Pace Newsletter – April 2015

The Pace of
PACE is published by
Grace Episcopal Church
36200 Ridge Rd.
Willoughby, OH 44094
Phone: (440) 942-1015
Web Site
Church Office Hours
9:00 a.m. to Noon
Monday - Friday
First 3 Sundays
each month
Team Teaching by :
Karla Zargari
Debbie Zimmerman
Lynn Kramp
Jerrie McCreary
Bobbin Davis
Tiffany Parks
Charlotte Stodt
Deadline for next Pace
is Sunday, April 26th
11 But Mary stood
weeping outside the tomb.
As she wept, she bent over
to look[a] into the tomb; 12
and she saw two angels in
white, sitting where the body
of Jesus had been lying, one
at the head and the other at
the feet. 13 They said to
her, “Woman, why are you
weeping?” She said to
them, “They have taken
away my Lord, and I do not
know where they have laid
him.” 14 When she had
said this, she turned around
and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not know that it was Jesus.
15 Jesus said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are
you looking for?” Supposing him to be the gardener, she said to him,
“Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him,
and I will take him away.” 16 Jesus said to her, “Mary!” She turned
and said to him in Hebrew, “Rabbouni!” (which means Teacher). 17
Jesus said to her, “Do not hold on to me, because I have not yet
ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and say to them, ‘I am
ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’”
18 Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, “I have
seen the Lord”; and she told them that he had said these things to her.
Excerpt from St. John’s Gospel
Ch. 20 selected for Easter
Sunday (NRSV):
Officers & Staff :
Inside this Pace :
Frank Burkacki
Senior Warden
(440) 975-1496
Greg Mackey
Junior Warden
(440) 256-3517
Harry Dodds
This & That
Worship committee
Vestry report
Church Mouse
From the Office
Relay for Life
Judith Stafanick
Haiku Poetry by Jim Hall
Judith Stafanick
Administrative Assistant
Scott Arra
Organist & Music Director
L e s s o n s / Re a d i n g s
Seasonal Haiku Poetry by parishioner Jim Hall / “Trinity Haiku” for April 2015
God to create us
Jesus to redeem us all
Ghost to light our ways
Evangelism committee hasn't met for some time now due to BAD Sunday weather, and I was
taking care of Frank during his post op period. Now that everything is looking up, we will be
meeting again Sunday April 12th @ 9:00 between the services to work on our approaches to
Evangelism. Anyone interested in reaching out to others in God's love is invited to join us.
Peggy Burkacki
This & That
The February minutes were
approved. Treasurer’s report
for February was accepted.
Frank Burkacki, Senior
Warden, is still looking into
having new furnaces and air
conditioning put in the rest of
the church.
Greg Mackey, Junior Warden:
Service had to be done to the
refrigerator in the undercroft
kitchen. The work on the
master bathroom in the
Rectory is in progress. There
are some other projects in
the Rectory to be completed
and are moving right along.
The Search Committee joined
Vestry to report on their
progress and to answer
Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.
Submitted by:
Judy Stafanick, Clerk
Holy W eek was discussed and
plans made at the March 10, 2015
Continued next column
*Palm Sunday – the color will be
red. We will start in the library
or outside if the weather cooperates. The Passion will be
read at the end of the service
and we will leave in silence
*Wednesday in Holy W eek –
Stations of the Cross and we will
start at 7pm
*Maundy Thursday – we will NOT
have the foot washing, but
instead focus on the Eucharist.
The candles and veil on the cross
will be red. The Eucharist will be
taken to the chapel altar. The
Altar Guild will strip the altar of
hangings and linens during the
reading of Psalm 22.
*Good Friday – there is not
closing hymn. Harry Dodds will
be asked to pound the nails. We
will leave in silence
*Saturday Vigil – new fire will be
lit outside and then the Pascal
Candle will be lit. The Pascal
Candle will be placed in front of
the altar and then taken to back
of the church for a baptism. A
baptism candle is needed. The
pew torches and altar candles
will be lit before Eucharist. The
altar will be set for the Eucharist
with the spring flowers on the
altar. There is not confession for
Easter or the 50 days of Easter.
Bring bells to ring.
*Easter Sunday – there will be
one service at 10am. The service
will be the usual Eucharistic
service using Eucharistic Prayer
A. Bring bells to ring.
The next meeting will be April 14,
Submitted by, Judy Stafanick
This & That
Rummage Sale ~ 2015
The annual Rummage Sale at Grace
Church will be held on Saturday, June
13. The proceeds from this sale will
be used to aid Grace's Relay for Life
If you wish to contribute to this sale,
your sale items may be placed in the
carpeted undercroft a rea next to the
Fellowship Hall until June 1st. If you
have something to donate and are
unable to transport it to the ch urch,
please contact W alt Iliff , Frank
Burkacki, or the office.. And
remember.......... one person's trash is
another person's treasure.
Destination Imagination
On Saturday, March 7th Nina and Natalie
Zargari along with Elena Waters competed in
a “Destination Imagination” Ohio Region
Tournament at Hiram College.
Out of 18 teams in their Fine Arts Challenge,
“Feary Tales” they won First Place, winning
medals for themselves and a trophy for their
school, Lindsey Elementary in Chesterland.
They will now compete in the State
Tournament in Mt. Vernon, Ohio on Saturday,
April 11th.
Good Luck to you all!
Proud Nana & Papa Zimmerman
T h i s y e a r o u r “W a l k
with Grace” team is
walking for Kallie
Kramp in all that we
do. She is the six
year old
granddaughter of Lynn and Karl
Kramp who was diagnosed with
neuroblastoma, a childhood form of
cancer. She is undergoing
treatment at this time, and we ask
you to keep her and her family in
your prayers.
W ith your help Relay for Life
profited $310 from our Soup and
Chili Cook-Off. You can also help
us if you or your friends go online
to purchase items from the Yankee
Candle Company@www.
Yankeecandlefundraising .com, and
enter group #990076072. W e will
again be selling orchids and mini orchids for Mother's Day; 40% -50%
of the proceeds from both
fundraisers go directly to Relay for
We are always looking for
volunteers to help us in the fight
against cancer. Please see a team
member with any questions or for
more information.
Peggy Burkacki
This & That
f rom th e Off ice :
Thank you to the Seasonal Brass for
being with us to make our Easter
Sunday Service special. The members
Ford Fram – Trumpet
Dan Georges – Trumpet
Marjerie MacNeal – Horn
Edward Kubasky – Trombone
The office will be closed Easter
Monday, April 6. To rest
and recover from Holy
Did ya hear the one about the
dog that was chasing the swans
on thin ice and fell in the
pond? Luckily there were
delivery people at the rectory
who went in after the dog to
drag him out. They are my
Here’s another ice story. When they tell you
to be careful on the ice, you need to listen.
Gayle Benigar and Toni Swisher both took
nasty falls and each broke a bone in their arm
requiring surgery. Hope they get better real
The Soup and Chili Cook-off went very well.
The Boy Scouts who were camping on the
grounds and cooked their chili outside won
First Prize.
And speaking of food, the St. Patrick’s Day
Lunch was really good with all those people
attending who were Irish for the day.
Birthdays in April
Pamela Stoldt
Katrina Krysiak
Natalie Zargari
Nicholas Zargari 8
Nina Zargari
Dennis Brothers 9
Deborah Zimmerman
Valerie Mackey 16
Judith Junda
Jerrie McCreary 20
Anniversaries in April
Frank & Peggy Burkacki 19
Phillip & Bobbin Davis 29
There sure are a lot of robins that have
returned to Grace after the long, cold winter
and from the looks of it they brought all their
I say spring is never really here until all the
dirty piles of snow are gone from the parking
There were some people who were very busy
on the Saturdays in March ridding the church
of dust and cobwebs and junk. If you know
who they are, you should thank them.
The office will be closed on Easter Monday.
Holy Week does the girl in and she needs to
rest and recover.
Just sitting here in the sun waiting for the
Glory of Easter morning.
Church Mouse
36200 Ridge Road
Willoughby, OH 44094
Dated material
Please deliver by April 1, 2015
April 5…………………………………….
The Sunday of the
April 12…………………………………….
The Second Sunday
of Easter
April 19…………………………………….
The Third Sunday
of Easter
April 26…………………………………….
The Fourth Sunday
of Easter
Acts 10:34-43
Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
John 20:1-18
Acts 4:32-35
Psalm 133
1 John 1:1- -2:2
John 20:19-31
Acts 3:12-19
Psalm 4
1 John 3:1-7
Luke 24:36b-48
Acts 4:5-12
Psalm 23
1 John 3:16-24
John 10:11-18