Campaign for Grade-Level Reading DRAFT Patterson Foundation Dashboard of Progress Indicators 2015- 2016 (Proposed) By the close of 2015: • Improving third-grade reading proficiency, school readiness, attendance/chronic absence and summer learning for children from low-income families will have emerged as priorities for public officials and influential constituencies across the nation • Investing in early learning, healthy on-track development and successful parents will be more widely recognized as essential contributors to success in the early grades Progress Indicator 2015 Target Policymakers and public officials actively promote policies to boost reading proficiency for lowincome children- policymakers and public agencies “Stake in the ground” states whose governors and legislative leaders publicly support third grade reading 25 as an important performance measure for schools and school districts “Smart and sensible” third-grade reading policy brief championed by proponents of retention and proponents of social promotion Partners are champions for GLR messages and an effective dissemination channel for promising programs and practices- Sector-leading organizations and local nonprofits 1 Local affiliates of Campaign Partners engage with sponsoring coalitions 450 Campaign Partner affiliates lead sponsoring coalitions 50 Partners that serve key constituencies are added; priority on health, parent engagement and after school 15 Campaign messages consistently reach 200,000 individuals directly, via trusted messengers and/or through the organizations they choose to join- Media Campaign “push” communications are opened at an increasing rate Media interactions are increased by 10% and social media by 20%: Confidential DRAFT - Please do not distribute Patterson Foundation Data Dashboard: As of March 16, 2015 Page 1 10% over 2013 baseline (25%) 2015 YTD (Reported Quarterly) Campaign for Grade-Level Reading DRAFT Patterson Foundation Dashboard of Progress Indicators 2015- 2016 (Proposed) Progress Indicator 2015 Target 2015 YTD (Reported Quarterly) Twitter followers 8,000 Facebook fans 3,500 Newsletter subscribers 10,000 Media hits overall 20,000 GLR communities represented by Bright Spots stories 50 GLR communities and/or GLR priorities receive media attention 50 State-based advocates champion and prioritize polices that advance a Birth-Through-Third framework- Advocates State-based advocates advance Birth-through-Third policy priorities 50% Third-grade reading is a target for increased investment, leadership, and voice- Philanthropy Funders are reached via seminars and sessions at which CGLR content is presented or discussed 500 Local funders are actively supporting GLR communities 150 Funders join GLR Funders Network 50 Confidential DRAFT - Please do not distribute Patterson Foundation Data Dashboard: As of March 16, 2015 Page 2 Campaign for Grade-Level Reading DRAFT Patterson Foundation Dashboard of Progress Indicators 2015- 2016 (Proposed) Progress Indicator 2015 Target 2015 YTD (Reported Quarterly) Reading volunteerism and citizen service grow through sponsoring coalition effortsEngaged Citizens GLR communities adopt, expand or replicate promising and/or proven programs to train and deploy high50 quality, volunteer reading tutors By the close of 2016: • Communities in the Grade-Level Reading Network will serve as proof points for improving school readiness, attendance/chronic absence, summer learning and reading proficiency in the early grades Progress Indicator 2015 Target 2015 YTD (Reported Quarterly) Schools, teachers and administrators champion and implement effective interventions and supports for struggling readers - Schools and school districts Superintendents sign on to the Attendance Works Superintendents Call to Action to improve attendance starting in the early grades 75 School districts agree to disaggregate student-level data and provide customized supports and interventions for children in fourth quartile of academic performance and attendance Learning cohort of 3-5 School districts implement proven and promising programs to ensure early identification of, support for and interventions with struggling readers 15 GLR communities integrate and embed healthy on-track development and successful parents in coalition efforts– Embed Health and Parents Confidential DRAFT - Please do not distribute Patterson Foundation Data Dashboard: As of March 16, 2015 Page 3 Campaign for Grade-Level Reading DRAFT Patterson Foundation Dashboard of Progress Indicators 2015- 2016 (Proposed) Progress Indicator 2015 Target 2015 YTD (Reported Quarterly) GLR communities address the health determinants of early school success in action plans 50 GLR communities include strategies for engaging parents and caregivers to improve reading success 50 GLR Network is an efficient and effective distribution channel for what works - Distribution Channel GLR communities 1) join the Huddle platform and 2) use it as a vehicle for peer exchange and learning 1) 75% 2) 50% Dissemination partnerships and full Network rollout of promising programs and scalable solutions (e.g., Vroom, Talk Read Sing, Mind in the Making) 3 MOUS/ 1 rollout GLR communities report adoption, expansion and/or replication of proven/promising programs 50 Campaign enterprise and local coalitions interrogate success and use data to set baselines and targets and to track progress – Drive with Data GLR communities complete the Community Self-Assessment Tool and/or use disaggregated data to refine strategies in their CSAPs and track performance on their plans 50 Network communities show progress on school readiness, attendance and summer learning and begin to show progress on early grade reading – Community Solutions GLR communities show measurable progress on school readiness, attendance and/or summer learning Confidential DRAFT - Please do not distribute Patterson Foundation Data Dashboard: As of March 16, 2015 Page 4 50 Campaign for Grade-Level Reading DRAFT Patterson Foundation Dashboard of Progress Indicators 2015- 2016 (Proposed) GLR communities report increased stakeholder engagement, cross-sector collaboration, and strategic connections to aligned change initiatives Confidential DRAFT - Please do not distribute Patterson Foundation Data Dashboard: As of March 16, 2015 Page 5 50
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