First Rathfriland Presbyterian Church Web site: Facebook: Rathfriland Twitter: @lstRathfrilandP Minister : Rev Trevor Boyd, Dip. Min. The Manse : 13 Redbridge Road, Rathfriland, BT34 5AH Telephone : 028 406 30272 / 07955 102923 ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR 12th OCTOBER 2014 Jesus said, “A city on a hill cannot be hidden...In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5: 14+16 We exist as a congregation: To WORSHIP the Lord in a Spirit-filled way To learn and obey the WORD of God To WITNESS to our community by word and action that Jesus is the WAY to salvation To support and pray for mission in our WORLD TODAY—SUNDAY 12TH OCTOBER 11.00 am Prayer Meeting in the Morrison Room 11.30 am Morning Service conducted by Christians Against Poverty 3.30 pm BB & GB Enrolment Service. Please come along. (PARENTS ARE ASKED TO ENSURE GIRLS AND BOYS ARE IN THE MAIN HALL AT 3PM) THERE IS NO EVENING SERVICE TODAY DUE TO THE BB & GB ENROLMENT SERVICE NEXT SUNDAY—19TH OCTOBER 11.00 am Prayer Meeting in the Morrison Room 11.30 am Morning Service conducted by Rev. Trevor Boyd commencing a new series looking at the book of Revelation. We study Revelation 1: 1-20 THERE IS NO EVENING SERVICE as we will attend Harvest Thanksgiving in 2nd/3rd Rathfriland Presbyterian Church at 6.30pm. We also acknowledge the support that 2nd/3rd gave to our Harvest Thanksgiving Services. I WOULD PERSONALLY LIKE TO EXTEND MY THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HELPED IN ANY WAY WITH THE WEEKEND OF HARVEST THANKSGIVING WEEK-END ACTIVITIES. IT WAS A GREAT TEAM EFFORT WHICH PROVED TO BE VERY ENCOURAGING FOR US AS A CONGREGATION AND THOSE WHO VISITED WITH US. WE APPRECIATE THE SUPPORT OF OUR LOCAL PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN THE ART COMPETITION WITH AN OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTION BY DRUMADONNELL PRIMARY SCHOOL. THE WEEKEND PROVIDED AN OPPORTUNITY FOR HARD WORK, FELLOWSHIP, FOOD, PRAISE, PREACHING AND EVANGELISM. WE TRUST THAT GOD WILL HAVE BEEN HONOURED IN ALL THAT WAS DONE AND THAT HE WOULD CONTINUE TO BRING HIS BLESSING ON THE SPIRITUAL SEED THAT WAS SOWN. REV. TREVOR BOYD HARVEST SERVICES COLLECTION I WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE CONGREGATION FOR THEIR GENEROSITY DURING THE HARVEST SERVICES. HARVEST SUNDAY: Building Fund Envelopes Loose Offering BUILDING FUND ENVELOPES TO DATE: £3,827 £ 770 £8,485 MONDAY NIGHT PRAISE SERVICE: £ 453 Towards the work of The Christian Institute LINDSAY GRACEY HARVEST SATURDAY MANY THANKS TO MARJ, JULIE AND KIRSTEN FOR SERVING TEA AND APPLE TART ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON AS PEOPLE VISITED OUR CHURCH TO VIEW OUR HARVEST DECORATIONS MIDWEEK BIBLE STUDY & PRAYER MEETING —WEDNESDAY 15TH OCTOBER 8.00 pm in the Church Hall. UNPACKING THE BOOK OF REVELATION WOMENS BIBLE STUDY The Women’s Bible Study will continue on Monday evening the 13th October in the home of Mrs Anne Annett at 7.30pm and on Thursday morning 16th October in the Manse at 10.00am. All women welcome. FIRST RATHFRILAND SENIOR CITIZENS’ FELLOWSHIP TUESDAY 14th OCTOBER 10.00am Tea, coffee and scones 10.25am Community Hymn Singing 10.30am Meeting—Speaker: Brian Gault - (Power Point Presentation and there will be a Book Stall) PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN TUESDAY 21ST OCTOBER AT 8PM IN CHURCH HALL The evening is entitled ‘SHARING OUR GIFTS’ and the ladies of the PW will be doing just that! So come along and view the talents and gifts brought to you by FIRST RATHFRILAND PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN CHURCH COMMITTEE 2014 The first meeting of the new church Committee will be held on Monday 20th October at 7.30pm in the Morrison Room GIRLS BRIGADE—THURSDAY 16TH OCTOBER EXPLORERS (3 TO 7 YEAR OLDS) JUNIORS (8 TO 10 YEAR OLDS) SENIORS (11 TO 14 YEAR OLDS) BRIGADIERS (14 TO 18 YEAR OLDS) 6.30pm—7.30pm 7.00pm—8.15pm 7.30pm—9.00pm 7.30PM—9.00pm BOYS’ BRIGADE—FRIDAY 17TH OCTOBER ANCHOR BOYS (5-8 YEAR OLDS) - (P1-P4) 6.30—7.30pm JUNIOR BOYS (8-11 YEAR OLDS) - (P5-P7) 7.30—8.30pm COMPANY SECT AND SENIORS (11-18 yrs) 8.15—10.00pm - (YEAR 8 UPWARDS) THE SHORTER CATECHISM The purpose of the Shorter Catechism is to educate children in the Reformed Faith. It is based on the Larger Catechism, which was intended for use by ministers as they taught the faith to their congregations in preaching. The Catechism is in a question and answer format. The catechism is composed of 107 questions and answers. The first 12 questions concern God as Creator. It will do us all good to rehearse the teaching of our youth week by week! Catechism No.6 Question 6. Answer 6. How many persons are there in the Godhead There are three persons in the Godhead; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; and these three are one God, the same in substance, Equal in power and glory (1) (1) I John 5: 7; Matt: 28: 19 PARENTS WITH CHILDREN There is a great desire and concern by the Kirk Session to see everyone and especially our children & youth integrated into the life, work and witness of our congregation. It is a cause for sadness and pain to see parents not bringing their children to Sunday School. We prayerfully urge parents to keep bringing their children to at least the age of 16 to Sunday School & Bible Class. Elders are willing to play their part, but cannot take on the responsibilities and baptismal promises of parents. PROVERBS 22:6 “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” EPHESIANS 6: 1-4 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honour your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise— “so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth” Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord”. RURAL DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL The Rural Development Council are partners in the delivery of an exciting opportunity; the ‘Rural Youth Entrepreneurship’ (RYE) programme. Designed to raise awareness of self-employment as an option, the programme supports 16 to 30 year olds to identify business ideas and consider if self-employment could work for them. As part of the programme, we offer free interactive workshops covering three modules; these can be delivered during the day or in the evening depending on the needs of your group. Would you be interested in attending workshops in First Rathfriland Presbyterian Church Hall? Contact Rev. Boyd THIS WEEK ROTAS FLOWER LIST 12th October—Mrs Marj Bell 19th October—Mrs Claire Boyd 26th October—Mrs Mary Park 2nd November—Mrs June McKnight AUDIO VISUAL 12th October—Robin McConnell & Neil Cheney BB/GB @ 3pm (No pm Service) 19th October—David Scott & Neil Cheney 26th October—Rodney & Michelle McCready (Dedication of RUC Crest @ 3pm (no pm service) CRECHE 12th October—Heather Kelly & Dawn McDowell 19th & 26th October—Michelle McCready & Ruth Dickson 2nd & 9th November—Wendy Annett & Heather Annett CHILDREN’S CHURCH 12th October—Jill Morrow & Debra Kinley 19th & 26th October—John & Joanne Annett 2nd & 9th November—Noelle Hanna & Margaret McConnell If Children’s Church and Creche dates don’t suit, please swap with someone else on the rota or in emergency contact Anne Annett on 02840638954 . Please check list in Vestibule. COUNTING MONEY AFTER MORNING SERVICE October—Janet Phillips & Priscilla Biggerstaff, Dorothy Waddell & Glynis Thompson, Joyce McConnell & family November—Mr & Mrs George Dawson, Mr & Mrs Jim Harbinson, Mrs. Jean Annett & Family CHURCH DOOR MORNING WELCOME ROTA—OCTOBER Stanley Shilliday & David Scott PLEASE NOTE If you have any information to share with the congregation please forward it on to JACQUELINE CROMIE by 6pm on the Thursday prior to publication Tel. 028 406 30941 BADMINTON BADMINTONCLUB CLUB The Badminton Club will continue on Saturday night 18th October in the church hall. The Club is open to everyone regardless of age, gender or ability. We will start with the following arrangement to see how we go. Age 5-11 from 6.30-7.30pm. Age 11-16 from 7.30-8.30pm and Age 17+ from 8.30-10.30pm. AV TEAM If anyone would be interested in joining the AV TEAM, please get in touch with William McConville Tel. 07821006842 or email at or speak to Trevor Boyd. FULL TRAINING WILL BE GIVEN SOUL YOUNG ADULTS CHRISTIANITY EXPLORED COURSE Soul Young Adults Christianity Explored course on Friday night 17th October from 9.30pm to 11.00pm for 18-30 year olds in the Morrison Room. Rev. Boyd 07955102923 CLONDUFF PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Invite you to HELEN CLYDESDALE MEMORIAL GOSPEL CONCERT on TUESDAY 21ST OCTOBER in CLONDUFF PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HALL At 7.45 pm ARTISTS TAKING PART INCLUDE: JUSTIFIED WITH JAMES STRANGE ON KEYBOARD; ANNE CLYDESDALE; JUNIOR & JOE McKNIGHT & ESTHER MARKS; LYNDA LINDSAY; LEONARD & GAIL GRAHAM DONATIONS TO MARIE CURIE CANCER CARE R.U.C. GEORGE CROSS ASSOCATION Banbridge/South Down Branch cordially invite you to a Service of Dedication of the R .U.C. Station Crest in 1ST RATHFRILAND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH on SUNDAY 26th OCTOBER 2014 at 3.00pm
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