 22 24 25 Blaise Biggs Tyler Evans Travis Thomas Taylor Szuba February • 2015 Sunday 1 Monday 2 Souper Bowl Sunday! Communion Sunday 8 Congregational Meeting 3 9 10 11 23 Regular Weekly Events 6:30 Session 5:00 The Works 6:00 FaithWorks 17 18 9:00 Connecting Team meeting 7:30 Barbary Coast Dixieland 1:00 Mission Friday Saturday 6 7 12 13 14 5:00 TGIV Dress Rehearsal 11:30 Immokalee Mission Trip 9:00 Evangelism 1:00 Property 5:00 The Works 6:00 FaithWorks 6:00 Eve Cr. 10:00 Seminole Lakes HOA Thursday 5 1:00 Cong. Care 6:15 Deacons 6:30 Finance Blood Drive Communion Sunday 4 1:00 Rachel Cr. 1:00 Ruth Cr. 16 22 Wednesday 9:30 Hannah Cr. 1:00 PW Coordinating Team 6:30 Mac Users 15 Tuesday 6:30 Personnel ASH WEDNESDAY Happy Valentine’s Day 7:00 TGIV Church Talent / Variety Show 19 20 21 26 27 28 Imposition of the Ashes 9am - 11am Worship Service 7:00pm 24 25 MY PLACE Treasures and Treats Garage Sale 8am - 12noon 4:00 Worship 6:30 Stewardship Sunday 8:15 & 11:00 Traditional Worship 8:15 Holy Grounds Café 9:40 Come As You Are Worship 9:40 FW - Holy Moly 9:40 FW - Grace 11:00 MY PLACE Youth Group 11:00 FW - Grace Monday 9:00 Fitness ‘n Fun 5:00 Dance and Devotions Tuesday 10:00 Women’s Bible Study 7:00 Suncoast Statesmen Wednesday 8:00 Men’s Bible Study 9:00 Fitness ‘n Fun Wednesday con’t 10:00 Card Embroidery 10:00 GriefShare 4:45 Wed. Night Sharing 6:00 FaithWorks Class 6:00 Praise Team Rehearsal Thursday 9:30 Adult Daycare Noon AA Thursday con’t 12:30 Adult Daycare Exercise 3:45 Praise Bells 5:00 Organ Rehearsal 5:30 Kindermusik 7:00 Choir Rehearsal Friday Fitness ‘n Fun C O N N E C T I O N I S E A S Y Would you like to be a part of the many activities at Burnt Store Presbyterian? This can be as simple as placing a phone call or sending an email. Below are listed the ministries and projects with the individuals in charge. EVANGELISM Ron Klein 941.637.6418 mo2v8d@hotmail.com CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Kathy Bertani 941.627.0162 kbertani@aol.com PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN Ellen Mogensen 941.575.0258 damogie96@yahoo.com 941.637.0690 meetlohff@comcast.com MUSIC AND DRAMA Joy Toll-Chandler 941.639.0001 joy@bspconline.org DANCE Pastor Cassie Todd 941.639.0001 pastorcassie@bspconline.org FINANCE Joni Sandles Gary Brewster 941.639.0170 941.639.3378 tatertot@hotmail.com gbrewster@earthlink.net STEWARDSHIP Ron Graves 941.505.0562 rgraves@comcast.net MISSION Luceal Curry Duncan MacLean 941.833.5552 palzetta@embarqmail.com CONGREGATIONAL CARE Lois Gorman Joyce Pacifico 941.639.6422 loisgorm@embarqmail.com 941.639.0001 office@bspconline.org PROPERTY AND FACILITY Kent Smith Brian Hinman WORSHIP AND THE ARTS Barb Lohff Carol Yoder OFFICE Robin Milona December • 2014 BURNT STORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 11330 Burnt Store Road Punta Gorda, FL 33955-1402 www.bspconline.org • bspc83@embarqmail.com phone: 941.639.0001 • fax: 941.639.1069 Blessings are sent to the home of... Burnt Store Presbyterian Church’s members and friends! ....reaching up, making disciples, changing lives
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