April, 2015 Dear Seniors of the Class of 2015, The Grand Blanc High School graduation ceremony is just around the corner. Let me congratulate you on your upcoming achievement. This packet is being provided as a means of helping you navigate the busy spring of your graduation year. Hopefully this information helps you coordinate all the various activities, fees and commitments of your upcoming graduation. Perhaps it may even answer questions you did not know you had. I can honestly state that I can see the maturity of young adulthood in most of the seniors. However, I would be remiss if I did not remind each of the students in the graduating class that the Students Rights & Responsibilities Handbook is applicable to all upcoming activities. While I am proud of the manner in which most seniors conduct themselves, I am concerned about the attitude of some seniors and their perception of acceptable behavior at the end of the year. In the past, seniors were suspended due to their behavior and did not participate in senior activities, including Senior Honors Night, Commencement Exercises, and the Post Grad Celebration. Suspending seniors or excluding them from activities would be unpleasant for the school and embarrassing to the family. Commencement will be held at the Perani Arena and Event Center on Thursday, May 28th at 7:00 p.m. We are promoting positive activities for our seniors as they end their high school careers. This is a formal event. Dress code and behavior should reflect the maturity you need to demonstrate in your adult life as well as that which is required by the district’s standard. If parents or students have any questions after reading the enclosed material, please feel free to contact your class advisors Justin Taylor, Lori Brunskole, your counselor, or me. It is our goal to make the transition to adulthood as smooth as possible. I sincerely hope that you reflect positively upon your experience at Grand Blanc High School. Best wishes in all your future endeavors. Sincerely, Jennifer Hammond, Ph.D. Principal This letter is also available on the high school’s website (http://grandblanc.high.schoolfusion.us/) Important Information for Graduating Seniors and Parent/Guardians Final Transcripts: Seniors must request final transcripts through Docufide/Parchment for the college they will be attending in the fall before the school year ends, if the college requires one. Colleges applied for using the Common Application all require final transcripts. Sheets will be posted on the Counseling Office front windows the beginning of May for students to write their final college choice. Senior Prom: Friday, May 1st from 6:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. at the San Marino Club in Troy. Students must check in at the East High School athletic entrance at 4:30 p.m. Charter buses will leave promptly at 5:00 p.m. Students must ride the provided transportation or they will be denied entry into the prom. Students will receive a wristband once they are on the bus. No wristband = no entrance to the San Marino Club. Professional photographers will be available for pictures throughout the evening and you will have the opportunity to take photos in the photo booth. The coat room will be open if the weather warrants (ie. if the weather requires coats or umbrellas). You will not be able to check shoes or purses. The high school’s Dance Regulations & Dress Code will be enforced. If you have any questions regarding the dress code, please see Dr. Hammond. Boys Dress Code: Attire is described as a dress suit or tuxedo, a shirt with a collar, a tie or bow tie, or a turtleneck. Shirts as described are to be worn at all times. It is considered unacceptable for boys to remove their shirts at any time during the dance. Pants need to be secured above the waist as to not show undergarments. Students violating these guidelines prior to the dance will not be admitted. Girls Dress Code: Traditionally dresses or gowns may be strapless or may feature straps. Bare or open-backed garments are acceptable; however, bra-tops or garments that are more than 5 inches below the collarbone, and/or skirts that are more than 7 inches above the knee are not permitted. Undergarments may not be exposed. See-through apparel and gowns or dresses with slits or leg-exposing cutouts that are above 7 inches are not permitted. Students violating these guidelines prior to the dance will not be admitted. Financial Obligations and Fees: Students must clear up all financial obligations (book fines, media fines, etc.) Cash, money orders and Payschools will be accepted, no checks. Any student who owes a financial obligation to the school will not receive their cap & gown until the obligation is met. Fine notices will be mailed to students on May 21st. This will give seniors a week before the cap and gown distribution meeting on May 27th to resolve financial obligations. If you have questions about fines, please contact Mrs. Kehn at (810) 591-6635. Senior Honor Awards: Thursday, May 14th at 7:00 p.m. in the High School Tartoni Athletic Center. Students will be honored with local scholarships, awards, NHS stoles, and honor cords. Participation is by invitation and is based on 7th semester cumulative grades. Students should arrive at 6:30 p.m. Boys should wear a shirt with tie and girls should wear a school appropriate dress/skirt (no jeans or shorts). Boys and girls should wear dress shoes (no tennis shoes, flip flops.) Students must be in attendance to receive their honor cords, unless they have a prearranged absence. Honor Cords and Sashes: Honor cords are distributed based on 7th semester cumulative GPAs. Seniors with a GPA of 3.5-4.0+ are eligible for GOLD cords and seniors with a GPA between 3.0-3.49 are eligible for SILVER cords. Members of the National Honor Society who have completed the necessary volunteer hours may purchase a NHS sash. All of these items will be distributed at the Senior Honor Awards on May 14th. Skill Center: Skill Center students who do not earn credit by May 15th, 2015 will need to make up those credits in summer school. Credit Recovery: Credit Recovery students must complete all Credit Recovery courses by May 15th, 2015 or will need to make up those credits in summer school. Senior Finals: May 18th and 19th (Monday and Tuesday). All students are expected to follow the school’s published schedule. Students must leave the building when their exams are finished. The schedule is as follows: MONDAY, MAY 18 4th Hour 10:38 – 12:08 th 5 Hour 12:14 – 1:12 th 6 Hour 1:18 – 2:16 TUESDAY, MAY 19 1st Hour 7:20 – 8:19 nd 2 Hour 8:25 – 9:23 rd 3 Hour 9:29 – 10:32 Extra Graduation Tickets: There are a limited number of extra graduation tickets. They will be available on Thursday, May 21st at 8:00 a.m. inside the front door of the East High School. Student ID cards are required to receive extra tickets. Tickets will be distributed on a first come first serve basis until the tickets are gone. 2 tickets per family. Mandatory Commencement Activities: There are two mandatory activities to prepare for commencement: 1. Wednesday, May 27th (8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.) in the East High School gym. This meeting is a “drop-in” format and seniors may leave when they are finished with the following: Fines & Fees: Any senior who still owes a fine or fee must clear up all financial obligations before receiving their cap & gown. Cap & Gown Distribution: For seniors who ordered a cap & gown in advance. Seniors who still need to order a cap & gown should contact Jostens at (810) 658-1700. Ticket Distribution: Each senior will receive 6 tickets for graduation. Post-Grad T-Shirt Distribution: For seniors who purchased a Post-Grad ticket. 2. Thursday, May 28th (9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.) at Perani Arena. This is a mandatory graduation rehearsal on the morning of commencement. ALL students planning to participate in commencement must attend BOTH of these activities unless prior approval by the building principal. Graduation Ceremony Marching Order: Seniors will be given an index card at the April senior meeting and can request to sit together at graduation with a maximum of 4 students. All seating requests are due by Wednesday, May 13th in the main office. If students don’t have a preference, a card does not need to be turned in and students will be seated randomly. Students with a GPA of 4.0 and higher will be seated in the first two rows at commencement, unless they see Mrs. Wray by Wednesday, May 13th and ask for other seating arrangements. Discipline/Requirements: Any student on active suspension will not be allowed to participate in commencement. Any student with less than 23 credits will not be allowed to participate in any graduation activity. Those students with 23 or 23.5 credits must register and pay for summer school by noon on Tuesday, May 26th to participate in the graduation ceremony and post grad. Commencement: Thursday, May 28th, will begin promptly at 7:00 p.m. and lasts approximately 2 hours. Students are expected to report to the Perani Arena no later than 5:45 p.m. Please consider carpooling to the Arena as the parking lot gets quite congested. In addition, it costs $5.00 to park per car. Students will be limited to 6 tickets for friends and family to attend commencement, due to seating capacity and a large graduating class. Reminder – This is a formal event. It is suggested to not bring children younger than 5 as they can be distracting during the ceremony. Please do not bring horns or other noise makers. Student Dress for Commencement: Boys should wear a shirt with tie and girls should wear a dress/skirt (no jeans or shorts). Boys and girls should wear dress shoes (no tennis shoes, flip flops.) There should be nothing on the gown or cap (i.e. pins, signs, tape, flowers, etc.) and no sunglasses. Post Grad Celebration: This has been a tradition in the Grand Blanc community for 32 years. The celebration will begin at 9:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 28th and will conclude at 3:00 a.m. Students must be in the building by 10:30 p.m. for admittance. Ticket prices are $25 in advance and $30 at the door. Tickets for the post-grad celebration will be on sale: April 22, & 24 during all lunches at East Campus (free t-shirt included) After school on May 4th in hallway outside the Guidance Office (last day for free t-shirt) During the mandatory senior checkout on May 27th (t-shirt not included with ticket) During graduation practice at Perani Arena from 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. (t-shirt not included with ticket) At entrance to the Post Grad party from 9:00 p.m.-10:30 p.m. (Tickets are $30 at the door and tshirt not included with ticket) To pay by credit card visit the PaySchools tab on the Grand Blanc Schools website (www.grandblancschools.org) on or before May 4th. Tickets may be purchased by check or cash anytime in the main office at East Campus or at any of the above sale dates. Seniors must purchase their Post-Grad ticket by May 4th to receive a free t-shirt. All students attending are eligible for door prizes but must be present to win. Only students participating in commencement will be allowed to attend the post grad celebration. The post grad committee has been planning this party since October. Parents are needed and invited to join in working the celebration. Please contact Tammy Kenebrew at tsk.7374@gmail.com or 810874-2819 or Tracy Harris at tracy.harris12@yahoo.com or 810-938-0108 to volunteer. The celebration needs all the support you can help provide. Diplomas: Diplomas will be mailed home after graduation. If you have moved in the last year, please be sure we have your current address on file. Keep in mind, all fines must be paid in order to receive your diploma. Class of 2015 DVD Order Form The Class of 2015 DVD is available for purchase for $20. It contains the Senior Honors Night and Graduation. The DVD will be mailed to the student’s home in July. Please return this slip to the main office with cash or a check made out to Grand Blanc High School. To pay by credit card, the DVD may be ordered on line through Pay Schools. Go to the high school web page and click on Pay Schools. Student Name __________________________________ID # __________________ Home Address ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________
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