ST. MARY MAGDALEN SCHOOL (302)656-2745 January 16, 2015 NEWSLETTER SAT 1/17 February Hot Lunch ordering now available online SUN 1/18 MON 1/19 TUE 1/20 WED 1/21 THUR 1/22 FRI 1/23 NO SCHOOL C Day D Day E Day F Day 2:00pm – March for Life Prayer Service Re-enrollment forms due Market Day orders due online by 11pm tomorrow Family Reading Night forms due 1:30 pm NJHS Induction Carpool: Kolano 2A Priest Re-Enrollment Forms (on salmon colored paper) were sent home today in your youngest child’s Friday folder (also attached to the end of this newsletter). This form is due back next week Friday, January 23rd to ensure a spot for your child next year. If you will be having an additional “NEW” student applying for admission in the Fall of 2015, please fill in the information at the bottom of the re-enrollment form and return to us ASAP. We will send home an application with their sibling. The application needs to be completed and returned by January 30th - prior to Registration on Sunday, February 1, 2015, otherwise, we will not be able to guarantee a spot for your child. Online ordering for February Hot Lunch is now open and will end on SUNDAY, January 25th at midnight. No orders will be accepted after Sunday. Ordering instructions can be found on the school website under the Student Life tab -> Hot Lunch or by clicking on the following link: SMM Hot Lunch Link Carpool: Krajewski 2A Ross Carpool: Lord 2A Russell Carpool: Marini 2A Schiavi Students do not need to complete work from the Blizzard Pack to make up this week's late start day. The Blizzard Pack is for Snow Days when school is cancelled for the entire day. Save the Date! The Scholastic Book Fair will be held the week of February 9-13 and Family Reading Night will be on Thursday, February 12 at 6:00 P.M. Students will have the opportunity to visit the book fair and purchase books during their scheduled library time. Check out some of the cool items at the book fair here! Also, please see the blue Family Reading Night flyer sent home in your child’s Friday folder (also attached to the end of this newsletter). RSVP must be received by Friday, January 23rd. *To ensure that you’ve ordered for the whole month, please check your confirmation page or email and save/print a copy for your records. A credit card must be used to place your order online. Please contact Seana Dillon at or Danielle Rossi with any questions. Volunteers are needed to help while students shop at the book fair during library classes from February 9-13! If you are interested in working at the book fair, please click here to sign up for a shift, or visit the library webpage. Please contact Ms. Browne with any questions! UPDATE The AR program is now in full swing; students have received their ZPD information and are taking short comprehension quizzes on books that they have read. So far, SMM students have read 1,082 books so far… about 27,556,484 words! Each month, more and more students are scoring over 85% on their quizzes. The students have been enjoying watching their flowers “grow” each time they get a good score! Over the next few months, Language Arts teachers will be assigning students goals to meet that will be able to give SMM more information about the student’s reading and comprehension abilities. Thank you for your patience as we navigate this wonderful new teaching tool! January Market Day Don't forget to get your order in! January is the month of resolutions and a time to restock your freezer with healthy and delicious meals from Market Day! So don't forget to order your Market Day. We have some new items this month including Matchstick Vegetables with Garlic Sauce, Roasted Vegetable Manicotti and Oreo Cookie 100 Calorie Packs. Also, this month get a FREE Salad to Go Cup with any $40 order that includes a recipe card and $2 coupon. So don't delay and get your orders in today to start your year off on the right foot!!! Online orders are due by 1/19 at 11pm. Order Pick up is Monday, January 26th between 4:30 and 6pm. Holidays are over- Scrip is back. Start your New Year's Resolution by saving money on things you already buy. By converting just one store over to scrip- either Giant, ShopRite, Acme or any other food store that you would normally shop can put money back in your pocket by way of rebates earned. Many cards are on sale in the Parish Office with thousands of others on sale at - Print your receipt and send it in with your child on Monday and cards will be returned in the Friday Folder. Shopping for your spring wardrobe? Did you know Gap Rebates are 14% with half of that going to SMM and the other half goes in your pocket? Going to the movies next weekend? Regal Entertainment cards offer an 8% rebate. Stopping at Red Robin for dinner before the movie? Their gift cards offer a 9% rebate. Saving money is easy when you use scrip. Email Pam Nagle or Beth Smith if you have any questions. SMM School Open House Do you have family or friends considering St. Mary Magdalen School for their child’s education? If so, please encourage them to join us for an upcoming Open House Sunday, January 25th at 10 am. The Open House will be held in the School Library and will include information about academics, activities, and athletics and includes a tour of our school. Presentations will be offered at 10am and 12noon. If additional information about our Open House is needed, please have them contact Karin Thommes at (302) 656-2745 or they can call to schedule an appointment for a personal tour. Thanks for spreading the word about SMM! The 8th Grade would like to thank everyone for participating in all of our many fundraising activities so far this year! Whether you purchased a car magnet, spirit wear, Yankee Candles, monthly pizza or purchased something from Five Below during one of our events, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts! Most of our fundraising is over, but look for our final efforts with monthly pizza in April and May! Please come out and support the Boys JV Basketball team as they take on St. John the Beloved in the Championship game of the St. John Beloved Holiday tournament this Saturday night January 17th at 6:30pm Wear your Maroon in support of the Bulldogs. Get there early, the place will be packed! Good Luck Boys! SMM MIDDLE SCHOOL DANCE Induction Ceremony SATURDAY, JANUARY 31ST Spread the word and mark your calendars, the SMM HSA is hosting a Middle School Dance for students in 6-8th grade on Saturday, January 31st from 7-10PM in the school gym. Please contact Julie Burns at or Gretchen Brackin at, if you have any questions or if you would like to lend a hand at the dance. Thanks for your support! Forty-three 7th and 8th grade students will be inducted to the SMM Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society on Friday, January 23rd, at 1:30pm, at St. Mary Magdalen Church. Parents and families are invited to join the 5th – 8th grades at the ceremony to recognize and celebrate our new members. Congratulations to our SMM students who earned High School Scholarships! There is a FREE Open House at the Music School of Delaware. We will have live music, refreshments, sample lessons, demos and spring and summer registrations. When: Monday, January 26, 2015 5:00-7:00pm Where: 4101 Washington Street, Wilmington, Delaware RSVP: (302)-762-1132 or Sallies: Michael C. Connor D. Patrick H. Brendan K. Luke S. Padua: Maddie L. Samantha F. Archmere: Brendan K. St. Mark’s: Brendan K. St. Elizabeth’s: Brendan K. We are very proud of all our 8th grade students here at SMM! Catholic Schools Week 2015 Sunday, January 25th Open House for New Families 10:00am School Library Monday, January 26th Parent Appreciation Day Tuesday, January 27th Teacher Appreciation Day Wednesday, January 28th Service Project Day Thursday, January 29th Grandparent’s Day 9:00 am - Grandparents and Grandfriends are invited to join us for refreshments in the School Library. 9:30am – Grandparents may tour the classrooms/school with their grandchildren. 10:00am – Grandparents are invited to join us for mass and sit with their grandchildren. Friday, January 30th Student Appreciation Day 11:45am Dismissal - DUE JANUARY 23, 2015 PLEASE PRINT ST. MARY MAGDALEN SCHOOL RE-ENROLLMENT FORM SCHOOL YEAR 2015-2016 PARISH REGISTRATION PRESENT GRADE RETURNING IN 8/2015 ___________________________________________________ ______ ______ ______ ___________________________________________________ ______ ______ ______ ___________________________________________________ ______ ______ ______ ___________________________________________________ ______ ______ ______ ___________________________________________________ ______ ______ ______ FULL NAME OF STUDENT(S) # ______ (From Church Collection Envelope) NOT RETURNING IN 8/2015 Please attach: One check per household ($50 for each student) made payable to St. Mary Magdalen. The check must be returned along with this form in order to register and hold a position for the above returning student(s). This Re-Enrollment Fee is nonrefundable and will not be applied towards any other cost. It is only for returning students. *New students (see bottom of page). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Has your name, address, telephone number, or marital status changed since August 31st ? *ONLY if you answered YES to the above question, please complete below: ________ Yes* ________ No ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Full Name of Male Parent/Guardian Child(ren) Reside(s) With (If Applicable) Relationship to Child(ren) Marital Status ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address of Above Development City State Zip Telephone # ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Full Name of Female Parent/Guardian Child(ren) Reside(s) With (If Applicable) Relationship to Child(ren) Marital Status ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address of Above Development City State Zip Telephone # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- RELEASE of INFORMATION *please check the yes/no boxes and sign below both sections I/We hereby give permission to St. Mary Magdalen School to use photographs of my/our child(ren) listed above for the school’s publications, advertising (newspaper/magazine) and website for the 2015-2016 school year? Yes No ______________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian ________ Date _______________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian _________________________________ Print name _______ Date __________________________________ Print Name I/We hereby give permission to St. Mary Magdalen School to publish our family names, address and phone number in the 2015-2016 St. Mary Magdalen School Directory? Yes No ______________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian ________ Date _______________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian _______ Date _________________________________ __________________________________ Print name Print Name ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------If you will be having an additional “NEW” student applying for admission in the Fall of 2015, please fill in the below information and return to us ASAP. We will send home an application with their sibling that needs to be completed and returned by January 30th - prior to Registration on Sunday, February 1, 2015. Otherwise, we will not be able to guarantee a spot for your child. FULL NAME OF STUDENT(S) ENTERING SMMS FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 8/2015 _______________________________________________ PRESENT GRADE ________ GRADE IN 8/2015 ________ _______________________________________________ ________ ________
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