Colonel Light Gardens Uniting Church Service Times: 9.15am & 11am Office Hours Tuesday and Thursday mornings Minister of the Word: Rev. Lawrie Linggood 8276 7416 or 0400 285 697 Please note that Lawrie’s day off is Friday and you may contact Margaret Southwell if there are any emergencies. Pastoral Care Assistant: Margaret Southwell 8276 4667 Pastoral Support Worker: Karen Moore 0403 159 240 email: Children & Youth Activities: Karen Moore 0403 159 240 email: Property Bookings: John Slape 8179 5668 email: Office Administrator : Jan Barden 8276 7416 email: Newsletter deadline by 9am Thursdays, please. 560 Goodwood Road, Daw Park 5041 PO Box 109, Daw Park 5041 Office Phone: 8276 7416 email: 6 COLONEL LIGHT GARDENS UNITING CHURCH Sunday, 5th April 2015 Real Life is found in Jesus. The good news of Easter Sunday when the disciples of Jesus found the tomb empty and he was not there, but had risen from the grave, is that it gives each one of us the possibility of new life now. The power of the resurrection is not something that simply awaits us after death, but something that comes to us now; that proclaims the good news that new life is possible here, now. Today, there is no need to wait, any longer. Believe in Jesus; ask him to come into your life and everything changes. It seems like so many in our world are longing for an experience of Easter in their lives. People in our world are struggling in so many ways, with addictions, broken relationships, sickness, grief and fear and are damaged because the way this world has treated them. In so many ways, people are longing for new life. When Jesus rose from the tomb on that first Easter Sunday he not only gave them and us the promise and hope of life in the future with him, he gave us the ability to relate with the living God and to experience that new life now, today in this messy world we find ourselves in. So on this resurrection Sunday remember the words from the book of Peter “praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade.” Alleluia! Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia! God Bless, Lawrie Linggood We warmly WELCOME you to our Service this morning, and invite you to join us for MORNING TEA after………………... Acme Fellowship Tulips from Amsterdam Wednesday, 8th April commencing at 1.30pm Guest Speakers: Devotions: Vote of Thanks: Hostesses: Denise & John Cuffley Julie Brown Julie Brown J. Briwn, B. Tulk, J. Pederson THANK YOU to all who purchased Hot Cross Buns. This, together with the sale of Lion’s Christmas Cakes, and some generous donations, has enabled our church to donate $907.40 to the CLG & District Inter-Church Council’s Ministry in Clapham Primary School & Pasadena High School. Daphne Anderson What kind of Church do we want to be in 2020 ? Sunday, 19th April ~ 2—4pm Come along and share your dreams and visions as we discern God’s plan for us together EASTER—AN EXTRA LONG WEEKEND If you fancy company on the Monday of the Easter weekend, come to the Church Western Lawn for lunch. Bring your own plate & cutlery, meat for the BBQ and a salad or sweet to share. People Rostered for Sunday 12th April, Sanctuary/Hall setup: Flowers: Communion Prep Morning Tea: J. Cuffley J. Jackett B & C Hunt, M. Southwell 9.15am Rev. Lawrie Linggood HC Reception/Greeter M & B Thredgold Vestry/Reader: G. Scarborough Communion Serv: ,J. Dow Musicians Faye, Geraldine Singers Lyne, Pat, Denise, Carolyn Offering Counters H. Linggood, P. Sawley 11.00am Rev. Lawrie Linggood HC Reception/Greeter D & J Cuffley Vestry/Reader: P. Farmer Communion Serv: ,A. Pike, P. Farmer Organist Jenny Drilling Offering Counters J. Cuffley Banking: A. Datson Thank you for your ministry It’s appreciated Reminder... donate your recyclables to the church. The box is in the passage near Lawrie’s office. 70 people bringing in just one can each becomes $7 for the church! Cans, bottles, flavoured milk cartons and even yukult containers can be recycled - anything with 10c marked on it. All money goes toward the beautification of the cemetery. Thanks, Jan Triggs Time: 11.30am Date: Monday, 6th April Promoted by the Open House Adult Fellowship 2 ALL WELCOME Do you know someone who needs prayer? 5 Contact Daphne Anderson (8357 4349) Tuesday WEDNESDAY Playgroup 10am Tues 7th 10.00am 7.30pm Play Group Council of Mission Wed. 8th 9.30am 1.30pm Montessori Acme Fellowship Thu 9th METROPOLITAN MALE CHOIR of South Australia Fri 10th Sunday April 26th at 2pm Sat 11th MONTESSORI Friday, 10th April Karen Moore Mobile: 0403 159 240 9.30—11.30am Youth of Colonel Light Gardens Movie Night Email: Colonel Light Gardens Uniting Church Saturday 11th April Tickets $12 including Afternoon tea 9.15 & 10.30am Fitness classes 10.00 am Friendship Centre 11.00 am Coffee & Chat with God Youth ~ Movie Night 7.30pm 7.30pm Friendship Group You won’t believe it!!!!! Yes, it really is time to turn your FRIENDSHIP GROUP diaries to Friday, 21st August. DVD Evening at the home of Margaret Brisbane That’s the date booked for cooking curries at the Red Dove Café. 40/3 Cashel St., Pasadena Tickets may be purchased at the door or from DENISE FRASER at morning Tea He Is Risen For your Diary……. LUNCH NEXT SUNDAY He’s Risen indeed The Big Gum Tree Market. Are you or your family planning to do some Autumn, spring cleaning? Our Big Gum Tree Market needs books, toys,( especially puzzles). Also clean bric a brac items.Please consider us before you throw it out. 4 Thanks Denise after 11am Service All men and women who think this is something they can help with, are encouraged to see Clara Rayner for details. Our mission in the name of Jesus is:- to seek out, welcome and nurture newcomers to the faith to encourage ways of worship that are relevant to provide meaningful community service to care for the needs, hurts and hopes of all people, especially young families, the3lonely, the elderly & the disabled.
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