April, 2015, Grace to You

Grace to You
Grace Episcopal Church
The Very Rev. H. Scott Kirby,
April, 2015
“Like” us on Facebook
119 W. Humbird Street
P.O.Box 477
Rice Lake, Wisconsin 54868
Church circuit number: 715 434-1040
Our vision: “Come to know and live with God at our table.”
The mission of Grace Church is to have a church committed to God and our neighbors, sustained by
individuals dedicated to providing spiritual opportunities to enhance the feelings of family and community.
Around the Diocese of
Eau Claire:
Evangelism Workshop
at Grace Church,
Saturday, May 2nd
10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Bishop Lambert has asked that all
interested parties should read and
consider the following article by Archbishop Justin
Welby before the Evangelism Gathering on May
David Bauer to be ordained Deacon
Ascension Day, Thursday, May 14th, David Bauer
will be ordained to the Deaconate at 5:30 p.m. at
The Church of the Ascension in Hayward. There
will be a potluck supper following the service.
Schedule of Services for
Holy Week and Easter
Palm Sunday
March 29, 10:00 a.m.
Liturgy of the Palms begins in the
Great Room, followed by a procession
into the church for Holy Eucharist
No coffee hour after the service
Everyone please leave quietly to mark
the beginning of Holy Week.
Maundy Thursday
April 2, 7:30 p.m.
Foot Washing and Holy Eucharist
Vigil before the Blessed Sacrament
Good Friday
April 3, 12:30 p.m.
Holy Communion from the reserved
The Great Vigil of Easter,
April 4, 7:30 p.m.
Lighting of the Paschal Candle
The First Mass of Easter
Easter Day
April 5, 10:00 a.m.Holy Eucharist
Now taking sign ups for coffee hour
hosts for Easter Day
April Birthdays & Anniversaries
Grace Church Vestry
3 Sheila Drolson
6 Tom Yeakley
9 Bambridge Peterson
15 Nancy Plourde
17 Wayne North
22 Andrew Fowler
2 2 Taylor Beranek
24 Andy Leair
25 Marv Thompson
28 Bev & Steve Salisbury
29 Dakota Leair
29 Olivia Lick
30 Rob Funck
Mary Marsh, Sr. Warden
Steven Salisbury, Jr. Warden
LaVonne Thompson, Clerk
Mary Thompson, Treasurer
Greta Franti (2016)
Dave Rau (2016)
Joe Burnap (2017)
Paul Chase (2017)
Janelle Gruetzmacher (2018)
Suzanne Funck (2018)
A Message from Peggy Bradley
Peggy believes there are glowing angels at Grace
Church. She knows that she and her two dogs,
Skechers and Muffin, received wonderful gifts this
winter from individuals and groups at our church.
She bases this belief on the fact that when she came
to pay for her wintertime visit to the vet in Barron,
Peggy was told she had a zero balance for her dogs’
care. In another instance, she received bags of dog
food from the Rau families and others. She was
overcome with joy and happy tears of thankfulness.
Peggy wants you to know that she is grateful for the
help and love given by our church family.
Blessings on you and your two dogs, Peggy!!
Financial Report as of March 27, 2015
$34,279.60 General Checking Account
$ 1,491.68 Art in the Park Checking
$57,428.91 Savings Account (includes
Search, Memorial, Art in the
Park Savings, & General Fund
Our Seasonal Special
*Since 1922, The Episcopal Church has
taken an offering in its churches on Good
Friday to support the work of the Diocese of
Jerusalem. The offering supports the many
ministries of healing, feeding, and teaching
among the dioceses of the province. Your
offering box contains an envelope for this
*Our Lenten folder offering was designated
to the work of the Rice Lake Free Clinic.
The March 25th Rice Lake Chronotype had a
photo of members of the Rice Lake
Ministerial Association, in recognition for
linking a $25,000 donation to Thrivent
Financial. Grace Church had already
designated our Lenten offering for this local
non-profit. In addition, one-half of our Art
in the Park profits will be earmarked for the
Free Clinic.
*Our Easter offering has been designated for
the work that is being done in Jeanette,
Haiti. Read more about this work
on page 4.
Community Opportunities
From Lakeview Medical Center
Hospice Care:
Upcoming spring Hospice Volunteer training is
being offered free of charge by LMC. Hospice
volunteers are men and women of all ages and
backgrounds who give a few hours a week to assist
the terminally ill and their loved ones within the
program. Individuals interested in becoming a
Hospice volunteer must complete a 20-hour training
program provided by the LMC Hospice Team.
Training begins on April 6th, continuing each
Monday and Thursday evening through April 30th.
The training goes from 5:30-8:00 p.m.
Registration is required. Call 715 236-6255.
Classes offered by
Barron County Habitat for
Classes and workshops are being offered beginning
in April. They are free to the public and will be
held the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at
the ReStore in Cameron. The first class will be held
on April 7th. The topic will be Creating a
Container Garden.
Upcycling workshops will be held the 3rd Saturday
of each month at 10:00 a.m. Upcycling is the
process of repurposing old items into something
new. Participants will pay a small fee to cover the
cost of materials. The project will be turning a
cabinet door into a chalkboard.
Online registration will be taken for both of these
offerings. Visit the website at:
News about Jeannette, Haiti, from John Meacham
The Dioceses of Eau Claire and Milwaukee joined teams in the March 13-22nd trip to Haiti. Four people from
each diocese participated. The participants from the Diocese of Eau Claire were John & Carol Meacham, from
Spooner, and Crista Becker & Sheri Vandehaar from Chippewa Falls.
Port-Au-Prince (PAP) has seen some reconstruction and rebirth. The cathedral school is open and many
children are attending. The school has open buildings with tin roofs and they hope to rebuild a permanent
structure. As always, the children were happy and playing during recess. The cathedral building itself is in
ruin, with only several walls standing where once a beautiful building stood.
The road to Jeannette cutoff from PAP has been rebuilt since the earthquake, making travel easier. But the
small road to Jeannette from the main road is in very bad shape; and the several miles took almost 45 minutes.
St. Marc’s church and school are booming this time of year because school is in session. They have
kindergarten through 12th grades, with hopes of adding the 13th grade this fall. The clinic is open and pretty
well stocked with medicines. We are compiling a list of the 5 most important meds that are needed.
The trip projects included:
 Organizing the pharmacy in the clinic to make it easier for nurses to find items.
 Planting a school garden. We took heirloom seeds which will hopefully grow in the soil at school.
Many more seeds were left for replanting and planting during the cooler/wetter months.
 Replacing the cistern covers in the presbyter (building that houses the priest’s family & guests)
 Photographing all students who were in school; collecting letters from the children to their sponsors
 Doing fluoride treatments to 100, six and seven year olds
 Teaching correct tooth brushing routines, using the 800 donated tooth brushes
 Measuring the roofs of all buildings for their water retention area
 Repairing some vestments
 Repairing one treadle sewing machine, and repurposing three others into tables.
Even though we accomplished much, there is much more need. The food program is running out of finances
and the children are being fed 3 times/week rather than every day. For many children, this is the only big meal
of the day. The project budgeted $20,000 for the 10 month school year, but the price of food has risen
significantly. The project needs more general support in the way of sponsors. The children love the support
they get from sponsors and those who are not sponsored feel sad. Sponsorship is $250/year.
A vacation Bible School trip is being planned for July 24-Aug 2. If you are interested, please contact John
Meacham (johnm1825@yahoo.com)
The website for this project is HaitiProject.org
John says he is selling hand-made
decorative garden stakes made from oil
barrels in Haiti. They will be $30 each.
$12-$15 goes back to the artist and the
remainder will go directly to the Haiti
project to support the school. To purchase
them, you may contact him at :
715 635-3462.
Maundy Thursday
April 2
7:30 p.m.
Holy Eucharist
Father Kirby
The Service
Good Friday
April 3
12:30 p.m.
Holy Communion from
the reserved sacrament
Father Kirby
Heidi Olson
Server: Steve Salisbury
(Eucharistic Ministers)
Steve Salisbury
Mary Marsh
Jane Bender
Please sign up to read
parts of the Gospel
Easter Vigil
April 4
7:30 p.m.
Holy Eucharist
Father Kirby
Torch Bearers &
Eucharistic Ministers
Heidi Olson
Craig Fowler
Steve Salisbury
Lynn Fowler
Mary Marsh
Jim Pelish
Eucharistic Visitor
Coffee hour hosts
Easter Day
April 5
10:00 a.m.
Holy Eucharist
Father Kirby
Heidi Olson
Jon Olson
Steve Salisbury
Craig & Lynn
Greta Franti
1. Stacey Tubbs
2. Mary Marsh
3. Jim Pelish
Jim & Nancy Pelish
Heidi Olson
David Rau
Jon Olson
Marv & Mary
Suzanne Funck
Mary Marsh
Andy & Kevin Leair
Mary Marsh
Marv Thompson
Nancy Bender
Steve Salisbury
Please sign up to
for this ministry
If you are unable to serve as scheduled, please try to find your own substitute.
Give thanks for acolytes!
The 2nd Sun. of Easter
April 12
The Service
Holy Eucharist
Father Kirby
Heidi Olson
Craig Fowler
Torch Bearers &
Nancy Pelish
Eucharistic Ministers
Lynn Fowler
Mary Marsh
Eucharistic Visitor
Nancy Pelish
Bev & Steve Salisbury
Coffee Hour Hosts
Lynn Fowler
Marv Thompson
Cindy Hanson
Mary Thompson
The 3rd Sun of Easter
April 19
Holy Eucharist
Father Kirby
Organist Needed
Joe Burnap
Jon Olson
Bev Burnap
Jim Pelish
Bev Burnap
Dave & Robyn Rau
Steve Salisbury
Jim Pelish
Nancy Pelish
Bev Salisbury
The 4th Sun. of Easter
April 26
Holy Eucharist
Father Kirby
Heidi Olson
Dave Rau
Steve Salisbury
Jon Olson
Bev Burnap
Mary Marsh
Ty & Janelle
Ty Gruetzmacher
Nancy Bender
Liz Carlson
LaVonne Thompson