WELCOME! EQUIPPING Sunday—9AM Thank you for joining us today at the worship gathering. We are glad you are here. We hope that your time with us is enjoyable and helpful in your faith journey. Our desire is that God would bless and direct this time together and that our worship would honor Him. My wife and I would love to meet you in the Fireside Room after the service. Whether you are new to church of have been a follower of Jesus Christ for a long time we have a place for you and your family. We would love to guide you as you take your next step. Pastor Jon ABOUT OUR WORSHIP MUSIC OFFERING MESSAGE Sunday—10:30am Worship is an interactive, participatory experience. We invite you to join in as we praise God through singing by following the on-screen lyrics. We give tithes and offerings as an act of worship, obedience, celebration, and thanksgiving to the Lord. You can give during the service or anytime via our website. If you are a guest, you are not expected or obligated to give. The teaching time seeks to communicate God’s Truth in compelling, relevant ways. Feel free to take notes using the space provided in this Update. July 5, 2015 “God is Faithful” Communion Pastor Jon Longwell GRACE KIDS Every Sunday morning, Grace offers safe and caring environments for your kids to learn about Christ. We introduce children to the amazing love of God and what that means for their lives. Ages are birth through Grade 6. Please check-in your child at our Kidsport located on the top floor of this building before dropping them off at their room prior to the service and pick them up afterward. GRACE YOUTH Our Junior and Senior High age students are an important part of our Grace Church. We encourage teens to praise Jesus with their lives and grow in their faith walk. Our Youth House is adjacent to our parking lot on Eggert Road. GRACE ADULTS Our classes are designed to equip believers to become better disciples of Jesus Christ. Current classes end today. Equipping for next two Sundays: July 12th—Justin and Nicole Kennedy and their three children will be with us at 9am, sharing the ministry in Asia God has given them. Justin will be preaching at 10:30am Worship Time. July 19th begins a new session of classes to help equip us to be better followers of Christ. 1. New Beginnings-Gain a better understanding of the Bible and how to apply it to everyday life. 2. Philippians, Christ, the Source of Joy and Strength-As believers we can have peace, joy and contentment no matter what our circumstances. Life transformed. 3. Grace, More Than We Deserve, Greater Than We ImagineDo we settle for a wimpy grace or God’s wild one? Grace calls us to change and gives us the power to pull it off. Sign-up TODAY at Welcome Center. More info there. Following the Equipping hour please join us in the Community Room at 10am for Café Fellowship. Help yourself to a pastry, a hot or cold beverage and some great conversation. Make new friends! LIFE GROUPS Becoming a healthy Spirit filled disciple is more than a Sunday morning only thing. The primary way for you to grow, connect, and live in partnership with others is by getting connected to a Life Group. There are different ones to choose from, but all of them are focused on helping you be a better follower of Jesus Christ. Adult Groups are available Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. Children and Youth groups are available on Wednesday. Find one for you, commit to a small group and connect with our family. Our journey isn’t meant to be done alone. Contact Dave (683-7487). *Life Groups meeting this week: Sunday—Mineo, Mazur; C2, 7pm, check facebook Wednesday—Grace Youth, Teal (men), Tirone-picnic at Reed’s *Life Group leaders: We have heard that some of you aren’t meeting over the summer. Please notify the office with any changes to your schedule. NEXT STEPS Please complete your connection card in the pocket in front of you and place it in the offering plate during the service. Visit us on the web. You can find staff contact information, learn more about Grace, listen to past messages, and more! Scan the QR Code to go directly there or find us at www.GraceOnEggert.com Take the next step on your journey with Christ or in connecting with Grace. We would love to talk with you about attending an Equipping class or joining a Life Group. Sermon Notes OUTREACH OPPORUNITIES For opportunities to serve and share the Gospel along with specific time and contact information go to www.GraceOnEggert.com or the Growing in Grace newsletter. Please take the time to send a card, call or visit our GBC family members who are shut-in or recovering from an illness or surgery at home. A list is available at the Welcome Center. Pi ² PRAY • INVEST • INVITE What is Pi²? What does it look like in your life? PRAY Pray daily for those on your salvation list; for God arranged moments, opportunities, boldness and calm. INVEST and build authentic relationships and real friendships with those on your list. INVITE them to the appropriate level of commitment. Attend church, coffee to discuss faith, book. Pi² Next Door Connection Chiavetta’s Chicken BAR B QUE 12-2pm at Grace Baptist Church Sunday, July 26th Invitations for your Pi² friend(s) and more information is available at the Welcome Center. We pray that you will seize this opportunity to build a relationship with someone on your list. $6 tickets will be available in Fireside Room July 12th. COMING EVENTS: Mission Emphasis Sunday— July 12 with Justin and Nicole Kennedy and kids here. Missionary letter available in rack outside Worship Center. “CHURCH FAMILY” CAMP WEEKEND 2015—Sept.4-7. Singles and Families. More information coming Aug. 2. Our Newsletter, Growing in Grace, containing articles about our ministries and a calendar of events is available via email, at the Welcome Center or on the website (www.graceoneggert.com). Please contact the office with your news, activity and dates before the 20th of the month to include your info in the next issue of the Newsletter. Grace Baptist Church•2525 Eggert Rd.•Tonawanda, NY 14150 Phone: (716) 836-1525•Fax: (716) 837-0131 Office Hours: 9am-4pm, T-F (Closed Monday) Email: info@GraceOnEggert.com • Website: www.GraceOnEggert.com BAPTIST CHURCH More and Better Followers of Christ Our mission as a disciple of Jesus Christ is for more and better followers of Christ beginning in our local community and beyond to the world. Are you in?
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