Gotherington Topics

Contacts – Village Organisations
1st Gotherington Beaver Scout (Woodland Colony) Tue
(Forest Colony) Fri
1st Gotherington Cub Scouts
1st Gotherington Cub Scouts
1st Gotherington Scout Troop
Membership/waiting list enquiries
Caroline Sexton –
Ady Joy –
(07795 097704)
Sarah Phillips –
(07899 885294)
Michelle Rails –
(07748 536510
Craig Sprigmore –
1st Gotherington Brownies
1st Gotherington Rainbows
Lauren Coles (07760 886460) / Kirsten Stillman (673218)
Kirsten Stillman (673218)
Mon 6.00pm
Mon 3.30pm
Cricket Club
Winter 2014
Colin Ralph ( 673046) / Brian Cosgrove (676216)
Church of England
Gotherington Church Centre
Football Club (Junior)
3rd Wed 8pm
Gotherington Singers
Richard Reakes (675559)
Ellen Cooke (673170)
Rob Sharp (678057)
Gardening Club
1st,3rd&5th Mon 8pm
Local History Society
Parent and Toddler Group
4th Tue 8pm
Tue, Fri 9.30am
Joy Bradley (675223) / Pam Howell (673015)
Jo Mundy (230013) /
Caroline Meller (677489) / Jill Collins (672848)
Kim Rhodes (07931 376588)
Neighbourhood Watch
John Hicks (676848) / Mary Manders-Trett (674592)
Howard Samuels (672492) / Phil Smith (672970)
Les Howard 677949 / Berian Thomas 674397
Oxenton Village Hall
Oxenton Village Bookings
Chairman: John Bishton (677290) / Secretary: Pauline Bower
Valerie Martin (673233)
Parish Council
Parish Council Clerk
2nd Tue 7.30pm
David Hearn (674408)
David Roscoe(07917147627)
Parochial Church Council Secretary
Sarah Whitehead (674489)
Playing Field/Rex Rhodes Building Bookings
David Roscoe (07917147627)
Petanque Club
David Ward on (675080)/Christine Godsell (672821)
Sun, Wed, Fri
Rec. Club (For Nov 5 Bonfire)
Gary Thompson (676708) / Robert Swinson (675693)
Tennis Club
Andrew Harrington (677039) /Ian Donnelly (674404)
Village Hall (Gotherington)
Bookings co-ordinator
Mark Wreford-Bush / Bev Osborne (675741)
Lucy Donnelly (674404)
Bev Osborne (675741)
Howard Samuels (672492)
Village Hall Coffee Mornings. 1st Sat excl Jan & Aug
Christine Godsell (672821)/ Bev Osborne (675741)
Wine Club
3rd Tue 8pm
W.I. 4th Wed 7.30pm
Leo Horton (679899)
Christine Godsell (672821)
Rosemary Bishton (677290)
Myra Card (672651)
Mary Green
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Winter 2014
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As soon as I started asking for contributions for this edition of Topics, people
said “What - already? Doesn’t time fly?”. This phrase always reminds me of
the joke that my Grandad used to make – long before I was a teenager he
would peer at the face on our grandfather clock and then solemnly say
“Ah. Tempus Fugit – same bloke made our clock”. It was years before I
understood that many old clocks had Tempus Fugit on the face and even
longer before I understood why he thought his joke was so funny!
Anyway, time does fly and it will soon be Christmas. So inside you will find a
Christmas message from Rev Richard Reakes with details of the special
services being held plus reports on everything that has been occurring since
the last edition of Topics including the Remembrance Sunday Poppy Appeal.
Most importantly, perhaps, are updates on the ongoing planning applications
and information on the new Neighbourhood Development Plan. There is also
a reminder about the dangers of inconsiderate/illegal parking and information
about Healthwatch Gloucestershire, which aims to give local people an
influence on health and social care services.
It just remains for me in time-honoured fashion to wish all our readers
A Very Happy Christmas!
The Editor
Gotherington Topics
Winter 2014
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Brownies & Rainbows
Page 4
Christian Aid Volunteers Required
Church Of England & Christmas Service Time
Gardening Club
Gotherington Facebook Page
Gotherington Nurseries
Gotherington Primary School
Gotherington Singers
Gotherington Village Stores & Post Office
Junior Football Club
Local History Society
Neighbourhood Development Plan
Neighbourhood Watch
Problem Parking
Parent and Toddler Group
Parish Council Report
Petanque Club
Poppy Appeal
Rec. Club Bonfire Report
Refuse Collection Christmas Dates
Tewkesbury Borough Council Update
Village Agent
Village Hall Coffee Mornings
Village Hall Committee Report
Wine Club
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Winter 2014
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Topics is distributed to everyone in our three villages at Easter, Summer, Autumn and Christmas.
The next edition (Spring 2015) is due out during the week starting 23 rd March 2015.
You can find the most recent edition of Topics on the village website at
Contributions for Topics should be emailed to the Editor at
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Page 8
Iain Angus
Phil Aplin (Vice Chairman)
Ellen Cooke
Page 9
David Hearn (Chairman)
Page 26
David Ward
Page 25
Caroline Ryman
Sylvia Stokes
John Stroud
Jacquie Waine
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Contacts – General
Gotherington P.O. & Stores
Gotherington Nurseries
The Shutters
Gotherington Primary School
Doctor’s Stoke Road
Doctor’s Greyholme Surgery
Out of Hours Medical Services
Hospital Transport (Gill Lofts)
Village Agent
Borough Councillor A .Keyte
County Councillor Rob Bird
Garden House Nursery School
Creative Writing Classes
Yoga [Tuesdays] Sarah Martin
(0845 0901234)
(01242 673122)
(08454 220220)
(07752 152485)
(07810 630244) or 01452 426868
(07711 269 096)
(07913256364/01386 81886)
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Winter 2014
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Revised dates for refuse collection over the Christmas and New Year
holiday will be as follows:
Wednesday, 24 December
Wednesday, 24 December
Thursday, 25 December
Thursday, 8 January
Friday, 26 December
Friday, 9 January
Monday, 29 December
Monday, 29 December
Tuesday, 30 December
Tuesday, 30 December
Wednesday, 31 December
Wednesday, 31 December
Thursday, 1 January
Friday, 2 January
Friday, 2 January
Saturday, 3 January
Phil Aplin
Contact: 07752 152485
Contact: David Hearn on 674408 or
I was able to attend the recent Planning Committee meeting at Tewkesbury
Borough Council Offices where the application for development at Moat Farm
was discussed. It was reassuring to see that the recommendation from the
Planning Department to refuse was upheld. The war has not yet been won,
but the first, hopefully decisive, battle is behind us.
The Parish Council has been operating without a Clerk for the past several
months, but we now have several applicants, which should mean that one will
have been appointed by the time this is published
One of the big issues facing the Parish Council in the New Year is the election
of a new Council. No fewer than five existing councillors are standing down
in May - those leaving being; Iain Angus, Phil Aplin, Ellen Cooke, John
Stroud and Jacquie Waine. I would like to put on record my appreciation for
their efforts in what can sometimes be a thankless and difficult public service.
However, we are now looking for at least as many residents to stand for
election. If anyone wishes to be considered and feels that they have something
to offer the village, please make their application to the Parish Clerk.
The official weather forecast for winter is for it to be very wet and cold. To
reduce the risk of flooding, please ensure that the drain covers outside your
houses are kept clear of leaves. It is also very important to look out for those
most vulnerable at this time of year. If anyone has a neighbour in this
category, can they please ensure that they are comfortable, particularly when
the temperature is low.
Finally, the Parish Council would like to extend their appreciation for the
support of the village over the past months and we wish you all an enjoyable
Christmas and a very happy
Struggling with the handset?
Want to compare your energy charges to find the best rate?
Need someone to do that little job that you can’t manage yourself?
David Hearn, Chairperson
Just contact us to see how we can help you.
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Winter 2014
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Winter 2014
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Contact: Lauren Coles on /07760 886460 or Kirsten Stillman on 637218
We have had a great term, and welcomed some new girls to the pack. The
girls have been working hard, completing some more badges, making
pumpkin lanterns out of old jam jars, playing lots of games and of course
making friends. We had a lovely evening at Hobbycraft in Cheltenham
making decoupage boxes and look forward to a visit from the Paint Pot in
Tewkesbury when the girls can get creative making some Christmas gifts!
We will be doing lots of Christmas crafts in the next few weeks and have
our annual trip to the Roses to see the pantomime coming up.
We all wish Lauren, one of our leaders, a very happy Wedding day in a few
weeks time, and hope that she and Iain have a wonderful day.
We currently have a full pack, but some of our older girls will be leaving us
in the Spring, so if you know anyone who would like to join, please do give
us a call or drop us an email at
We meet on Monday evenings from 6-7.30pm in the village hall, and girls
can start once they turn 7 years old.
Contact: Kirsten Stillman on 637218 or
The Rainbows have had lots of fun completing their Festivals badge this
term. The girls made some pretty Diwali cards and we thought about
where our food comes from on our Harvest Festival evening. Our 6 newest
girls made their Promise at a special party. We had lots of fun making
hedgehog cupcakes and chocolate sparklers for Bonfire night.
Our pack is currently full, but if you would like to add your daughter's
name to the waiting list then please get in touch at, or give me a call on 673218. We meet on
Mondays from 3.30-4.45pm in the village hall, and girls must be 5 to start.
The aim of Healthwatch Gloucestershire is to give citizens and
local communities a stronger voice to influence and challenge
how health and social care services are commissioned and
provided. It will gather local people’s views and experiences of
health and social care. In this way, community views will have
real influence with those who commission and provide services
locally, which will help them to be more responsive to what
matters to service users and the public and enable the design of
services around needs.
In addition, Healthwatch will provide people with or signpost
them to information and advice, or to the Independent Health
Complaints Advocacy Service, if they need help to make a
complaint about NHS services they have received.
Healthwatch needs to hear from you. Tell us what you like and
dislike about the services you receive. How could they be
improved? What are your experiences? We are independent
from the services you use and will speak up for you. We want
you to feel listened to and to have the best local care. We want
to make it easy for you to talk to us and tell us how you want to
be involved and engaged.
To join us, go to the membership page of our website at It will only take a
few minutes, or you can call us free on 0800 652 5193 and we will
do it for you. We need your views and experiences to help us
influence and improve health and social care services in
Gloucestershire. Your voice really does count and can change
health and social care for the better.
Join us and make a difference today.
Tel: 0800 652 5193
For more information, email
or contact David Hearn, your local Healthwatch Area
Representative for Tewkesbury, email:
Kirsten Stillman
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Winter 2014
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Winter 2014
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Contact: Phone 01242 676722
John Hicks(Long Furlong Park) 676848 / Mary Manders-Trett (Malleson Road) 674592
Howard Samuels(Shutter Lane)672492 / Phil Smith(Malleson Road) 672970
Report a Crime - Contact the Police:
Reporting an emergency 999 or 112
Reporting non-emergencies 101
Bogus Callers 0808 1000 777
Crime Stoppers 0800 555 111
Gotherington had 4 crimes in September 2014 (anti-social behaviour,
burglary, other theft). The police information point for Gotherington is at
the Village Store and dates and times when the police are in attendance are
advertised throughout the village.
New Neighbourhood Watch signs have been installed throughout the
village including one at each entrance to Gotherington and these signs are
a visible deterrent. Gotherington Village website provides a link to a
dedicated NHW web site and to the “Neighbourhood Watch Mailing List”
where by entering your email details you will receive regular updates from
the Gloucestershire Constabulary for the surrounding area.
Howard Samuels
Thank you to who came to our annual Christmas Evening at Toddington
Garden Centre last month. It was lovely to catch up with you all.
We have received our first batch of Christmas trees which we can wrap to
make transport easier. Potted trees and real wreaths are available too. Gift
packs of amaryllis, planted containers, and houseplants are adding colour
to the shop and make lovely gifts for family and friends or yourselves. We
have many gift ideas from hand tools; propagation equipment and bird care
products to shrubs and trees – and if you are still stuck, why not buy
National Garden Gift Vouchers?
Don’t forget that home-grown winter bedding plants and homemade
winter hanging baskets are still available. Winter flowering heathers,
ornamental and fruit trees, shrubs and soft fruit plants including raspberry
canes and bare root hedging plants are also available now.
As the risk of frosts arrives, outside pipes and certain plants should be
protected. We have fleece and bubble wrap for this purpose. Keep planters
and baskets dry -. keep them moist but do not overwater. Remember the
birds too. They require water as well as food. We have a great new selection
of specialist bird feeds and feeders. Should the snow arrive, we have sledges,
snow shovels and rock salt at the ready as well as logs and kindling wood.
Sutton’s flower and vegetable seeds are available now. Early in the New
Year, we will have a great range of seed potatoes and onion sets, followed
by summer flowering bulbs in February and baby bedding plants in March.
As usual, we will close the Nurseries at lunchtime on Christmas Eve and
re-open 5th January 2015. We will be taking your real trees back for
recycling when we re-open in the New Year for two weeks.
The Home of Excellent Food, Great Real Ales
Outstanding Service & Great Value
Happy gardening!
Contact: Dave Moon on 01242 673122
Gotherington Topics
Winter 2014
Mark and Liz
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Winter 2014
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Contact: Tel: 01242 675454
Contact: Christine Godsell on 01242 672821 or email
The term continued has at great pace. We have seen much progress on the
new building with the foundations being laid for the new classroom block
and work starting on the new kitchen development. The school was also
delighted to announce some of our best progress results ever for pupils
leaving Year 6 in 2014 – well done to everyone involved.
How happy are we? You still keep filing in and keeping us on our toes.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! We can only assume you are enjoying it.
We have enjoyed many exciting events this term – most notably a Picasso
art workshop, an exciting robot evening for pupils and their parents and an
informative visit by local MP Laurence Robertson.
Residents may have noticed that the school is now using a temporary
entrance/exit, which is off the main public footpath. I would ask all
residents who use this footpath to walk dogs to be mindful that the children
and their parents will use this area for the foreseeable future. It is obviously
crucial that this is then kept clean and free from waste. Your continued
support with this important matter will be really appreciated.
We are now preparing for Christmas – another exciting and busy time!
Ben Jordan, Headteacher Gotherington Primary School
Contact: Mark Wreford-Bush/ Bev Osborne 675741
One of the big changes you will see before Christmas is the upgrade of our
chairs. At the last coffee morning, a number of samples were tested and the
new chairs have been chosen based on feedback from over 50 people. I would
like to take the opportunity to remind everyone that the village hall is
available to all for hire. We have a well-equipped kitchen with both hob and
oven. On more than one occasion, hirers have used the kitchen to prepare
their hot party food.
Now – I believe we have some more newcomers to the village, so please
come along to the coffee mornings and see what we do. I can guarantee
wonderful cakes, sizzling bacon butties and lots of happy, smiling faces.
I do have a plea though………we need new craft people. Can you help?
Would you like to hire a table yourself? Do you have any suggestions? Do
you know someone who would be good for us? Some of our craft people
have been loyal supporters for quite some time, but their lives are changing
and they are not always able to come. I would appreciate some help in
finding more.
By the time you read this, our December coffee morning will have already
happened. I hope you didn’t miss it. You may have a rest in January and
the next one will be in February 2015 – how the time flies! Do some
exercises and make room to indulge again then.
Don’t forget – the books are in the Village Hall all year round. There is an
honesty box for your 50p. If you ever need a book when the hall is closed for
holidays etc, just give me a ring and I can meet you there to have a look.
So, keep warm, enjoy Christmas and whatever you are doing we look
forward to seeing you in 2015.
Christine Godsell, Gotherington Village Hall Coffee Mornings
Mark Wreford-Bush, Chairman
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President - Rosemary Bishton (677290) -
Secretary - Myra Card
(672651) -
Treasurer - Mary Green
Contact: or phone 07810 630244
September - A girl’s life in the army.
Gillian Cane told us that in the 80s she was working in London in an
office. She had post-New Year blues and on a cold wet January day she
needed a change. The Army sounded exciting, so she joined up!
She loved every aspect of Army life - she even loved it when she had to
spend three days and nights in Ashdown Forest in the snow (“It came up
to our knees!”). On another occasion it was so cold she had a heated pad in
her thermal vest on parade. As she stood there she could smell burning and
it was coming from her! Afraid that she might self-combust, she ran back
to her barracks and stripped off to find her thermal vest had a big black
hole! What a lucky escape.
She told us of her many escapades and how she had made some firm friends.
It was a very entertaining evening.
October - History of Cotteswold Dairy
Roger Workman of Cotteswold Dairy told us his uncle delivered milk to a
lady in Tewkesbury in the 1930s when her former milkman was described
as ‘using the cow with the iron tail’, (watering down the milk). He told us
a number of funny stories.
Throughout the decades the family watchwords were: ‘quality, cleanliness
and friendliness.’ It certainly worked - their milk rounds went from
strength to strength. Not only did the rounds grow but the premises grew
as well and today milk, no matter what type, is processed in a very high
tech way with lots of testing.
Our next meeting is at : 7:30, 26th November 2014 this is our Annual
Meeting together with an evening of Humorous Poems by Paul Evans with
a seasonal poem competition. The Christmas party 10th December.
Are you concerned about the cost of heating your home? The Warm and
Well advice line has been helping people tackle their energy bills and make
their homes more comfortable for over 10 years.
Warm and Well have given advice and provided grants to thousands of
households in Gloucestershire helping them to stay warm and well. Their
trained energy advisors can give you practical advice on making your home
warmer, including installing loft and wall insulation or renewable
technologies as well as making sure your heating is up to scratch to help
you stretch your energy further and lower your fuel bills this winter.
In some areas of Gloucestershire, if you’re on certain benefits or over the
age of 60 you may be eligible for financial support for installing loft and
cavity wall insulation. Speak to a Warm and Well advisor to find out if you
qualify. The Council backed advice line can help you with all this and much
more. For free, impartial and local energy saving advice, call the Warm
and Well advice line on 0800 500 3076.
As this will be my last Newsletter before Christmas can I wish you all
happy and peaceful Christmas and extend my best wishes for a healthy and
hopefully prosperous 2015!
As always, if I can be of any assistance, I can be contacted on: 07810
630244 or by e-mail at:
If for any reason I am not available, please telephone either GRCC office
who will provide advice or, if appropriate, arrange for a Village &
Community Agent to contact you, on 01452 528491 or, if the matter is of
an urgent nature relating to care, contact the Adult Helpdesk on 01452
David Cooper
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Winter 2014
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Contact: Rob Sharp on 01242 678057 or
Contact: Christine Godsell on 672821 or
The season is now well under way and the teams from u7 to u18 have all
enjoyed the mild weather of this Autumn. Shane Duff, ex Cheltenham
Town and Bradford City player has once again run coaching sessions
which the players and coaches have benefited from. All of our coaches are
qualified to at least FA level 1 and have to attend regular “cpd” sessions
to keep qualifications up to date.We have FA Chartered status and
continue to adhere to all the high standards required to remain a
chartered club.
Our meeting in September comprised an innovative format of Fizz & Fish
& Chips and was very well attended and hugely enjoyed by everyone.
Joint winners of the Wine Taster of the Year at the October meeting were
Phil Aplin and Leo Horton. Last year’s winner, Chris Godsell, gave a very
well researched, informative and professional presentation of the “blinded”
wines which had been purchased in France at very competitive prices and
included some medal winners.
The club continues to benefit from support by the Gotherington Primary
School who allow us use of the playing field which is much appreciated.
With 170 players this season we are already making full use of Freeman
Field and other venues.
Preparations are under way for the Christmas Party, which will be along
the same lines as last year’s very successful event including music chosen
by members.
The club now has an online shop where players and supporters can
purchase everything from scarves, hats, gloves, training tops, and casual
wear. The web address is
In the meantime, the Committee is developing the 2015 programme. And
talking of the Committee, we are always looking out for new committee
members and it is important to note that the viability of the club depends
on the membership being willing to do it’s administrative bit.
The starting point for all the teams is the village school and we are
looking for somebody to step forward and take on the coaching for the u6
age group.
Rob Sharp, Chairman
Contact: Jo Mundy (01242 230013) or
Also, we are always keen to welcome new members and guests to the Wine
Club and it is important for the health of the Club that we continue to
attract some younger people. We already have a small coterie of active
younger members but there must be others out there in the village who
would be interested in joining us. So - please consider it, discuss it with
your friends and come along to try us out in 2015.
The subscription offers extremely good value compared with other wine
clubs, the programme always consists of a great variety of content and the
meetings are great social occasions.
7.30pm on Saturday 13th December 2014
at St Andrew's church, Montpellier, Cheltenham
A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.
Tickets available on the door £10 to include refreshments
Leo Horton, Chair.
or through Showcase, Montpellier, Cheltenham- tel 01242 224 144
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Winter 2014
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Gotherington Topics
Leo Horton, Chairperson
Winter 2014
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“By the Village, for the Village”
Contact: or phone 672249
Contact: Gary Thompson on 676708 or Robert Swinson on 675693
We are very pleased to report on a most successful event - the Bonfire was
hot, the Fireworks spectacular and the rain stayed off just long enough.
Figures are still coming in on profits, but we expect to be able to donate in
the order of £1000 to good causes both in the Village and further a field.
Many thanks to all those who helped, especially Scouts (excellent food),
Tennis Club (great bar) and all those individuals who come together just
for this event.
Congratulations also to all who put in an entry to the Guy Competition.
We had a good turn out and it was won this year by the Cubs & Beavers,
after expert judging by Rev Richard Reakes
...and a big thank you to all the contributors of combustibles in the Village
who made the Bonfire as large as it was. We were helped a lot by local
industry, but it's good to see we are still mostly self sufficient when it
comes to a good blaze.
See you all next year!
Robert Swinson and Gary Thompson
I’m pleased to advise that Gotherington is now on Facebook - just search
for Gotherington Village from your Facebook account. This is intended to
supplement the village website as a way of promoting communication
within the village. Please post anything relevant to the village on this page
(pictures are particularly welcome). It can also include publicity for any
activity that you are involved with which demands a wider audience. If you
do not have a Facebook account they are easy to set up, quite secure and
can disclose as much or as little information about yourself as you wish.
Phil Aplin
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Having failed to meet the £800 weekly sales target, our biggest challenge
recently has been persuading Camelot to let us keep the Lottery terminal. The
good news is we can keep it for the moment - but we do need to increase our
tickets sales to avoid further threats - so as well as a BIG THANK YOU to
everyone for their support, please make sure to buy your tickets from us - and
remember that scratch cards are great stocking fillers as well.
Unsurprisingly, small retailers are finding it harder to keep going and we are
lucky having the post office open the same hours as the shop (6.30am –
5.30pm Mon-Fri and 8am-12noon Sat & Sun). Remember that we have a
lovely range of jams, chutneys, cakes, tinned biscuit, and Christmas gifts that
you will not find in the supermarkets so please come and have a look and help
us to keep the shop going. We also make up lovely gift hampers from your
own selection from the shop at no extra charge.
Following last year’s success, we are again hiring out tables to sell your crafts
etc. This allows us to offer lots of homemade crafts that you would not get
anywhere else. So if you have anything you would like to sell, call in for more
information and to book a table - or if you’re looking for original present ideas,
come and browse to see what we have on offer
Continuing on the theme of crafts, our Children’s Crafts on a Saturday
morning are continuing to be very popular and we do a wide range of
different craft that children are not always able to experience otherwise. The
classes are normally 9.45-11.15 and children can be left as they are supervised
at all times. Book your place now if interested as we are doing lovely
Christmas presents, cards, boxes, gift wrap, etc. all home made between now
and Christmas. Our “Knit & Natter” group is run on a Tuesday morning
from 10am and is proving very popular – we can provide needless and wool
and even teaching if you would like to learn. We also have computer classes
most Wednesdays.
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Winter 2014
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Also from Thursday 20th November we are starting a cross stitch group
from 10am if you are interested in coming along. All kits and threads will
be supplied, as they have been kindly donated by a customer. We also have
lots of free craft material that we bought with our Post Office grant
including a sewing machine, card-making machine and lots more - all we
ask is that you buy a drink from the Tearoom.
If you run a small business and generate letters/parcels as a result, why not
come in and chat to us about the new drop and go service where we can
process your mail without you having to wait in line. Even if you have a
franking machine, this service could still work out more economical for
If you buy from Amazon you can now do a click and collect free to pick up
at your local PO rather than wait around at home for the delivery, or risk
missing them and having to collect from Cheltenham or Gloucester and of
course this helps keep your post office going.
We thank all customers old and new for your continued support and wish
you all a happy Christmas and prosperous New Year.
Maddie and Mike
Earlier this year every household received a copy of the Parish Plan which
drew attention to the issue of inconsiderate/illegal parking in the village.
Gotherington Primary School has done all it can to minimise the problem at
the start and end of the school day and any remaining inconvenience is
surely a small price to pay for having our own school in the village.
However there are other areas in the village where problems still occur and
a number of people have commented that weekends can be particularly
While most problems might result from visitors to the Village Hall and
sports matches on the playing fields, there are some persistent occurrences
when individual cars are parked blocking part of or the entire pavement
including corners. This is not only inconsiderate but also dangerous,
particularly during the darker Autumn and Winter evenings when children
walk from school to the After School Club and to Brownies, Rainbows,
Scouts etc. at the Village Hall.
So, if you are aware of a family member, friend or visitor who is in the habit
of parking in this way, please point out to them the danger that they are
causing and ask them to park safely and considerately.
Contacts: Caroline Meller 677 489 /
You’ll be pleased to learn that a jumble sale has been organised for
Saturday 28th February. If you have clean, quality jumble that you would
like to donate, then bring it along to the village hall between 9am and noon
on the day. Donations of clothing, shoes, bric-a-brac, books and toys will be
gratefully accepted but unfortunately furniture, however small, will not.
If you’re able to help, either with the sorting in the morning and/or with
selling items in the afternoon then please get in touch. If you would like to
buy a bargain then the door will open at 2pm, admission 20p.
Winter 2014
A volunteer is needed to organise the annual house-to-house collection.
Christian Aid Week in 2015 is 10-16 May and a dedicated team covers most
of the homes in the three villages. The organiser's role is to order supplies,
confirm collectors / fill gaps, and count and bank the proceeds into
Gotherington Post Office. None of this is onerous, as you will be dealing
with a friendly group of 16 long-standing supporters. I can provide all
information and guidance required.
Proceeds to go to the Church Funds of Woolstone and Oxenton.
Gotherington Topics
Contact: Ellen Cooke on 673170 or email
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Contact: or phone 01242 677767
Contact: or phone 01242 675080
Raspberry Field – planning consent has been granted. The new road
(which will have priority over the existing Shutter Lane) will be brought
up to adoptable standards and then handed over to the County Council.
Moat Farm - planning application was refused on 11 November and
although the applicants have the right of appeal, it is difficult to see how
they could overcome the landscape objections. Also, a detailed highway
assessment (which was not required for outline the planning application)
would reveal many issues and problems right in the centre of the Village.
The New Leisure Centre and Pool received planning consent this week.
It is hoped that work on this £7.5M project will take about a year and
should be finished around the end of 2015. This should be an excellent
modern facility for all and relatively easy for access from this area as it will
be located adjacent to the Council Offices.
The Council Offices £1.3M refurbishment was completed in September
and the Borough’s range of service now also holds the Police for the
Borough, Adult and Childrens’ Care Services, District Nurses, Job Centre
Plus, Citizens Advice Bureau, and now a team from the Fire & Rescue
Service. When the final floor is let, the Borough budget will benefit by
almost £250,000 each year.
Small Business Marketing Grants of between £250 and £1000 are
available to those working from rented or owned premises or starting out
with a home based business.. Contact Katie Power, or me, for details.
Flooding Grants of up to £5,000 still available. If you or your business
have suffered from flooding during 2014 then contact Katie Power who will
be pleased to help you secure funding to help adapt your property.
And finally, for the 5th year running we plan to have a Zero Per Cent
increase in Council Tax. This ‘freeze’ has had no impact on the services
that we provide to you.
The Parish Council have agreed to produce a Neighbourhood
Development Plan. This is an important document with real legal force
that will help to protect Gotherington for the next 17 years from further
unwanted development. It will achieve this by allowing the community to
choose where they want new homes to be built and to have their say on
what those new buildings should look like and what infrastructure should
be provided.
Our latest Parish Plan and the Housing Needs survey will be useful
documents to support our Neighbourhood Development Plan, but it has
to be clear, well prepared, and deliverable. There also needs to be an
opportunity for everyone with an interest in the area to get involved.
On 1st October, we held our first Neighbourhood Development Plan
meeting and identified 17 tasks which need to be completed in the next 2
to 3 months.
At the meeting we also set up groups of volunteers to work on a different
aspects or actions towards achieving our goals
we need your help to do this
So if you would like to help, please contact me or any member of the
Parish Council and we will agree which group or task you would prefer to
be involved in. The Parish Council sees our Neighbourhood Development
Plan as vital to safeguard and shape the future of the village, so please
give them your support. And if you are willing and able to help, your
involvement would be much appreciated.
David Ward, Chairman of Neighbourhood Development Plan
Allen Keyte , Tewkesbury Borough Councillor for Oxenton Hill Ward , Lead
Member for Finance & Property and Deputy Leader of the Council
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Contacts: Caroline Meller (677489) / Jill Collins (672848)
Contact: David Ward on 675080 or Christine Godsell on 672821
December meeting
Please note that this meeting will take place on Monday 8th December
rather than our regular Tuesday evening slot. Adrienne Grinyers and
Ingrid Walden are going to provide a festive feel with entertainment typical
of a Tudor Christmas. Mince pies and mulled cider will further enhance
this special occasion so come and join our celebration of Christmas at the
village hall, starting at 8pm (admission just £2 for visitors).
2015 Calendars
The success of our first calendar two years ago has inspired us to publish
another for 2015. This time the theme is local churches. The photographs
have all been taken by keen local photographers who have kindly given their
permission for their work to be reproduced. Copies, at £8 each, are
available from the village shop.
A history meeting children are bound to enjoy
It may be rather late in the evening for younger children but I thought it
was worth highlighting a talk to be given on Tuesday 27th January, 8pm, by
John Putley entitled ‘Stand and Deliver – Gloucestershire Highwaymen’.
John delivers this talk with such enthusiasm and expertise that I know
children would thoroughly enjoy hearing about some of the local escapades
of the past.
The LHS launches into the world of social media
The Society has decided to take the plunge! Follow us on Twitter
(@GotheringtonLHS) and keep up to date with the latest local research on
Facebook (Gotherington & Area Local History).
Well, that lovely spell of warm weather has now finished and we find
ourselves anticipating the icy grip of winter. But does this stop us playing
petanque? No! All winds and weathers (except driving rain or snow)
don’t bother some of us and we still turn up full of enthusiasm with
tingling fingers, scarves, hats, gloves, and boots. The air gets steamy with
our breath and the mutterings about the cold - but we are stalwarts.
We would love to see new players, so don’t be shy or nervous – none of us
could do a thing right when we started. You need no special skills or
strength. Just a heart full of fun.
If you ring one of the members and let us know when you would like to
come along, we can be sure to bring you some spare boules.
So why not come along and join us. You might get chilly but you won’t be
Christine Godsell
Contact: Amanda Reynolds on 677170 or
Do you write for your own pleasure or are you locked away in a cupboard
at night scribbling your memoirs? If you’ve never written anything more
than a birthday card or you’ve completed a novel then this class is for you!
The class suits all needs, complete beginners to experienced writers, looking
at all forms of writing from short stories to poems, journalism to novels
and how to get published.
Gotherington Creative Writing takes place between 1-3pm every Tuesday
in St Michael’s Church Hall, Bishops Cleeve– First Class Free!
Amanda Reynolds
Caroline Meller Chair, Gotherington and Area Local History Society
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Contact: Kim Rhodes on 07931 376588
Contact: Joy Bradley 675223/ Pam Howell 673015
The autumn term and run up to Christmas is always lots of fun with the
toddlers and babies, with so much for them to do!
We had a great buzz during Children in Need week, and the little ones
decorated Pudsey biscuits for charity - but we're not sure how many of
the Smarties made it onto the biscuits!
The baby mat is getting particularly busy at the moment, and it's been
wonderful to see so many of our regular mums having beautiful babies.
We will be providing lots of opportunities over November and December
to create special gifts for Christmas with photos of the children, pottery
painting, as well as making Christmas cards and decorations. By the time
you read this we'll also have enjoyed the Toddlers Christmas party, with
a special appearance from Father Christmas.
It's not all about the toddlers though - and having made it through the
run up to Christmas, the parents are looking forward to a fun, and well
deserved night out in Cheltenham just before Christmas. Any new
members or mums, dads, grandparents, minders thinking of coming
along are welcome, and it's a great chance to get to know each other
without little distractions!
Toddlers meets every Tuesday and Friday morning, 9.30 - 11.30, in the
Village Hall. Babies and toddlers are welcome up to and including preschoolers. The cost is £2 per family and your first session is free. We
have a large selection of toys and we like to run an activity each session.
Snacks and drinks are provided for the toddlers and also a much needed
coffee and biscuit for the parents! Please "like" our Facebook page for
further updates.
This has been a great year in my garden, perhaps because we started the
summer with so much moisture in the ground, and I seldom get problems
with the usual pests. Maybe that too is because I don't use insecticides
except in very exceptional circumstances and I keep a few wild places behind
my usually well-manicured lawn.
Our new season has got off to a good start with our members night in
September and an interesting and informative talk on vegetable growing in
October. Tickets for our Christmas party will be available at our November
meeting and now I'd better go and do some Autumn digging.
Gotherington Gardening Club meets in the Village Hall at 7:45 for an 8:00
start on the third Wednesday of every month except August when we have
our summer break and June when a member hosts our garden party.
Guests and new members are always welcome.
David Adamson
Kim Rhodes, Chairperson
Gotherington Topics
Harvest Festival at our grandchildren’s school made me realise how things
have changed through the years. When I was a boy, my father would take a
basket of his best vegetables and some of his finest chrysanthemums. My
mother took new bread and a couple of jars of jam. Now there seems to be a
preference for gifts of tinned food. Practical certainly, but disconnected from
the real harvest. Then the words from a harvest hymn " Wheat and tares
together sown, unto joy or sorrow grown" rang in my ears and I realised
that tares are no longer part of our weed and pest controlled drive for
monoculture efficiency that has been so harmful for wildlife. But there is a
fight back and farms are now encouraged to have 12 metre-wide
conservation headlands seeded with wheat and annual wildflowers which is
helping birds and insects return to our countryside – so there is hope yet!
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Contact: email: or phone:01242 675559
Contact: John Woolley on
Claire and I are looking forward to spending our first Christmas among
you and look ahead to all the celebrations. The churches in our villages are
preparing for a time of great joy as we celebrate the birth of Jesus.
For a lot of us, we will be concentrating on the big day - rushing around
getting all the shopping done, making sure we have enough food and
ensuring that everything is just so for all those who will be sharing this
festive season with us.
When our two girls were younger and we were about to embark on a long
journey, they would call out from the back seat of the car, ‘Are we nearly
there yet?” and we had only just got a few miles up the road! I’m sure we
can all empathise with that, but Christmas can be the same for all of us. We
are in a rush to get there and we forget the time that leads up to December
25th. The church calls this time leading up to Christmas, ‘Advent’ which
means ‘coming.’ Advent is a great time to prepare for the wonderful news
of Jesus’ birth. An opportunity to reflect and ponder the great mystery of
Christ’s birth. So let us enjoy this time leading up to Christmas and not be
in too much of a rush. I look forward to welcoming you at one of our
Every household will receive a card detailing all our Christmas Services.
Additionally, here is a note of our main Christmas Services:
Sun 21st December
Gotherington Village Hall
Festival of Carols and Readings followed
by mulled wine and mince pies
Christmas Eve
Crib Service
This year’s Poppy Appeal was especially poignant, taking place as it did 100
years after the beginning of the First World War. I am sure that many people
will have visited the Tower of London and reflected on the fact that each
poppy in that vast sea of red represents a life lost.
Moving as sacrifice on such a vast scale is, we must remember that, for every
service person that never returned, eight or ten did, and still do, return home
severely incapacitated physically and/or traumatized mentally.
We remember the fallen but we have a continuing duty of care and support to
the physically and mentally wounded and the surviving families of the dead.
This is what makes the Poppy Appeal so important and is why the generous
support of villagers means so much. This year, their generosity and the hard
work of collectors looks set to raise a total close to £2100. We also greatly
appreciate the kindness of local businesses that hosted collection boxes.
Our village service takes place at the junction of 3 roads and the youth
organizations march up from the Village Hall. That all this can take place in
quiet and safety is due to the efforts of our traffic marshals, Brian Cosgrove,
Jonathan Greenall and Graham Widdows.
They do a very important job in what can be difficult circumstances. One
would like to think that everyone appreciates the significance of Remembrance
Sunday and that it is worth suffering a little inconvenience once a year.
Sadly, this is not always so. Our marshals deserve a big vote of thanks.
Woolstone Church
Christmas Eve
11.30pm Midnight Communion
Christmas Day
Oxenton Church
John Woolley
Christmas Communion Woolstone Church
With my warmest best wishes.
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