LETTER OF INVITATION Date : May 7, 2015 CfP Ref: CfP.GP

Date : May 7, 2015
CfP Ref: CfP.GP-GK/001/2015
Subject: Call for Proposal for GP Green Knowledge Grant.
Dear Bapak/ Ibu,
In December19, 2014, MCA-Indonesia issued a Call for Expressions of Interest (EOI) to
identify partners with innovative Green Knowledge activities.
After appraisal of the GK Grants EOI applications, MCA-Indonesia is issuing this Call for
Proposals (CfPs) to those successful Applicants passed in the EOI appraisal process. As
you are one of the successful Applicant you are hereby invited to submit full proposal for
Green Knowledge Grant.
The invitation for Call for Proposal is not permissible to transfer to any other firm.
The Call for Proposal (CfP) is enclosed with this letter.
Please inform us via email address: gp.gk@mca-indonesia.go.id upon receipt of this
Letter of Invitation that you received the Letter of Invitation and Call for Proposal.
Yours Sincerely
Grant Administrative Support Team
MR21 Building, 6th Floor,
Jl. Menteng Raya No. 21
Jakarta 10340, Indonesia