April 5, 2015 CATHEDRAL CHRONICLE 252 James St. N. Hamilton, Ontario L8R 2L3 905-527-1316 ext. 240 Please keep this as a handy reference to what is happening at your Cathedral. Please pray for the following people during the week. (Names remain on the list for one month. Please submit a new prayer request after that period of time if necessary.) Parish Cycle of Prayer: Don & Mary Hughes; Tim & Gail Huxley; Barb Jepson. Anglican Cycle of Prayer: In the world-wide Anglican Communion we pray for all the parishes around the world that are celebrating the resurrection today. In our diocese of Niagara we pray for St. Andrew, Grimsby, The Venerable Max Woolaver, Rector, The Reverend Jean Ruttan-Yates, Deacon, The Reverend Canon Elaine Hooker, Honorary Assistant and the people of that parish. In the Anglican/Lutheran prayer cycle we pray for Archbishop Colin Johnson and the people and clergy of the Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario and the dean, council and congregations of the Agassiz Conference of the Manitoba/Northwestern Ontario Synod. In our partner diocese of Cuba we pray for The Cathedral La Santisima Trinidad in Havana, The Very Reverend José Angel Gutiérrez Ferro, Dean and the people of that parish. Those who have asked to be remembered in our prayers: Jenny Dawson; Donelle de Vlaming; Katharine Greenfield; Susan Andrews; Wally Milton; Gordon Taylor; Alex Wright; Eric Mills; Scott Duggan; Richard Dawson; Bill Cooper; Heather Hayes; Brandon Johnson; Steve Hopkins; Kim; Hugh; Lucinda; Keith; Mabel; Margaret; Jim & Glen; Irene & Ken; Alex & Betty; Barry & Margaret; Colin; Gloria; Muriel; Isabel; Lucas; Dianne & Karl. The 40th Annual HAMILTON COMMUNITY PRAYER BREAKFAST Celebrating our 40 years: Facing Tomorrow with Hope Tuesday, May 5th at 7:30 am Liuna Station, 360 James St. N. Keynote Speaker: Laura Fortino Tickets $20, available from the church office. REGIONAL CONFIRMATION The regional Confirmat ion for Undermount is t aking place here, at t he Cat hedral, on Sunday aft ernoon, May 24. If you are int erest ed in confirmat ion for yourself or a family member, please speak t o one of t he clergy. Wat ch t his space for det ails about Confirma- CONTACT US 905-527-1316 EXT 240 cathedral@niagraanglican.ca Emergency on call clergy: 905-317-0546 FLOWER MEMORIALS If you would like to have flowers to remember or honour someone special or a special event in your life please contact Donelle de Vlaming. April 26, May 17 & 31, June 21 & 28 are available for altar flowers. All Sundays between April 19 and June 28 are available for flowers at the Chancel steps. CELEBRATING LIVES TRANSFORMED, TRANSFORMING LIVES TOGETHER On March 17, 1875, the incorporating Synod of the Diocese of Niagara was constituted. This anniversary challenges us to pick up the best threads of our history and weave a beautiful new tapestry. For more information visit http:// niagaraanglican.ca/140anniversary/ or pick up a brochure from the narthex table. Watch this spot for updates throughout the year. Easter Offering Envelopes are available in your pew or on the narthex table. EVENTS AT A GLANCE Monday, April 6th EASTER MONDAY Cathedral Place closed Tuesday, April 7th Holy Eucharist 7:30 am Salvation Army meal ticket programme 9:30 —11:00 am Wednesday, April 8th Holy Eucharist 12:15 pm Prayer Shawl Knitting group 1-3pm Parish Life/Outreach Committee meeting 5:30 pm Thursday, April 9th Holy Eucharist 12:15 pm Friday, April 10th James St. N. ‘Art Crawl’ 7-11 pm NATIONAL VOLUNTEER WEEK!! Sunday, April 12th Easter Two 8:30 Holy Eucharist 10:30 am Choral Eucharist Monday, April 13th Holy Eucharist 12:15 pm Tuesday, April 14th Holy Eucharist 7:30 am Salvation Army meal ticket programme 9:30 —11:00 am COFFEE HOUR.....Many thanks to the members of the ‘St. Veronica’ Team for hosting coffee hour this morning. Please join us following the service for light refreshments in the narthex. NEXT SUNDAY April 12, 2015 EASTER TWO Acts 4:32-35 Psalm 133 1 John 1:1-2:2 John 20:19-31 Presider: The Right Rev. D. Ralph Spence Preacher: The Reverend Canon J Lefebvre Around t he Bay for Cat hedral Choral Scholarships! The sun was shining and t he palms were waving! Many t hanks t o our part icipant s, sponsors and cheering squad (in Bishopsgat e on Sunday morning)! Pledges are st ill being calculat ed and collect ed so, we will have a t ot al for you in an upcoming Chronicle. St ay t uned! Wednesday, April 15th Holy Eucharist 12:15 pm Prayer Shawl Knitting group 1-3pm Thursday, April 16th Brass Monkeys 9-11 am Holy Eucharist 12:15 pm Sunday, April 19th Easter Three 8:30 Holy Eucharist 10:30 am Choral Eucharist Monday, April 20th Holy Eucharist 12:15 pm Tuesday, April 21st Holy Eucharist 7:30 am Salvation Army meal ticket programme 9:30 —11:00 am Wednesday, April 22nd Holy Eucharist 12:15 pm Prayer Shawl Knitting group 1-3pm Thursday, April 23rd Holy Eucharist 12:15 pm 'The Deans' Conference: The North American Deans' Conference is taking place this year in Jerusalem - a far away part of North America!!! The Dean and Anne are very much looking forward to this year's conference and appreciate the support of the Cathedral to enable them to attend. It will be Anne's first trip to Israel/Palestine! Since the location is such a great distance away, the conference is somewhat longer this year, so they will be gone almost two weeks, beginning on April 10. The deepening relationship between the Anglican Church of Canada with the Anglican Diocese of Jerusalem and the Dean's work with local Anglican and Lutherans in the Holy Land make this a significant event indeed. Please keep them and all those attending the conference in your prayers! Jamesville Children’s Centre Annual General Meeting Tuesday, April 21st, 2015 5:30-6:30 Light dinner will be served The City of Hamilton is the second community in Canada to pilot the 20,000 Homes Campaign. This is a national movement in which communities work together towards the goal of housing 20,000 people who are experiencing persistent homelessness by July 1, 2018. The city is seeking upwards of 100 volunteers to work shifts on Saturday, April 26 and Monday, April 27 to participate in our Registry Week for the 20,00 Homes Campaign. Volunteer Sign up Deadline: April 10, 2015 Successful applicants will be contacted by Friday April 17 about Training & Registry Week activities. Visit www.hamilton.ca/housing to apply. RSVP to jamesvillechildcentre@bellnet.ca All are welcome!
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