Pace Newsletter – May 2015

The Pace of
PACE is published by
Grace Episcopal Church
36200 Ridge Rd.
Willoughby, OH 44094
Phone: (440) 942-1015
Web Site
Church Office Hours
9:00 a.m. to Noon
Monday - Friday
May 2015
". . give peace at home,
where thou art guide,
no ill can come."
Hymn 503
First 3 Sundays
each month
Team Teaching by :
Karla Zargari
Debbie Zimmerman
Lynn Kramp
Jerrie McCreary
Bobbin Davis
Tiffany Parks
Charlotte Stodt
Deadline for next Pace
is Sunday, May 24th
Officers & Staff :
Inside this Pace :
Frank Burkacki
Senior Warden
(440) 975-1496
Greg Mackey
Junior Warden
(440) 256-3517
Harry Dodds
Judith Stafanick
This & That
Worship committee
Vestry report
Church Mouse
Sunday School
Relay for Life
Judith Stafanick
Administrative Assistant
Scott Arra
L e s s o n s / Re a d i n g s
Organist & Music Director
The Rev. Rose Ann Lonsway
The Reverend Rose Ann Lonsway graduated Bexley Hall Seminary in 2013, and spent nearly
two years at St. Peters Episcopal Church in Delaware, Ohio. For her first year, she served as a
transitional deacon. After her June 2014 ordination, she was an assistant priest. She served as
their ‘priest in charge’ during the rector’s 3-month sabbatical late in 2014, and since his
resignation at the end of 2014.
A Painesville native, The Reverend Lonsway is well known at St. James, Painesville. She is a
‘second-career priest’ having worked for many years in healthcare as a consultant,
administrator, and nurse. She has not lived in Lake County for many years, but her family is still
here ~ she has visited them regularly. She still owns a condo in the area which is rented out.
Rose Ann has been involved in church music since her youth, and originally started college with
intentions to take a degree in music education. She has sung in and led choirs, and can play
the organ.
Rose Ann will be moving into the Rectory, where she will be joined, once the school year is
over, by her daughter, and six-year-old grandson. Her first Sunday with Grace will be May 17 th.
Elizabeth Estep, Search Comm. Chairperson
Holy Baptism
"Come Holy Ghost, our
souls inspire......"
April 4th, Margaret Eleanor Ores (Maggie) was
baptized into God’s family. The Reverend Allan
Belton was the Celebrant. Maggie is the
daughter of Fallon Dodds & Dan Ores. She, with
her cousins, Aidan Seyler and Brody Parks, are
now fourth generation members of Grace
Church. Following family tradition, Maggie wore
her grandmother’s christening grown from 1943,
as had her mother (Fallon) and her aunt
(Tiffany)….the fourth child and the third
generation. Beginning another tradition for
Maggie, her father’s christening candle was lit
during this baptism. Margaret Eleanor Ores is
named for her grandmother, Margaret Dodds, &
her great-grandmother, Eleanor Dodds.
This & That
The Vestry met on Tuesday,
April 21, 2015. The March
minutes were approved and
the Treasurer’s report for
February, 2015 was accepted
with a correction.
Chris Burke was a guest and
suggested that we have a
Wine & Cheese party at the
Rectory on Sunday, May 3
before The Rev. Lonsway
moves in. Chris will supply
the wine and cheese and
Kathy Hill offered to help.
May 3 will be the deadline to
finish all the projects at the
Rectory. The Rectory will be
professionally cleaned to be
move-in ready.
please let the office know.
The Rev. Lonsway will begin
at Grace on May 15 and her
first service will be on
Sunday, May 17. There will
be one service at 10am and
name tags will be made.
Tiffany Parks has agreed to
another term on the
We will look into a new phone
system for the office. And,
new office furniture will be
purchased for the
Administrative Assistant to
make it more comfortable and
alleviate the physical
problems she is experiencing.
Submitted by:
Judy Stafanick, Clerk
The Wardens, Frank Burkacki
and Greg Mackey, wrote the
“Agreement between the
Wardens and Vestry of Grace
Church, Willoughby, Ohio and
The Rev. Rose Ann Lonsway”
which was presented to the
There were some
changes suggested to be
made to the contract. The
contract was reviewed and
the corrections were made.
The Vestry accepted the
contract with the changes.
A Welcome Committee has
been formed to plan events to
welcome the new Rector. If
anyone is interested in being
part of this committee,
We can agree we have much to be thankful
for. We thank all the good, faithful people
who have helped us through this long twoyear “winter”. Now we look forward with joy to
our new journey as a complete parish this
Continued next column
Continued next page
This & That
Please remember that thankfulness is Every
Day. Our Blue Boxes remind us that others
are in need. While we cannot be present, in
person, to help everyone, we can thank God
for our many blessings, and drop in a coin or
two, or more, as a tangible gift. These gifts,
every penny, are gathered together and
granted out to needs, both here and all over
the world. Keep being thankful, filling your
“Little Blue Boxes”, and they will be gathered
in Sunday, May 3. There will be envelopes in
the pews the Sunday before, for you to take
home and bring back on May 3.
Jeanne Schupp
May is our last month of scheduled
Sunday School classes. May 3 rd , and May
10 th , we will offer Sunday School classes.
On Sunday, May 17 th , there will not be
Sunday School, so we participate in
welcoming our new rector. The fourth
Sunday is family Sunday. May 31 st will
become our last Sunday School class until
We have had a busy year. We started out
learning about the Eucharist. Advent
brought our Advent workshop activities
with a review of the Christmas stories.
Lent we reviewed what Lent is, and how
Easter relates to the Eucharist. Since
Easter, we are reading the Old Testament
and discussing the stories
We are always looking for any adults or
teenagers who are interested in helping in
Sunday School, contact Debbie
Zimmerman or Bobbin Davis.
We can use help with fundraisers for our
“Walk with Grace” team. All profits go to
the American Cancer Society to help find a
cure and help those fighting the disease.
On Saturday, May
31from 1-3 pm we will be
hosting a chocolate
tasting and purchasing
party in the undercroft.
Please bring your sweet
tooth and a friend. June
13 will be our 3rd Annual
Rummage Sale. Bring your donations to the
carpeted area of the undercroft. If you need
transportation for your items, please contact
Frank Burkacki at 440-975-1496. Help us by
joining in sorting items on May 23 and on
June 6, at 10:00am. Luminarias are being
sold for $10 each. They will display the name
of your loved one at a silent candle light
ceremony at dusk (July 13) the night of the
relay. You can purchase a luminaria in
remembrance, support. or survival from a
team member.
JOIN US in the fight against all cancers.
Dove Chocolate Tasting Party
Featuring Dove Chocolate Sensations
WHEN: Sunday / May 31, 2015 / 1-3 p.m.
WHERE: Grace Church Hall
WHY: To Benefit Relay for life
Team “Walk with Grace”
All welcome ! Fun --- Food --- Fellowship
CONTACT: Pam Stoldt 440-487-5327 or
Carol Turley 440-382-9103
This & That
May 3 will be the UTO Spring In gathering. Jeanne Schupp will
make sure there are boxes and
envelopes available.
May 15 will be the Rev. Rose
Anne Lonsway’s first day at
Grace. The sign in front will
welcome her. Name tags will be
made for everyone and the
flowers on the altar will be from
Grace Church to welcome her. A
welcome committee has been
formed to take care of all the
After Pentecost the while frontal
will be cleaned.
May 24 is The Day of Pentecost.
The Evangelism Committee will
put up red flags in front. They
also will be Bakers and Takers
for any new people in the church
Our evangelism committee met and
decided to revitalize our Bakers and
Takers (taking bread to newcomers). We
need the help of our greeters or anyone
else noticing new people attending a
service to let us know. We also want to
keep an eye on parishioners who are
missing on Sundays. If you know of
anyone, please let a commi ttee member
know so they can contact them.
On Pentecost we plan to decorate outdoors
with red flags to let others know about
We are hoping to have an open house at
the Rectory before our new rector arrives.
[Editor’s Note: see details in Vestry
As always, everyone is welcome to join us
to be God's hands and feet. Our next
meeting will be Sunday May 10th @ 9:00
AM in the lounge between services.
Peggy Burkacki
The next meeting will be May 12,
Submitted by, Judy Stafanick
Birthdays in May
Anniversaries in May
James & Merideth Velez 23
Selena Baur
Bobbie Mackey
Frank Burkacki
Judy Stafanick
Susan Shepard
Dave Zimmerman 22
Paul Fussner
Gary Hill
This & That
It was brought to m y
attention that there was a
bald eagle sighting over
Grace Church. In fact, it
made a circle to show off
the white head and tail.
How blessed are we to
have those magnificent birds in our area.
The Search Committee worked very hard
the past two years and a call was made to
the Rev. Rose Anne Lonsway to be come
the next Rector of our church. She will
be here May 15. Welcome! Maybe we
can do cheese and crackers one day at m y
And that means that we had to say
farewell to The Rev. Allan Belton. He
was here 20 years ago, well before m y
time, as an In terim. It was a real blessing
to have him here with us for Christmas,
Lent and Easter and all that snow. What a
great guy. Hope he keeps in touch.
It was reall y nice of the Wednesday Study
Group to remember our “Administrative
Assistant” on her day wit h a part y and
cards. That made her day. And when she
is happy, I am happy!
Chris Burke had a great idea to have a
Wine & Cheese Party at the Rectory on
Sunday, May 3 before the new Rector
moves in. So it was suggested that he be
the host. There is a l esson here. Never
say something is a good idea unless you
are willing to do all the work.
Spring has sprung and the grass has riz.
Finall y!
Church Mouse
The Rev. Allan Belton
concluded his service at Grace
Church as Supply Priest on
April 26th. While he is listed as
retired, his work as Supply
Clergy is expected to continue
soon, serving at a parish in
Uniontown, Ohio.
36200 Ridge Road
Willoughby, OH 44094
Dated material
Please deliver by May 1, 2015
May 3…………………………………….
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Acts 8:26-40
Psalm 22:24-30
1 John 4:7-21
John 15:1-8
May 10…………………………………….
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Acts 10:44-48
Psalm 98
1 John 5:1-6
John 15:9-17
May 17…………………………………….
Seventh Sunday of Easter
May 24…………………………………….
Day of Pentecost
May 31…………………………………….
Trinity Sunday
Acts 1:15-17, 21-26
Psalm 1
1 John 5:9-13
John 17:6-19
Acts 2:1-21
Psalm 104:25-35, 37
Romans 8:22-27
John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15
Isaiah 6:1-8
Psalm 29
Romans 8:12-17
John 3:1-17