The Ch im VOLUME 91 EDITOR - Mikey Foster es NUMBER 11 November 2014 Inside this issue: Page 2 FALL FESTIVAL Page 3 SHREDDING, E-WASTE/ HABITAT FOR HUMANITY Page 4 CHARGE CONFERENCE/ THANKSGIVING DINNER & WORSHIP Page 5 MESSY CHURCH/ GRIEF SUPPORT Page 6 CHAPEL SERVICE/LABYRINTH/ ADVENT WORKSHOP Page 7 KID’S STUFF Page 8 YOUTH COS UPDATE Page 9 UMW PAGE Page 10 RODRIGO’S/UPCOMING ACTIVITIES Page 11 IN OUR PRAYERS/ THANK YOU/CONDOLENCES/ FOOD CLOSET Page 12 ANNIVERSARIES/ BIRTHDAYS Page 13 CHURCH CAMP What What are are YOU YOU grateful grateful for for today today?? The CHIMES November 2014 Page 2 There will be food, Jamba Juice, a bounce house, lots of games and FUN activities. November 1 11:00am to 2:00pm The Children and Family Life committee is looking for donations of 14 oz. vegetable cans - clean and empty, tootsie pops, as well as baked and decorated cakes, and of course, lots and lots of wrapped candy. We will also need lots of help with the set up and decorating, to hand out candy at the Trick-or-Treat doors, to help run the booths, and of course, to help with the dreaded clean up. Look for the Family Life table on the patio after services to sign up and start planning your costume. Wear your costume and come ready to have fun. Bring your friends, family, and neighbors. Oh, yeah, and come hungry. . The CHIMES November 2014 Page 3 The SACKIN TEAM along with our GREEN TEAM and FOOD CLOSET presents GOLDEN TRIANGLE GREEN & CLEAN FREE SHREDDING AND E-WASTE RECYCLING EVENT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8 9AM-1PM E-WASTE: Electronics may include computers, monitors, televisions, MP3 players, ink toner cartridges, printers, microwaves, cables & wires, laptops, cell phones. If it has a plug, it is likely able to be recycled. SHREDDING: Bring all papers containing sensitive information, especially your Social Security number, account numbers and birthdates. HELP: Huntington Beach Assistance League and CUMC food pantry donations will be accepted on site. MARK YOUR CALENDARS... Food, drinks, and fun. Clean out your house & help your neighbors just in time for the holidays. See you there! 714.374.3535 We have arranged with Habitat for Humanity to offer their logo items for sale after each service on Sunday, November 9. This is our annual Building on Faith fundraiser. They usually have Lucinda pins, tee shirts, Christmas cards and donation cards available – and other items as well. Please help us in supporting Habitat for Humanity Habitat's vision: a world where everyone has a decent place to live. The CHIMES November 2014 Page 4 2014 CHARGE CONFERENCE Charge Conference is coming on Tuesday, November 18, 2014, at 7:00pm in Moore Hall. At Charge Conference we will conclude the business of CUMC for 2014, and prepare for the 2015 business plans. All members of CUMC are invited and encouraged to attend, especially committee facilitators/chairpersons. REMINDER: All committee reports are due in the church office, as soon as possible but no later than November 11. If you have questions, last’s year’s conference report is in the office for you to use as a reference, or you may call Rev. Ginny or Mikey in the church office, 714.842.4461. Thanksgiving Eve Dinner and Worship Wednesday, November 26 6:00pm You are joyfully invited to come Thanksgiving Eve to enjoy wonderful food, fellowship and worship with your church family. What a wonderful way to enjoy our many blessings and give thanks to God for loving us and giving us life! Join us for this Thanksgiving feast in Moore Hall most lovingly prepared by Julie Paton. Your contribution for this meal is your donation, which will go to the “Imagine No More Malaria” Fund. A child dies every minute from Malaria and we are striving to end this killer’s reign. Please donate according to your “thankfulness.” Sign up on the church patio for this great dinner starting, Sunday, November 9, or you may call the church office at 714.842.4461. We will need help to clean up after this wonderful dinner so you may also sign up at that time also. Remember many hands make light work. The CHIMES November 2014 Page 5 Attitude of Gratitude Saturday, November 8 5:00pm to 7:00pm Messy church is a chance for families to have fun, relax, explore faith and enjoy a meal together! Everyone is invited to come and enjoy the fellowship! Bring canned items for Thanksgiving baskets for Families in need. Handprint Turkey Families Gratitude Pumpkins Grief Support Group Saturdays, 9:00am to 10:00am Now to November 22 Beyond the Broken Heart: A Journey through Grief How do you understand grief when your heart is broken by the death of a loved one? To survive and live forward, you must find answers. This support group is for anyone who is grieving the loss of a loved one. This group will be facilitated by some of our Stephen Ministers and will help you navigate the emotions, experiences and questions of grief in a loving and caring environment. If you or someone you know is going through the loss of a loved one, this would be a wonderful gift of reflection and support for the journey of grief. There is a book for this group that is $10 and is available in the church office. Call the church office for more information. 714.842.4461 The CHIMES November 2014 Page 6 Due to scheduling conflicts, CHAPEL SERVICE will not be held in November or December. Labyrinth Prayer and Meditation Walk 3rd Thursday of each month. Next session is November 20 Available 10:00am to 2:00pm in Moore Hall. Socks and prayer guides provided. Advent workshop Advent Workshop will be on the 1st Sunday in Advent, November 30. When you make plans for your Thanksgiving weekend be sure you plan to be home in time for our annual Advent Workshop. The workshop will be immediately following the 2nd worship service on Sunday, November 30. A soup lunch will be served and then you will have an opportunity to make Christmas ornaments, an Advent wreath, decorate cookies - just to name a few activities. Make this fun time for the entire family part of your Christmas and Advent traditions. Get grandma and grandpa, the baby and everyone in-between. There will be crafts and fun activities for all ages and abilities. Whether you are a family of one or a family of eighteen all are cordially invited to join in the fun. The cost is $5 per family. Sign-ups will begin Sunday, November 9, on the church patio. Numbers Bit 7 The number of “deadly sins” (anger, covetousness, envy, gluttony, lust, pride, and sloth) are not found in the Bible as commonly believed, but rather first enumerated by St. Thomas Aquinas. The CHIMES November 2014 Page 7 SUNDAY SCHOOL Co m un m y it U t ni ed M et ho di st Ch ur ch Nursery School Where we learn to play, share and grow together. 6652 Heil Avenue Huntington Beach 714.842.1630 In October, the preschool staff joined other Church-related preschools for a workshop in Yorba Linda. We heard an excellent speaker talk about working with children on the autistic spectrum. We all learned new things and walked away with some good resources. This is the time of year when apples and pumpkins are in season. Don’t be surprised if you see lots of apples and pumpkins hanging around the preschool; and also the smell in the air from goodies we have made. Yummy! Looking ahead to next year, we will again be holding the used book fair, so save your books for us. And at the same time, we will have a shoe drive. We will take your donations of used shoes – children’s and adult’s – they will be cleaned up and sent to a third world country. So don’t throw out those old shoes – we’ll take them! In Sunday School we have started at the very beginning. We have heard the creation story and learned about Noah and the Ark. We were able to share with the children the model of the Ark with the animals that Bill Watson built for us. We made the story of Abraham and Sarah come to life by setting up our tent and then moving everything to another land like God asked of Abraham and Sarah. Looking ahead we will be hearing the stories of Joseph, his brothers and Pharaoh. These stories will help us to understand that there is hope for God’s people. Faith Friends will be meeting in November on the 9th and the 23rd from 11:15am to 12:30pm. This month we will be planning some really fun activities to do throughout the year as well as help with the food closet Thanksgiving baskets. Faith Friends is open to all 3rd thru 5th graders and their friends. We always have a great time together. Join us! If you would like more information about Faith Friends, please contact Marty Drake by email or leave a message with the church office at 714.842.4461. The CHIMES November 2014 Page 8 YOUTH *CoS Update * Community of Shepherds - A combination of youth from Community UMC and Good Shepherd UMC. NOVEMBER SCHEDULE: Nov 2 - CUMC Fall Festival Nov 9 - Come and See Nov 16 - Living Good Vibes Nov 23 - Game night at Good Shepherd UMC Nov 30 - Advent is here! Dec 7 - 18 Days until Christmas! Dec 13 & 14 - Fancy Hot Drink Fundraiser at Christmas Concerts Dec 21 - CoS Christmas Party Dec 28 - TBD Looking down Road 2015: Jan 17 - Youth Leader Training at Biola University Feb 7 - Variety Show & Dinner Feb 13 thru 15 - Winter Retreat with other churches - should be a total blast! Pray for SNOW!!! Parents: We need a parent or two to provide supervision on November 9, at (CUMC) youth group. Both Marty and Darren will be on a CUMC staff retreat. Rev. Darren Cowdrey at or Marty at or call the church office at 714.842.4461. I will give you thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart; before the gods I will sing your praise. Psalms 138:1 The CHIMES November 2014 Page 9 Highlighting events and information of special interest to ALL women of CUMC Presented by United Methodist Women HOSTESSES: Ruth Circle Monday November 17 7:00pm A Gift to ALL the ladies of the church HOLLYWREATH BRUNCH Saturday, December 6 at 9:30am Program: Harbor Singers Come to the UMW table to make your reservations and to see how you can help. The World Thank Offering is a spontaneous gift that allows United Methodist Women to say “thank Help provide lunch for clients of you” to God for daily mercies, small and large, and to share SOUTHWEST COMMNITY CENTER Friday, November 28, 9:30am their love with God’s people. Join us in dedicating your World Thank Can you supply a casserole? Offering and discovering Let us know at the UMW Table. creative ways to raise funds so the lives of women, children and youth will be impacted beyond measure. Saturday, November 8 8:30 AM - Noon Santa Ana United Methodist Church $10 registration fee includes breakfast We will carpool NOVEMBER 23 Last day to turn UMW Reading Program Book List for Credit! The Nuts Are Here! UMW Page Editor: Pat West The CHIMES November 2014 In our Prayers: Thank You! Page 11 Louise Almy, Cecil Birnbaum, Katie Bernhoff, Liz Berry, Jean Calkins, Cary Gray, Zyl Gritz, Kathleen Hagey, Patti Justice, Richard Justice, Carol Kanode, John Kodrich, Shirley LaBounta, Bill Lueck, Velda McBride, Ally Miller, Chuck Morelock, Ruth Morris, Mark Munro, Ardis Paek, Jean Peters, Trudy Roe, Dale Skerik, Mary Kay Smith, Lavetta Snyder, Jim Tromp, Kay Winter, Priscilla Wolz. Dear CUMC Family, Thank you for your prayerful wishes during my eye surgeries. I am especially grateful for the e-mails and the get-well card so beautifully made to lift anybody's spirit up. I am so grateful to be part of a loving, giving and ever creative congregation. Nuha Salibi Condolences to: to the family and friends of Patricia Schoch who died on Monday, October 6, after a long illness. Services were held at CUMC on Saturday, October 25, at 11:00am. to Pam and Doug Blue and family upon the death of Pam’s sister, Kathleen Henke, on Saturday, October 18, in Shore View, MN. Services were held on Wednesday, October 29, in Minnesota. CUMC FOOD CLOSET Thanks to everyone who contributes to our food closet with donations and volunteer time and effort. Donations requested are non-perishable food products, small and medium size jars of Peanut Butter, gift cards to fast food restaurants for those with no cooking or storage facilities. Also gift cards from grocery and discount stores are always appreciated. November’s special request is items to fill our Holiday Baskets, such as a turkey, stuffing mix, gravy, cranberry sauce, butter, olives, cool whip, fruit, mushroom soup, broth, celery, green beans, pumpkin pie, instant or real potatoes, fresh and fried onions and grocery store gift cards. Please contact Leyla Wagner or the church office with questions. The CUMC Food Closet requests for assistance are at the highest demand ever, with more people out of work and times so tough, it makes our efforts even more important. Thank you all so much! For our Shower Ministry we are requesting: Please deposit on Patio or in church office: Shampoo Conditioner Soap Deodorant Lotion Shaving Cream Combs Please bring to church office only: Eye Glasses Blankets Sleeping bags Back packs Gift Cards $5 fast food restaurants Men’s shoes Socks Bus Passes or donations to purchase bus passes The CHIMES November 2014 Page 10 Mission Trip Fund Raising Event Wednesday, November 19 Come and enjoy great Mexican food at Rodrigo’s Mexican Grill on Golden West near Bolsa Avenue. Bring your flyer (See last page) with you and our mission teams will receive 20% of your total bill. The amount we earn will be matched thanks to a generous (anonymous) family! The funds we raise are split between our youth and adult teams. With funds from the last fundraising event at Rodrigo’s, the car rental fee was paid for the Adult Team while in Oklahoma. So grab some friends and enjoy really great food and fellowship at Rodrigo’s. See you there. FELLOWSHIP LUNCHEON CLUB Our monthly potluck luncheon will be held on Wednesday, November 19, in Moore Hall. We will gather at 11:30am for light conversation and have lunch at noon, followed by a great program, “Sing and Play” with Tom and Elizabeth Campbell. You don’t want to miss it! Please bring a dish to share and your best smile. All are welcome! Call the church office, 714.842.4461 with any questions. PLEASE NOTE: Due to all the special Advent and Christmas gatherings, services and activities, there will be NO Fellowship Luncheon in December. We’ll see you all on January 28, 2015. SOLOS If you are single, eat lunch, like to have fun and be in fellowship with other singles, please join us for lunch. Each month, usually on the last Sunday of the month, we meet after 2nd service (about 11:30am) for lunch at a local restaurant. This month we will gather on Sunday, November 30, at the Stone Fire Grill in Fountain Valley. For information and reservations, please call Shirley LaBounta at 714.847.4354. In December, we will meet on December 14, at BJ’s Grill at Beach and Edinger. We hope you can join us. BOOK CLUB Our November meeting will be on Tuesday, November 18, (Date change due to Thanksgiving) at the home of Anneke Dodge, 5231 Kenilworth Drive, in Huntington Beach. We will be reading Too Big to Miss by Sue Ann Jaffarian. Call the church office at 714.842.4461 or Anneke at 714.846.7382, for more details or if you have questions. Please note: Next month we will be meeting on December 16, (Date change due to Christmas) and we will be discussing Traveler by Mary Alice Parmaley, which is on the UMW Book List. We will also be sharing our favorite Christmas story. The CHIMES November 2014 Page 12 ER MB E V O N ing d d We ies r a s er v i n An Fred and Jo Carrozzo Binh Van and Anne Vu Donald and Karen Hohl Jim and Yvonne Zack Vincent and Marsha Sipkovich Dale and Sharon (Sherry) Skerik Marty and Bobby Drake Ron and Beth Hayes Jerry and Shirley Isham David and Gillian Jensen Chris and Shari Lynn Skerik Chris and Heather McKee Day Years 23 21 1 1 20 3 13 11 20 7 14 8 67 52 51 44 43 35 29 24 20 16 10 6 Bir th days 1 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 Joe Thelander David Hattersley Zack Langew Chris McKee Patricia Haber Marilyn Kanaske Ross Stewart Donna Freker Dr. William Katlensley Nancy Grove Joseph Hazelett Barbara Maul Carl Laird Nora Logsdon 11 Karen Hohl Carol Howard Audrey Radle 13 Jim Van Houten 15 Bill Lueck 16 Rebecca Rozint 17 William Keel 18 Andrew Atterbury Jessica Kent Jose Ramirez 19 Scotti (MaryLouise) Davis Elizabeth (Liz) Smilor 21 Christopher Leicht 22 Normajean Janssen Michael Parmelee 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 Merry Lee Senn Hannah Wagner Dale Deffner Bill Fugard Liz Hyatt Jennifer Garcia Rachel Waldenfels Brett Vardeman Nancy Fones Helen Madland Donald Dodge John Fleming Maxine Wilson Zyl Gritz Patricia Falzon The CHIMES November 2014 Page 13 Mark your Calendars You won’t want to miss the chance to make new friendships, breathe fresh air, eat yummy meals prepared for you, and have an awesome good time that is a part of church camp. We will again go to Cedar Glen from May 22nd thru 24th. Cedar Glen offers us beautiful cabins, swimming pool, meeting areas, fire pits, a nature center, hiking trails, archery, a climbing tower, low ropes elements, and a complete high ropes course, or you may opt for a chair in the shade and a good book. More details will follow in 2015, but remember, CHURCH CAMP IS FOR EVERYONE! 6652 HEIL AVENUE HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92647-4359
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