Principal: Candide Sitko Vice Principal: Paula McIntee 91 Bunting Road, St. Catharines, ON L2P 3G8 Tel.: 905-684-9461 website: Follow us on Twitter:@JSVSauve ______________________________________________________________________________________ Issue #9 May 2015 A Message from the Principal/Vice Principal: Many students can recall that first moment in school when the world began to make sense, when their minds became open to new concepts, ideas and possibilities. Although that’s an important time in a student’s life, the reality is that education is a series of moments, each one helping to build greater understanding, self-esteem and character. During May 4-8, Education Week, DSBN schools will showcase how they help students experience those “a-ha” moments each day. Here at Jeanne Sauvé French Immersion Public School, we will be celebrating Education Week by inviting you into our classrooms to see the variety of learning experiences your children are provided with from all of our wonderful teachers. Our Education Week celebration will start with a kickoff assembly on Monday, May 4th at 9:30 a.m. where our new lip dub video will make its début. On Tuesday, April 21st, our entire school came together to film a very exciting video showcasing all the students of our school as well as our many clubs and activities. Students practised for many fitness/nutrition breaks to make this happen and it was amazing to see it all come together. A huge thank you goes out to all the staff for their work in big and small ways on this project. We hope to see you then, but if you are unable to attend be sure to check out our video on our school website,, after May 4th! SUMMER HEAT 2015... DSBN is pleased to offer SUMMER HEAT, a primary Summer Learning Program, again this year. The program will run from Monday, July 13th to Friday, July 31st for students entering JK to grade 4 in the fall of 2015. Kindergarten Kick Start is for students entering junior and senior kindergarten in the fall, while Funshine Kids is for students entering grades 1, 2, 3 and 4. This three week program is entirely FREE, but space is limited so please be sure to register early. Registration can be done online starting Friday, May 1st. The program will begin at 8:15 a.m. with breakfast provided, and it will end at 12:15 p.m. Students will be involved in a variety of learning opportunities throughout the morning, with a focus on literacy, numeracy and active living. We are excited about being able to offer this amazing program to our families. Check it out on the DSBN website at Summer HEAT will be offered at the following sites: St. Catharines - Edith Cavell (literacy and mathematics site), Connaught (literacy and mathematics site), Lincoln Centennial (literacy and mathematics site), Grapeview (Aboriginal site with literacy) Welland - Diamond Trail (literacy and mathematics site) Niagara Falls - Simcoe Street (literacy and mathematics site), Valley Way (Aboriginal site with literacy) Port Colborne - De Witt Carter (literacy and mathematics site) Fort Erie Area - Crystal Beach (literacy and mathematics site), Peace Bridge (Aboriginal site with literacy) NEW sites: Beamsville - Senator Gibson (literacy and mathematics site) Welland - Princess Elizabeth (Aboriginal site with literacy) APRIL STUDENT RECOGNITIONS... The April events and recognition assembly will take place on Monday, May 4th at 9:30 a.m. Parents, as always, are welcome to attend. CLASS Mme Barker Mme Ritchie M. Kitcher Mlle Mercier Mme Cirasuolo Mme Hillhouse Mlle Violante Mlle Di Franco Mme Miller Mme Kubarakos Mme Frie Mme Nasser Mme Armstrong Mlle Harcombe Mlle Desjardins Mme Taubeneck M. Caza Mme Zamprogna M. Donato Mme DiSante Mlle Klassen ACADEMIC SUCCESS Julia S. Graciela G. Fletcher S. Addy L. CITIZENSHIP Blaze Z. Caden K. Hayden T. Carson V. Sienna C. Ansam E. Kennedy K. Sydney R. Sienna G. Imogen L. Aaron G. Madison B. Matthew T. Owen C. Ella T. Elizabeth M. Julia P. Orian F. Thomas B. Sarah N. Kate D. Maggie W. Ashleigh R. Laney A. Landon H. Ian C. Lexi P. Sammy L. Lauryn C. LANGUE FRANÇAISE Ethan B. Lana R. Addison L. Morgan B. Kiera P. Ella P. Amelia H. Carmen C. Ella B. Nathan W. Arleigh K. Nathan A. Amne A. Nolan T. Sarah D. Serina S. Cameryn G. Ashley W. Xander T. Jacklyn S. Marshall B. Enzi C. Lily S. Yazid L. Colin W. Sabrina C. Hamza B. Samantha M. Ishiro O. Haiven G. Charlotte B. Briar S. Josh C. PLEASE NOTE: A copy of our Awards Program along with the criteria for these recognitions can be found on our website. Hard copies are available at the office. YOUNG WOMEN'S CONFERENCE... Special mention goes to Kate D. and Isabella M., both of grade seven, for having been selected to attend the Young Women's Conference in Kitchener on May 4th, in affiliation with Skills Ontario. Here, our students will have the opportunity to hear and learn from women in the workforce representing the skilled and technological trades, as well as partake in a variety of interactive activities. In addition to this, they will witness over 65 different trades contests in a spectacular Career Exploration Showcase. Exhibits include the culinary arts, forestry and cosmetology, just to name a few. Amusez-vous bien et profitez-en beaucoup les filles! Vous nous rendez très fiers et fières ici à Jeanne Sauvé. SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR... Thank you parents and students for your support at the recent Scholastic Book Fair! We will be able to purchase just over $1800 worth of books for our library and classrooms. Triton S. in Mme Barker's Grade 1 class won $25 for both himself and his class. Follow us on Twitter at Jeanne Sauvé @ JsvSauve JOINT SCHOOL PARENT EVENING... Set aside the evening of May 6th on your calendars. The Governor Simcoe family of schools presents local motivational speaker Dick O'Brien to share a message of cultivating resilience in our students and our children. Mr. O'Brien is a very engaging speaker with a very important message to help us all provide children with the best strategies for coping in a sometimes overwhelming world. Presentation will take place at 6:30 p.m. in the auditorium at Governor Simcoe Secondary School. ( SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL NEWS... Thank you to everyone who came out to support the Bag2School event on Earth Day. It was a great community building day for Jeanne Sauvé and raised $624.15 for the playground and other school initiatives. Watch for a playground update coming out to our school community next month. Highlights of the April 28th meeting... - SAC voted to subsidize the grade 8 class trip as a thank you for all their help throughout the year with pizza days. - SAC will provide coffee and cookies for the New to Grade 1 Open House visits in June. Our next School Advisory Council meeting will take place on Tuesday, May 26th, 7:00 pm in the Learning Commons. All parents are welcome to attend and babysitting is provided. DENTAL SCREENING... A Public Health registered dental hygienist is scheduled to visit our school May 5th and 8th, 2015 to provide dental screening to students in grades 2, 4, 6 and 8 and other children as required under the Health Protection and Promotion Act. During this time the registered dental hygienist will perform a visual inspection of each child to determine his/her dental needs. Parents will be contacted if their child requires immediate dental care. Public Health dental programs may financially assist children who do not have access to required dental care. Please contact the Public Health dental program for any of the following: If you do NOT wish your child to participate in the dental screening. If your child is not in one of the targeted grades and you would like him/her to participate. Tooth decay is the number one chronic disease of children. Tooth decay can lead to pain, infection, difficulties eating, speech problems, self-esteem issues, decreased school attendance and poor overall health. Niagara Region Public Health (NRPH) screens about 25,000 students each year in elementary schools. 38% of these students have tooth decay, which is unacceptably high. Call the Dental Health Information at 905-6888248 or 1-888-505-6074 ext. 7399 or email STUDENT COUNCIL NEWS.. Submitted by Isabelle Mowbray, Minister of Communications, Jeanne Sauvé Student Council Wow, it's amazing to think of all the things this school has accomplished throughout the school year. April has been a super fun month for the Student Council with so many activities. This month, we helped the School Advisory Council with their Bag2School fundraiser. We went through the school neighbourhood and handed out information and collection bags. It was a lot of fun and we were anxious to see the results. Thank goodness we didn't have long to wait! On the evening of April 22, we enthusiastically greeted everyone who arrived at the school with their donations. Again, so much FUN! The event was a huge success... 3050kg of clothing was collected which translates to over $450.00 for our playground and other school initiatives! Thanks everyone!!!! On the 8th, 9th and 10th of April, we held a jelly bean guessing contest. We filled a jar to the top with jelly beans and for a 25¢ donation, the students could make a guess on how many they believed to be in the jar. After a 3 way tie, Kate D. in M. Donato's class won with the guess of 1067 jelly beans. We are proud to say that 75% of the money raised will be donated to the playground fund. Later in the month, to celebrate Earth Day, we held “Earth Week” bingo. Each class received a bingo sheet to fill out with their class. The categories were animals, plants, fruits and veggies, colours and outdoor activities. Every morning, the Student Council chose the answers out of buckets. We don't have a winner yet, but the class that wins gets packages of seeds for everyone in their class. At the end of Earth Week, on Friday the 24th, we got together with some intermediate students and painted flowers on the faces of the grades 1 to 5 students in the spirit of Earth Day. It was a huge success, a ton of fun and a great way to create community! Also towards the end of the month, we ran the snack bar for the DSBN junior basketball tournaments held at our school. As with the volleyball tournaments earlier in the year, we hope to raise a lot of money for our playground. Looking on to May, we have lots of events planned already. We'll be going LOUD on May 29th. Loud day is a day set aside to raise awareness and to support those with hearing loss both in our school and around the community. Every student is asked to come to school dressed in bright colors and funky patterns--LOUD. I'm sure we will see some very bright and wacky outfits! The grade 6, 7 and 8 students will have a chance to show off their LOUD outfits as they dance to some tunes during periods 5 and 6. Also, the YMCA daycare wanted to get together with us for a twin day. This will be on May 7. Basically, every student will find a partner (or two or three) and plan their outfit, hair, and accessories together so that they arrive at school looking alike. Think about what you already have that is similar to others and put it together. It doesn't have to be a great outfit, just the same as someone else! It'll be a blast! We will be asking for donations on this day to support the Y Strong Kids Campaign to help send kids to summer camp. Little known fact—May 13 is “Frog Jumping Day”! Yes, who knew! And yes, we will organize an activity for this fun and special day. Stay “gripped to your lilypad” for updates. We're so excited for everything May will bring (and the last few months of school)! UN GRAND MERCI À… ..Mme Moccio, Mlle DiFranco, et Mme Janzen for all the extra time they spent working with our wonderfully talented primary students and bucket drummers in preparation for the DSBN Music Festival. ...Mme Moccio, Mlle Di Franco, Mme Taubeneck et Mme Zamprogna for their guidance, patience and vision during the production of our awesome lip dub! Way to go, ladies! ...Mme Zamprogna, Mme Robillard, Mlle Klassen et Mme Taubeneck for their continued leadership while working with the members of our Student Council. ...Mme St. Amand and Mme Taubeneck for coaching the junior boys' basketball team. ...Mme Miller and Mme Barker for coaching the junior girls' basketball team. ...Mme Ritchie and Mme Vaillancourt for coaching our intermediate badminton team. ...Mme Huisman for running the Forest of Reading book club for our junior and intermediate students and taking them to the Silver Birch celebration. ...Mme Vaillancourt, Mme Robillard and Mme Nasser for coaching the jr. and int. girls' gymnastic teams. ...M. Donato for taking our 2 participants to the Young Women's Conference in Kitchener. ...Mme Barker for co-ordinating our yearbook. ...Mme Huisman and Mme St. Amand for running our chess club. ...Mlle Klassen for accompanying our Gr. 8 students to the Niagara Region "Mathletics" where they placed 3rd. ...Mme Taubeneck for her work with the DSBN Road Race. DSBN MUSIC FESTIVAL... Congratulations to both the Primary choir and the Royal Drum Corps drummers for their stellar performances, both at our March assembly and the Elementary Music Festival at Laura Secord Secondary School on April 7th. Both groups received a certificate of Gold standing for their performances, and were excellent audience members. We had a great day sharing our music and watching the performances from other schools in the DSBN. A big thank you to all our parent volunteers who came to help with supervision on the trip. We couldn't do it without you! ...And to Mme Moccio et Mlle DiFranco for the time they spent working with our talented students! Special "thank yous" go to Mme Janzen for her fabulous piano playing and to the primary teachers for their organization of our students before, during, and after the concerts. CHESS CLUB... Chess was a very popular fitness/nutrition break activity during winter months here at Jeanne Sauvé. Over 80 students from grades 2 to 8 participated in our weekly chess club! Once our school team was established, Jeanne Sauvé competed at the Memorial Chess Tournament on April 10th. All students enjoyed the day and were wonderful school representatives! Special congratulations go to medal winners Rian W. (gr.3 gold), Aaron G. (gr.4 - silver), Brandon P. (gr. 3 - bronze), and Shawn C. (gr.6 - bronze). Team members also included: Georgie E., Matthew W., Garrett C., Tywyn L., Nathan A., Riely K., Avery B., Ty C., Andrew S., Caleb L., Geoffrey B., Liam D., Ahmad A., Terence W., Ella K., Cindy G., Hunter C., and Rebecca T. Mme Huisman and Mme St. Amand are both very proud of all of our chess players' dedication and enthusiasm! GRADE 6 FOCUS ON FLIGHT... The students in Mme Taubeneck's grade 6 class have had a lot of fun learning about the forces of flight. They recently took advantage of the windy weather and used paper airplanes to discover first hand just how powerful the properties of air really are! LES “ROYALS”: SPORTS CORNER FROM THE P.Ed. DEPT... As the nice weather is arriving, we have been excited to start Track & Field during P. Ed. classes. Students are enjoying learning about the events and perfecting their techniques in preparation for T&F tryouts. In lieu of a track meet, all students from grades 4-8 will be invited to try out for a spot on the T&F team which will represent Jeanne Sauvé at the Regional meet on Tuesday, May 19th at the NOC. These tryouts will take place during fitness/nutrition breaks beginning the week of April 27th. Students will be signing up during PE classes for the events that interest them and trying their best to win a ribbon and a place on the team. Bonne chance! PAN AM GAMES DAY... As you know, the Pan Am Games are coming to Toronto this summer and as this very exciting event approaches, we are joining in the anticipation by having our own Pan Am Games Day here at Jeanne Sauvé on June 11th, 2015. This cross-graded full-day event will include all students who will get an opportunity to try their hand at some new and different activities such as bocce ball, lacrosse and cricket, while at the same time learning about some other cultures. We are looking forward to this fun celebration. PHYS. ED. RECOGNITION... Congratulations to the following students who are being recognized for their great work in P. Ed. classes during the month of April: From Mme St. Amand Amaar M. 1K, Camille C. 1K, Noah H. 1B, Kennedy K. 2H, Laney A. 2H, Ian C. 3D, Sienna G. 3D, Amne A. 4K, Aizlon H. 4K, Addison Blue C. 5D, Julia P. 5D, Sabrina C. 5H, Elizabeth M. 5H, Haneen A-Z. 6C, Brinnah I. 6C, Eliyah C. 7Z, Nate B. 7Z, Stella S. 8K. From Mme Vaillancourt Julia S. 1B, Chloe T. 1R, Allegra D. 1R, Sasha S. 2C, Sarah F. 2M, Lulu L. 3M, Angela Z. 3V, Nathan A. 4K, Chloe S. 5A, Owen F. 6T, Emma C. 4N, Erik S. 7D, Sydney W. 7Di. INTRAMURALS... On Wednesday mornings during nutrition breaks, our intermediate students have been participating in European handball as well as badminton. These will continue as long as there is interest. Due to the nicer weather there has been a decrease in the number of students attending, and so the primary and junior intramurals have ended for the year. Many thanks to all who have been involved in this fun endeavour! OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT... The nice weather has arrived, and while we await a new school playground, we have created outdoor-equipment bins for each classroom. If you have any items to donate to the bin for your child’s class, it would be greatly appreciated. e.g. skipping ropes, balls, frisbees, etc... DSBN ROAD RACE... Congratulations to all of the runners who took part in the DSBN Road Race on Sunday, April 26th! We had over 80 runners representing Jeanne Sauvé and helping to raise funds for the Education Foundation of Niagara. Not only did we earn the award for Top Participating School but 3 of our runners, Caleb L. and Orian F.D. in grade 6 and Matthew T. in grade 4, finished within the top 5 for their age divisions. Thank you to everyone who participated. It was a great day! JUNIOR BOYS' BASKETBALL... The Junior Boys' basketball team completed their regular season games on April 15th. Ending the season with an excellent 6-2 record, the team moved on to the semi-finals and won! The final game was fast-paced and very physical. The boys played amazingly well, demonstrating fantastic skills and excellent sportsmanship. Despite coming up just short of claiming the championship, coaches Mme Taubeneck and Mme St. Amand are extremely proud of the dedication and team work displayed throughout the entire season by this championship team. The boys earned a spot in the DSBN tournament which was held on Monday, April 27. They played 4 tough games continuing to show their abilities. Congratulations to team members; Evan H., Nathan B., Hunter Z., Matthew T., Brayden H., Ishiro O., Hayden P., Owen F., Sam M., Caleb L. and Orian F.D. on an excellent and fun season! JUNIOR GIRLS' BASKETBALL... The junior girls' basketball team has played awesome all season long. With a 7-1 winning record in the season, they claimed the championship title for our school. On Wednesday, April 29, 2015, the girls played in the DSBN tournament with more astounding results!!! In pool play the girls beat several school, and only lost by one basket in one game. In the semi final game, the girls made an amazing effort from the first jump ball and won the game by a tight 18-17. The girls played with integrity, heart and pure determination to win a spot in the final championship game next Tuesday night at Eastdale Highschool in Welland. We welcome all spectators to support the girls at Eastdale on Tuesday night! Wear your Royals spirit wear and show your school pride! The girls made Mme Miller, Coach Thompson and Mme Barker so proud with their attitude and perfect effort! Royals on three 1....2....3... Royals! INTERMEDIATE GIRLS' GYMNASTICS TEAM... On the afternoon of Thursday, April 16th, our grade 7 & 8 gymnasts took part in the Board-wide gymnastics competition at Beamsville High School. This hard-working group of gymnasts proudly represented Jeanne Sauvé with their excellent behaviour and their wonderful performances. Our team’s first ever appearance at the meet was a huge success as this talented bunch of girls did their best and brought home many ribbons. Special thanks to Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Voelkner for helping to drive our girls. Congratulations to the following team members: Paisley B., Briar S., Laura M. C., Grace V., Eliyah C., Natalie W., Clara S., Hannah L., Catherine G., Abbey R., Sara A., Honourable mention goes to these multiple ribbon winners: Natalie W. 1st on Mat and 2nd on Bench Abbey R. 1st on Bench and 3rd on Mat Grace V. 1st on Floor, Bench, Vault and 3rd on Mat Hannah L. 1st on Mat and 6th on Bench RANKIN CANCER RUN... Saturday, May 23rd Mark this date on your calendar! Wear orange (or a Rankin Cancer Run T-shirt) and join us at 10 a.m. for Jeanne Sauvé's inaugural Rankin Cancer Run! You’ll see why you and your family and friends should be involved in this incredible community event. Register online at to be a part of our team. Go Royals! How Cancer Affected One of Our Own... Hi, I'm Nate. Salut, je m'appelle Nate. Last year, my mom was diagnosed with stage one cancer [the lowest one]. Ma mère avait le cancer. My mom was 40, she was healthy and active. She didn't smoke. If you would have asked me if my mom would have ever gotten cancer I would have said the chances would have been 2 out of 10. Je n'ai jamais pensé que le cancer serait dans ma famille. On May 23, the Rankin Cancer Run takes place. Last year, I raised $1260 in support of the Walker Family Cancer Centre at our hospital to purchase cancer equipment and support other local cancer support organizations. Today, my mom is healthy and strong. I hope to help not just her, but every cancer patient in the Niagara region to be healthy like her. My mom is lucky because she could have been sent to Hamilton because we do not have all of the cancer treatment equipment but she was treated here in St. Catharines. With the donations we raise, our hospital can continue to purchase all of the needed equipment. Ensemble on peut acheter les nouveaux équipments nécessaires. I hope that this year our school raises at least $5000. That would be great. Ensemble, tout est possible. Thank you for your support! See you on the 23rd. JUNIOR GIRLS' GYMNASTICS TEAM... Our junior gymnasts (grades 3-6) have also been very busy over the last several months, working hard in preparation for their big competition which took place on Friday, April 17 th at Beamsville High School. Coaches Mme Vaillancourt, Mme Nasser and Mme Robillard were very proud of the dedication and work ethic that was consistently demonstrated throughout the season. All of these efforts paid off at the meet as the girls gave their best performances and proudly represented Jeanne Sauvé in their beautiful new team gym suits. Special thanks to parent volunteers, Mrs. King and Mrs. McDermid who gave of their valuable time and were a fantastic help with our huge team. A big congratulations to all team members: Lexi P., Grace C., Chiara G., Aizlon H., Jayda G., Phoenix S., Alyssa R., Khloe W., Hailey H., Aphyniti J., Maryam F., Esther L., Sydney N., Christina G., Mkhaya G. B., Hannah B., Olivia H., Abigail C., Amne A., Lauren C., Cadence K., Gabbie B., Charlotte B., Kathryn C., Heather M., Hannah W., Jenna W., Abigail M., Cassidy D., Rachel B., Lauren W., Hannah D., Alyssa C., Brianna B., Elizabeth M., Elyse V., Emily W., Olivia W., Chloe S., Mara B., Joylynn H., Hannah F., Erin P., Allyson H., Abigail C. Honourable mention to multiple ribbon winners: Kathryn C. 1st on Vault, 1st on Mat, 4th on Bench Alyssa R. 2nd on Floor, 3rd on Vault st nd Allyson H. 1 on Mat, 2 on Bench Cassidy D. 2nd on Vault, 4th on Bench Cadence K. 1st on Vault, 3rd on Mat Jenna W. 2nd on Vault, 4th on Mat st th Erin P. 1 on Vault, 4 on Mat Brianna B. 3rd on Mat, 3rd on Floor Emily W. 1st on Vault, 4th on Mat Chiara G. 3rd on Mat, 5th on Bench nd rd Joylynn H. 2 on Bench, 3 on Floor Charlotte B. 1st on Floor, Bench, Mat, and Vault Heather M., 2nd on Hannah F. 2nd on Mat & rd Vault, 3 on Mat Bench, 3rd on Vault & Floor S S! Support Our School! How can you help? It’s easy! Think of our school when you see magazine renewal notices. Save Your Subscriptions! Please save your magazine orders and renewals for our QSP Magazine Fundraising Program that we will be running again this fall. This program focuses on literacy and helps raise funds at the same time that go towards extra-curricular programs, activities, supplies and equipment that benefit our children. Our school earns about $10/subscription. WE ALL BENEFIT! We get great magazines at great prices. Save up to 80% off of newsstand prices! Our School earns a profit to go towards the many costs and extras that help to enrich children’s school experiences. Our Children – Any reading material encourages children to read and supports literacy skills. Remember, if you have any questions regarding your magazine order; please call QSP Customer Service at 1-800-667-2536.
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