The Ch im VOLUME 92 EDITOR - Mikey Foster es NUMBER 5 MAY 2015 Inside this issue: Page 2 CHANGE THE WORLD SUNDAY/ LABYRINTH PRAYER WALK Page 3 CUMC CORPUSCLE CHALLENGE Page 4 SOCIAL OPPORTUNITY/SERVICE OPPORTUNITY/MENTAL HEALTH Page 5 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL/CHOIR CAMP Page 6 SOCIAL OPPORTUNITIES/ FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIPS Sunday, May 17 ONE SERVICE ONLY! Worship Service - 8:30am Page 7 GREEN & CLEAN SHRED EVENT/ CHRIST WALK Page 8 CHILDREN’S PAGE Page 9 YOUTH NEWS/ FOOD CLOSET Page 10 UMW PAGE Page 11 PRAYER CONCERNS/ CONDOLENCES/ THANK YOUS Page 12 ANNIVERSARIES/ BIRTHDAYS Page 13 CPK NIGHT OUT See page 2 for more information. The CHIMES May 2015 Page 2 Sunday, May 17 One short worship service outside on the patio at 8:30am, then we will put our faith into action as we serve our community, either by working on a project for the community at CUMC, or by going off campus to work on a project out in the community. We gather back at CUMC at 11:30, where you may purchase lunch from the In-N’-Out Burger truck. That’s right, an In-N’-Out Burger lunch will be available at our very own church. We invite you to linger after you eat your lunch, enjoy fellowship with other volunteers, and relax. This month, Messy Church is combined with Change the World Sunday, so introduce yourself to someone you don’t know. We are collecting the following items for UMCOR Health Kits and other projects: Wash cloths Hand towels - 15” x 25” to 17” x 27” - no kitchen, cleaning or microfiber towels Combs - Combs need to be sturdy - no pocket combs or picks Metal nail file or clipper - no emery boards or toenail clippers Adult size toothbrush - in original single packaging 6 adhesive bandages - common household band aids - 3/4” to 1” One gallon sealable bags $1 to purchase toothpaste - toothpaste has a short shelf life & cannot be “stocked up” Adult size, white ankle socks for men and women - we will make non-slip socks for those in care facilities. Puffy paint - any color For a list of updated needs, please check our Facebook page: Community United Methodist Church Huntington Beach Mark your calendars so you don’t miss this important ministry to our community. Labyrinth Prayer and Meditation Walk 3rd Thursday of each month. Next session is May 21, from 10:00am to 2:00pm in Moore Hall. Stay for as little or long as you like. Materials and instructions provided The CHIMES May 2015 Page 3 COMMUNITY CORPUSCLE CHALLENGE ROUND 1 - MAY 17 9:45AM - 4 PM TEAM LEARNING TEAM LOVING After School Ministry - The Cove Children and Family Life Church and Society Foundation Nursery School Outreach Stephen Ministries TEAM SINGING Worship Music Ministries Chancel Choir Adult Handbells Adult Council Education Green Team Missions Youth Leadership TEAM UMW NOT ON A COMMITTEE? NO PROBLEM! You may choose the team you want to support! 1 POINT FOR Donating Blood Recruiting a Donor TEAM SERVING Ad Board Council on Ministries Communications and Tech Finance Lay Leadership SPPRC Board of Trustees 2 POINTS FOR ALYX Donation Donating if you are under 25 years old Recruiting a donor under 25 years old FAQS What if I belong to more than one committee? If you are on more than one committee you may earn points for multiple teams. What if I am not on a committee? If you are not on any church committee, you may choose the team you want to support. Can I earn points if I am deferred from donating? Yes, you may earn points by recruiting a donor. What if I am out of town on the day of the drive? If you cannot give blood on the day of the drive, but do donate through the Red Cross two weeks before or after our scheduled drive, you will get credit. The CHIMES May 2015 Page 4 Newcomers’ Connection If you are new to Community United Methodist Church, you are invited to get connected with our ministries, programs, and people, by attending the Newcomers’ Connection Dinner. This is a great way to get better acquainted with our pastor and get the inside scoop on what’s happening at CUMC. Reserve this date on your calendar to join us for a Cook-out/potluck dinner on June 14, and watch for more details in the June edition of The Chimes or call the church office, 714.842.4461. The “NEW SHOWER MINISTRY” Beginning this month, the Shower Ministry will be moving its “headquarters” to the Prayer and Meditation room, located just off the patio. This location will be much more convenient for the shower attendants and will get the extra traffic out of the business office, as was one of the recommendations of the consultant. The room will continue to be available for prayer and meditation with half of the room still dedicated as a quiet and peaceful space. The other half of the room will have a few shelves for storing towels, lunches, toiletries, etc., and space to take care of setting up the shower cart with said items. We have many excellent volunteers to continue this ministry of serving those who are less fortunate in this community and we thank them for their time and efforts. Howard and Kathie Herdman have volunteered to shepherd this ministry. The new extended Shower Ministry hours will be Tuesday thru Friday from 9:30am to 11:00am. If you feel you have a heart for this ministry, please contact Howard Herdman at or call the church office at 714.842.4461. May is Mental Health Awareness month. A table with literature and information about mental illnesses and support groups will be available on the patio. Also our Church and Society committee will be collecting donations of men's and women's clothing, shoes and small household items for the Orange County Mental Health Association Thrift Shop. We do appreciate your support. For questions call Mary Ann Hazelett at 714.898.0182. The CHIMES May 2015 Page 5 Vacation Bible School July 20 - 24 & 26* 9:00am to 12:30pm It is time to put God’s love into action! The theme this year for Vacation Bible School is G-Force. Kids will experience God’s unstoppable love and discover how to fuel up and put God’s love in action. This week is an exciting week full of songs, games, experiments, crafts and stories. Last year we had 130 kids and we expect the same for this year. We need many hands to help make this week very special. Help is needed before, as well as during the week. We need help making decorations, gathering supplies, leading the children from activity to activity, setting-up and cleaning-up the week of VBS. We need someone to lead games and someone to lead snacks. Please prayerfully consider being a part of this important ministry to the children of our church and our community. Please contact Marty Drake in the church office at 714.842.4461 or by email, . Our Vacation Bible School is a FREE program for children 4 years of age to entering the 5th grade. Go to for more information; registration forms will be online after May 15th. Choir Camp July 20 - 24 & 26* 12:30pm to 5:45pm This is a fun week filled with music, drama and swimming. For children entering 4th through 8th grade. The cost for the week is only $25 per youth! More information will be available on our website after May 15th. The CHIMES May 2015 Page 6 SOLOS If you are single, eat lunch, like to have fun and be in fellowship with other singles, then join us for lunch. Each month, usually on the last Sunday of the month, we meet at a local restaurant after 2nd service (about 11:30am) for lunch. This month we will meet on Sunday, May 31, at LUNA GRILL, 7511 Edinger Avenue, Huntington Beach, 714.373.5862. For more information and to reserve your spot, please call Shirley LaBounta, 714.847.4354. FELLOWSHIP LUNCHEON CLUB Our monthly potluck luncheon will be held on Wednesday, May 27, in Moore Hall. We will gather at 11:30am for light conversation and will have lunch at noon followed by a program on Caring Ministries at CUMC by Suzanne Morgan. Bring a dish to share, your own table service, and a friend or neighbor. All are welcome! See you for lunch on May 27. BOOK CLUB All are welcome to join us at our May Book Club meeting. There is never a registration fee or any dues. Our next gathering will be on Tuesday, May 26, at 7:00pm at the home of Anneke Dodge. Our chosen book this month is Across Many Mountains by Yangzom Brauen. Call the church office at 714.842.4461 or Anneke at 714.846.7382, for more details, or if you have questions. Our book club is sponsored by UMW but is open to everyone who loves to read. Please join us! FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIPS NEED $$$ FOR SCHOOL OR TRAINING? – Your CUMC Foundation Board of Directors is pleased to announce the availability of Foundation scholarships to be awarded in June. These scholarships are available to CUMC members or their children, for college or trade/vocational school. Application forms are in the office … they are in a green folder on the counter just inside the office entrance. Applications are due in the church office by close-of-business (4pm) Thursday, May 28. Questions? - Please contact Bill Fugard at 714-842-8719. Applications are available in the church office. The CHIMES May 2015 Page 7 SACKIN TEAM GREEN & CLEAN SHRED EVENT _____________ SAVE THE DATE _____________ SATURDAY, MAY 9 • 9AM-1PM WHAT: Free shredding & e-waste recycling event WHERE: 6652 Heil Avenue, Huntington Beach oooooCommunity United Methodist Church Parking Lot PLUS: Help our neighbors too! The Huntington Beach Assistance League ooooand CUMC Food Pantry will be on site to accept donations. MARK YOUR CALENDARS... Food, drinks, and fun! Clean out your house & help your neighbors just in time for Summer! For more information & a video, visit: Everyone is invited to join our walking group every Monday afternoon at 4:30pm. We meet outside Kathy May’s restaurant near the lake in Huntington Central Park. What’s better than feeding your soul while developing healthy practices for your body and mind? We will meet as a group and then walk around Huntington Central Park. This group is for anyone at any fitness level. We hope you can join us, and please bring a friend. This would be a great place to wear your CUMC t-shirt, if you have one. Questions, please contact Suzanne in the church office, 714.842.4461. Christ Walk May 2015 ho st di ur ch Co m Ch m un ity Page 8 et M Un ite d The CHIMES Nursery School Where we learn to play, share and grow together in God’s love. 6652 Heil Avenue Huntington Beach 714.842.1630 Thank you all so much for supporting the preschool through the Used Book Fair and the shoe drive. Many thanks to all who participated. We will be using the proceeds to purchase several sensory tables for the classrooms. Also, this year we are trying something new. We are inviting our Moms to come for Mommy & Me Day on Saturday, May 2. We have always done this during the week but we thought we would try a Saturday for all our working Moms. Happy Mother’s Day from your preschool staff to all the lovely ladies of CUMC – Moms, Grandmas, Aunties, and family friends. We are so grateful for your support and appreciate you spreading the word about our wonderful preschool. See you in church! This past month we have been exchanging letters with our mystery friends. The mystery friend program was organized by our Education Committee. The program gave the participants an opportunity to meet children of the church as well as the children to meet all those “big people” on the patio. The children read their letters with excitement and always had plenty to say in response. We culminated the week-long program with a revealing gathering. Kids and adults had to match the color of their name tag with the sticker to find their mystery friend. They quickly engaged in conversation. It was a great success. Fun was had by everyone. Faith Friends have some great activities planned for the month of May. On May 17th we will meet together for Change the World Sunday and then go to the Huntington Beach Tree Society to plant trees. We will finish our day back at the church eating a burger from the In-N’-Out Burger truck. On May 31st we will be making homemade ice cream. Yum! Yum! We haven’t decided on the flavor yet. Any suggestions? Faith Friends is open to any 3-5th grader. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Sundays at 11:00 am. Our goal is to have fun together and to take God’s love out into the world. We would love to have you join us. If you have any questions about Faith Friends, please contact Marty Drake through email or call the church office 714-842-4461. The CHIMES May 2015 Page 9 CoS Update We will have our usual Sunday night get-togethers from 5:00 to 7:00pm, which always includes dinner and other good stuff. All youth are invited. Here’s what’s coming up: This month: May 9 - Prepping Strawberries May 10 - Mother's Day Strawberry Fundraiser May 15 - Babysitting Fundraiser for Missions May 16 - Confirmation Retreat May 31 - Confirmation in Worship!! Also July July July coming up this summer: 5-11 - Sierra Service Project for Sr. High 12-17 - Elementary Camp 19-25 - Jr. High Camp - Vacation Bible School - Choir School July 26-August 1- Sr. High Camp If you have questions, call Rev. Darren Cowdrey, Youth Pastor, 714.897.0100 or email him at or Marty Drake at 714.842.4461 or email her at CUMC FOOD CLOSET Thanks to everyone who contributes to our food closet with their time and efforts. Any donations of non-perishable food products, gift cards to grocery stores, discount stores and fast food restaurants (for those with no cooking or storage facilities) is always appreciated. Your donations are what keeps our food closet open and help us to help those in our community who need our assistance. Without donations like yours, our food closet would be closed. Thank you and God bless you! On Patio or Church Office: Shampoo Conditioner Soap Deodorant Shaving Cream Combs In Church Office only: Eye Glasses Blankets Sleeping bags Back packs Gift Cards - $5 fast food restaurant Men’s shoes Men’s clothing Bus Passes or donations to purchase bus passes Thank you from CHURCH & SOCIETY COMMITTEE The CHIMES May 2015 Page 10 Highlighting events and information of special interest to ALL women of CUMC Presented by United Methodist Women SANTA ANA DISTRICT UMW SPIRITUAL RETREAT “Renew the J.O.Y.” (Jewel Of You) through Spirit Filled Laughter Kathryn Burns of the Laughter Yoga Institute will guide us through the benefits of purposeful laughter Saturday, May 30 8:30 AM- Noon WE WILL CARPOOL Surf City United Methodist Church, 2721 Delaware, Huntington Beach $10 registration fee ($15 after May 20) includes Continental Breakfast FREE CHILDCARE PROVIDED “If you think you are too small to make a difference...spend a night with a mosquito.” African Proverb Give spontaneous gifts of gratitude daily July 24 - 26, 2015 Biola University - La Mirada STUDIES: Spiritual Growth - “Created for Happiness” Geographic - “Latin America” Issue - “The Church and People with Disabilities” SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE Information and scholarship application forms available at UMW table. Questions about Mission u? Ask Roni Kuester, Dean BOUTIQUE! November 7 HELP PROVIDE LUNCH FOR THE CLIENTS OF SOUTHWEST COMMUNITY CENTER Friday, May 22 PLEASE HAVE YOUR DONATIONS IN THE KITCHEN BY 9:30 am WORKSHOPS May 1 and 15 9:30 AM Room 19 Bring your own project or help with ours. Not crafty? No problem, we will have something for you to do! Have an idea? Show it to us! Doing something on your own? Let us know! TRANSPORTATION AND CHILDCARE AVAILABLE FOR ALL EVENTS UPON REQUEST UMW Page Editor - Patricia West The CHIMES May 2015 In our Prayers: Condolences To: Page 11 Don Almy, Louise Almy, Bruce Baldwin, Dorothy Baldwin, Cecil Birnbaum, Liz Berry, Flo Jurgemeyer, John Kodrich, Bill Lueck, Dale McBride, Ally Miller, Mark Munro, Phyll Page, Dale Skerik, Mary Kay Smith, Lavetta Snyder, Kay Winter and Priscilla Wolz. Family and friends of Carolyn (Cary) Gray who passed away on April 2, 2015. Cary’ 90th birthday was April 9. Cary had been a member of CUMC since September of 1964, and was very active until the last few years. Services for Cary were held at CUMC on Saturday, April 18, at 2:00pm. Craig Thompson on the passing of his father, Allan Robert Thompson, on Tuesday, April 7. Service will be held on May 8, at 1:00pm at the Faith Lutheran Church (on Ellis just off of Beach Blvd) in Huntington Beach. By God’s light we are led. . . With God’s grace we are fed. . . May God grant you peace. Thank You! Dear friends at CUMC, Thanks you so much for all the love, support, cards, food and phone calls during my recovery from knee surgery. The kindness and care given to me is wonderful and so appreciated. Your sister in Christ, Mary Ann Hazelett A very special ”Thank You” to Steven Fifita for the beautiful large palm fronds that were used to decorate the patio area and Chancel area in the Sanctuary on Palm Sunday. They definitely set the tone for our worship services as you walked thru the patio into the Sanctuary. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. The Worship Committee Due to many factors we have not communicated with our many CUMC friends. But we have not forgotten the love and friendship you have shown us, all of your appreciation of our silly sense of humor, all of our music, etc. We now reside in Windcrest, the skilled nursing facility at Regents Point in Irvine. Our phone number has not changed and Louise has now recovered enough that we welcome your calls and visits. We thank you again and again. Louise hopes to recover enough for us to be able to attend concerts, etc. Don and Louise Almy The CHIMES May 2015 Page 12 May Wedding Anniversaries William and Dorothy Myers Donald and Louise Almy William and Julia Paton Gregory and Michele Brown Jeffrey and Anna Ball Kelley and Matthew Yavorsky Day Years 25 30 30 28 27 25 69 62 45 21 8 2 May 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 Ethan Haber Aleina Tukia Moa Kathleen Flanagan James McKlenshaw Bobby Drake Sonya Hatch Anneke Joy Pietila Craig Thompson Trevor Day Darrell Wilkinson Chris Hilger Judy Macdonald Darrin Grove Scott McGregor Karen Nelson Patricia Allgeier Steven Blue Melissa Delgleize Zachary Smilor Moses Tukia Terry Dooley Cheri Atkinson Cooper Briski Marcus Hatch Birthdays 16 20 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 Liz Berry Patricia Duncan Nathaniel Phelps William Watson Kay Winter Eric Vartio Sandy Hilger Alexander Smilor Bonita Kampmeyer Romey Martens Adrian McGregor Janet Schulz Roni Kuester Doug Madland Marsha Grove Vincent Ardolino Carter Briski Estella Colgren Christian Maddy Cathy Sullivan The CHIMES May 2015 Page 13 Wednesday, May 20 11:00am to 10:00pm Join us at The California Pizza Kitchen restaurant in Bella Terra, for lunch or dinner, as we gather for great food and wonderful fellowship with our CUMC family and friends. Just give your server the flyer from page 14 (one for you and one for a friend or neighbor), or you may pick up a flyer at church on Sunday, May 17, or stop in the church office and pick one up, and CUMC will receive 20% of your check. All funds raised from this event go to the Business Office Fund. We are truly grateful for your continued support! 6652 HEIL AVENUE HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92647-4359 May 20, 2015 May 20, 2015
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