JI. H. Agus Salim No. 115 Jakarta 10310 - Indonesia P.O. Box 3151, Jakarta 10031 Tel. +62-21 3154685 Fax. +62-21 3155276 E-mail: info@ekonid.or.id Internet: www.ekonid.com Per ku mpu lan Ekono mi Indonesia-Jerman Deut sch-I ndon esische Industrie- und Handelskammer Germa n-Indon esian Ch amber of Industry and Com merce To all Members of EKONID German - Indonesian Chamber of Industry and Commerce Jakarta, 27.04.2015 Invitation to the 45 th Annual Members Meeting Dear Members You are cordially invited to the 45 th Annual Members Meeting of the German - Indonesian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (EKONID) on: 28 May 2015 10.00 a.m. Western Indonesian Time at INTERCONTINENTAL JAKARTA MIDPLAZA HOTEL (Ballroom) "II. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 10-11, Jakarta 10220 Program I Agenda 09.30 Registration 10.00 Annual Members Meeting AGENDA: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Opening Report of the Board of Management Questions and Answers Ratification of the Annual Report 2014 Discharge of the Members of the Board of Management Introduction of the Candidates for the Members of the Board of Management Election of the new Members of the Board of Management Election of the auditor for the financial report covering 2015 Miscellaneous 12.00 Business Luncheon followed by the announcement of the election results· Invitation for Annual Members Meeting (AMM-02) Our Premium partners: o Mercedes·Benz Lufth _. -EY EK; NIO According to the Articles of Association of EKOI\JID, the quorum of 1/3 of the number of ordinary members of EKOf\llD being present and/or represented by proxies is required to constitute a quorum for a lawful General Members Meeting of EKOI\JID . Private (extraordinary) members shall not be counted for the quorum and shall have no voting rights. Please notify whether or not you will attend the Meeting by using the attached Attendance Form. If your company will not be able to attend the meeting, the member may confer a written power of attorney to a person by using the Power of Attorney as attached or a written Limited Proxy to a member of the election committee by using the Lim ited Proxy as attached and please send such power of attorney or limited proxy to us prior to 20 May 2015. To designate another person to represent a member to attend the 45 th Annual Members Meeting by virtue of a written power of attorney will assist us in reaching the quorum . If the quorum will not be reached , a second 45th Annual Members Meeting will be held after thirty minutes of the determination that the quorum for the first meeting has not been reached, and this notice/invitation shall also be deemed an invitation for such second 45 th Annual Members Meeting to be held on 21 April 2015. As a participant of the 45 th Annual Members Meeting we shall be glad to cordially invite you to our Get Together Networking Event subsequent to this Annual Members Meeting. We are looking forward to welcoming you at the 45 th Annual Members Meeting. Yours sincerely, German - Indonesian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (EKONID) Perkumpulan untuk meningkatkan Hubungan Ekonomi Indonesia - Jerman Enclosure: Please fill in the Attendance Form or Power of Attorney or Limited Proxy attached and reply to EKONID by mail, email to info@ekonid.or.id or via fax to: +62 (0) 21 3155276. Invitation fo r Annual Members Meeting (AMM-02) Our Premiu m partners: pr p ~ P 7
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