ST MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS CHURCH, PELSALL Sunday 28th December 2014—Holy Innocents Holy Communion : 8-00 am Family Eucharist : 10-00 am We extend a warm welcome to all who have come to worship. The Church is fitted with a loop system for the hard of hearing. Please switch your aid to the ‘T’ mark. The small chapel on the left hand side of church (The Ark) has books/pencils etc for younger children, please feel free to let them use this during the service Toilets are situated in the entrance to church on the right as you came in. After the 10-00 am service, you are invited to join us over a (free) cup of tea or coffee in the Church Centre. Invitation to Confession Post Communion Prayer On this day when we recall the murder of innocent lives, let us stand before our just and holy God, and remembering the violence and injustice of our world, confess our sins in penitence and faith. Lord Jesus Christ, in your humility you have stooped to share our human life with the most defenceless of your children: may we who have received these gifts of your passion rejoice in celebrating the witness of the Holy Innocents to the purity of your sacrifice made once for all upon the cross; for you are alive and reign, now and for ever. The Collect Heavenly Father, whose children suffered at the hands of Herod, though they had done no wrong: by the suffering of your Son and by the innocence of our lives frustrate all evil designs and establish your reign of justice and peace; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Readings First Reading: Jeremiah 31: 15-17; Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 1: 26-29; Gospel: Matthew 2: 13-18; in Church Blessing God, who gives life to the dead and comfort to the desolate, sustain you, keep you and console you, and the blessing of God almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be among you and remain with you always. Hymns at 10-00 am (NEH) 34 39 21 28 29 336 WHATS ON THIS WEEK Monday: 7-00 pm Bell ringing practice Tuesday: 9-00 am Morning Prayer (ALL welcome) Wednesday: 10-00 am Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Once in Royal David’s city Unto us a boy is born A great and mighty wonder In the bleak mid winter It came upon the midnight clear Angel voices ever singing Eucharist NEW YEARS DAY 2015 7-30 pm Eucharist 7-00 pm Choir practice in Church Hall Monday Tuesday: 9-30 am till 11-30 am Slimmers World 4-30 pm till 7-30 pm Slimmers World Wednesday: Thursday: 5-30 pm till 8-30 pm Slimmers World Friday: 7Saturday: In the unlikely event that the church has to be evacuated in an emergency please leave the building by the main doors at the rear of church or as directed by the wardens Sunday 28th December 2014 Holy Innocents Evensong 6.30pm First Reading: Isaiah 49: 14-25; Second Reading: Mark 10: 13-16; Psalm 123 (page 514) HYMNS Please see board at front of church Please remember in your prayers this week the years mind of:28th Sam Nutting 1st Jan Edna Burton 3rd Joyce Walker New years eve party TICKETS NOW ON SALE ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS CHURCH Wednesday 31st December IN THE CHURCH HALL From back of church or see Andy Chantler Tickets £15-00 Including meal (Doors open 7-30 pm ) SCOTTISH THEME ’ — DRESS TO IMPRESS THANK YOU to ALL who helped to decorate the church for Christmas with flowers etc. Thought for the week ‘Each new day gives us reasons to sing God’s praise’ The winning number in the draw last week was:- Next Sunday: 4th January 2015 Second Sunday of Christmas 8-00 am: Holy Communion 10-00 am: Family Eucharist 12-00noon: Holy Baptism 6-30 pm: Evensong Eucharistic Readings First Reading: Jeremiah 31: 7-14; Second Reading: Ephesians 1: 3-14; Gospel Reading: John 1: 10-18; Sidespersons: 8-00 am: M. Simpson. 10-00 am: B. Challinor, E. Hudson. 6-30 pm: Readings: 8-00 am: M. Simpson. 10-00 am: M. Cooper, A. Newport. 6-30 pm: K. Morris. Intercessions: A. Bagnall. Brasses: Coffee: J. Davenhill, V. Anthony. Flowers: Please take this sheet home with you for reference during the week ahead.
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