MONSIGNOR UYEN CATHOLIC SCHOOL L’école catholique Monseigneur Uyen ST. CLAIR CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD 420 CREEK STREET WALLACEBURG, ON N8A 4C4 TIGERCAT TIMES URSULINE COLLEGE CATHOLIC SECONDARY SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: Mme Culverwell (519) 627-6762 Director: Mr. Parr Superintendent: Mrs. Crawford 85 GRAND AVENUE WEST CHATHAM, ON N7L 1B6 (519) 351-2987 Trustee: Mrs. Labadie OCTOBER 2014 ISSUE: 2 MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL September sure went by quickly! Thanks to all the families who came out to our Meet the Teacher Night! It was great to meet so many wonderful people. The students are settling in nicely to the school routines and expectations. Everyone is working hard! We have many events happening in October. Please be sure to post your school calendar in a visible location. We will be supporting the annual Pink Ribbon Campaign geared to raise awareness and offer credible information about breast cancer. Everyone is invited to wear pink and make a donation to the Canadian Cancer Society on October 22rd. Our Cross County and senior girls’ and boys’ Volleyball seasons have begun and we wish our teams the best of luck. Go Tigercats! At the end of the month, we will be having a Halloween Dance-A-Thon to raise money for cultural events and technology purchases. More details can be found inside the newsletter. KISS & RIDE LOOP We are very pleased that many of our parents who drop off their children in the morning have started using the loop beside the gym. Just a reminder that there is no parking in our loop from 9:00 am until 3:35 pm. There is also no parking on Partridge Street between the signs. Thanks for your patience and support with our Kiss and Ride Loop. If you have any questions, please call the office. The staff and I will continuously strive to create the best educational experience for each of our students. We are happy to have you as our partners in the education of your children. I wish you a happy, peaceful, and enjoyable Thanksgiving weekend. Mme R. Culverwell CHRISTMAS IN MUSKOKA IS BACK! Our Catholic Principals and Vice Principals are pleased to inform you that ‘Christmas in Muskoka’ will be back at the historic Chatham Armoury from December 2nd to December 7th! This fundraiser generates money for all of our grade seven students who attend the Muskoka Leadership Camp in May! To kick off our fundraising efforts, we will be participating in the ‘Ford Drive One 4 UR School Program’. Ford of Canada recognizes the need and has developed the ‘Drive One 4 UR School’ to connect dealers with their local community. On Saturday, October 4th at our school, Victory Ford will have vehicles for our parents and friends to test drive. Ford will make a donation of $20 for every test drive per household that takes place up to $6,000.00! Please join us on October 4th! This benefits all the grade seven students at our school! 255 LARK STREET, CHATHAM, ON N7L 1G9 Telephone: 519-352-1880 Fax: 519-352-1933 FOCUS ON CATHOLICITY Thanks to Jack G., Andrew S., Khuen-Dte J., Dante D., and Brock M. who represented our school at the System Wide Mass at Our Lady of Help Church in Wallaceburg. It was a beautiful celebration! Our Board theme this year is “Live like Jesus: Called to Serve”. Thanks also to our teachers for leading our first School Mass of the year at Blessed Sacrament Church. Special thanks to Mrs. Gutteridge for the beautiful music. Thanks to our Altar Servers: Ethan G., Elijah G., Evan H. and Madison V. It is a pleasure listening to Father Daniel, he certainly delivers a great message! Father Daniel will come to our school to celebrate Thanksgiving Mass Friday, October 17th at 9:45 am. Mass will be held in our school gym. All parents and grandparents are always welcome. Our Grade 2 students have started their preparation for the sacrament of Reconciliation, please keep them in your prayers. Thanks to Karen Robert and Ali Chinnick who are coming in weekly to help prepare our students. Celebrate the Harvest All you can eat Chicken Dinner Sunday, November 2nd The Armouries ~ 44 William St. N. Doors open 3:00 pm ~ Dinner at 5:00 pm Catered by Chatham’s Breakfast House & Grille Live Entertainment, Euchre & Games, Silent Auction, Wine Bar, Children’s Activities and Penny Sale Adults, Youth 10 and older - $20, Youth 3 to 9 yrs. - $8, Under 3 yrs. - Free Proceeds go to the Blessed Sacrament & St. Agnes Building Fund Advance Tickets only available at the Parish Cluster office until October 27th MARK YOUR CALENDARS - PLAN TO ATTEND MONSIGNOR UYEN MATH NIGHT THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23RD - 6:00 to 7:30 PM This will be a great learning opportunity for the whole family! More details to follow. This promises to be an informative and fun-filled evening. We look forward to seeing you there! ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT Yes, we have read the October Newsletter and are submitting this form for a chance to win a free pizza from Little Caesars. Congratulations to the Phillips family for winning September’s draw. ____________________________ Parent / Guardian Signature _______________________________ Student’s Name HALLOWEEN DANCE-A-THON Back by popular demand: our Halloween Dance-a-thon Fundraiser! Please be generous and give what you can! You may want to have your child start thinking of a costume suitable for dancing. Please remember that NO toy or real weapons are allowed at school. There will be a minimum admission of $5.00 for this school dance but we are hoping to raise more as the proceeds will go directly back to the students of Monsignor Uyen in the form of cultural activities and technology purchases. Since we anticipate the students will be getting enough treats when they go Trick or Treating, we will only be selling water and glow sticks at the dance. We will have some great prizes for our top money raisers as well as door prizes that the students can win! This is sure to be Spooktacular! The Pledge forms will be sent home the week prior to the Thanksgiving weekend. If you have any decorations to lend or donate, we would be appreciative. Thanks for your support! ANAPHYLAXIS REMINDER We have several students with severe nut allergies. Please help us to provide a safe environment for these children by not sending any lunch and/or snack items that may contain nuts to school. Please do not send any SENIOR VOLLEYBALL ACTION A very special thank you to all of the senior girls and boys who tried out for our teams. We look forward to a fun and competitive season of volleyball. Special thanks to Mlle. Vajdik, Mme Cadotte-Trudell, Mme Giroux and Mme Jones the coaches of our teams. GIRLS TEAM Baylea W. Megan M. Darby P. Selina G. Cora V. difference. Thank you for helping us keep all our students safe. Katrina L. Camille B. Chloe D. Madison V. BOYS TEAM peanut butter substitutes since we cannot tell the Emily B. Abbey P. Danielle G. Lexi C. José G. R. Khuen-Dte J. Zach M. Ethan G. Jack G. Calum O. Austin H. Nolan D. Cameron L. Josh D. GOOD NEWS ASSEMBLY ANNUAL EQAO RESULTS The annual EQAO results for Monsignor Uyen Catholic School were received during the last week of September. We are very pleased with the efforts of our students who completed the testing. The results of the full Public report can be found at Congratulations to our September awards winners! Check out the bulletin board outside the school office to see our Tigercats of the month. As a school staff, we will use our detailed school results to identify our strengths and help focus our efforts to continue to improve student achievement in Literacy and Numeracy throughout the school year. Individual student results will be sent home with the grade four and seven students. Benjamin H. Ben Z. John P. Bo C. Dylan A. Antonio F. Ava S. Noah D. Kendra L. Noah C. Brayden M. Austin H. CROSS COUNTRY Good Luck to our Cross Country Team! They will be competing Saturday, October 4th at Thames Grove Conservation Area. Special thanks to M. Laporte and Ms. VanderEnde for coaching our team. The members of this year’s team are as follows: Those who Honesty: have shown Respect and Those who have demonstrated a Positive & Enthusiastic Beginning to this school year: Aislyn D. Pressley W. Rebecca M. Rylie O. Carter G. Cereniti W. Kara L. Huxley L. Michael W. Nicholas H. Marguerite B. Carson K. Danielle G. Baylea W. Those who have made a great effort to speak French: Judah C. Sierra B. Grayden V. Hailee P-H Josh B. Haylee C. Sophia R-B. Stephanie K. Trynity D. Maggie G. Audrey O. Isabella F. Logan B. Nyah H. Sophia R-B. Sawyer N. Tom B. Evan Z. Cristiano M. Charlotte S. Sofia P. Luke C. Nicholas H. Oliver S. Alex J. Mackenzie S. Jonathan G. Alex V. Lucas T. Julian V. Eric W. Carson D. Sawyer R. Soh-Lee J. Linzi M. Our next Good News Assembly will be Tuesday, October 28th at 2:45 pm. in the gym. Parents are always welcome to attend. Abby J. Ava S. Jayden V. Marguerite B. Alexis K. Milani S. Addison H. Noah D. Elliott V. Ethan W. Allyson S. Sophie H. Mallory M. Hannah B. Abby B. Alex C. Elijah G. Kayne G. Madison v. Darby P. Khuen-Dte J. Mackenzie S. LABEL COLLECTIONS Just a reminder that our school collects Campbell’s labels. We receive points for each label that we can redeem for sports equipment and art supplies. Please write the name of your child on the back of each label and deposit them in the box in our entrance for a chance to win draw prizes. A list of eligible products from Campbell's will be outlined in the November newsletter. SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL Congratulations and Thank You to the following parents who have volunteered to be our executive School Advisory Council members for the 2014 - 2015 school year! We appreciate your time, support and dedication. Diane Gillis – Chairperson Ron Male – Co-Chairperson Michelle Coutts - Treasurer Alicia White & Katie Simon – Secretaries Amy Dumoulin-Jeromel - Bingo and Christmas Lunch Coordinator Tina Brown - Food Day Coordinator Kelly Piatkowski - Campbell’s Labels Coordinator Rachel Raspburg - Healthy Head Check Coordinator Megan Lemak - Christmas In Muskoka Tree Coordinator Michelle Heslop - Peace Garden Coordinator Kali Garneau - Nutrition Program Assistant John Mariconda - Voting Parent Jennifer Chickowski - Voting Parent Sandra Rodriguez - Voting Parent Tracy Kovar - Voting Parent Elita Constancio - Voting Parent Alice Hanson - Voting Parent Patricia Zimmer - Parish Rep. Mme Julie-Collette Wright - Teacher Rep. Mme Denise Williams - Teacher Rep. Mme Renée Culverwell - Principal What an outstanding Team! We look forward to working together to provide additional opportunities for our students and school community. SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL NEWS Great things are happening at Monsignor Uyen! We have a large and energetic Council this year! We are running the Fresh from the Farm Fundraiser to support our local farmers and to raise money for our school. We were able to purchase a Smart Board at the end of last year and we hope to purchase another. Please support this fundraiser if you can. Special thanks to Rachel Raspburg for coordinating the Fresh from the Farm Fundraiser as well as our Healthy Head Check Committee. Our first Healthy Head checks will take place Wednesday, October 8th in the morning. Volunteers on this committee will be signing an Oath of Confidentiality. The head checks take place in the classroom with the teacher supervising. If you would like to join the committee, please indicate below. Another Special thanks to Amy Dumoulin-Jeromel, Bingo Coordinator, and to all those who have signed up for our Bingo Team. We still have room on the team for anyone who would like to join. Our Food Day Committee is looking for volunteers to help cook and serve. If you or one of your family members are available to assist on any of the days listed, please indicate so on the form and return. Grandparents are welcome! Our next School Advisory Council meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 30th at 6:30 pm. All parents and guardians are welcome to attend! ____________________________________________________________________________________ VOLUNTEER FORM [ ] I would like to join the Bingo Team. My email is: _________________________ [ ] I would like to join the Healthy Head Check Team _______________________ Volunteer’s Name ________________________ Telephone Number I can assist with the following Food Days: [ ] Friday, October 31st [ ] Friday, November 14th [ ] I can help with the Christmas Lunch, which is tentatively scheduled for Monday, December 8th. [ ] Friday, January 16th _______________________ Volunteer’s Name ________________________ Telephone Number HELPING YOUR CHILD TO SUCCEED AT SCHOOL Each month in this space, look for tips on ways in which you can help support your child’s learning. Here are 10 tips to help your child do homework. Homework is an important part of learning. When you support your children’s homework routine, you can help them do better at school. These are simple ways in which you can help them get the most out of their homework. Dan Parr, Director of Education Source: 1. A routine is good. Homework can be habit forming and that's good news for you and your child. Work out a homework schedule and make sure children adhere to it. It won't be long before homework is complete without your getting involved. 2. Give space for homework. Distractions and homework don't mix. So do your best to create a bright and quiet space where your child can concentrate on schoolwork. Make sure it's away from distractions like TV, music and loud siblings. 3. Practice makes perfect. Repetition reinforces learning. That's why it's helpful to have kids practice reading, writing and math with you every day. Ten to 15 minutes a day can work wonders, whether reading a favourite book together, or helping measure ingredients in the kitchen. 4. "How was your day?" Every school day is an adventure. Kids will do and learn so much they'll be bursting to tell someone all about it. So take a few moments every day to chat about the school day—and be a good listener. 5. Check in occasionally. When kids do their homework all alone, their concentration can often wander. Check in once in a while and see how it's going. Ask if there are any questions. Sometimes kids just need to talk about a homework problem to figure out the answer. 6. Turn everyday activities into homework. Teachers give homework and so can you. Include children in everyday tasks and assign activities such as searching newspapers, reading recipes, creating shopping lists, plotting out routes on a map, etc. Small activities can often teach big lessons. 7. Make kids proud of their effort. Getting the answers right is important, but it's only part of what homework is all about. Doing a thorough and neat job is important, too. Make it a habit to sit down and go over completed homework. Look at it together for thoroughness and overall quality of work. Always look for something positive. 8. Motivate with applause. "Hey, you did a great job". Words like these have an amazing effect on children. Encouragement gives them confidence and makes them feel good about doing their best. At the end of every homework session, try letting your son or daughter know that you appreciate and admire the effort. 9. Encourage curiosity and questions. Learning really begins when kids start asking questions. Who, what, where, when and why are magical words of discovery that make learning more interesting and fun. Give your children the confidence to ask for help if the homework is difficult or confusing. 10. Know what's going on at school. Unfortunately, kids don't always tell parents everything. Make a point of staying in touch with teachers, especially if you have a question or concern. Let teachers know they can always call you if there is a problem.
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