Sunday 29 Mar 2015 BUILDING AND DEMOLISHING: AND STONES Nine three-story townhouses are being built across the road from us. It is fascinating to see all the different phases of that work as it has slowly grown over the last 15 months. First they destroy the previous house to make room for what they want to build. Next they dig out the soil until they get the levels for the nine buildings. Then comes gravel and stones so that they will build on a firm foundation. Then comes cement and wood and all sorts of wonderful new products that create the shell of the new homes. This is the normal cheap way of building these days. Destroy what you reject and throw it in the tip and then build exactly what you want for yourself. This contrasts with another building project I saw on TV where they included many parts of the former house in the new building. More expensive, more work but beautiful. Each new house was unique. Jesus was building something; a new society made of people. So were the Pharisees. The Pharisees did what most human beings do and sought to destroy what they rejected (who they rejected) so they could build their version of a godly community. Jesus took the harder costlier path. Look at the difference between these two “building methods” in this story. The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him. But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground. At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” “No one, sir,” she said. “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.” John 8:2-11 NIV The Pharisees wanted to build a wonderful society of people who obeyed God. But what to do with all those who are disobedient? Reject them. In this case rejection meant stoning her. Killing her meant that they wouldn’t have to deal with her in the new society. They were ready to build with their stones. pretend her betrayal of her marriage vows was in any way okay. Nor did he try to say it was only a little sin. Instead, he sought to restore her to community with forgiveness. He built her back into the Kingdom of God. To this day, people must choose which method they will use in life to make this world a better place. Will you reject and demonise the person who hurts you and hurts those you love? Do you want to cut them out of your world like Indonesia wants to kill off all drug pushers? Do you want to lynch them like the public want to do with the rapist/murderer Adrian Bayley? Do you want to push them out of your world like many people do with objectionable work colleagues, or irritating family members? Do you want to just build a nice comfortable life with people who are already nice and kind and reject all those who don’t fit? Or … Do we follow the methods of Christ? We lay down our deadly “stones of rejection”. We acknowledge that we are not without sin, and that we will be judged if we take up judging. We seek to restore “sinners” with acceptance, love and forgiveness in the hope that repentance will come next. This is what God did with you on the cross. Easter offers us a stark choice of lifestyles and attitudes. On Good Friday, will you stand with the Pharisees who rejected and killed Jesus in order to build their godly society or will you stand with Jesus who rejected no-one from the Kingdom but forgave all in the hope of bringing real change in people. Jesus was building the Kingdom of God, a society where people were at peace with God and each other. But he didn’t believe in ‘clearing Who do you stand with? Pharisees with their the site of the old rubbish’. He didn’t follow the stones or Jesus with his cross? method of getting rid of all those who didn’t already fit and just building with those who were The choice is yours every day. conveniently readymade saints. Instead, he Grace and Peace, deliberately chose the sinners, the godless, the Graeme selfish, the disobedient, and even the violent, and started building the foundation with forgiveness. See how in the story, Jesus did not seek to ACCIDENT God our father, we are disturbed, shocked and sorrowed by accidents that have effected our lives. In the midst of all this we ask that you heal The Elders offer the opportunity for you to receive our hearts, and in particular those who prayer following the 10:00am service. The prayer may are directly effected. Your word be for yourself or for someone you know. promises us that you know when even a sparrow falls. We know we can't Just come to the front of the church after the service and sit in the front row. Someone will be there to pray avoid death but we know if we ask you will walk through the valley with us. with you. Thank you for allowing us to lean on Glenis H, Elder you at this time. PRAYER AFTER THE 10:00AM SERVICE DISABLED AMEN Ref: Many amongst us are incapacitated, through Prayers%20Resource%20Manual.pdf illness or age, and can no longer do the things they once did. We don't know the reasons this has happened and we always have a lot of questions. However, we do know that you care T HE LORD’S PRAYER and understand and you give all the strength to endure. Lord, you help us to do the things we Our Father in heaven, can and give us strength to accept the things we hallowed be your name, cannot do. Lord, you work in our lives and help your kingdom come, your will be done us to do whatever you require us to do. I ask on earth as in heaven. Lord that you grant peace to all in this situation Give us today our daily bread. and strengthen them in their resolution to serve Forgive us our sins you. This we pray in the name of Christ our as we forgive those who sin against us. Saviour, Save us from the time of trial and AMEN deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, Ref: Prayers%20Resource%20Manual.pdf and the glory are yours now and for ever. Amen. PRAYERS FOR THE PRESBYTERY OF YARRA YARRA We pray for congregations and peoples beyond our own doors: Kew East congregation and minister Rev. Janice McWhinney. Kensingston (Christ Church) in co-operation with the Anglicans and minister Rev. Dr. Gwen Ince Kingswood College, staff, students and families and chaplain Rev. Greg Beck. Koonung Heights congregation and their minister Rev. David Carter THINK A BOUT: John 12: 12-16 AND A BOUT: PSALM 118: 1-2, 19-29 JESUS COMES TO JERUSALEM AS KING Verses 1-2: The next day the great crowd that had come for the festival heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, ‘Hosanna!’ ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!’ ‘Blessed is the king of Israel!’ Jesus found a young donkey and sat upon it, as it is written: ‘Do not be afraid, Daughter Zion; see, your king is coming, seated on a donkey’s colt.’ At first his disciples did not understand all this. Only after Jesus was glorified did they realise that these things had been written about him and that these things had been done to him. Ref: New International Version - UK (NIVUK) Give thanks to the L ORD, for he is good; his love endures for ever. Let Israel say: ‘His love endures for ever.’ Verses 19-29: Open for me the gates of the righteous; I will enter and give thanks to the L ORD. This is the gate of the L ORD through which the righteous may enter. I will give you thanks, for you answered me; you have become my salvation. The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; the L ORD has done this, and it is marvellous in our eyes. The LORD has done it this very day; let us rejoice today and be glad. LORD, save us! LORD, grant us success! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD. From the house of the LORD we bless you. The LORD is God, and he has made his light shine on us. With boughs in hand, join in the festal procession up to the horns of the altar. You are my God, and I will praise you; you are my God, and I will exalt you. Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures for ever. Ref: New International Version - UK (NIVUK) Fairtrade Easter eggs can be bought at: Only Just - Fair Trade Melbourne - Gifts and Toys 48 Were Street, Montmorency. 0413 314 626 Trading hours Tue to Fri: 9:30am 5:00pm Sat: 9:30am – 1:30pm Only Just is a not for profit organisation which seeks to help communities rise out of poverty by providing a retail outlet for their products and by channelling profits back into community development projects through TEAR Australia. churches. We passionately believe in the power of fair trade to transform lives. It is dignified and empowering. It is community based rather than being imposed from We also seek to educate outside. It strikes at the and inspire Australian root causes of poverty, consumers to use their namely greed and purchasing power to injustice, rather than transform communities putting bandaids over through fair trade. We do catastrophes. And it this by providing a place involves us, each one of for people to shop for fair us, everyday making the trade goods, by attending decision to think before Fair Trade and we buy. Environmental Fairs and Marguerite by visiting schools and together after church at Bundoora Park in Plenty Road. Any members of Living Faith Church are welcome to attend, The POND+ team has been but you need to supply your trialling some new material own food, tea/coffee, seats etc. over Term One, and have This will be a fun gathering to MARCHING settled on a Scripture Union commence Term 2. If the product called “Light:. We are GROUP hoping to begin using it at the weather is unsuitable for beginning of Term Two. During outdoors, we will reschedule in I would like to thank the the second week of the school the LFC Hall. Hope to see you marchers for their support in the last term. We had a good holidays, Louise will be holding there. an information session on If you are interested in working day for our St Patrick’s Day theme day, and look forward to Wed, 8th Apr, at 8:00pm at in our children’s program, more in the future. Living Faith Church to share please contact Pam or Glen NEWS FROM AROUND THE POND her knowledge of this program. Coleman. If any of the congregation Pam , for POND+ Team would like to attend, as well as the POND+ leaders and helpers, you are most welcome. On Sunday, 19th Apr, the POND is having a picnic get- Reminders: NO Marching Tue, 31 Mar, or Tue, 7 Apr Janette Easter Services Australia ONLY JUST AND F AIR TRADE 3 Apr Good Friday 9:30am. North-East Metro group Is hosting a Public Meeting with our local Federal MP The Hon Jenny Macklin Come and hear our local MP’s view on asylum seekers and refugees. Jenny will take questions. 3 Apr Ecumenical service in front of Watermarc at 11:15am followed by hot cross buns at All Saints. 5 Apr 10:00am Join us at Eltham High School, 30-60 Withers Way, Eltham Easter Day All are welcome Service Thursday 2nd April 2015. 7:30pm for an 8:00pm start. Finish at 10:00pm. RSVP to confirm numbers to: DID YOU KNOW? Over the Easter period and school holidays Maya Grills is participating in the U17 Australasian Badminton Championship. Maya has been picked to represent Victoria in the Under 17 Australasian Badminton Championship. Here are the details: 2 sides from New South Wales 3 sides from New Zealand 1 side from Oceania 2 sides from Victoria The opening ceremony is on Good Friday from 2:45pm to 3:30pm at MSAC Albert Park. and run until Saturday 11th April, which is the finals day. The venue is MSAC at Albert Park and admission is free. All results are on the following website au and in the search box put either - The Li-Ning Under 17 Championships are broken into 2105 Li-Ning Under 17 June Bevan Trophy or 2105 Li-Ning 2 Sections. There are 2 Victorian teams Australasian Under 17 and Maya is playing for Vic The first is the teams events Championships, and obviously Demons. There are 5 boys and which start on Sat, 4th April at Maya is in either the Vic 5 girls in both sides from 9:00am and go until Tue, 7th Demons team or in the Girls Victoria. April, which is the day of the Singles, Doubles or Mixed finals. They will be playing teams Doubles. from: The second section is the Talk to me or Micke or Maya if South Australia individual events for Girls & you want to know more. 2 sides from Western Boys Singles, Girls & Boys Ron Australia Doubles and Mixed Doubles which start on Wed 8th April Tasmania RETIRING OFFERING DAYTIME VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR VANUATU There will be another retiring offering today in support of our friends in Vanuatu who are suffering so much after the widespread devastation caused by Severe Tropical Cyclone ‘Pam’. As you might have gathered from the extensive media coverage, an event such as this is extremely rare in Vanuatu, and ‘Pam’ was comparable in intensity to Typhoon ‘Haiyan’, the one that hit the Philippines in November 2013. From time to time our ministers are asked to conduct a funeral, sometimes for a member or adherent of our LFC family, sometimes for a person who has had little or no church involvement. At such times, there are a number of tasks that have to be done, and it can make a stressful day somewhat less so if everything runs smoothly. That doesn't happen by accident, and we are seeking volunteers who could be called upon to help when the need arises. Are you able to help in some way? Become a contact person for the ministers, who Your donations will firstly go can then contact other volunteers; into a Living Faith Church Liaise with the medical and aged-care facilities Vanuatu Crisis Fund, then will be distributed when more next to the church the day before the funeral to is known about how they can tell them that the car park will be closed; best be channelled. Your Direct cars into the car park well before the start generous support will help the people of Vanuatu to of the funeral; recover from this horrific Play the keyboard; cyclone. Assist with kitchen duties; James and Joan on behalf of Church Council. Operate the church's sound system; Operate the data projection system. If you feel that you may be able to help, please let me know. Specifying which role you would prefer would also be very helpful. Thank you, Joan: on behalf of the Ministers and the Communication & Administration Ministry Group PALM SUNDAY WALK FOR JUSTICE FOR REFUGEES The Social Justice Committee are urging people to go on the Palm Sunday Annual Walk for Justice. And it’s Sunday the 29th! The annual Palm Sunday Walk for Justice is supported by the Uniting Church and the Victorian Council of Churches. We usually catch a train from Greensborough after church. The walk kicks off this year at 2.00pm on Sunday 29th March at the State Library in Melbourne. We are asking UCA congregations across Victoria to come with your Congregation’s banners / refugee support messages, or to join behind the Synod’s banner. This year we will be led by our UCA National Assembly President Rev. Prof. Andrew Dutney and our Synod’s Moderator, Dan Wootton. The UCA contingent will meet together ahead of the March at 1.30pm at Wesley UCA in Lonsdale Street and walk down to the State Library together, with the President and Moderator leading us. If you are unable to join us at Wesley, you are welcome to simply join us at 2.00 pm at the State Library (the UCA banner isn’t hard to see in the crowd!) Helen and Rex to contribute to Church Life. You always wanted to write, right? Right now is ‘the time to do so!’ The Autumn Edition of our LFC Magazine is coming but only if you write a story, or pen a poem, or review a book, or report on an activity, or draw a picture, or send in a photograph, ‘or in any way produce a piece of work’ that may be of interest to all who have connections with Living Faith Church. The “Deadline” for contributions will be on Sunday, 3rd May. As always, please email your article or item to Jacob or Graeme (see directory), or hand it to one of us in person. Jacob for the Editorial Team. STORY OF THE WEEK AROUND AUSTRALIA A SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE Sue was very encouraged to hear from a member of the school staff that since being matched with a KIDS HOPE AUS mentor, Charlie has consistently smiled and greeted teachers in the playground. Beforehand Charlie was consistently found alone, sitting hugging his knees in a certain corner of the school at recess. The difference that can result from such a small thing as showing a child some caring attention, for one hour a week, is significant! GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE This year our Good Friday Service is on Friday 3rd April, 2015. SUNDAY @ 6 Please add your name to this special service roster on the notice board if you can help on the day. Living Faith Church 37 Grimshaw St., Greensborough It will be much appreciated. Jane MEN’S BREAKFAST Last Sunday of the Month 'Men's Breakfast'. Sunday, 26th Apr at 8:00am Jolly Miller Sun, 31st May Sun, 28th Jun Sun, 26th Jul Sun, 30th Aug Sun, 27th Sep Sun, 25th Oct Sun, 29th Nov Mike and Brian Due to a few retirements from the Morning Tea Roster an opportunity exists for you to become a new member of the Morning Tea Roster. The duties are “reasonable”, your co-workers are “terrific”, wages are …”all you can drink and eat”. Your offer of assistance, once or twice in the six month period would really be appreciated. Please speak to Nola if you would like to help in this service to our Living Faith Church Congregation. Nola Join us for this special event by bringing food to share for the evening meal. Come along, as a family or bring a friend for fellowship, conversation and worship. Firstfoot Prints. The epic story of 50,000 years of life in Australia before white settlement. 4th Episode Here are the dates for your calendar for the remainder of 2015: May: KIDS HOPE AUS builds caring relationships: June: one child, one hour, one Church, one school July: August: Robyn (Coordinator) September: October: November MORNING TEA ROSTER Sunday 12th April 6:00pm to 8:00pm. THE WAY OF THE CROSS GREENSBOROUGH WAY OF THE CROSS SERVICE A combined church event for anyone The front of WaterMarc, 11:15am Good Friday, 3 Apr Bring your camping chair and/or picnic rug. Refreshments at All Saints, Anglican afterwards. Come and be surprised. Graeme Harrison Your support and willingness to invite a friend, neighbour or relative, will be warmly appreciated Paschal Dinner/Service Thu, 3 April at 6:30pm at Living Faith Church The Paschal Dinner is a community meal of the church that parallels Jesus' Last Supper with his disciples. We wash each other’s hands just as Jesus served his disciples by washing their feet. It begins at 6.30pm and people are asked to bring a plate of either main course or dessert. We have some of the symbols of the Passover meal that Jesus shared with his disciples and we learn how they tell the story of God's salvation. We see how Jesus changed the meaning of a part of the Passover meal to become Holy Communion. And like the Passover meal we enjoy food, song and fellowship in the church family. Let Glenis Henderson know you are coming and which course you are bringing by signing the sheet on Sunday or telephoning directly on 9435 1757. Everyone is invited and bring a friend! Graeme Harrison CONTACTS AT LIVING FAITH CHURCH JOIN THE C AMPAIGN TO RECLAIM E ASTER REAL E ASTER EGG CAMPAIGN More than 270 million chocolate Easter Eggs are exchanged every year in Australia. The Real Easter Egg will be Website: the only Easter egg which is made of Phone: 9435-8797 Fairtrade chocolate, has an Easter Street Address: 37 Grimsh aw Street, story booklet and makes a donation to Greensborough 3088 charity. There are 3 crosses pictured on Postal Address: PO Box 291, the box, Mark’s Resurrection text in the Greensborough, 3088 lid, a free 24 page Easter storybook with quiz and a 1 metre banner, a high SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE T IMES quality Fairtrade milk chocolate egg (125g) and a pack of Fairtrade milk 10:00am - All-age Morning Worship chocolate Chunky Buttons (25g). There service is also a donation made to the economic development charity, Traidcraft Exchange. MINISTERS Graeme Harrison: 15 Eldale Avenue, Greensborough Phone: 9434 5502 Mob: 0422 490 323 E-mail: Glen Coleman: 12 Porter Street, Briar Hill, 3088 Phone: 9444 9410 Mob: 0414 524 536 E-mail: Order now at: http:// index.html A D ATE TO JOT IN YOUR DIARY. On the 26th April we have planned another Friendship Lunch (Fellowship in Someone’s Home). We hope you will plan to attend. More details after Easter. MINISTRY WORKERS Children and Families: Rob MacDonald Phone: 9432 3912 Youth and Young Adults: Glen Coleman (see above for further details) Bryan Pastoral Care Ministry Group What’s on this Week At Living Faith Church Saturday, 28th Mar 10:00am - Music Group 5 Sunday, 29th Mar - Palm Sunday 8:00am - Men’s Breakfast - The Jolly Miller - Contact: Mike Walsh 10:00am - All Age Morning Worship 2:00pm - Palm Sunday Walk - Justice for Refugees - City - Contact: Helen Walsh/Rex Rouse Monday, 30th Mar 7:00pm - NO Primary Club - Holiday Recess - Contact: Rob MacDonald 8:00pm - NO Monday Night Life Group - Holiday Recess - Contact: Bryan Henderson Tuesday, 31st Mar 9:30am - NO Marching Group in Hall - Holiday Recess - Contact: Janette Temple 11:00am - Ministry Meeting @Manse - Contact: Graeme Harrison/Glen Coleman 1:45pm - Caregivers and Friends meet - Group 1 - Contact: Joan Jasper Wednesday, 1st Apr 8:00pm - NO Wednesday Evening Life Group - Holiday Recess - Contact: Jacob de Ridder Thursday, 2nd Apr - Holy Thursday 6:30pm - Paschal Dinner - LFC Hall - Contact: Graeme Harrison Friday, 3rd Apr - Good Friday 9:30am - Good Friday Service - Contact: Glen Coleman/Graeme Harrison 11:15am - Way of the Cross - WaterMarc - Contact: Graeme Harrison Saturday, 4th Apr - Holy Saturday 10:00am - Music Group 1 Sunday, 5th April - Easter Day 10:00am - All Age Morning Worship
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