The Ch im VOLUME 92 EDITOR - Mikey Foster es NUMBER 4 APRIL 2015 Inside this issue: Page 2 HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE SPIRITUAL GROWTH Page 3 CHRIST has risen, indeed! SPIRITUAL GROWTH Page 4 SOCIAL OPPORTUNITY/ SPIRITUAL GROWTH Page 5 CHANGE THE WORLD SUNDAY/ SPIRITUAL EXERCISE Page 6 RECONSILING CHURCH / TREE OF LIFE Page 7 SOCIAL EVENTS / SOCIAL SERVICES Page 8 CHILDREN’S PAGE Page 9 YOUTH NEWS/ FOOD CLOSET Page 10 UMW PAGE SUNDAY APRIL 5, 2015 8:00am - Classical Service 9:30am - Family Friendly 11:00am - Classical Service w/Communion Page 11 PRAYER CONCERNS/ CONDOLENCES/ BLOOD DRIVE Page 12 ANNIVERSARIES/ BIRTHDAYS All Easter Services will feature music by our Chancel Choir, Handbell Choir, Brass and Percussion. The 9:30am Family Service will also feature our Joyful Noise Children’s Choir. The CHIMES April 2015 Page 2 Maundy Thursday April 2, 7:00pm - Worship with Holy Communion and the Chancel Choir Good Friday April 3, 7:00pm - Tenebrae Worship with Organist Kevin Feltmann Labyrinth Prayer and Meditation Walk 3rd Thursday of each month. Next session is April 16, from 10:00am to 2:00pm in Moore Hall. Stay for as little or long as you like. Materials and instructions provided Last month at Messy Church we looked at our amazing bodies that have been created by God. We watched a lung inhale and exhale. We made pasta skeletons. We used all our senses and we played with “blood”. Vicki Compean led our celebration time where we learned that each part of our body is different but important and that we are all different and important. This month we will hear of God’s promise through the story of Noah’s Ark. Rev. Ginny will be blessing animals on this day, so bring your pets and join us. Messy Church is a growing and vibrant ministry. All ages are welcome. Messy Church will be meeting on Saturday April 18, from 5:00pm to 7:00pm. Please note we will be meeting on the 3rd Saturday of the month for this month only. The CHIMES April 2015 Page 3 Lent Quiz: Test your knowledge of the season Why is the Easter season fifty days long? Easter for Christians is not just one day, but rather a 50-day period. The season of Easter, or Eastertide, begins at sunset on Photo by Kathleen Barry, United Methodist Communications the eve of Easter and ends on Pentecost, A figurine from Bolivia depicts the Last Supper of Jesus and his Disciples. the day we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the Church (see Acts 2). Easter is also more than just an extended celebration of the resurrection of Jesus. In the early church, Lent was a season for new converts to learn about the faith and prepare for baptism on Easter Sunday. The initial purpose of the 50-day Easter season was to continue the faith formation of new Christians. Today, this extended season gives us time to rejoice and experience what it means when we say Christ is risen. It’s the season when we remember our baptisms and how through this sacrament we are, according to the liturgy, “incorporated into Christ’s mighty acts of salvation.” As “Easter people,” we also celebrate and ponder the birth of the Church and gifts of the Spirit (Pentecost), and how we are to live as faithful disciples of Christ. What is Maundy Thursday? Maundy Thursday is an alternate name for Holy Thursday, the first of the three days of solemn remembrance of the events leading up to and immediately following the crucifixion of Jesus. The English word "Maundy" comes from the Latin mandatum, which means "commandment." As recorded in John's gospel, on his last night before his betrayal and arrest, Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and then gave them a new commandment to love one another as he had loved them (John 13:34). This is why services on this night generally include the washing of feet or other acts of physical care as an integral part of the celebration. While John's gospel does not record the institution of the Lord's Supper among the events of this night, the other gospels do. Christians therefore keep this night with celebrations both at the basin (foot washing) and at the Lord's Table (Holy Communion). What is a Tenebrae service? The word "tenebrae" comes from the Latin meaning "darkness." The Tenebrae is an ancient Christian Good Friday service that makes use of gradually diminishing light through the extinguishing of candles to symbolize the events of that week from the triumphant Palm Sunday entry through Jesus' burial. This increasing darkness symbolizes the approaching darkness of Jesus' death and of hopelessness in the world without God. The service concludes in darkness, sometimes with a final candle, the Christ candle, carried out of the sanctuary, symbolizing the death of Jesus. A loud noise may also sound symbolizing the closing of Jesus' tomb. The worshipers then leave in silence to ponder the impact of Christ's death and await the coming Resurrection. The CHIMES April 2015 Page 4 ALL CHURCH POTLUCK DINNER Wednesday, April 15 6:00pm Moore Hall If your last name begins with A-G - please bring a main dish, H-R - please bring a salad or vegetable dish, S-Z - please bring a dessert. Lemonade and water will be provided, but please bring your own place settings. Come and enjoy some wonderful food and fellowship. There will be no Wednesday evening study, so everyone can stay and enjoy dinner without being rushed. Making Sense Of The Bible Wednesdays 7:00pm April 22 - June 3 Room 8/9 In Making Sense of the Bible, Adam Hamilton invites us into an honest conversation about the Bible. The book begins with foundational questions such as: How and when was the Bible written? Who decided which books made it into the scriptures and why? How literally must we read it? From there, Hamilton considers the real questions people frequently ask that continue to divide Christians and denominations alike, including: • Were Adam and Eve real people? • Why is God so violent in the Old Testament? • Why would Paul command women to "keep silent in the church"? • Is Jesus the only way to salvation? • How does God view homosexuals? • Is the Book of Revelation a guide to “End Times?” In approachable and inviting language, Hamilton addresses these often misunderstood Biblical themes leading readers to a deeper appreciation of the Bible, so we might hear God speak through it, and find its words to be life-changing and life-giving. We hope you can join us for this thought provoking class, The book is $16. If you have questions, please contact Suzanne in the church office. * Please have chapters 1-7 read for the first class. The CHIMES April 2015 Page 5 Sunday, May 17 Worship Service - 8:30am One short worship service outside on the patio, then, we will put our faith into action as we serve our community, either by working on projects here, which will help minister to others in many ways, or by going off campus to work on projects. We gather back at CUMC at 11:30, where you may purchase lunch at the In N’ Out Burger truck in our very own parking lot, enjoy fellowship, and relax. More information to come soon. Mark your calendars so you don’t miss this important ministry to our community. What’s better than feeding your soul while developing healthy practices for your body and mind? We will meet as a group to talk about our daily readings and then walk around Huntington Central Park. This group and this book, Christ Walk: A 40 Day Spiritual Fitness Program, is for anyone at any fitness level. We hope you can join us, and please bring a friend. This would be a great place to wear your CUMC t-shirt, if you have one. Questions, please contact Suzanne in the church office, 714.842.4461. Christ Walk Mondays at 4:30 Huntington Central Park near Kathy May’s The CHIMES April 2015 Page 6 GUEST PREACHER ON APRIL 12 On Sunday, April 12, 2015, we will welcome the Rev. Dr. Ed Hansen of Hollywood United Methodist Church, to our pulpit. There will be a question and answer session with him in Moore Hall immediately following second service. All are invited. CUMC is a friendly and openhearted place of worship for all who come here and we are happy to have this opportunity to learn more and expand our hospitality. As Rev. Hansen has written, “There is great joy to be found in the life and ministry of a congregation that welcomes all people, including those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT). In part, this joy comes from the awareness that the congregation is seeking to represent the welcoming and embracing love of God known in Jesus Christ.” Newcomers’ Connection Sunday, June 14 You are invited to get connected with CUMC ministries, programs, and people by attending the Newcomers’ Connection Dinner. This is a great way to get better acquainted with our pastor and get the inside scoop on what’s happening at CUMC. Reserve this date on your calendar to join us for a delicious salad dinner on June 14, and watch for more details in the June edition of The Chimes. TREE OF LIFE You may dedicate a leaf on the Tree of Life the narthex area of the Sanctuary in memory of or in honor of a loved one. See Bill Fugard or call the church office, 714.842.4461, for details. Curious about new leaves? Look for a small ornament attached to each newly-added leaf. in The CHIMES April 2015 Page 7 SOLOS If you are single, eat lunch, like to have fun and be in fellowship with other singles, then join us for lunch. Each month, usually on the last Sunday of the month, we meet at a local restaurant after 2nd service (about 11:30am) for lunch. This month we will meet on Sunday, April 26, at The Olive Garden, 16811 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach. For more information and to reserve your spot, please call Shirley LaBounta @ 714.847.4354. FELLOWSHIP LUNCHEON CLUB Our monthly potluck luncheon will be held on Wednesday, April 29, in Moore Hall. We will gather at 11:30am for light conversation and will have lunch at noon followed by a fantastic program. Bring a dish to share, your own table service, and a friend or neighbor. All are welcome! See you for lunch on April 29. BOOK CLUB All are welcome to join us at our April Book Club meeting. There is never any registration fee or dues. This month we will be gathering on Tuesday, April 28, at 7:00pm. Our chosen book this month is Tough Cookies by Kathy Cloninger and we will gather at the home of Anneke Dodge. Call the church office at 714.842.4461 or Anneke at 714.846.7382, for more details, or if you have questions. A heartfelt thank you goes out to our congregation for its support of the Orange County Social Services Adoption Unit. In October, with your donations, we were able to provide over $300.00 in toys and items to be given to the children at the time of their adoption signing ceremony. This gives each child a gift of their own to take with them as they become a legal part of their new family. Our church is the only group in this area who fills this need and it is greatly appreciated by the families and the children and we will be collecting on April 12, between services. Again, thank you for your continued generous support from your Church and Society Committee. Collection for Orange County Adoption Division is Sunday, April 12 Look for us on the patio. April 2015 st di Ch ur m un ity ho ch Co m Page 8 SUNDAY SCHOOL et M Un ite d The CHIMES Nursery School Where we learn to play, share and grow together. 6652 Heil Avenue Huntington Beach 714.842.1630 We are very busy at preschool. The older children went to the heliport last month, which is always a favorite field trip; and we look forward to our Easter programs in the Sanctuary the week of March 29. We know the families will be very impressed with their singing. We are offering Free vision screenings this month and our last parenting class for this year, will be on April 27. Our annual Used Book Fair is scheduled for the week of April 20, and also on Sunday, the 26th, after Sunday Morning services. You may drop off your books the week before in the preschool office. During that same week, we are having a “Shoe Drive.” Your gently used adult and children’s shoes may be dropped off in the same room as the book fair. These shoes will be renewed then delivered to a third world country. It is time to register for the fall. If you have any family or friends with a preschool age child, we hope you will direct them our way. Thank you for your support! Our lessons this month have led us and prepared us for the Easter celebration. We shared a meal together and then shared our memories of Jesus. On Palm Sunday, our 4th and 5th graders re-enacted for all the children of Sunday School, the story of Jesus arriving in Jerusalem. Next month we will continue to hear the Easter story after the resurrection. Every week we have approximately twenty smiling children, eager to learn about God’s love. Our wonderful Sunday school teachers come prepared to share this message every week. It is a fun and exciting place to be on Sunday mornings. We invite you to come by and see what is happening. March was a very busy month for Faith Friends. We went to the Ronald McDonald house and baked brownies, special K bars and oatmeal toffee cookies for families that are staying there. We also took a tour of the facility and heard about the obstacles families face while their children are in the hospital. Also in March, we made all of the games for our Imagine No Malaria fundraiser. Every child designed their own game. On March 22, lots of people played golf on the world’s hardest hole, shot baskets, bowled away those nasty, pesky mosquitos, pinned stingers on a mosquito, plus much more. Faith Friends would like to thank you for your generous donations. With your help, together we were able to raise $342.00. Thank you! If you have any questions about our Faith Friends group, please contact Marty Drake through email at marty@ or call the church office, 714-842-4461. The CHIMES April 2015 Page 9 CoS Update We will have our usual Sunday night get-togethers from 5:00 to 7:00pm, which always includes dinner and other good stuff. All youth are invited. Here’s what’s coming up: This month: April 5 - Off for Easter/Spring Break April 18 - District Dodgeball Tournament May 10 - Mother’s Day Strawberries May 31 - Confirmation Sunday Also July July July coming up this summer: 5-11 - Sierra Service Project for Sr. High 12-17 - Elementary Camp 19-25 - Jr. High Camp - Vacation Bible School - Choir School July 26-August 1 - Sr. High Camp If you have questions, call Rev. Darren Cowdrey, Youth Pastor, 714.897.0100 or email him at or Marty Drake at 714.842.4461 or email her at CUMC FOOD CLOSET Thanks to everyone who contributes to our food closet with their time and efforts. Any donations of non-perishable food products, gift cards to grocery stores, discount stores and fast food restaurants (for those with no cooking or storage facilities) is always appreciated. Your donations are what keeps our food closet open and help us to help those in our community who need our assistance. Without donations like yours, our food closet would be closed. Thank you and God bless you! On Patio or Church Office: Shampoo Conditioner Soap Deodorant Shaving Cream Combs In Church Office only: Eye Glasses Blankets Sleeping bags Back packs Gift Cards - $5 fast food restaurant Men’s shoes Men’s clothing Bus Passes or donations to purchase bus passes Thank you from CHURCH & SOCIETY COMMITTEE The CHIMES April 2015 Page 10 Highlighting events and information of special interest to ALL women of CUMC Presented by United Methodist Women ALL PEOPLE OF THE CHURCH ARE INVITED AND ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND Monday, April 20 - 7:00 PM “10 Things You Should Remember About Alzheimer’s Disease” What it is, how it is diagnosed, how to deal with it SPEAKER: Theresa Furlow, RN Administrator of the Health Care Center, Leisure World PLEASE COME AND INVITE YOUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS Co-sponsored by UMW and Church and Society TRANSPORTATION AND CHILDCARE AVAILABLE FOR ALL EVENTS UPON REQUEST SANTA ANA DISTRICT SPIRITUAL RETREAT “Renew the J.O.Y.” (Jewel Of You) through Spirit Filled Laughter Kathryn Burns of the Laughter Yoga Institute will guide us through the benefits of purposeful laughter Saturday, May 30 8:30 AM- Noon Surf City United Methodist Church $10 registration fee includes Continental Breakfast BOUTIQUE! November 7 WORKSHOPS April 3 and 17 9:30 AM Bring your own project or help with ours. Not crafty? No problem, we will have something for you to do! Have an idea? Show it to us! Doing something on your own? Let us know! Give spontaneous gifts of gratitude daily The CHIMES April 2015 In our Prayers Condolences to Page 11 Don Almy, Louise Almy, Bruce Baldwin, Dorothy Baldwin, Cecil Birnbaum, Liz Berry, Cary Gray, Flo Jurgemeyer, John Kodrich, Bill Lueck, Dale McBride, Ally Miller, Mark Munro, Phyll Page, Dale Skerik, Mary Kay Smith, Lavetta Snyder, Kay Winter and Priscilla Wolz. Family and friends of Zyl Gritz who passed away on March 19, 2015. Zyl was 95 years young and has been an active member of CUMC since 1967. The family has not notified us of a pending service at this time. By God’s light we are led. . . With God’s grace we are fed. . . May God grant you peace. COMMUNITY CORPUSCLE CHALLENGE DONATE BLOOD SAVE A LIFE - WIN A PRIZE GET 1 POINT FOR DONATING BLOOD GET 2 POINTS FOR ALYX DONATION GET 1 POINT FOR RECRUITING A DONOR The various committees of the church will be divided into 5 teams: Team Loving, Team Learning, Team Singing, Team Serving, Team UMW. Watch for the posting of which committees comprise the teams. If you are not a member of any committee, choose the team you want to support. The team with the most points after the next 3 blood drives wins a prize. CHANGE SOMEONE’S WORLD BE A DONOR SUNDAY, MAY 17 The CHIMES April 2015 Page 12 April Wedding Anniversaries Day Chuck and Jinny Morelock Years 7 52 Linda and Walter Pohl 29 48 Joseph and Mary Ann Hazelett 23 26 David and Patricia Falzon 12 20 Marcus and Sonya Hatch 20 13 5 7 Patrick and Gillian Waldenfels April Birthdays 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 11 12 15 Beth Hayes Jerry Isham Lynda McKee Nicholas Wiley Anna (A.D.) Foultz Margaret (Peggy) Wiemann David Foster Lois Tromp Priscilla Wolz Vicki Compean David Graham Jeffrey Stone Carolyn Gray Susan Johnson Susan Tarsi Grant Haber Susan Arnold Margo Kuester Sandie Ala 16 18 19 21 23 24 25 26 27 29 Margaret Andersen Gary Bean Marina Vergara Betty Glenn Sharon (Sherry) Skerik Nickolas Wagner Judi Fagan Glenda Golobay Hayley Lorenz Jocelyn Pham Mary Ann Hazelett Joanne Scott Don Miller Aubrie Vergara Megan Bell Twink Martens Suzanne Morgan Bruce Richardson Christy Cavano CHRIST has risen, indeed! 6652 HEIL AVENUE HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92647-4359
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