St. John Neumann Catholic Church 9000 Warfield Rd., Gaithersburg, MD 20886 MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday: 5:00 P.M. Sunday: 8:00, 9:30 and 11:15 A.M., 1:30 P.M. In Spanish Weekdays: Monday, (Except Holidays) Wednesday & Friday: 6:30 A.M. Monday: 12 Noon Tuesday - Saturday: 9:00 A.M. Holy Days: As Announced Morning Prayer : Monday: 11:45 A.M. Tuesday - Saturday: 8:45 A.M. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Monday: 11:30 - 11:50 A.M. Tuesday thru Friday: 8:30 – 8:50 A.M. Saturday: 9:30 – 10:30 A.M. & 3:30 – 4:30 PM Sunday: 12:30 - 1:15 P.M. In Spanish Easter April5,2015 Parish Staff Rev. Joseph Rogers, Pastor Rev. David Wells, Parochial Vicar Rev. Peter Sweeney, In Residence Gene Cummins, Deacon Michael Davy, Deacon Carlo Caraballo, Deacon Mary Lu Hartsell, Director Of Music & Liturgy Robert Kirby, Clerk Luis Marroquin, Spanish Choir Director Maureen Joseph, Director Of Religious Formation M. Cecilia Dayao, Administrative Assistant, Rel. Form. Rebecca Felts, Youth Minister Rebecca Tuban, Executive Assistant Maria Idoni, Administrative Assistant Maria Ortiz, Census and Sacramental Record Clerk Receptionists AM-Gloria Fernandez PM-Steve Castellano Hector And Norma Ramos, Maintenance Staff Beth Smith, Finance Council Chair Officers of the Pastoral Council: Rev. Joseph Rogers, Pastor FIRST FRIDAY: Exposition and Litany following the 9:00 A.M. Mass Perpetual Adoration in the Church all day Reconciliation: 6:30 P.M. - 7:15 P.M. Mass: 7:30 P.M. Holy Hour: 8:00 P.M.-9:00 P.M. Benediction: Following Holy Hour NOVENA: Miraculous Medal: Monday after the Noon Mass St. John Neumann: Thursday after the 9:00 A.M. Mass ROSARY: Monday: After the Miraculous Medal Novena Thursday: After the St. John Neumann Novena Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday: After the 9:00 A.M. Mass BENEDICTION: After First Friday's Evening Mass PERPETUAL EUCHARIST ADORATION: 24 hrs. a day – 7 days a week in the Adoration Chapel, except 1st Fri. in Main Church. Controlled entry between 9 P.M. and 7 A.M. Contact rectory for more information. SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION: For information about receiving the Sacraments of BAPTISM, CONFIRMATION and MARRIAGE, please contact the rectory. ANOINTING of the SICK and EUCHARIST to the SICK: Parishioners unable to attend Mass on the weekends or who are ill are encouraged to call the rectory to receive these Sacraments. RECTORY OFFICE INFORMATION: Tel: 301-977-5492 • Fax: 301-977-3559 Mailing Address: 8900 Lochaven Drive Gaithersburg, MD 20882-4460 e-mail: Hours: Mon - Fri 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Closed Noon - 1:00 P.M. for Lunch Closed Friday at Noon during June, July and August MUSIC MINISTRY OFFICE: Tel: 301-330-7565—Closed on Friday. RELIGIOUS FORMATION OFFICE: Tel: 301-977-7990 • Fax: 301-330-3235 Hours: Sunday and Monday: Closed Tuesday: 11:00 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. MISSION STATEMENT: United in the love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, We commit ourselves as a welcoming Catholic community: To worship God in Word and Sacrament; To learn, live and share our Faith; To serve the vulnerable and the poor among us; And to reconcile ourselves with God and one another. BULLETIN DEADLINE: Two Fridays before published date, EXCEPT holidays. SAINT JOHN NEUMANN CATHOLIC CHURCH FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK “LET THE RISEN JESUS ENTER YOUR LIFE!” - POPE FRANCIS Dear Saint John Neumann Family and Friends, ALLELUIA! JESUS IS RISEN! The power and light of Jesus Christ renew the whole world! BUT WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? The power and light of Jesus are given to us at Baptism. In Baptism we enter into the hidden domain of the Resurrection. For this reason St. Paul tells us, “For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God” (Col 3:3). This hiddenness of Christ, his hidden Lordship as the Risen One, is accessible by the interior gift of grace. Grace acts within us silently, humbly, gently, inviting us to love, to forgive, to trust, to believe, to hope, to sacrifice, to seek Jesus, to listen to Him, to desire, follow and proclaim Him. The Resurrection is the new and eternal domain where Christ reigns. His humanity has been fully divinized. His eternal Love calls us and draws us to Himself (cf. Jn 12:32). He is always accessible to us, always present to us: in every time and language, to every person, family, nation, and culture. He has entered the domain of indestructible Life, and “this life” is “the light of the human race” (John 1:4). “SO, FATHER, HOW DO WE FOLLOW THE RISEN JESUS?” Two years ago as he celebrated his first Easter as our newly elected Holy Father, Pope Francis shared with us a spiritual path to live each day in the light and joy of the Resurrection: “Let the risen Jesus enter your life, welcome him as a friend, with trust: he is life! If up till now you have kept him at a distance, step forward. He will receive you with open arms. If you have been indifferent, take the risk: you won’t be disappointed. If following him seems difficult, don’t be afraid, trust him, be confident that he is close to you, he is with you and he will give you the peace you are looking for and the strength to live as he would have you do.” For those of us who are baptized, trusting in Jesus includes returning to confession. My dear brothers and sisters, if there is anything in your life that you need to bring before the Risen Lord, anything in need of being reconciled with Him and His Church, do not be afraid to make a good confession. There, in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, it is the risen Jesus who forgives us and gives us His peace. In fact, next Sunday we will celebrate DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY, a day dedicated to God’s power to forgive our sins and restore us to new life. We will have confessions at 12:30PM and 3PM and a Mass particularly dedicated to the feast at 3:30PM. If you have been away from the Church, why not come next Sunday? “Confession? But, Father, I don’t remember the prayers, and my sins are too big to be forgiven.” Don’t worry about the prayers or even your sins. As priests we are overjoyed to help you with the prayers and to share with you the gift of Divine Mercy. No sin is EASTER SUNDAY ___ APRIL 5, 2015 too big for Jesus to forgive. Come with your heart open. Jesus does not condemn you. His Pierced Heart is open for you. His power and light – His Blood and Water – are given to us in His Mercy. “Let the risen Jesus enter your life!” Happy Easter! In the Heart of Mary, Mother of the Risen Lord, Fr. Joe Once again, we are hosting the sale of various religious items (Images of the Virgin Mary, Bibles, Catechisms, Rosaries, Rosary Bracelets, Prayer Books, St. Benedict Rosary and Bracelets, etc.) on Sat., April 25, at the 5PM Mass & Sun., April 26 after all of the Masses. The proceeds from the sale of the items will go to support this year's picnic. We plan to host another "all Masses sale" sometime in May. As Father Joe has said, "Not only is this of benefit to the picnic, but I think the religious items sales fill a void for Catholic gifts and sacramentals that the parishioners are grateful is filled, especially as First Communions, and Confirmations are approaching." It is also a great way to enhance your Catholic faith, evangelize, and educate. Our Priests and Deacons will be available to Bless items purchased. During the sale, we will also sell $1 Raffle tickets for the Statue of Virgin of Rosa Mystica (19" high). These proceeds also benefit the picnic. This beautiful image represents a Marian devotion for all male and female institutes, religious orders, and secular priests. Those who venerate through prayer to the Virgin of Rosa Mystica will have protection, there will be an increase of spiritual vocations, few betrayed vocations, and great sanctity among the servants of God. Raffle day will be Sun., May 10th, Mother's Day. AROUND THE COMMUNITY Schools, Other Parishes and Beyond . . . Monthly Reflections for Men and for Women-Take time out of busy schedule and find something differing. Each session includes: Mass, guided meditations, opportunity for confession and a delicious meal. No reservations required to attend. Suggested donations: $10 per person. Reflections for Men offered the first Wednesday of each month, 7-9:30pm. Reflections for Women offered twice on the fourth Wednesday: Morning session: 9:45 am -12:30 pm/Evening session: 7-9:45 PM. Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center, 7007 Bradley Blvd., Bethesda, MD 20817. Info: or 301365-0612. Catholic Student Center @ University of Maryland 50th Anniversary Bulletin Announcement: Current and former Catholic Terps, friends, & family are invited to the 50th Anniversary Celebration of The Catholic Student Center at the University of Maryland on Saturday, April 25th. This fun and family-friendly event begins with Mass at 5pm, followed by a pig roast, BBQ dinner, raffle items and much more! Tickets are required. Visit for info. POPE FRANCIS’ INTENTIONS April 2015 - Universal: That people may learn to respect creation and care for it as a gift of God. Evangelization: That persecuted Christians may feel the consoling presence of the Risen Lord and the solidarity of all the Church. The Apostleship of Prayer receives monthly prayer intentions from the Holy Father and urges Christians throughout the world to unite in prayer for those intentions. The reflections above seek to illuminate the Holy Father's concerns in the context of the daily readings and feasts. As always, please keep these intentions in your heart as you read and pray. SAINT JOHN NEUMANN CATHOLIC CHURCH ___ APRIL 5, 2015 PARISH HIGHLIGHTS For full Parish Calendar see website: 2015 Annual Jubilarian Mass-Cardinal Donald Wuerl celebrates the annual Jubilarian Mass honoring couples married 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 and 51+ years on Sunday, June 21, 2015 at 2:00pm at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Names of jubilarians need to called in to Maria Idoni by Friday, April 10th. Food Drive-Coming up April 11/12 and the food is to be brought back the weekend of April 18/19. SJN Book Club-Join us as we read and discuss Grunt Padre about Servant of God Fr. Vincent Capodanno, MM, a Naval/Marine Corps chaplain killed in 1967 while serving in Vietnam, whose cause for the canonization was opened in 2006. We will meet Friday, April 24 at 7:30 p.m. in the Rectory basement meeting room to discuss the "holiness and heroism" of this "priest for everyone, Catholic and nonCatholic alike" and reflect on what makes a person saintly. For further info, call Tony Bosnick 301-977-7017 or Mike Duggan 301-947-0706. All are welcome. MARIAN DEVOTION: Maria Rosa Mystica-St. John Neumann Church has started this devotion on March 25th for families, the priesthood and consecrated life by way of enthroning the pilgrim statue of the Rosa Mystica in the homes of the parishioners (English, Spanish and French speaking) as per their request. Sign-up sheet is available in the lobby. The SJN Men’s Group is having a Bake Sale! April 11th & 12th to support of the parish picnic. Sign-up in the Lobby to bake for them this weekend. Divine Mercy Sunday Masses Sunday April 12th 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM, *11:30 11:30 AM Eng. 1:30 PM (Spanish), **3:30 Bi-lingual *Please note the 11:15 AM Mass has been changed to 11:30 AM. We will return to our regular schedule next weekend. ** Divine Mercy Celebration. Confession will be offered at 12:30 & 3:00 PM. Pray the Rosary for the Priests in Your Life-When praying the rosary, offer the first decade for the priest who baptized you, the second for the priest who gave you First Communion, the third for the bishop who confirmed you, the fourth for the priest who witnessed your marriage or the bishop who ordained you (or will do so in the future), and the fifth decade for the priest who will anoint you at your death. THIS WEEK’S READINGS AND MASS INTENTIONS APRIL 5-APRIL 12 Sunday Apr-5 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM Monday Apr-6 6:30 AM Tuesday Apr-7 9:00 AM Wednesday Apr-8 6:30 AM Thursday Apr-9 9:00 AM Friday Apr-10 6:30 AM Saturday Sunday Apr-11 9:00 AM Apr-12 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM EASTER SUNDAY Easter Sunday Bill Varrieur The Sharfinski Family Victor A. Schingo NO AM MASS Mk 11:1-10 / Is 50:4-7 / Phil 2:6-11 / Mk 14:1--15:47 Psalter I or II 1:30 PM For the People Acts 2:14,22-23 / Mt 28:8-15 Noon Courtney Lenaburg Acts 2:36-41 / Jn 20:11-18 Flaviano Tanassio John Roeder Acts 3:1-10 / Lk 24:13-35 9:00 AM Gloria Varrieur Acts 3:11-26 / Lk 24:35-48 Joseph Fisher Emil Livi Elsa Gladys Arevalo Divine Mercy Sunday Flaviano Tanassio Thomas Ferris Donald Ryan Acts 4:1-12 / Jn 21:1-14 9:00 AM Michael Blanche Acts 4:13-21 / Mk 16:9-15 5:00 PM Stanley Kogut Acts 4:32-35 / 1Jn 5:1-6 / Jn 20:19-31 Psalter II 1:30 PM For the People SAINT JOHN NEUMANN CATHOLIC CHURCH PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Harald 301.926.7014 Susan 301.926.8335 “You loved me from all eternity, therefore you created me. You loved me after you had made me, therefore you became man for me. You loved me after you became man for me, therefore you lived and died for me, therefore you rose again for me. “You loved me after you had risen for me, therefore you went to prepare a place for me. You loved me after you had gone to prepare a place for me, therefore you came back to me. “You loved me after you came back to me, therefore you desired to enter into me and be united to me. “This is the meaning of the Blessed Sacrament. You loved me after you had died for me. The mystery of love.” (Archbishop Goodier) “I am the Resurrection and the Life” (Jn 11:25) Regular adorers are needed for the following time: Wednesday, 2 pm–3 pm TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE COMPLETE A CARD JOIN US IN PRAYING THE ROSARY FOR ADORATION ON MONDAYS AT 7 PM IN THE PARENTING ROOM AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE Schools, Other Parishes and Beyond . . . Living Everyday with Passion and Purpose–By Matthew Kelly-St John Neumann is honored to cosponsor Matthew Kelly (international speaker and author who has dedicated his life to helping people become the– best version of themselves) at a speaking engagement. Date: Friday, April 17 . Time: 7 PM. Place: St Peter’s Catholic Church, 2900 Olney-Sandy Spring Rd, Olney, MD. Matthew Kelly, invites us all to identify God's voice in our lives and the specific purpose for which we've been created. He inspires attendees to apply the genius of Catholicism to every aspect of our lives including prayer & spirituality, work, dating & marriage, personal finances, health & well-being, parenting, and community involvement. Matthew Kelly, and musician, Eliot Morris, have prepared a unique message inspired by God and the teachings of the Church that promises to radiate in your life. Consider most people take more time to plan their annual vacation than they do to discover the voice of God and His plan for their life. Tickets are $39.00 per person and only available via the internet. Seats are going quickly and the show is expected to be a sellout. Use this link to order your tickets today. Passion-and-Purpose-Live-Olney-MD-p/pppm041715.htm KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL #12127 Tom Firestone, Grand Knight Mark your Calendars! 5/16-17 Yard Sale-Neumann House, (Advance help is needed, Please contact Knight Michael May 301-253-6701). Drop off of items anytime at the Neumann House. EASTER SUNDAY ___ APRIL 5, 2015 RELIGIOUS FORMATION Maureen Joseph, 301-977-7990 For info on SJN Religious Formation or our Sacramental Preparation Programs and Events for Children and Adults (R.C.I.C. or R.C.I.A.), visit our website: Click on Religious Formation. MARRIAGE AND FAMILY LIFE For the Domestic Church Worldwide Marriage Encounter-Are you looking to put Christ in your marriage? Deepen your communication, rekindle your romance and renew your sacrament by attending the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend in the Archdiocese of Washington on April 17-19, 2015 in Rockville, MD For info and apply online visit;, or call 301-541-7007, or email; 2015 World Meeting of Families-Sept. 22-27, Phi., PA hosting the 8th Meeting. Expected to draw a worldwide audience. Since its inception by Pope St. John Paul II, it has sought to strengthen the sacred bonds of family across the globe. Sponsored by the Holy See’s Pontifical Council for the Family. Event takes place every three years, each meeting has a theme. Theme is “The Gospel of the Family, Resource of Humanity,” to emphasize the good news of the family and its intrinsic value to the good of society. Pope Francis will attend. Info: or Three to Get Married Marriage Preparation Weekends- Upcoming dates: Apr 23-26, May 7-10, May 21-24, Jun 18-21 Are You Ready? You’re not just planning a wedding, you’re preparing for a lifetime. Our marriage prep course is an intensive preparation experience true to the teachings of the Catholic Church. Convenient oneweekend schedule. FOCCUS Inventory included. $285 per couple. Registration required. 301-365-0612. Weekends fill up, so reserve your spot now! AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE Schools, Other Parishes and Beyond . . . Gabriel Network’s 20th Anniversary Gala-Sat., May 2 , 6:30-10PM at Knights of Columbus Rosensteel Hall, 9707 Rosensteel Ave., Silver Spring, MD. Join us as we share stories from our twenty-year history that will warm your hearts and inspire you to breathe even more life into our vital mission. Register visit or call 800-264-3565 x 301. Mary of Nazareth School Our Parish School Have you been thinking about a Catholic education for your child? Mary of Nazareth School has openings in Kindergarten and First grade for the 2015-2016 school year. Please consider visiting us for a tour of our beautiful facilities and to discuss our curriculum. For more info about our school, visit our website: To schedule a tour of the school, contact Mrs. Maryellen Weir at We look forward to seeing you. SAINT JOHN NEUMANN CATHOLIC CHURCH PRO-LIFE NEWS Grace Morrison-Contact 240-997-5403 Committee Chair –Open Late-Term Abortion Clinic - Join SJN parishioners on Mondays from 8-10 AM on Wisteria Drive in Germantown to pray. Over 200 babies have been saved by the Lord’s grace and many prayers. For directions and to view the movie trailer documenting this pro-life effort go to: Project Rachel Ministry, sponsored by the Archdiocese of Washington, is hosting support groups for women who have feelings of shame, guilt, sadness and other difficult emotions, over their abortion experience. The support groups are forming in various locations. Info, Julia Shelava 301-8534565. All contacts are confidential. "It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish." ~ Blessed Teresa of Calcutta ************************************************************************************************************************************** AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE CONT’D Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center: 7007 Bradley Blvd., Beth., MD 20817. Info 301-365-0612. Spiritual Exercises Weekends-Experience the Person of Christ! Experience Spiritual Exercises! Register: Or call. Spiritual Exercises for Men: Jun 5-7 / Price: $190 per person Jul 31- Aug 2 / Price: $190 per person Lenten Spiritual Exercises for Women: May 1-3 / Price: $180 per person Jun 25-28 / Price: $270 per person Yard Sale: June 13th @ Rt. 355 and Desellum, (across from St. Martin of Tours Church in Gaithersburg, sponsored by St. Martin's Women of Prayer.) Rain date: June 20th. Rosary Tour-Easter Sunday, April 5 at local abortion facilities. Contact Bill Luksic, 301-929-1240 or The Visitation Academy STEM Career Inspiration Fair – elementary and middle school students welcome! Saturday, April 18 2-4 pm. Give your daughters the opportunity to participate in fun, interactive STEM activities. Exhibitors include aviation, medical, engineering, IT, science + research professionals, and more! The only all-girls Catholic school in the Frederick area, Visitation Academy welcomes students of all denominations from PreK 3 – 8th grade. Currently accepting applications for enrollment to all grades. Call today for a tour of our beautiful, historic 3.4 acre campus in downtown Frederick. 301.662.2814 or More Travel-Discover the historic beauty and rich faith of our Catholic heritage this Fall, Sept 29-Oct. 8, with a tour of English cathedrals. Enjoy an unforgettable exploration of preReformation Catholic England in Canterbury and Wells, Oxford and London and other scenic cities. Travel with Capuchin Father Francis Russo. $4699 per person. For more information, contact: 202-529-2188. Email: The Catholic Business Network of Montgomery County would like to invite you to our April Networking Breakfast. The speaker is Doug Duncan, former Montgomery County Executive and current CEO of Leadership Greater Washington. The cost is $20 for pre-registered guests and $30 on the day of the event. Register at Come, join us for networking at Timpano's Italian Chophouse, 12021 Rockville Pike on Friday, April 10th, from 7:30am-9:00am. EASTER SUNDAY ___ APRIL 5, 2015 LITURGY AND MUSIC Mary Lu Hartsell, 301-330-7565 All of the musicians, the Handbell Ringers, the SJN Choir, the Children’s Choir, the Spanish Choir, the cantors, the instrumentalists (including violin, trumpet, timpani) have done an heroic job of keeping up with and singing and playing the liturgies this week. Thank you all for making our liturgies so elegantly beautiful. Jesus Christ is risen today first appeared in German and Bohemian manuscripts of the 14th century before it was translated in “Lyra Davidica”. It is made up of a series of short one-liners which are easy to remember and which tell the Easter story quickly and easily. With its Alleluias it is a favorite Easter hymn. Venantius Honorius Fortunatus, author of Hail thee, festival day, was a poet and singer who settled at Poitiers under the influence of Queen Rhadegunda who made him Bishop of Poitiers in 599. The original had 110 lines of poetry on the Resurrection, and was an Easter poem not designed for singing. It is one of the first writings to compare Easter to spring and the renewal of nature. During the Middle Ages various sections were used for processionals on festival days, using lines 39 and 40 (“Hail thee, festival day”) as a refrain just as we do today. This is the feast of victory for our God (FESTIVAL CANTICLE) is a paraphrase, by John W. Arthur, of Revelation 5:12-13, which scholars believe was originally a very early Christian hymn. The antiphon, sung at the beginning of the hymn and after each verse, affords immediate involvement by all, even if they don’t have books! Other hymns which you’ve sung during Holy Week and are common to the season include: The theme of In the cross of Christ I glory was suggested by Galatians 6:14 (“But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.”) The author, John Bowring, claimed to know 200 languages and to speak 100. At one time he was Governor of Hong Kong. History is littered with civilizations and empires which have risen and fallen, but the cross has outlived them all. The cross also has deep meaning for us personally, giving us peace and joy in times of crises and disappointments. The Pange lingua gloriosi was written by Thomas Aquinas in 1263, when Pope Urban IV asked him to write the office for the new feast of Corpus Christi. The hymn is used at the vespers of the feast and at Eucharistic processions of Corpus Christi and Holy Thursday. The tune, PANGE LINGUA GLORIOSI (Mode III) is the traditional chant for this text in the Roman rite. In “The Companion to the Hymnal” Dr. Fred Gealy wrote, “The poignancy of [Were you there when they crucified my Lord?] is most deeply felt when one remembers that the Negro, having seen lynched bodies on the ‘tree,’ easily identified himself with his crucified Lord. Spirituals generally interpret the biblical stories rather than recount them. The singer stands in the midst of the event and . . . finds himself at the foot of the cross.” SAINT JOHN NEUMANN CATHOLIC CHURCH VOCATIONS St. John Paul the Great Vocations Society Mary Beth de Ribeaux, Upcoming Events for High School Young Men Quo Vadis Excursion April 19 – This fun day will include a hike on Sugarloaf Mountain, Mass, lunch, a talk, and dinner. Round-trip bus transportation is available on a firstcome, first-serve basis. Contact Traci O’Neill at or call 202-636-9020 to reserve a spot. Quo Vadis Camp runs July 19-22 at St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, MD, and will include prayer, talks, sports, recreation and social time with priests and seminarians from the Archdiocese of Washington. Register and read more information at -events#high-school. Pray for Vocations with Us! Noticed a group of women gathering to pray together in front of the altar right after Mass each Sunday? Be a “spiritual mother” for vocations with us! Following the example of the mothers of Lu Monferrato, Italy, in the 1800s, the John Paul the Great Vocations Society of SJN invites all women of the parish – not just mothers, but any woman, married or single, of any age with a heart for vocations – to pray together after any Mass. After the mothers of Lu started praying together, offering up their Communion on the First Sunday of the month, & spent an hour per week in Adoration, their small town was blessed with 323 vocations to the priesthood and religious life. “Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers…” (Mt. 9:38) VOCATIONS PRAYER O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine, All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine. (3x’s) Dear Lord Jesus, with Mary, Your Mother, as my model, grant me the graces I need to live as a good Christian and to guide these children always to do what is right, so that I may someday receive the grace to be allowed to give you a holy priest or a child You call to the consecrated life in service of Your Church. These children were Yours before they were ours – I give them to You according to Your Holy Will. Grant that many religious vocations may come forth from our parish. Amen Young people of the world, hear the voice of Christ! Hear His voice and follow Him!” ~ Pope Saint John Paul OFFERTORY COLLECTIONS March 28th-March 29th Information not available at time of print. Second Collection Coming Up: April 5– Maintenance Fund & Easter April 12-Poor Box We thank you for your generosity! EASTER SUNDAY ___ APRIL 5, 2015 SOCIAL CONCERNS The Pantry at St. Martin’s–Distribution numbers for the week ending 23 & 28 March will be provided next week. Thank you for helping us help others in this time of continued great need! If you are donating food, bring it to one of the weekend Masses so it can be taken to the pantry that weekend. Do not bring food during the week! Once again-NO PERISHABLE food. Thank you. THE COUNTY BAG TAX cuts bag donations. Any passed on to us will reduce the amount we have to buy keep up the distribution! Are you donating food in the bags? Please double both plastic and paper bags to keep them from tearing, so that we can re-use them for the distribution. St. Vincent de Paul Society (SVDP) a Catholic lay organization that follows the spirit of our patron St. Vincent de Paul to serve Christ through serving those living in poverty. Assistance or info: 301-525-3909. For further info contact Alice at 301-448-8113 or “Today as we celebrate the feast of Easter we find the challenge of also seeing and believing the resurrection that comes through our own lives of self-sacrifice which brings new life to others. Your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will show the love of the Risen Christ by bringing your love to those who live in fear and doubt, loneliness and dread. May you have the rich blessings of our Risen Lord Jesus Christ!” TRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES Exposition of the Holy Shroud of Turin, Italy is scheduled between April 19 & June 24, 2015. The last exposition was in 2010 and the next viewing will be in 2025. Please join us for a rare opportunity to view the burial cloth of Christ on April 21 to 30, 2015. Miraculous cures have been attributed to the Holy Shroud which has been verified many times by world renown scientists over the centuries. $3589 per person/double room from New York JFK or Newark EWR airports. The Catholic Tour will assist you in securing airfare from your home city. "FIRST COME-FIRST SERVED" Call our toll free number: 1-877-627-4268 or email for more info, Itinerary and reservation forms. Catholic Cruise to Bermuda- 7-nights on Holland America Veedam with Fr. James Shaugnessy. Out of Boston, Massachusetts. May 2nd- May 9th. Port of call: Hamilton. Prices begin at $1934 for two passengers-includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass offered. Deposits of $200 per person by April 20th will reserve your cabin. Space limited. Contact Doug or Eileen 860-399-1785 or Catholic Cruise to Alaska– 7 nights on Holland America Westerdam with Fr. Leo Prengaman. Out of Seattle, Washington. May 2nd-May 9th. Ports of call: Juneau, Alaska; Glacier Bay; Sitka, Alaska; Ketchikan, Alaska: Victoria. British Columbia. Prices begin at $2004 for two passengers-includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass Offered. Deposits of $250 per person by April 20th reserves your cabin. Space limited. Contact Doug or Eileen or 860-399-1785. Catholic Cruise to Alaska-Another date, Sept. 12th-19th with Fr. John Soltis. Prices begin at $2316. Deposit $350 per person By? (no date given). Otherwise, same deal/ports of call as listed above. Contact Doug or Eileen for info (above). SAINT JOHN NEUMANN CATHOLIC CHURCH FELLOWSHIP AND GROUPS The 50+ Club-The 50+ Club meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month from Sept. to May at 11 AM. New members are always welcome to join in fellowship, charitable works, and recreational activities. Info-Rose Acuff, 301-963-1457 or All Africans of SJN are invited for fellowship and prayer. Info: Aimée Ntumba 240-463-3895; SJN Book Club-Tony Bosnick 301-977-7017 or Mike Duggan 301-9470706. Bereavement Group-First Wednesday of the month after 9AM Mass in the Parish Center. Contact Rosemarie Coffee Social-Held the 2nd Thursday every month from Sept. to May, in the "Parish Center" following 9 AM Mass. All ages invited to meet and greet while partaking of various beverages and refreshments. No cost or obligation to attend. Join us & meet other members of the Parish. Questions? Jane Young 301-208-3550. Evangelization team-Meet once a month, 2nd Thursday evening. Time: 8-9 PM. Green Room of the Parish Center. InfoSteve: Ladies Prayer & Fellowship—All women invited for prayer, study, and fellowship on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday evenings through mid May, from 7:00-9:00 PM in the Blue Room. Experience the Holy Spirit enkindling your relationship with Jesus, Our Lady, the scriptures, and your Catholic faith. Linda Boyle C: 301-785-2616 H: 301-963-2166. The Legion of Mary-association of lay people who, in the Spirit of Our Blessed Mother Mary, seek to bring people closer to Our Lord Jesus Christ and increase the faith and holiness of her members. Meetings: Blue Room, every Sunday 9:15 AM. All welcome. **Lighthouse CD- Promo Code for SJN is: 101861 Men’s Fellowship Meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Sat. of each month from 7:15-8:30AM at Neumann House. Resource: “The Deceiver-Our Struggle With Satan, “by Fr. Livio Fanzanga. Next meeting: April 4. Chap 11: The Temptation of Jesus in the desert. Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration prayer group meets Monday nights at 7PM in the Parenting Room. Pray For Priests group meets Saturday mornings at 8AM in the Parenting Room. Prayer Network– To join or to have someone placed on the Network. Contact Carmine & Mary Castellano 301-987-6615 or Vocations committee meeting- 2nd Sunday of the month. Youth Groups-Becca Felts, 301-977-3875 or • • High School Youth Group-every Tuesday evening from 7-9 in the Parish Center. All high schooler’s welcome. Learn about Morality, meet new people, play games and enjoy delicious snacks. Come check us out! Middle School Youth Group-third Friday of each month from 7-9 PM. Come for fun games, some catechesis, snacks, and a chance to make new friends. All sixth, seventh, and eighth graders welcome!” Email Becca to receive emails for either Youth Group. Yarn Angels–1st Wed. from Oct-May, in PC they knit/crochet hats for ladies undergoing chemotherapy at Mont. General and Georgetown Hospitals and various other places. Contact Barbara Oliveri Rizzo at 301-963-4640.________________ Mass Near Abortion Clinic-On most Saturday mornings, when a priest is available, Mass is celebrated in the office next to the abortion clinic in Germantown with confident faith that the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist must have a profound effect. If you would like to be an email list to receive notice about when Mass is scheduled, please send email to Mary Beth de Ribeaux, EASTER SUNDAY ___ APRIL 5, 2015 PRAY FOR THE SICK Tom Potter Angela Murphy Jean Buck Greg Dillon*1/16 Magdalena Horvath Hugh Andrew*7/10 Vincent DiMarzio Maureen Kimber Steven Selthoffer Adrianne Hope Dorothy Strausbaugh Joe Szymusiak Gabe Singer William Morris Cubby LaHood* 6/8 Fr. Alejandro Diaz Jeanette White Robin Field Chuck Connolly Elise Connolly *6/12 Viviane Hannah Burrows Sr. Marie de Chantal Don Geddes Mario Escobar Fr. Francis Martin Lyn Albrecht Jim Childs Judy Rogers Rufus Rogers Bill Royce Theresa McKinney Madeline Varrieur *9/2 Leo Blair 9/30 James Franklin Allen Bob Dimes Philip Calder Mary Gentile Anthony McShea Della Kogut Amal Cicatelli Bella Cicatelli Pat Ruppert Ian Perez Robert Studley Jackson Gilmore Fr. John Clark Elijah Sanchez Evelyn Ortiz Kurtz Family Stephen Martino Sarah Parrocha Msgr. Mike Fisher Bill Kushner Alfreda Eli Athiogbey Carol Cobbler Eugene Lobo August Hanshew Rebecca Marie Allen Jack Rush Individuals will remain on the Sick list for two months, unless the Rectory is contacted for the name to be re-listed or if name needs to be removed. Please remember to notify the rectory when you or a family member is admitted to the hospital. We can then include the person’s name on our sick list. Any elderly or homebound parishioners who would like to receive communion or Anointing of the Sick, please call the rectory and leave your name, address and phone number. RELIC OF ST. JOHN NEUMANN 4/5 Pauline Zekeng 4/12 Seconde Nkundizanye 4/19 Aimee Nutumba 4/26 Anita Gisbert Return the relic to the Sacristy by 11:00 am the following Sunday morning. Pick-up by the next recipient is by noon on the same day. If you would like to have the relic in your home, the Sign-up sheet can be found in the foyer of the church. PRAY FOR OUR SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN O Prince of Peace, we humbly ask your protection for all our men and women in military service. Give them Unflinching courage to defend with honor, dignity and devotion the rights of all who are imperiled by injustice and evil. Amen. Parishioners-Deployed Christopher Jensen, USAF Michael Osborne, USAF PVT 1stCL Stone Koffi USMC 1stLt Joseph Bosnick USMC PRAY THE ROSARY DAILY FOR PEACE Family of Parishioners SSG Jeremy Brown US Sean Ryan Cannizzo USAF 2LT Patrick Durkin USMC Lt Cdr Erik Kenny USN CPL Jared McGowan USMC Joshua Rivera USN LT COL Ralph Skeba USA SGT Stephen Spalding USA SPC Mark Collins USA PVT 1 cl Edwin A. Kent USMC SGT Peter Hafer, USA ENS Blake Rademaker USN Cpt. Paul Dwyer, USA CPL Hunter Ward USMC EOD2 Justin Brown, USN LT Shane Durkin USN Please let us know if any other parishioners or family members have been deployed or when they come home! - ST. 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