October 12, 2014 Thanksgiving Sunday FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 20 Robert Street East, Penetanguishene, Ontario L9M 1K9 www.penetangchurch.com Church: 705 549 2776 Rev. Mark Wolfe: 705 794 9106 Shirley Spearn - Clerk of Session: 705 549-8516 Organist - Ross Compton Choir Director - Vicki Thompson OUR MISSION We are called to be a Christian community who worship God by means of education, outreach, and service with love, compassion and enthusiasm in a changing world. LEADING WITH CARE - The Leading With Care Policy is in effect in our church. This policy is to ensure that all persons, and in particular all children, youth and vulnerable adults, who participate in the church's programs and/or use the church's facilities, will be cared for with Christian compassion and will be safe. In the unlikely event of a fire, parents are reminded NOT to attempt to retrieve their children from the Church Hall as this will greatly impede their evacuation. Instead, please meet them at the Georgian Manor parking lot across the street where they will be assembled. Thank-you for your cooperation in ensuring a safe and healthy environment at First Presbyterian Church. Parking At First Additional Sunday parking is available in the Georgian Manor parking lot on Harriet St. as well as at the Penetanguishene Public Library - both a short walk from First. For your convenience we have large print Bibles, Hymn books and Bulletins and assisted hearing devices! Ask an usher for assistance. October 12, 2014 Thanksgiving Sunday WE APPROACH GOD Announcements, and Prayer Requests (10:25 am) Call to Worship Hymn # 803: Come, ye thankful people, come The Greeting and the Peace Prayer of Adoration and Confession Assurance of Pardon Hymn # 802: For the fruits of all creation Children’s Message Ministry of Music WE LISTEN FOR GOD’S WORD Prayer of Illumination Generous God, who blesses us with abundant grace, we thank you for this time of thanksgiving. Inspire us to be faithful, in all of life’s seasons and circumstances, and to know that you walk with us, even to the end of the age, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Hebrew Scriptures Responsive Psalm Deuteronomy 8:7-18 Psalm 65 (p.165: OT) R Praise is due to you, O God, in Zion; and to you shall vows be performed. You visit the earth and water it, you greatly enrich it; the river of God is full of water; you provide the people with grain, for so you have prepared it. You water its furrows abundantly, settling its ridges, softening it with showers, and blessing its growth. You crown the year with your bounty; your wagon tracks overflow with richness. The pastures of the wilderness overflow, the hills gird themselves with joy, the meadows clothe themselves with flocks, the valleys deck themselves with grain, they shout and sing together for joy. R Epistle Gospel 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 Luke 17:11-19 (p.183: NT) (p.80: NT) Sermon “Need Faith? Give Thanks!” WE RESPOND IN FAITH Hymn # 663: God, whose giving knows no ending Prayers of the People Offering Doxology # 830: Praise God from whom all blessings flow Offertory Prayer Hymn # 807: We plough the fields and scatter The Blessing Choral Amen # 766 ANNOUNCEMENTS UPCOMING EVENTS Bible Study Wed. Oct. 15th 10-11:30 am th Office Hours Wed. Oct. 15 1-4pm th Stitch & Chat Thu. Oct. 16 10 am nd Christian Breakfast Wed. Oct. 22 6:30- 9 am (North Rec) th Choral Concert Fri. Oct. 24 7:30 pm (at First) COFFEE TIME! Please join us downstairs following today’s service for a time of refreshment and fellowship. CHORAL CONCERT - A YEAR IN THE LIFE OF FIRST CHURCH CHOIR Directed by Victoria Thompson and accompanied by Ross Compton Tickets are now available for a concert performed by our choir on Friday, October 24, 7:30 pm at First Presbyterian Church, Penetanguishene. Proceeds to PSW&D Nicaragua Agriculture Project. Adults - $15 Children free with a ticket. Please contact: Wilma Koiter at 526-3479, Trish Cheshire at 549- 5226, or John Coull at 526-7994. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD First Church is again assisting young people in developing countries through the shoebox project. Boxes are at the back of the sanctuary for pick-up and are to be returned by TODAY. Cheques to assist with shipping are welcome and can be placed in the shoebox and made out to First Presbyterian Church. Donations in lieu of a shoebox can be made also, with cheques payable to “First Presbyterian Church” and marked “Operation Christmas Child”. HELPING “HELPING HANDS” We are asking the congregation if it can give us a helping hand. We know when the congregation is informed of a need there is always support given. Therefore we are asking the congregation to please make a contribution of sandwich materials that can be distributed to our volunteers. Cans of tuna, salmon, minced ham, bottles of mayonnaise, loaves of bread (which will be frozen for future use) or small cash contributions would be appreciated for perishables like eggs. Items may be placed in the “Pew of Plenty” at the back of the Sanctuary. Thank you for giving this request your consideration! 2014 CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY BREAKFAST On Wednesday, October 22nd at the North Simcoe Sports & Recreation Centre, the 23rd Annual Christian Community Breakfast will held. Doors open at 6:30 am with breakfast from 7-9 am. Tickets may be obtained from John Coull at a cost of $12.50. PRESBYTERIAN RECORD RENEWALS It is time to renew your subscription to the Record. This year the cost is $38.36 and cheques can be made out to the Presbyterian Record. Please give the cheque and any changes of address to Sue Thorburn before November 1, 2014. SUMMARY OF BUILDING AND FINANCIAL MEETINGS The message from our two recent Wednesday evening “update and information” congregation supper meetings, regarding the building extension, is that the finance committee have suggested the following options for members of the congregation to contribute to our building fund: Consider giving an outright gift to the building fund. Consider giving an interest free LOAN to the building fund. Consider giving an interest bearing but unsecured loan to the building fund. Consider giving the amount you have already pledged. Please remember that gifts of money or interest on loans are all eligible as charitable donations and these may be claimed and spread over a period of 5 years. In addition, you may feel inclined to leave the church building fund money in your will. Please let us know your intentions as we are currently negotiating substantial bank loans and your financial help will have a major impact on how much we need to borrow and then subsequently pay back in interest. Please talk to Ross Spearn, Peter Vermeulen, Jill St. Amant or Peter Cheshire for more information on any of these options. May God bless and guide you as your prayerfully consider these options, and thank-you for your generosity of heart and hand! PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Please remember in your prayers this week: Helen B., Joan S., Evan S., Adam L., Fred A., Shirley A., Alex H., Tom S., Rob S., Linda W., Ben C., Murray S., Marlene N., Elaine B., Audrey W., Emily C., Elaine C., Leslie C., Jacqueline W., Kathy D., Dorothy T., Corinna N., Bob Mc C., Bob C., Stewart Mc C., Ann B., Bruce L., Lysa M., Darla B., Noreen Mac L., Kathy E., Karen A., Wayne, Christina, May God bless you richly as you pray for others! Presbyterian congregations across Canada are supporting effective programs which share the good news of the gospel in word and deed. Use these Mission Moments to highlight the mission and ministry that we are doing together in Canada and around the world. Print them in your Sunday bulletin or church newsletter, project them on a screen, integrate them into a presentation or use them on your church bulletin board. www.presbyterian.ca/mission-moments September 7 – Encouraging big dreams September 8 is International Literacy Day. Mary wants to be a police officer, Fabiyano hopes to be a teacher and Mayeso dreams of being an engineer. All three attend Chikuli Community Day Secondary School in Malawi. Many of the 200 students must walk far distances and lack school fees and supplies to continue their education. These students’ dreams become more achievable every day thanks to a Presbyterian World Service & Development program providing support to secondary school students in Malawi. Mary shares why it’s so important for her to keep going to school: “I am driven because I want to start working as soon as I finish school. Then I will be able to support my family, but also other vulnerable people in my community.” Mayeso adds, “I want to change and grow. And I want the same for my community.” PWS&D responds with education to build sustainable futures for youth September 14 – Teaching theology in Taiwan Presbyterians Sharing supports Ted and Betty Siverns as they serve our partner church, the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan. Ted is a Visiting Scholar at Tainan Theological College and Seminary where he teaches New Testament studies at the Doctoral level. Betty is a cheerful presence on campus, helping students with their English. In addition to teaching, Ted directs a Masters of Theology thesis, sits on committees, and occasionally leads morning worship. He also writes for a Taiwanese and English church and society journal. Ted shares, “We are glad to be here as Canadians, members of the PCC and friends of the PCT.” Presbyterians Sharing helps strengthen our partnership with the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan. Presbyterians Sharing strengthens partnerships September 21 – Treating leprosy with love and care in Nepal Karna Bahadur suffered from leprosy for over seven years without diagnosis or treatment – a time he describes as the most painful of his life. Desperate for a cure, Karna visited several traditional healers, but the herbal supplements only brought numbness and worsened the severe pain. “I became depressed and considered my life worthless,” he recalls. But all hope was not lost. At the recommendation of his neighbour, Karna came to the Presbyterian World Service & Development supported Jumla Clinic. Right away he was diagnosed with leprosy and started a multi-drug therapy for a year. Glad to have his life back, Karna says, “I came to the right place. Not only was I diagnosed and cured, but I was also treated with love and care.” PWS&D responds with healthcare and loving support September 28 – Presbyterians Sharing the good news Today is Presbyterians Sharing Sunday, a time to focus on the mission and ministry we do together in Canada and around the world through our national church fund. Together we are proclaiming the good news of the gospel in word and deed. Together we are helping grow innovative ministries with children and youth and equipping leaders—lay and ordained—to do effective and faithful ministry. Together we are supporting new congregations and helping congregations renew and grow new ministries. Together we are speaking out for the voiceless and supporting healing and reconciliation ministries. Together we are discovering and doing God’s mission. And in the process, we are seeing people’s lives transformed. Thank you for your generous gifts to Presbyterians Sharing! Presbyterians Sharing is making a difference October 5 – Transcribing church history in Taiwan Presbyterians Sharing supports Louise Gamble as she works with our partner church, The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan, to transcribe and translate reports and correspondence of the Canadian Presbyterian North Formosa (Taiwan) Mission. This includes over 7000 documents from 1868 to 1923. The transcription is now complete and Louise and her colleague, Mr. Chen Kuan-chou, are working on translation. The documents will be divided into three volumes, the first of which covers the life of the first Canadian missionary to Taiwan, the Rev. Dr. George Leslie MacKay. These documents are records of the development of the Christian Church (at that time only Presbyterian) in North Formosa, from the point of view of its missionaries. Presbyterians Sharing is making a difference October 12 – October 16 is World Food Day World Food Day is a day to raise public awareness of world food production and the struggle against hunger, malnutrition and poverty. God created the earth to sustain us and yet 870 million people do not have enough to eat. Presbyterian World Service & Development is working to end global hunger by providing food in times of emergency and by helping small-scale farmers increase crop yields. In Guatemala, PWS&D’s partners are working to teach 440 families sustainable farming techniques and help mitigate the effects of climate change. “We eat healthier now because our maize and beans are grown using organic fertilizers,” says Miguel Quintanilla. “The money we were spending on chemical products is now buying necessities for our home. We are not mistreating our land; instead we are making the land more fertile.” PWS&D responds to global hunger October 19 – Equipping church leaders Having a well-educated, well-prepared clergy is one of the commitments of The Presbyterian Church in Canada. Presbyterians Sharing supports three Presbyterian Colleges in Canada: Knox College in Toronto, St. Andrew’s Hall/Vancouver School of Theology in Vancouver, and Presbyterian College in Montreal. These colleges equip and nurture future church leaders who will in turn equip and nurture the people of God to witness faithfully in the world. They provide a strong theological foundation, build relationships of trust and respect, and prepare students for ministry in The Presbyterian Church in Canada. Let us pray for our theological students as they work to become faithful leaders in our churches and for the staff who inspire and educate them. Presbyterians Sharing supports local leaders and clergy October 26 – New Beginnings for Refugees Presbyterian World Service & Development’s refugee ministry is a response to Christ’s call to serve and defend the vulnerable and persecuted. This year, Grace Presbyterian Church in Calgary, Alberta, responded to this call, welcoming a refugee family from Eritrea into their congregation. “It’s been a new experience leading a refugee sponsorship and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. [The day the family arrived] was the one of the most memorable days of my entire ministry—and I am marking the 24th anniversary of my ordination,” says Rev. Leslie Walker. “I am so proud of the PCC for continuing to sponsor refugees, even in these challenging times.” In 2013, Presbyterians were able to help resettle 28 refugees arriving to build new lives in Canada. Thank you! PWS&D is reaching out to refugees November 2 – Stewards By Design: Celebrate God always! Presbyterians Sharing helps equip congregations through events like Stewards By Design, a conference designed to help congregations discover how stewardship connects to all aspects of the mission and ministry of the church. Alice attended the event with a team from St. Andrew’s church in Stirling, Ontario. She shares, “Our church building is 158 years old. With the help of Kennon Callahan, we stopped “survival thinking” and started “forward thinking.” Amazing! Celebrate God always!” Presbyterians Sharing equips congregations November 9 – One Year After Typhoon Haiyan “Typhoon Haiyan destroyed our house and my boat. We were left with nothing,” says Alan Padilla, a fisherman from Embarcadero, Philippines. “When we heard the warning, my wife and children evacuated to the village school. I stayed to guard the house and boat. But later my brother came to tell me that I should also evacuate.” This warning saved Alan’s life. On November 8, 2013, fierce winds and high waves hit the Philippines, affecting nearly 14 million people. One year later, work is ongoing to rebuild and construct more typhoon resistant homes and help families like Alan’s recover lost livelihoods. Presbyterian World Service & Development responded through the ACT Alliance, which provided 115,000 people with food in the immediate aftermath. PWS&D continues to support rehabilitation and disaster preparedness work. PWS&D is helping those in most need November 16 – Meeting one another Face to Face! Through the Youth in Mission program, gifts to Presbyterians Sharing brought 14 young people from the PCC’s partner churches in Malawi, Taiwan, Ukraine and Nicaragua to Canada for three weeks. The group visited churches and sites in Nova Scotia, PEI and Ontario and attended the Canada Youth conference. They talked to people in congregations about the joys and challenges they are facing in their own countries, and heard stories about church life in Canada. They celebrated, sang, danced and worshipped with over 500 young people from across Canada at Canada Youth. Friendships were made, faith and partnerships were strengthened, and lives were changed, thanks to your gifts to Presbyterians Sharing! Presbyterians Sharing is strengthening the relationships with youth November 23 – Take the Advent Challenge During the Advent season we celebrate the amazing gift God gave – Jesus! This gift changed the world. It is with this same spirit of generosity that we too can make a difference for countless others in our global village. Each week of Advent, Presbyterian World Service & Development challenges individuals and congregation to share the hope, peace, joy and love of Christ’s birth with those in need. The real spirit of Christmas is not the spectacle of lights and gifts, but your willingness to give to those you have never seen or met. In the midst of poverty and disaster, the Christ light shines. To learn more about the Advent Challenge visit WeRespond.ca. PWS&D celebrates the hope, peace, joy and love of Christ’s birth November 30 – World AIDS Day The Presbyterian Church in Canada, through Presbyterian World Service & Development, continues to support HIV and AIDS programs that fight stigma and discrimination, teach and equip people to prevent the spread, and provide home based care and medications to help those living with the disease cope. PWS&D works with partners to prevent the transmission between mother and child, provide counseling and testing, and support and care for orphans and vulnerable children. Take the lead, inspire others to learn more, and raise funds for PWS&D’s AIDS programs. To learn more about our church’s work in the fight against HIV and AIDS, visit WeRespond.ca. PWS&D fights HIV and AIDS December 7 – Sharing the gospel in Romania Presbyterians Sharing supports Brian Johnston, an English and music teacher serving at The Theological Seminary of the Hungarian Reformed Church in Cluj, Romania. Brian’s two choirs provide students with an opportunity to both share the gospel message through song and learn English in a fun and creative way. Brian is also an avid photographer, recording scenes of village life and local scenery. Recently, Brian participated in a youth camp attended by 70 young people from 13 congregations. He taught the group English songs, and brought some of his photos to share. The youth dramatized each photo, bringing the scenes to life in a unique way. Brian writes, “I would like to congratulate the leaders for creating such a wonderful atmosphere full of enthusiasm and spiritual energy.” Presbyterians Sharing supports Brian Johnston in Romania December 14 – Male Motivators Help Lead on Maternal Health Patrick and his wife Caroline live with their newborn baby in northern Malawi. While Caroline was pregnant, the couple received visits from their village safe motherhood committee. “This was the first time I realized it was risky for my wife to deliver at home,” remembers Patrick. After that visit, Patrick began to act as a male motivator. Through PWS&D’s maternal health program, male motivators are equipped with the knowledge and skills to help other men understand of the effects of pregnancy and delivery for their partners and to take an active role in the welfare of their families. Patrick recalls travelling to the health facility early to ensure they were ready when Caroline went into labour. Patrick’s experience of a happy and healthy delivery just reinforces for him “why men should always be with their wives during pregnancy! PWS&D supports child and maternal health December 21 – Bringing hope to inner-city Winnipeg Through gifts to Presbyterians Sharing, Winnipeg Inner City Missions helps people to develop or recover a healthy physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual self. WICM ministers to children and youth through after school programs. The “Miracle Store” provides the community with essential needs, while allowing choice, encouraging saving and providing dignity to people who are viewed with suspicion in other stores. Anishinabe Place of Hope offers residents clean, safe, sober housing and access to professional services. A worship service and Sunday school classes are held every Sunday afternoon, where two different spiritual traditions come together. WICM’s director, the Rev. Margaret Mullin, shares, “Our families are encouraged to be who they are. They are Anishinabe people with a rich spiritual heritage who are embracing the way of Christ.” Presbyterians Sharing supports Winnipeg Inner City Missions December 28 – Seeking healing and reconciliation Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people are seeking ways to find healing and wholeness together. We are discovering what healing and reconciliation means. Gifts to Presbyterians Sharing support The Presbyterian Church in Canada’s native ministries, which promote physical, emotional, spiritual and social wellbeing. Seven native ministries – Hummingbird Ministries, Cariboo Presbyterian Church’s Nazko and Area Dakelh Outreach, Edmonton Urban Native Ministry, Saskatoon Native Circle Ministries, Mistawasis Memorial Presbyterian Church, Winnipeg Inner City Missions and Kenora Fellowship Centre reach out to vulnerable people in their communities. All of these ministries operate on a foundation of respect for traditional Aboriginal spirituality and culture. Presbyterians Sharing is building relationships between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples January 4 – Your voice is powerful. Let it be heard! Take part in the Harvest of Letters campaign and write to your MP urging the Canadian government to invest in smallholder agriculture in developing countries. Up to 80 per cent of the world’s poor depend on farming to feed their families year round. With changing weather patterns, drought and the rising cost of seeds, farming is becoming more difficult and unpredictable, leaving smallholder farmers vulnerable to hunger. Financial support for innovative farming practices is one of the best ways to alleviate hunger and can make a big difference in the lives of farmers, their families and their communities. For more information visit WeRespond.ca. PWS&D supports the needs of small-scale farmers January 11 – Preserving PCC history Your gifts to Presbyterians Sharing support the work of Kim Arnold and Bob Anger in the Presbyterian Church Archives office. Kim and Bob work to collect, preserve and make available to researchers the significant collections of records generated by our Church, its officials, ministers, congregations and organizations. Archives holdings date from 1775 to the present and consist of documents, photographs, audio visual recordings, architectural plans and microfilm. The facility is used by over 3,000 researchers annually. Please pray for Kim and Bob as they work diligently to preserve the records of the life and work of The Presbyterian Church in Canada. Presbyterians Sharing supports the work of the PCC Archives January 18 – Proud to Send My Daughter to School Sayed Mohammad makes bricks to support his family. He works during the hot summers, as well as the cold winters. For a time, his ten-year-old daughter, Saima, worked alongside him. Through a Presbyterian World Service & Development project in Afghanistan, Sayed learned that his daughter was too young to be doing hard labour at the brick factory and that it was his responsibility to send her to school. “I feel really proud of myself now, because everyone at home appreciates that I am sending my daughter to school.” Not only is Sayed sending his enabling his daughter to pursue an education, he is working hard to raise awareness about how education can change children’s futures. Since PWS&D started supporting the girls’ education project in Afghanistan, over 4,000 girls have been enrolled in school. PWS&D is helping vulnerable girls receive an education January 25 – Serving in Ukraine Gifts to Presbyterians Sharing support David and Anna Pandy as they serve with the Reformed Church of Sub-Carpathian Ukraine, a church of ethnic Hungarians in Ukraine. Anna is a teacher and is principal and founder of Nagybereg Reformed Church secondary school. David coordinates four Christian secondary schools and helps supervise RCCU missionaries. Making personal connections is an important aspect of this work. David shares, “We exchange news within our immediate family and within our larger church family on both sides of the Atlantic by means of internet communication. In the mission field, in our endeavours to build God’s family, we communicate mostly in person, which takes more time and more energy but decidedly is also more
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