GORDON PUBLIC SCHOOL, 468 Thorold Road West, Welland ON, L3C 3W6 Tony D’Alessandro Principal 905-734-3730 Greg Watson Vice-Principal 905-734-3730 Wes Hahn Superintendent 905-641-1550 PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE W hat a great month of learning April has been for our students. A truly focused group of instructors and students. I am thrilled with our students as they take on new challenges whether it be Literacy, Mathematics, Music or Athletics. They are developing confidence and perseverance. Those types of skills are not just school skills …but life skills. As we make our final push in May and June I continue to encourage our students to be punctual, give their very best at all times and be a model of exemplary behaviour, wherever they are. We are all “Walking Billboards” representing Gordon Public School. Let’s make our school, Welland and the world a better place by our actions! Sincerely Tony D’Alessandro, Proud Principal of Gordon School WE NEED YOU! Would you be interested in being part of our School Council? We need your involvement to continue to make the Gordon Public School community an even better place. We meet 4 – 5 times a year. The mandate is to work as an advisory group to the school. We also need parents to volunteer for specific events as part of sub committees. We understand your time is valuable, but kindly consider joining us next year as we work to enrich the Gordon family. If you are interested or have any questions, kindly contact Mr. D’Alessandro personally. May 2015 Sue Barnett Trustee 905-734-7110 GRADE 3 & 6 EQAO TESTING It is that time of year for our grade 3 and 6 students. Monday, May 25—Friday, June 5th the testing will be occurring during the first part of the school day. Parents please do your best to ensure that your children are present for both weeks. If it is absolutely necessary to book an appointment please schedule them in the afternoon or after school. TRACK & FIELD JK Registration Track and Field will take place on May 7th at Centennial. The rain date for this event is May 8th. If you have a child who will be attending JK/ SK in the fall and have not registered them yet, we encourage you to do so as soon as possible. We look forward to welcoming them to the Gordon Family. SPIRIT WEAR DAY IF YOUR CHILD IS SICK Friday, May 1st Wear your Gordon Spirit Wear on Friday, May 1st and show your Gordon pride! LAST PIZZA ORDER FOR THE YEAR Pizza order forms will be available on-line and outside of the office on Tuesday, May 19th. All orders must be returned by Friday, May 22nd. Illness seems like it is unavoidable, but there are ways to try and fight it. We ask parents to please keep their child(ren) home for 24 hours after they stop showing symptoms of illness. This helps us keep the healthy children well and hopefully stop the spread of illness though a classroom. VICTORIA DAY WEEKEND There will be no school on Friday, May 15th (PA Day) and Monday, May 18th (Holiday) RECOGNITION ASSEMBLY Friday, May 1st at 9:00 AM WEBSITE Please check out our website at http://gordon.dsbn.org/ Our newsletters, calendars and more information is always just a click away! IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER! ♦ Only One Mother Hundreds of stars in the pretty sky, Hundreds of shells on the shore together, Hundreds of birds that go singing by, Hundreds of Lambs in the sunny weather, Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn, Hundreds of bees in the purple clover, Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn, But only one mother in the wide world over.. - George Cooper- TEACHER DODGEBALL A friendly teacher game of dodgeball resulted in Mr. Verway, Mr. Fenwick, Mr. Pierce, Mrs. Timlock, Miss Stickles, and Mrs. Gaspich bringing home the championship trophy! ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ May 1 - Courage Assembly/ Silver Birch @ Club Roma/ Gordon Spirit Wear day. May 6 -Badminton Tournament May 7 - Track & Field/FUN FAIR May 10 - Mother’s Day May 14 -Volunteer Appreciation Tea/ French Immersion Open House May15 - PA Day (No School) May 18 - Victoria Day (No School) May 20 - Pasta Dinner fundraiser for Int. Trip @ Eastdale 5-8 PM May 22 - Pizza Orders Due May 25 - June 5th EQAO June 9-11- Gr.8 Ottawa Trip June 12 - PA Day (No School) June 22 - Grade 8 Graduation @ Centennial 6:30 PM June 25 - Last Day of School CPR Training The NSO’s acclaimed Summer Music Camp offers children a chance to explore music making - and have fun! SMC has classes for ages 18 months to 15 years, welcoming all skill levels, in choral, instrumental and orchestral programs. June 29 – July 110(session 1) | July 13 – 24 (session 2) Register at www.thenso.ca or call 905-687-4993 x 223 Join us at Summer Music Camp 20145 PLEASE SIGN IN A reminder to our students and parents when leaving (or returning to) the school for lunch or appointments. Parents, kindly check in at the office first whenever you visit the school. We will then page your son/daughter to the office. We are asking that all students sign out or in ( a sign in/out sheet is inside the office ) when leaving or returning to the school, so we can ensure that all of our students are accounted for at all times. As always, written permission notes are expected in order to leave the school grounds if a parent is not present for pick-up (i.e. lunch) . Thank you in advance for helping to keep our students safe. JR. INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL Junior Boys . The junior boys went into the playoffs strong and managed to get all the way to the consolation finals for their division. Though they faught hard, they were unable to walk away with the win and finished 4th in their tier. Their coaches are very proud of how much they improved over the season and how well they conducted themselves both on and off the court. Junior Girls The girls won all of their playoff games except for one and finished 2nd in their tier to advance to the DSBN Basketball Tournament on April 29th. While at the tournament, the girls won three of their games, and lost one by a single basket in overtime. They advanced to the semi-finals, but were unable to defeat the tier 1 champion. The girls walked off the court with smiles on their faces and heads held high knowing they played a great game. Way to model Grizzly Spirit! GYMNASTICS TEAM Mrs Munderich and Mrs Fletcher would like to say congratulations to the Junior Girls Gymnastics team. Evynn B., Evynn B., Ivy C., Mya C., Olivia D., Makayla D., Aliya E., Brooke E., Natasha G., Jessica G., Ava H., Juliana M., Abby N., Anna V. and Clara V. We are so proud of the team for their dedication, hard work and good behaviour during practices and at the competition on Friday April 17, 2015. There were 350 competitors at Fridays competition. INTERMEDIATE BADMINTON The DSBN Tournament at Brock University will be held on May 6th. Badminton Team 2015 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Kennedy S. Ella T. Kassie Riley Sommer Alex S. Justin Z. Collin Hunter C. John K. All of the girls on the Junior Girls gymnastics team performed beautifully at the competition. Special mention goes out to: Anna V. for 5th on bench. Ava H. for 4th on bench. Olivia D. for 3rd on mat. Natasha G. for 1st on bench and 6th on mat. Mya C. for 2nd on bench and 2nd on mat. Jessica G. for 5th on bench 4th on mat. Brooke E. for 3rd on bench, 2nd on mat, and 5th on floor. Thanks for a great gymnastics season girls. See you next year! April Award Winners Class Character Academic FSL-RCS Johnny M. Tara A. FDK1 Mrs. Clarke Ryland W. Tye S. FDK2 Mrs. Fletcher Arrianna B. Darné H. Jeremy H. FDK3 Mrs. Munderich Onyx G. Brooklyn S. Sydney T. 1-1 Mrs. Filion Olivia B. Airalyn H. 1/2 Mrs. Gaspich Hannah S. Nicholas B. F1 Miss Sauve Riley R. Lorelei D. F2 Mr. Verwey Samuel V. Riley A. 2/3 Mrs.Sodtke/ Ms.Degelman Autumn P. Jordan G. 3-1 Ms.Knockaert Lexi D. Alex B. 3-2 Ms. McLean Charlotte L. Joseph W. F3 Mme Benson Anyssa B. Carter R. F4 Mme Gardiner Evynn B. Clara V. Gracie J. 4 Ms. Hudak Vaiden F. Dylan L. 5-1 Mrs. Slaght 5-2 Mr. Snow F5 Mme Stickles Kylie T. Alexis A. April G. Ethan B. Emily S. Makayla D. 6 Mr. Mannella Landon E. Owen P. Zoe P. Ethan F. Peter M. Nicholas T. F6 Mme Corriveau 7-1 Mr. Charles F7 Mr. Munderich 7/8 Mrs. Timlock Alyssa B. Kassie M. Sommer N. Eric W. 8-1 Mrs. Rush Ayden C. Kiara L. Paul R. Alexander J. Bradley M. SPECIAL MENTION!! Winners in Mr. Verway’s class for the month of February were: Abbye Stea– Character Brookelyn Thompson– Academic CC Swirls’ Fundraiser Please support Gordon School at CC Swirls‘ Welland location (545 Niagara Street) on June 24th by purchasing any of their products between the hours of 3 and 7 pm. PARENT PARKING AND STUDENT DROP OFF In an effort to increase student safety, Here are our parking, bus zones, and parent pick up and drop off procedures. Our back parking lot off Clare Ave. will be reserved for staff parking and bus loading and unloading. Our buses will board immediately upon dismissal and depart Gordon at approximately 3:25 p.m. each afternoon. Parents dropping students off prior to the start of school may also use this lot if they wish. Our front parking lot off Thorold Road is available for all parent and visitor parking. Students picked up or dropped off during the school day should enter/exit and sign in/out at the office. At the end of the day, Kindergarten students will exit out the Kindergarten door and students in Grades 1-8 will exit at the main office. Thank you for keeping our students safe! PARENT PARKING CONSIDERATIONS Please respect the areas designated No Parking and Handicapped only. Please use the designated sidewalk and paths at all times. Please be patient in our parking lot. Be safe and watch for children at all times. Consider parking away from the school (ie. side street) and walking. Spring time fun at Gordon! Planning Today to Energize Education for Tomorrow DSBN Trustees are supporting student success by revitalizing our public schools. An important part of this process is the role of Accommodation Reviews. On March 26, 2015 the Ministry of Education released revised Pupil Accommodation Review Guidelines (PARG) and the DSBN has revised the Accommodation Review Policy to align with the new Ministry Guidelines. You are invited to provide your comments on this new policy. From May 6 to June 3, 2015 please go to www.dsbn.org and click on the “Accommodation Review Policy Feedback” button. You may also provide comments via mail. Please send to Lora Courtois, Superintendent of Planning, District School Board of Niagara, 191 Carlton St. St. Catharines, ON, L2R 7P4. 6th annual Rob's Run for Kids Saturday May 9th, 2015 On Saturday May 9th the Rotary Club of Welland will host the 6th annual Rob's Run for Kids. The event boasts a 2km and 5km walk/run along Merrit Island's beautiful waterfront trail, prizes, food and entertainment. The event is held to raise funds for local programs that support the well-being and success of children and youth in the community. For more information please go to www.robsrunforkids.com S S! Support Our School! How can you help? It’s easy! Please think of our school when those magazine renewal notices start to arrive in the mail and Save Our Subscriptions! Save your renewals for our annual QSP magazine subscription fundraiser THIS FALL! You will be helping to raise money for programs and activities to benefit all our students. Remember - Magazines make great gifts. Kids love to get their own subscriptions in the mail! It’s the gift that keeps giving year round! HELP US PROMOTE LITERACY! Let your friends and family know about our fundraiser and ask them to save their subscriptions too. Renewal orders will simply extend current subscriptions, unless the renewal(s) has expired. Thank you in advance for your support! Summer HEAT 2015 We are pleased to offer SUMMER HEAT, a primary Summer Learning Program, again this year. The program will run from Monday, July 13th to Friday, July 31st for students entering JK to grade 4 in the fall of 2015. Kindergarten Kick Start is for students entering junior and senior kindergarten in the fall, while Funshine Kids is for students entering grades 1, 2, 3 and 4. This three week program is entirely FREE, but space is limited so please be sure to register early. Registration can be done online starting Friday, May 1st. The program will begin at 8:15 a.m. with breakfast provided, and it will end at 12:15 p.m. Students will be involved in a variety of learning opportunities throughout the morning, with a focus on literacy, numeracy and active living. We are excited about being able to offer this amazing program to our families. Check it out on the DSBN website at www.dsbn.org/summerheat Summer HEAT will be offered at the following sites: St. Catharines - Edith Cavell (literacy and mathematics site), Connaught (literacy and mathematics site), Lincoln Centennial (literacy and mathematics site), Grapeview (Aboriginal site with literacy) Welland - Diamond Trial (literacy and mathematics site) Niagara Falls - Simcoe Street (literacy and mathematics site), Valley Way (Aboriginal site with literacy) Port Colborne - De Witt Carter (literacy and mathematics site) Fort Erie Area - Crystal Beach (literacy and mathematics site), Peace Bridge (Aboriginal site with literacy) NEW sites: Beamsville - Senator Gibson (literacy and mathematics site) Welland - Princess Elizabeth (Aboriginal site with literacy) 10th Rankin Cancer Run Saturday, May 23, 2015 at Grantham Lion’s Club, St. Catharines— Parnell at Niagara—10 am Register online at www.rankincancerrun.com Adults $20 Students $10
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