Do you or someone you know have a need? Contact our new ministry “Bethel Angels.” We have teams arranged to serve through visitation, transportation, meals, and small chores. Call Pattie VanStaagen @ (828) 332-0074 to share your need. Easter Sunday Celebration Schedule. Come join us celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ! • • • • • 7:00PM on Thursday, April 2 - Maundy Thursday Communion 7:30PM on Friday, April 3 - Good Friday Service 7:00AM Sunrise Service 8:15AM Easter Breakfast in Fellowship Hall 11:00AM Combined Easter Celebration Service March 29, 2015 9:00AM Traditional & 11:00AM Contemporary Second Saturday Breakfast scheduled for Saturday, April 11 @ 7:30AM. Finance Team Meeting scheduled for Monday, April 13 @ 6:00PM Church Council Meeting scheduled for Monday, April 13 @ 7:00PM Mountain Top Emmaus Board Meeting scheduled for Saturday, April 18 @ 9:30AM * Serving on Sunday, April 5 Nursery: Children: Greeters: Ushers: Nursery: Children: Greeters: Ushers: Lindsey Rumans, Morgan Lindberg Pam Dawkins Dana & Charlene Bellavance Rick Westerman & Tim McClure Peggy Barbro & Nancy Kershaw Diane Aiello & Debbie Baldwin Gary & Patty Houston Chris Rumans & Ethan Garrett Monday Tuesday 9:00AM - Traditional Worship 10:00AM - Sunday School 11:00AM - Contemporary Worship 4:00PM - Financial Peace University 1:30PM - Prayer @ Bethel Church 4:30PM - T.O.P.S. @ Bethel Church Hymn 10:00AM - Ministry @ Grandview 6:30PM - Small Group @ Parsonage Wednesday 7:00AM - Men’s Prayer Breakfast Offering & Doxology 7:00AM - Sunrise Service 8:15AM - Easter Breakfast 11:00AM - Easter Combined Worship Today’s Scripture Message Hymn Benediction 81 Bethel Church Rd. Franklin, NC 28734 (828) 342-8916 * Bethel Church - Franklin, NC Give Online Use this QR Code to be directed to our online giving site. * King of Kings, Lord of Lords #278 Hosanna, Loud Hosanna #405 Seek Ye First Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness And all these things shall be added unto you. Hallelu, Hallelujah! Friday Sunday * Congregational Prayer Choir Saturday 9:30AM - Choir Practice * Opening Prayer Thursday 10:00AM - Women’s Bible Study 6:30PM - Small Group @ Aiello’s 7:00PM - Maundy Thursday Service 10:00AM - Ministry @ Macon Valley 7:30PM - Good Friday Service * Greeting & Announcements Prayer Response: Sunday * Order of Service for our 9:00AM Worship Service Choral Introit Serving on Sunday, March 29 * If That Isn’t Love Luke 22:39-46 Holy Habits: Submission Shared by Pastor Matt Morris #301 Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross Individuals: FHS Cheerleaders The Aniano Family • Prayer: “Prayer is not so much about convincing God to do what we want God to do as it is about convincing ourselves to do what God wants us to do.” quote by Justin Wilson-Hartgrove Arianna Baer from his book Becoming the Answer to Our Prayers Cheryl Blanchard Wilda Bryson Bobby Caress Rose Clark Doyle Family Jacob Eaton Rev. Susan Erbelding Jeanetta Finch Susie Johnson Beverly Lynn Pat Martin Judy Mashburn Riley Maynard Affie Mitchell Weston Morris Pastor Matt & Family Sandy Rippetoe • Submission: Freedom from having things my own way • Submission: Willingly go first without expectation • Go F. I. R. S.T. - F I R S T = = = = = find incredible reward serving them Monday Read Philippians 2:5-11 Where do the bride and groom sit at a wedding reception?. They get the front, elevated table, the honored place among all guest. How strange would it be for a bride or groom to refuse to take their privileged place and instead grab towels and trays to serve their guest? Jesus, literally God with flesh on, did not choose to experience privilege. Jesus chose to be a servant, and chose to die for others. Jesus submitted his will for the sake of God and others. What would be the hardest part of this lifestyle for you? Pray: LORD Jesus, as you submitted your rights, may I submit mine. Help me have your attitude of love. Tuesday Read 1 Peter 2:18-25 A slave has no choice. Slaves are expected to obey or face serious discipline. Yet one can obey outwardly while carrying resentment, angry and disrespect. (Just watch a teenager!) Peter’s challenge to slaves was to chose submission inwardly, allowing God to rule the heart. Following Jesus isn’t simply doing what is right outwardly, but choosing to think an feel right inwardly. Where do your actions not match the attitude of your heart? Pray: Almighty God, may I do the good you have called me to with the joy that come from loving you.. Wednesday Read Mark 8:34-38 Sergeant Bergdahl will be tried for desertion. He could be sentenced to death for betraying his country and duty. Whether you think he is guilty or not, most believe becoming a traitor is a serious crime. Jesus speaks of traitors in this passage. If I am ashamed to claim & follow Jesus, Jesus will refuse to claim me. Wow, that’s pretty serious. What does it look like to follow Jesus? It means to pick up our cross…chose submission… chose others over yourself. What does it mean to be ashamed of someone? Is the cost of following Jesus too steep? Is it fair that Jesus might refuse us if we refuse to follow him? Paul Scott Pray: Jesus, please do not be ashamed of me. May I love you by picking up my cross and following you. Susanne Shelton Thursday Read Matthew 5:38-48 We love justice. We believe people should get what they Laura Swafford & Baby Adeline deserve…neither more nor less. We want fairness. Yet Jesus is anything but fair. Jesus challenges us to give more than others deserve, take less than we deserve, love even those who hate and harm us. What is most challenging about this teaching for you? Do you make excuses or justifications for why you shouldn’t have to do everything Jesus says here? Why? Brenda & Ernie Taylor Pam Turner Family of Caleb Watson Our Soldiers Our Church Family Pray: Lord Jesus, may I trust in your love, boldly seeking you in prayer and asking from my heart. Friday Read Ephesians 5:1-21 Imagine what the church could be like if everyone mutually Local Ministries: Habitat for Humanity Haywood Street UMC CareNet Methodist Children’s Home Open Door Ministry Pregnancy Care Centers Prison Ministry REACH Teen Challenge submitted to one another. Wow! Imagine if we imitated God. Sadly, the church falls far short of this ideal. Many are foolish, prideful, and self-centered. It makes submission so difficult… because its not mutual. But…and this is a big but…we don’t submit only if we think the other person deserves it. We submit first. Why is it hard to go first? Are you willing to go first? Pray: Holy Spirit, create in me a heart that willingly goes first to love, to submit, and to serve. Saturday Read Matthew 22:34-40 Love God & love others. Okay…seems pretty straight forward. We can sometimes miss something essential. We can’t love others until we love ourselves. Submission isn’t having hatred or contempt for ourselves. We can’t love others until we know how God has loved us. Instead, it looks like (1) Love God, (2) know how I am loved, (3) love others because God loves them too. May we love and submit because we are loved! Pray: Heavenly Father, may I alway love you and love others because you love me.
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