The Ch im VOLUME 91 EDITOR - Mikey Foster es NUMBER 10 October 2014 Inside this issue: Page 2 GINNY’S PAGE Page 3 GRIEF SUPPORT/ MESSY CHURCH Page 4 SPIRITUAL GROWTH/ LABYRINTH/ ADULT WORK TEAM Page 5 FALL FESTIVAL Page 6 PIPE SCREAMS Page 7 KID’S STUFF Page 8 YOUTH COS UPDATE/AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM Page 9 UMW PAGE Page 10 IN OUR PRAYERS/ THANK YOU/ CONDOLENCES Page 11 UPCOMING ACTIVITIES Page 12 CHURCH & SOCIETY Page 13 ANNIVERSARIES/ BIRTHDAYS Page 14 FOOD CLOSET Where do you see GOD? The CHIMES October 2014 Page 2 OCTOBER BOOK STUDY with Rev. Ginny Join Ginny on Monday nights in October at 7:00pm for an hour-long class studying Marcus Borg’s book, Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time. This four-week class begins October 6. Borg’s book studies the historical Jesus and the heart of contemporary faith! A bit ―revolutionary,‖ so be prepared! Sign-up in the church office to reserve a book. This event supports ORKEESWA SCHOOL in Tanzania held at The Ranch at Laguna Beach Thursday, October 9, from 5 to 9 pm. SICnd U M the ba way” fromater ltw “Sa h Hig A $30 tax-deductible donation to IEFT per guest. To purchase your ticket please visit events. FOOD and b av ailab evera le for ge (cash purch only, a pleas se e) An Evening for Africa at The Ranch Friday, October 17 7:00pm at Rev. Ginny’s All ―newcomers‖ are invited to dinner with the Rev. Ginny Wheeler and her husband, Jim. This dinner is for those who are new to our church and would like to connect to our minister and the church leaders, and begin to find where they can connect here at CUMC. For more information, please call the church office 714.842.4461, and speak with Rev. Ginny Wheeler or Suzanne Morgan. The CHIMES October 2014 Page 3 Grief Support Group Saturdays, 9:00am to 10:00am Now to November 22 Beyond the Broken Heart: A Journey through Grief How do you understand grief when your heart is broken by the death of a loved one? To survive and live forward, you must find answers. This support group is for anyone who is grieving the loss of a loved one. This group will be facilitated by some of our Stephen Ministers and will help you navigate the emotions, experiences and questions of grief in a loving and caring environment. If you or someone you know is going through the loss of a loved one, this would be a wonderful gift of reflection and support for the journey of grief. There is a book for this group that is $10 and is available in the church office. Call the church office for more information. 714.842.4461 Saturday, October 11 5:00-7:00pm A chance for families to have fun, relax, explore faith, and enjoy a meal. SUPERHERO FUN PHOTO BOOTH MASKS CRAZY CHALLENGES SLIME FAMILY DINNER The CHIMES October 2014 Page 4 You are invited to our CHAPEL SERVICE Thursday, October 9 2:00pm Traditional Hymns Traditional Creeds A Message of Hope and Promise Fellowship time Second Thursdays of the month If you need transportation, call 714.842.4461. Labyrinth Prayer and Meditation Walk 3rd Thursday of each month. Next session is October 16 Available 10:00am to 2:00pm in Moore Hall. Socks and prayer guides provided. Oklahoma Adult Mission Trip Sharing Sunday, October 26 11:15 in Moore Hall Come hear and see about our trip to Moore, Oklahoma, to help rebuild after the May 2014 tornado . Muffins and juice will be served. No reservations needed just come on by. The CHIMES October 2014 Page 5 There will be food, Jamba Juice, a bounce house, lots of games and FUN activities. November 1 11:00am to 2:00pm The Children and Family Life committee is looking for donations of 14 oz. vegetable cans - clean and empty, tootsie pops, as well as baked and decorated cakes, and of course, lots and lots of wrapped candy. We will also need lots of help with the set up and decorating, to hand out candy at the Trick-or-Treat doors, to help run the booths, and of course, to help with the dreaded clean up. Look for the Family Life table on the patio after services to sign up and start planning your costume. Wear your costume and come ready to have fun. Oh, yeah, and come hungry. . The CHIMES October 2014 Page 6 Saturday, October 25 “PIPE SCREAMS” Community United Methodist Church 4:00 pm A light hearted organ concert with spooky music, a silent film accompanied by Robert York, and sure to be surprises. Costumes are encouraged. FREE admission. Performers include: Kevin Feltmann, Alicia Adams, Phil Chap, Charles Raasch and Joe Robinson. Music students and those interested in the organ are invited to come at 2:45pm for a pizza party. Students $2 and Adults $5. Reservations required. RSVP for pizza by October 22 to Jennifer Puhl at The CHIMES October 2014 Page 7 SUNDAY SCHOOL Co m un m y it U t ni ed M et ho di st Ch ur ch Nursery School Where we learn to play, share and grow together. 6652 Heil Avenue Huntington Beach 714.842.1630 October will be a busy month for the Nursery School. We start off with Mud Day that will be full of “ooey gooey” fun. Daddy & Me Day will be on October 18. Our dads will join their children and experience preschool fun first hand. They will finish their time together with a root beer float. The staff will be attending a churchrelated preschool workshop. We will be hearing a speaker on working with children on the autistic spectrum. It should be interesting. Every September on Dedication Sunday, the preschool staff attends the church services. We are recognized and the congregation prays for us and the school. I cannot express how much I appreciate that. Your prayers, good thoughts, and support have meant so much me every year. And I am so appreciative of the volunteers who gave their time to move all the preschool furniture out of the rooms so the floors and carpets could be done, and then move the furniture back. That’s a huge job! And speaking for myself, I was so surprised by the wonderful gift of thanks. It felt like I was getting a love gift from God. Thank you all so very much – I cannot tell you how much it meant to me. Vicki We have so much going on in our children’s Sunday School classes every week. When we asked one of the children about it, this is what was said. “We start out our worshiping in the Sanctuary with our families, they call us to the front for the Children’s Moment. One of the adults, sometimes Rev. Ginny (but it could be another teacher) talk to us for three minutes about something important. Sometimes it is funny and sometimes they give us a treat to eat in our class, but not in big church, and it always ends with a prayer. You know in church we always have to say a prayer. Then we go to our “real” Sunday School class and have a Bible story and make a fun craft. Everyone has fun and sometimes we take the craft home and sometimes we put it on the bulletin board to help make our classroom look pretty and tell other kids about God.” SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12 Faith Friends Kids/Parents Orientation We will meet at 11:15am in Room 8/9 If you have any questions, please contact Marty by email, or call the church office at 714.842.4461. The CHIMES October 2014 Page 8 YOUTH *CoS Update Oct 5 - Food Drive for CUMC Food Pantry Oct 5 - JH serving dinner at Orange, Ronald McDonald House Oct 12 - Car Hop Fundraiser Oct 18 - Parent's Night Out Fund Raiser Oct 26 - Youth Music in CUMC worship Oct 26 - Fall Festival at GS after worship Oct 26 - Good Shepherd Game Night!! Nov 2 - CUMC Fall Festival Feb 7 - Variety Show Feb 13-15 - Winter Retreat with other churches * Community of Shepherds - A combination of youth from Community UMC and Good Shepherd UMC. BACK TO SCHOOL AT THE COVE With the opening of another school year, our after school program, The Cove, is in full swing again. For the past 9 1/2 years, The Cove has been providing a safe, fun, and well-supervised place for middle schoolers from the community who would otherwise be home alone in the after school hours. While the church provides a paid supervisor who is in charge every day, our program could not function without our active corps of volunteers, one of whom is needed daily. If you are interested in participating in one of the liveliest, most appreciated ministries of our church, consider volunteering at The Cove. Volunteers are needed from 2:30 until 5:50 each school day, need no prior experience, and, in general, work 1 or 2 days monthly, or as their schedules allow. They assist in the supervision of students but are never in charge of the group. For more information or to sign up as a volunteer, call Kathie Lueck at 714-847-2037 or email her at The CHIMES October 2014 Page 9 Highlighting events and information of special interest to ALL women of CUMC Presented by United Methodist Women NOT FOR WOMEN ONLY MONTHLY PROGRAM Monday, October 20 7:00 PM Vickie Chenevey League of Women Voters will discuss the propositions on the November 4 ballot This program is open to the congregation and the community, so invite your friends and neighbors Hollywreath Breakfast Saturday December 6 Saturday, November 8 8:30 AM - Noon Santa Ana United Methodist Church $10 registration fee includes breakfast We will carpool UMW Page Editor: Pat West The CHIMES In our Prayers: Thank You! October 2014 Page 10 Louise Almy, Cecil Birnbaum, Katie Bernhoff, Liz Berry, Jean Calkins, Cary Gray, Zyl Gritz, Kathleen Hagey, Patti Justice, Richard Justice, Carol Kanode, John Kodrich, Shirley LaBounta, Bill Lueck, Velda McBride, Ally Miller, Chuck Morelock, Ruth Morris, Mark Munro, Jean Peters, Pat Schoch, Dale Skerik, Mary Kay Smith, Lavetta Snyder, Jim Tromp, Kay Winter, Priscilla Wolz. Dear CUMC, Thank you for all the kind words and beautiful cards. - it means a lot to me. I’m sure it helped in my recovery. I am so happy to be back with you all. Barbara Olson Thank you to everyone for the lovely cards, gifts, words of appreciation, and especially the hugs on Sunday, September 14. What a heartwarming and wonderful surprise! You have all made managing the church office an interesting and fulfilling way to spend my last almost eleven years. I have been blessed beyond measure just by knowing all the amazing folks at CUMC. Thank you all so much. ♥ Mikey To the wonderful people of CUMC: You all never cease to amaze me. The outpouring of love and support that I received for my "job" of working with the Celebration Singers (and previously with the younger ones) was over the top. Being with these young people helps keep me young, and I have never considered it a job. In fact, when I lost my full-time job many years ago, and applied for unemployment compensation, when the form asked if I had made any money for a job the previous week, I filled in the "no" box. Then a couple of weeks later, I realized I was paid by CUMC for my "job", but since I considered it fun, not a job, I gave the wrong information. I had to call and tell them that I had actually received some money for a job, so they adjusted what they gave me. I want to thank you all for your kind words and gifts that I received on Sunday. My heart was touched, and I felt a little guilty, because I get so much joy out of what I do, that I would do it without the money or the praise. Thanks so much. I love you all! Blessings, Marsha I would just like to say thank you for all the cards of appreciation that I received. You have all blessed me more than you will ever know . It has been my great pleasure to serve here at CUMC for these many years and I hope to continue for many more. I have the lovely box of cards in my office so that I will always have them with me to cheer me up when I am having just one of those days. It has been a blessing to be a part of and serve such a wonderful church family. Love, Suzanne I was so surprised by the wonderful gift of thanks you gave to me. It felt like I was getting a love gift from God. Thank you all so very much – I cannot tell you how much it meant to me. Vicki Condolences to: Johnna and Katie Gott, and Rob Gott and family on the passing of John Gott on Monday, September 22. John has been a member of CUMC since November 1977 and a guardian angel in the church nursery for many, many years. Services were held on Monday September 29 at 10:30am at CUMC. The CHIMES October 2014 Page 11 BOOK CLUB Our October meeting will be on, Tuesday, October 28, at the home of Anneke Dodge, 5231 Kenilworth Drive, Huntington Beach. We will be reading The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd. Call the church office at 714.842.4461 or Anneke at 714.846.7382, for more details or if you have questions. SOLOS If you are single, eat lunch, like to have fun and be in fellowship with other singles, then join us for lunch. Each month, usually on the last Sunday of the month, we meet after 2nd service (about 11:30am) at A local restaurant. This month we will gather on Sunday, October 26 at Mimi’s in Fountain Valley. For information and reservations, please call Shirley LaBounta at 714.847.4354. FELLOWSHIP LUNCHEON CLUB Our monthly potluck luncheon will be held on Wednesday, October 29, in Moore Hall. We will gather at 11:30am for light conversation and will have lunch at noon, followed by a great program, SCAM 101, designed to educate us on some of the current scams being used to cheat us. You don’t want to miss it! Please bring a dish to share and your best smile. All are welcome! Call the church office, 714.842.4461 with any questions. Wednesday, October 22 11:00am to 10:00pm Join us at The California Pizza Kitchen restaurant in Bella Terra, for lunch or dinner, as we gather for great food and wonderful fellowship with our CUMC family and friends. Just give your server the flyer you will receive at church on Sunday, May 18, or print the last page of this edition, and CUMC will receive 20% of your check. All funds raised from this event go to the office computer fund. We are truly grateful for your support! The CHIMES October 2014 Page 12 Peace with Justice Sunday at CUMC is October 12, 2014 In Arizona border towns, communities facing social challenges are dramatically divided. In Liberian villages, citizens’ human rights are being violated. In local U.S. communities, women and girls are being bought and sold against their will. Moved by Christ’s love to pursue reconciliation and peace, honoring the dignity of every individual made in God’s image, The United Methodist Church is unwilling to turn a blind eye to injustice. Your giving is vital for the UMC to continue its global ministries of reconciliation. Because of your Peace with Justice Sunday offering, The United Methodist Church is able to make a difference by sowing seeds—and yielding fruit!—of peace. Equipping The United Methodist Church to Do Justice in Jesus’ Name When you give on Peace with Justice Sunday, your gift makes possible our critical kingdom work in the world. Because you give: Methodists spearhead a peace ministry uniting Arizona border communities. United Methodists in Liberia are being equipped to implement the UMC’s Social Principles to address social justice issues. Pennsylvania students are educating their community about sex-trafficking at home and abroad. These initiatives, and hundreds of other ones, are possible because you give. Your Giving Makes Possible the Proclamation of Christ’s Peace Will you continue to support Peace with Justice Sunday? Will you empower local Christians—in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Liberia and here in California—to build the kingdom of peace that Jesus ushered in? In Jesus’ inaugural address, standing in his home synagogue in Nazareth, he detailed his game plan: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” (Luke 4:18-19) Through your giving, good news is proclaimed to—and experienced by—the poor. Thanks be to God! 3rd Annual Spirituality Integration Conference Integration of Spirituality with Behavioral Health and Drama Treatment October 22, 2014 8:00am to 4:30pm 505 East Central Avenue , Santa Ana Contact Lee McKlenshaw for more information . The CHIMES ing d d We ies r a s er v i n An October 2014 Page 13 Day Ross and Joan Stewart Dan and Sandie Ala Ginny and Gary Bean Kara and Nathan Pietila 8 1 18 28 Years 54 48 45 8 R BE OCTO Bir th days 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 11 12 William Bonham Kim Munro Elizabeth Nielsen Dale Hagey Sierra Daniels Joan Stewart Yvonne Vergara Sandra Lindauer Joe McNeil Jean Laird Ann Van Winkle Patrick Waldenfels Wayne Smith Thomas Parker 14 Timothy Flanagan Richard Justice 15 Greg Anderson Patricia Hill Phyll Page 16 Lois Havens 17 Amelia Pham 18 Sepiuta Holakeimai Sepiuta Tukia 19 Riley Brown Rick Day 19 Dorothy Jones 20 Krista Bilderbach Jeannine Escobar Julie Leicht Emma Willsey 22 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 Jordan Escobar Carla Roosen Lee Schoonover Jennifer Towers Marsha Sipkovich Lee Haber Larry Munro Jerry Patterson Bill Simpson Jim Xerikos Lois Richardson Holden Lorenz Jinny Morelock Glen Nelson Hannah Fleming Marci Glenn John Humphreys The CHIMES October 2014 Page 14 CUMC FOOD CLOSET Thanks to everyone who contributes to our food closet with their time and effort they volunteer. Any donations of non-perishable food products, small and medium size jars of Peanut Butter, gift cards to fast food restaurants for those with no cooking or storage facilities. Also gift cards from grocery and discount stores are always appreciated. October’s special request items are: spaghetti sauce and spaghetti noodles. Please contact Leyla Wagner or the church office with questions. The CUMC Food Closet requests for assistance is at the highest demand that it has ever been. With more people out of work and times so tough, it makes our efforts even more important. Thank you all so much! FOR OUR SHOWER MINISTRY WE NEED: Please deposit on Patio or in church office: Shampoo Conditioner Soap Deodorant Lotion Shaving Cream Combs 6652 HEIL AVENUE HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92647-4359 Please bring to church office only: Eye Glasses Blankets Sleeping bags Back packs Gift Cards $5 fast food restaurants Men’s shoes Socks Bus Passes or donations to purchase bus passes Fundraiser in s upport of Community United Methodist Church Wednesday, May 22, 2013 22, 2014 October (A ll D ay) California Pizza Kitchen Bella Terra • 7851 Edinger Ave, Huntington Beach (Next to Kohl’s) 714.375.3157 Fundraiser in support of Community United Methodist Church Wednesday, October May 22, 2013 22, 2014 (All Day) California Pizza Kitchen Bella Terra • 7851 Edinger Ave (Next to Kohl’s) 714.372.3157
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