ÉCOLE REGENT PARK 411 Moroz Street Winnipeg, MB R2C 2X4 Ph: 204-958-6830 fax: 204-222-4885 E-mail: erp@retsd.mb.ca mars 2015 A Note from the Principal… The last few weeks have been ‘action-packed’ with many wonderful learning opportunities, including Festival du voyageur activities as well as outings to the Festival du Voyageur, ski trips, and band clinic Each activity supported our adolescent learners in developing a greater sense of community as well as exploring areas that promote life-long learning and personal development. I want to acknowledge our students for the exemplary behavior they demonstrated in each of these initiatives; it was truly a pleasure to witness their enthusiasm and positive attitude. Teachers are busy helping students prepare for their student-led conferences this month. Student-led conferences are an important opportunity for students to discuss their learning with their families, to look back at their progress and to set goals for moving forward. Students take great care to prepare their scripts and reflections in anticipation of this event. We sincerely hope every student will have the opportunity to present his/her portfolio to at least one family member. Please mark your calendars - student-led conferences take place the evening of Thursday, March 26th and during the day of Friday, March 27th. Report cards and provincial assessment reports will be sent home on Tuesday, March 24th As we approach the end of March and anticipate the arrival of Spring, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our families a restful and enjoyable Spring Break. Mme Diana Zozman Trustees and their phone numbers Jerry Sodomlak 204-999-1409 jsodomlak@retsd.mb.ca Colleen Carswell 204-222-1486 ccarswell@retsd.mb.ca Let’s Communicate! A reminder to parents and student that if students are not feeling well or need to contact home for any reason, they must use the phone in the office to contact parents. Personal devices cannot be used for this purpose. For safety reasons, we ask that all requests to be picked up or urgent messages be transmitted through the office so that we are able to account for all students in our building at all times. We thank you for your cooperation and look forward to keeping the lines of communication open between home and school. École Regent Park Low Cost Bike Helmet Initiative The Province of Manitoba has announced that if you purchased a Bike Helmet thru the Low Cost Bicycle Helmet Initiative, they will not be delivered to the school until the week of May 12th due to delays with the overseas shipping. Thank you for your patience in this matter. Our Mission in Action!! Excellence Grade 8 Debates en français: Bravo to all of our grade 8 students, who completed inter-class debates throughout the month of February en français! Every team did very well, presenting logical and convincing arguments for or against a given subject. Way to go!!! Concours d’art oratoire: Students at Ecole Regent Park are participating in the concours d’art oratoire, a French public speaking event. Students are presenting a speech that they wrote to their class. A few students will be selected from each class to present again in a school-wide event. Judges will select two students from grades 5-6 and three from grades 7-8 to represent our school at the divisional level in April. When rehearsing their speeches, students should remember to practice in front of family members as much as possible, focusing on volume, expression, eye contact, and effective pausing. Good luck everyone! Responsibility Basketball Season: Our grade 7 and 8 boys and girls basketball teams have now completed their season Members of all teams showed great responsibility and sportsmanship throughout the season. Bravo to all our team members! Participation Hé Ho!- Festival du voyageur: Students at all grade levels had the opportunity to participate in Festival activities both in the gym and outdoors; activities included arm wrestling, leg wrestling, and snow shoeing. What a fun time had by all! Thanks to M. Chabot for organizing these activities and all staff members for making it possible! Welcoming Our Future Grade 5 Students! At this time of year, we at ERP are already beginning to think about the Grade 4 students who will be coming to our school next September. We have developed a number of activities to ensure a smooth transition for all our new families. On February 23rd, the parents of the Grade 4 students were invited to an information night at ERP. On April 15h, Mme Zozman and Mme Grande will be visiting the students at École Centrale and on April 13th they will be visiting the students of École Margaret Underhill to speak with the students and to answer questions. On May 4th, the students from EC and EMU will be coming for a visit and a tour of our school. In May, our school team will also meet with the teachers and administrators at ÉMU and École Centrale to discuss the needs of the students. The information that we receive at these meetings will enable us to create our class profiles for the fall. In August, families will receive a letter indicating class placement, and all grade 5 students and their parents will be invited to come to school on the administrative day prior to the first day of school to meet their child’s teacher and bring all the required school supplies. Grade 8 Exit Interviews The grade 8 students will be starting to prepare their exit interviews after Spring Break. The interviews will take place on May 15th. Please note that some students will present in the morning and others in the afternoon. All these preparations will be taking place in French class. First, all students will decide which talent they would like to demonstrate during their interview. Next, they will prepare a self-introduction as well as their answers to 5 questions. Special guests from our community will be invited to come and listen to our students’ presentations. Spectacle des amateurs! Just a reminder that it’s that time of year again when we let students and parents know that our annual Talent Show (Spectacle des amateurs) is less than a month away. Audition forms and schedules for auditions have recently been made available to students. We look forward to having our young stars showcase their various talents on the afternoon of Thursday, March 26th. Club de Glee! This month our Glee club is working on a special spring presentation. We will be spreading a message of acceptance with the 80’s hit “True Colours”. This assembly will be focusing on anti-bullying messages and the notion of acceptance within our school. The assembly will be on Tuesday April 7th at 9:00 am in the gym to promote our pink shirt day that will be on April 8 th. Parents are welcome to attend! Babysitting Course! École Regent Park will be offering a full day Babysitting Course this year. The date has been set for May 28, 2015. The full day will encompass the following sections: - First Aid ( basic) - Fire Safety ( presentation by the Fire-Paramedic department) - Child Play ( levels of child development and creative play) - Safe decision making while babysitting The course will be offered for one day only and students will be excused from their regular scheduled periods. There will be a $20.00 fee which will be used towards a babysitting book, lunch for the day, guest presenters and materials. Permission forms will be handed out in May. Students will be required to write a final assessment and conduct a practical evaluation prior to receiving their certificate. Any questions, please feel free to contact the school at 204-958-6830. * Please note that you can visit ERP website for gymnasium schedule under Athletics. Grade 8 Ski Trip The grade 8 ski trip to Asessippi was a great success. It was fairly cold but the conditions were excellent for skiing/snowboarding. Everyone had a good time. Some students showed their excellent abilities to ski or snowboard. At the hotel many students took advantage of the pool. It was a fun experience for all the students and the staff of ERP. Grade 6 Basketball On March 25, 2015 from 12:30 – 3:00pm, three grade 6 teams will participate in the divisional basketball tournament at John W. Gunn. Practices are held on every Day 2 and 5 from 12:05pm to 12:35pm. Basketball 2015 The basketball season is almost over. The last mini-tournaments were held on March 4 for the Grade 7. We would like to thank the volunteer coaches for our teams this year. Grade 8 Girls: Lucia Grande, Grade 7 Boys: Emilene Pierce and Grade 7 Girls: Michel Piché, M. Chabot A special thank you to our Leadership students, our scorekeepers (Lenae, Sofia, Martine, Mariah, Macaila, Dylan) for the basketball season, and staff members (Mme Grimard, Mme Carrette, M.Reid, M.LeGal and M.Darazsi) who supervised the events. Divisional Badminton tournaments * Grade 6, 7 and 8 practices began on March 16 for the Grade 7 and March 17 for the Grade 8. Please visit ERP website for badminton schedule under Athletics. The teams will be selected by having students play off for the spots if necessary. (Grade 6 – No max. - Grade 7 & 8 – Max .12 girls and 12 boys by grade level) Grade 7: Monday, April 27, 2015 - 4:00pm MBCI or MMCI Grade 8: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 - 4:00pm MBCI or MMCI Grade 6: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 – 12:30pm @ ERP Grade 5 Handball At the end of April, date to be confirm by conveners, two grade 5 teams will participate in the divisional tournament. Practices are held on every Day 3 and 6 from 12:05pm to 12:35pm starting on April 7th, 2015. More detail to follow. ACTIVITÉS DU MIDI /NOON HOUR ACTIVITIES (12:05 P.M. -12:35P.M.) Jour 1/Day 1 – 6e/ Grade 6 Jour 4/Day 4 – 8e/Grade 8 Salle de jeux/Game Room Jour 2/Day 2 – 5e/ Grade Jour 3/Day 3 – 7e/Grade 5 7 Jour 5/Day 5 – 5e/Grade Jour 6/Day 6 – 7e/Grade 5 7 Jour 1/Day 1 – 5e/Grade 5 Jour 4/Day 4 – 5e/Grade 5 Mini –Hockey Foyer Jour 2/Day 2 – 8e/Grade 8 Jour 5/Day 5 – 7e/Grade 7 Jour 1/Day 1 – 7e Grade 7 Jour 4/Day 4 – 8e Grade 8 Gymnase/Gymnasium Jour 2/Day 2 – 6e Grade 6 Jour 3/Day 3 – 5e Grade 5 Jour 5/Day 5 – 6e Grade 6 Jour 6/Day 6 – 5e Grade 5 Jour 3/Day 3 – 6e/Grade 6 Jour 6/Day 6 – 6e/Grade 6 News from the Music Department February saw much activity in the Music Department of École Regent Park! On February 19 th and 20th the Grade 6 students took part in a very successful two day Band Workshop held here at the school. For two days, students were immersed in music and community building activities. There were full-band rehearsals and sectionals, as well as activities planned by their classroom teachers. They ended the two days with a small performance where, not only did they get the chance to show what they’d learnt over the last two days, but they got to hear their instructors perform! The next Grade 6 performance will be on Tuesday April 14th at the Level 1 Band festival. Our students play at 1:40 and the week-long festival is held at the North Kildonan Mennonite Church on the corner of Gateway and Springfield. Parents are welcome to attend. Admission for adults is only $2 and students get in free. Hope to see you there! On Thursday, March 19th, our Jazz Band will be heading to Brandon for the annual Brandon Jazz Festival. This two day trip will have the students performing in front of other school groups as well as adjudication from professional jazz musicians. Our students will also get to see other student and professional musicians play. ERP Spring Band Concert And don’t forget to mark June 4th into your calendars. That will be our ERP Spring Band concert and all Grade 6-8 band students will be performing. That concert will be at 7pm and held in the CPET gymnasium. The Grade 5 students will perform at their year-end assembly at the end of June. Counsellor’s Corner: Summer Camps: Information on several camps throughout Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario is available through the Manitoba Camping Association by visiting their website: www.mbcamping.ca or by calling 784-1130. The Sunshine Fund is a fund that will assist families financially to send their children to camp. The Manitoba Camping Association’s website has a list of accredited camps for which financial subsidy could be available. The Sunshine Fund application form is also available on their website or through the Sunshine Office at 784-1130. There is a “Taste of Camps” exhibit at the RBC Convention Centre from March 13 th-15th where the various camps will have a kiosk you can visit for more detailed information about each camp. It is the RV and summer fun exhibition and the entree fee is $12.00 for adults, children are free when accompanied by an adult, and the Friday, March 13th (Noon-10:00 p.m.) it is free for ladies. Students or parents can contact Mme Knight for application forms or further information about the camps and the Sunshine Fund. Warm Regards, Mme. Lori Knight School Counsellor Days 2,4,6 Library News Books for the Children’s Hospital I would like to thank all students and teachers for their ongoing support of our initiative to donate books to the Winnipeg Children’s Hospital. Special thanks to Mr. Piché, Mr. Rochette, Mme Grande, Kiara B., Aalyah S., Carly K. and all students of 7P for their really generous donation of books from their personal collections! At this point we already have 320 books donated! This initiative will be extended the whole month of March as to give the opportunity to those who didn’t have a chance to express their generosity. If you have books at home (children or adult books) that you don’t read or need anymore, please, bring them at school and put them in the special box in the school library. All donated books will be given for the Children’s Hospital Book Market sale. Here is some information about this event: Next Book Market Sale: April 21-25, 2015 held at: Donations at ERP The Children’s Hospital Book Market was established in 1961 and is the longest running fundraiser in support of the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba. In 2010, Book Market celebrated 50 years of supporting child health care in the province and brought in record sales! The concept of Book Market is simple. Members of the community drop off used books at our various outlets and volunteers sort, mark, pack and price books in over 65 categories that are then sold at three annual sales. Since its inception, the Book Market has raised about $7 million in support of child health care in Manitoba and received numerous awards including the Mayor’s Volunteer Service Award and a Teddy Award. Donations accepted till the end of March MYRCA 2015 In support of “I Love to Read Month” students who are reading MYRCA 2015 books were asked to answer the following question about the novel they loved the most: One thing I discovered reading this book…. Here are some interesting answers: It’s good to be creative and imaginative People can overcome their fears with a little help of friends Reading can be fun! No matter how bad someone makes you feel, there is something good coming up Just because someone is different, doesn’t mean they can’t have a friend There is always more to discover! Don’t judge someone from their looks! Being selfish never has good results I discovered a lot about OCD and the problems people go through You should always go after your dreams and always try your hardest I would like to thank all 120 students who took a little bit of time to reflect on their favorite book and answer the question above. There will be a draw among those who participated and the winners will go for a half day trip to McNally Robinson bookstore with Mme Krylov to purchase books for our library collection. I also would like to express my gratitude to Mme Grande, Mme Carrette and Mme Thompson for their support of our school MYRCA club. And last but not least…Thanks a lot to my helpers from the Library Club who assist me with all kind of projects in the library through the school year. Mme Tatyana Krylov IMPORTANT DATES 2014-2015 March 24 March 26 March 27 Fri March 30 – April 3 Second term reports sent home Annual Talent Show 1:00pm Student-led conferences 5:00 to 8:00 pm Student-led conferences (no classes) Spring break April 6 April 8 April 24 Mon Wed Fri First day of school (Day 5) Early dismissal 2:40 pm Coordinated Day (no classes) May 13 May 15 May 18 May 26 Wed Fri Mon Tue Early dismissal 2:40 pm Grade 8 Exit Interviews Victoria Day (no classes) Divisional Track and Field Day (grade 7 and 8) June June June June June Thu Thu/Fri Fri Mon Tue Spring Band Concert at CPET (grades 6,7,8) Grade 8 camping/cycling trip Year End Outing to Kildonan Park Grade level Year- End Assemblies Last day of school Dismissal 2: 25 pm 4 25/26 26 29 30 Tue Thu Thank you very much To Sandy Gould for the wonderful and creative seasonal arrangements that can be seen in the display case in the foyer. Be sure to stop by and check out what will be new for spring! March Display
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