Welcome to Grand Haven April 2015 Volume 14 Issue 4 AERIE OFFICERS President David Fritz, Jr. Vice President Roger Wilder Secretary Dean Nash Treasurer Jack Olthof Jr. Conductor Christian Sorensen Chaplain Dave Hamather Trustee Dennis Cherry Trustee John Lemke Trustee Jon Lewis Trustee Tom Jacoby Trustee D. J. Westerhouse Inside Guard Thomas Nelson Outside Guard Kenny Epplett Jr. Past President Chester Cook “Co-Mothers of the Year” Carol Olthof and Kate Kade “Volunteers of the Year Sherri Puisis & Tom Jacoby Eagles #925 Instituted December 14, 1904 People Helping People WORTHY PRESIDENT NEWS Dear Brothers and Sisters, As spring approaches us we hope to see our snowbirds back to our social room. We are at the time of the year where we will be having elections of officers coming, so we hope to see some people get involved. We are still in the push for new members so please get out and signup some new members. We sincerely would like to thank all those volunteers doing our fish fry's. Without them it would be impossible. A BIG THANK YOU! We are looking forward to some upcoming entertainment we have scheduled. So come down and have a great time. Great job by Brothers Chet Cook, John Lemke and Roger Wilder for cooking (St. Patrick's dinner) this event was great. I would like to thank all members who have signed up new members this year as this is really important to maintain our membership levels. We have a great assortment of Craft beers on tap and we have Growlers so you can take home a great cold fresh beer for your enjoyment. See you soon at the Aerie as we move into spring. We are also having a Rib Dinner on Saturday April 18th from 5-8 p.m. (see boxed ad) Thank You David Fritz Jr. Worthy President WORTHY SECRETARY NEWS Dear Brothers, Welcome new and re-enrolled Brothers: Bruce Bobeldyk, Cordell Bordeaux, Charles Chapman, William Collins, Norman Cunningham, Michael DeWit, Kurtis Erdman, John Green, Ryan Hallberg, John N. Heirholzer, Paul E. Huber, Andrew Kitchka, Steve Lamberts, Alex L. Larricz, Kelly Lindberg, Kyle McKenzie, Joey E. Mangus, Kip Martin, Chris L. Mackeller, David Nash, Ray Peterson, Richard J. Phillips, Chris Robertson, Mike Rublein, Randy Snyder, Darrell A. Vanderkooi, Robert Viney, Dale VanZantwick, Reid Warber, James R. Zobel. Congratulations to Brother Marvin E. Mershon who attained Golden Age Eagle (over 65 yr. and 30 yr. member) status Nominations for the following officer positions must be submitted in writing to the Aerie Secretary by 7 pm by April 20th. Open positions, Worthy President ( must be officer for 2 years) , Worthy Vice President, 1 yr., Worthy Secretary 3 yr., Worthy Treasurer 3 yr., Conductor 1 yr. Chaplain 1 yr., (3) Trustees l 3 yr., 1 2 yr., 1 1 yr., Inside Guard 1 yr., Outside Guard 1 yr. The election will be held in the social room on Monday, May 4th from 2 to 7 pm. If you have any questions contact Secretary, Dean Nash. Thanks to the fish fry teams for their hard work for the last several months and to everyone who supported the excellent meals. Thanks to all of our Brothers who have signed new members. this year. Keep up the good work. If you have an e-mail or address change, please advise the secretary or our administrative assistant, so our records are kept current. Sincerely, Dean A. Nash, Worthy Secretary Grand Aerie Mission Statement The Fraternal Order of Eagles, an international non-profit organization, unites fraternally in the spirit of liberty, truth, justice, and equality, to make human life more desirable by lessening its ills, and by promoting peace, prosperity, gladness and hope Eagles #925 Page 2 AUXILIARY OFFICERS President Brenda Olson Trustees Danielle Forrest Vice President Huttaluna Wolters June Kostka Secretary Deborah DeYoung Clara Mitchel Treasurer Peggy Briegel Inside Guard Diane Long Conductor Tamara Gargano Outside Guard T.B.A. Chaplain Donna Johnson Jr. Past Pres. Phyllis Button Please contact Debbie DeYoung with any changes in your mailing address: celebrations, illness or deaths -debbideyoung@chartermi.net or by phone at 846-9343 Madam Secretar Secretaryy I would like to start by welcoming our new and re-enrolled members Emily Lemmen, Kimberly Hemphill, Cathleen Cunningham, Cristina Houle, Stacey Lamberts, Nancy Lowe, Katheryn Dennings, Jill VanderStel, Karolyn King, Elizabeth Chaffee, Laurie Jimenez Perez, Daneen tripp, Pam Kamphuis, and Linda King. Nominations for Auxiliary Officers are now being held for this next year. Interested in becoming an Officer? Please feel free to contact me for any information, questions or to put your name on the slate. Without officers, the Auxiliary is not able to conduct our business which is raising monies for charities. Please take time to consider this. Be sure to keep in mind the events we have coming up for April and May. These are some of our ways of earning money. Spring is here so be sure to keep an eye on your newsletter and the board at the Club for upcoming events. Debbi DeYoung, Sec GRAND HAVEN EAGLES AUXILIARY PRESENTS MASTER ARTS THEATRE The Cat Screamed at Midnight Murder Mystery May 9, 2015 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM $15.00 per person YOU GET TO SOLVE THE MYSTERY Happy Spring, Mark your calendars Saturday May 2nd "paint party class/ jewelry sale" 1:30-4:30. We will be doing a painting that is young person friendly and you can use any color you choose so it will match YOUR space. We are looking at this as a great Mother’s day event, There will be specials for Mom & children under 12. You can register online @ www.dreesefineart.com/paint-parties. Saturday May 9th at 7:00 let the sleuthing begin! We are having Mystery Theater Night @ 7:00pm. Tickets are only $15.00 and this will include appetizers and dessert, Tickets are available at the club, great date night for MOM. Before all this mom stuff we can get out on April 18th for the RED NECK PUB RUN, sign-up sheets are at the club and we are taking a southern route this time with Scott Decker as the tour guide and Jack as the captain...all aboard. We will be quiet for the summer as the club is booked, check the newsletter calendar for all the fun events. Full swing from Coast Guard on! Enjoy the sunshine. Madame President Brenda Olson EaglE RidERs’ coRnER Hello Riders, Happy Spring! Time to get our bikes out if you haven't already....I'm sure everyone is ready to ride. Speaking of riding we have two charity rides scheduled for this year. Our Toys for Tots run will be held on Saturday July 11 th, and our Hospice Run will be in September. Nomination sheets for officers are posted on our board. President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Chaplain are open. The election will be in May. Here's a thought for the month..... Every morning starts a new page in your story. Make it a great one today. Have a happy and blessed Easter. Tami Riemersma Eagle Rider Secretary EAGLE RIDERS’ OFFICERS President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Chaplain Road Captains Joy Robertson Mark Gelhespy Tami Riemersma Liane Hendrickson Patti Schleeter Sandy French Up Coming Events 4/5 …….....Easter (Social Room Closed) 4/18 ………………….Redneck Pub Crawl 4/19 ………..District Meeting North Kent 5/2 ………………………...Wine and Paint 5/9 ……………………….Mystery Theater Aerie Meetings 1st & 3rd Mondays 7pm Auxiliary Meetings 2nd & 4th Tuesdays Eagle Riders 2nd Sunday at 2pm Eagles #925 Page 3 DETROIT TIGERS Opening Day Party April 6th Starting At 1:00 PM There Will Be Drink Specials Bring A Dish To Pass ! Come Join The Fun! Barbecue Rib Dinner By Terry of Kicked Up BBQ Saturday April 18th 5:00-8:00 P.M. Potato Salad / Baked Potato & Dinner Roll 1/2 Rack $10.00 Full Rack $18.00 20/20 Dinner Saturday, April 25th Doors open at 5:30 PM Menu: Bacon Wrapped Pork Fillet Garlic Mashed Potatoes Salad and Dinner Roll There will be door prizes too as well as the drawings for CASH! We still have a few openings for the 20/20 Club Cost is $20 per number For More Details On The 20/20 Club call Sheri Puisis at (616) 844-0680 www.facebook.com/GrandHavenEagles NEWSLETTER & WEBSITE If you would like to include any information in the newsletter or on the website, please e-mail to: eagles925@aol.com or grandhaveneagles925@gmail.com(Dean Nash) or glennny616@aol.com (Glenn Kade) Please title your subject line “Eagles Newsletter” The deadline for the newsletter is 6:00 p.m. on the 15th of the month Information (including pictures) must have approval from a board member of your group Website Address GrandHavenEagles925.com Social Room (616) 842-4330 Sandy Corley Kick-off Bash Saturday April 11th Appetizers at 6pm Dinner at 7pm Cost $20 includes dinner and a raffle ticket for a 2015 Harley motorcycle This event is open to the public Aerie 925 assisted with a raffle to raise funds for the purchase and training of Max, the new K-9 for the GHDPS; pictured here with handler Justin Canan, President Dave Fritz , Secretary Dean Nash and Dean’s brother, fellow Eagle Dr. Casey Nash, DVM. REDNECK PUB RUN Saturday April 18th Sponsored By 925 Auxiliary See Posting for Details Euchre Tournament Schedule April 4, 2015 May 1, 2015 (Last One) Tournaments Start At 1:00 P.M. All Dates Try one of our menu items! *Reuben *Burgers *Pizza *Wet Burritos *Appetizers and more….. Grill Open 6:00-9:00 p.m. Monday Grill Open 5:00-9:00 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday Grill Open 5:00-10:00 pm Thursday Grill Closed 5:00-8:00 p.m. Fish Fry Fridays Grill Open 3:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. Saturday (Grill May Open Earlier if Special Event) Grill Open 1:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. Sunday A PRIL 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 Thu 2 All Day $1.00 Beer Night (select beers 5 Easter Social Room Closed 6 Aerie Meeting 7 pm Initiations 12 Free Pool 13 Riders Meeting 2:00 PM 7 8 Ladies Night 14 Ladies Night Auxiliary Meeting 19 Free Pool 20 District Meeting Aerie Meeting 2 pm #3430 7 pm Initiations North Kent 21 Ladies Night 9 All Day Fri 3 Good Friday Fish Fry 5-8 PM 10 11 Sandy Corley Kick Off Bash 16 All Day * T.B.D. *T.B.D. 17 18 Redneck Pub Crawl 23 All Day * Electric Red * Foundation 24 25 $1.00 Beer Night (select beers ) 20/20 Dinner *Sweet Lou & The Savages 26 Free Pool 27 28 29 Ladies Night $1.00 Beer Night (select beers) Auxiliary Meeting Tournament *Hy Ryder $1.00 Beer Night (select beers) 22 4 Euchre * Deni Hunter & The House Rockers $1.00 Beer Night (select beers) 15 Sat 30 All Day * Fastback * Denotes Band for the Night. Bands start at 8:30 pm unless otherwise noted
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