GRANDIFLORA® 7/3/2015 7315 NW 126 St. Gainesville FL 32653 Call Toll Free: 1-800-933-9638 Follow us on Facebook too! GRANDIFLORA® ON FACEBOOK Local: 352-332-1220 / Fax 352-332-3113 For Automatic Faxed Availability Call: 1-877-809-6398 Visit our Web Site: REMEMBER! Our Web Site Log-in is case sensitive---> User Name - Grandiflora and PW - PlantNut To download our new Availabilty Sheet with prices, sizes, description, and number ready: Log in, hover mouse over "Products", click "Prices and Availability", scroll down to bottom choice. Click on "Excel Availability and Order Form". To use as order form, fill in, save, attach and send back PLANTS OF THE WEEK - PORTULACA AND PURSLANE Low spreading groundcovers for dry conditions and full sun with hundreds of bright colored blooms Purslane 'Toucan Scarlet' Purslane 'Toucan Yellow' Purslane 'Toucan Fuchsia' BOGO! LAST WEEK! BUY ONE GET ONE FREE…. HALF PRICE SALE! Must purchase 12 or more 6", & 6 or more 10" of same plant to receive sale price 10" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" BOEHMERIA NIVEA - EGYPTIAN RAME - interesting textured foliage, cold hardy DIGITALIS PURPUREA 'FOXY' and 'CAMELOT' SERIES DIGIPLEXIS 'ILLUMINATION FLAME', 'BERRY CANARY' and ' RASPBERRY' HEUCHERA 'DOLCE BLACK CURRANT' HEUCHERA MICRANTHA 'PURPLE PALACE' HEUCHERA VILLOSA 'MOCHA' HEUCHERA 'PLUM PUDDING' AND 'AMETHYST MIST' HEUCHERA VILLOSA 'CARAMEL' HEUCHERELLA 'BLUE RIDGE' PRICE 1/2 PRICE $6.95 $2.85 $5.85 $4.95 $2.95 $4.05 $3.35 $4.95 $4.05 $3.50 $1.43 $2.93 $2.48 $1.48 $2.03 $1.68 $2.48 $2.03 IMPORTANT MESSAGE: WE HAVE AN EMERGENCY NEED FOR THREE GALLON POTS. FOR A LIMITED TIME, GRANDIFLORA WILL PAY 10 CENTS FOR EACH USED 3 GALLON RETURNED IN GOOD SHAPE. CALL TO SCHEDULE A PICKUP! TOUGH, BEAUTIFUL PLANTS FOR SUMMER 10" Abelia grandiflora 'Ed Goucher' - compact evergreen shrub with fragrant pink bell-shaped blooms 10" Aloysia virgata - Almond Bush - beuatiful fragrant flowers almost year round 6" Angelonia angustifolia 'Carita Purple' - large purple flowers on strong stems, heat and deer tolerant - NICE! 6"& 10" Buddleia davidii - Butterfly Bush - many varieties and colors - blooming now! 4" Celosia 'New Look Scarlet' - Cockscomb - upright burgundy-purple foliage with feathery magenta-red blooms 10" Codiaeum variegatum 'Petra" - Croton - large leathery leaves with vivid variable colors of orange red & yellow 6" Dianthus gratianapolitanus 'Firewitch' - mounding habit, blue-gray foliage, continuous bright magenta flowers 6" Dryopteris erythrosora 'Brilliance' - Autumn Fern - evergreen, slow spreading, new fronds have copper color 4.5" Echinacea purpurea 'PowWow White' or 'PowWow Wildberry' - Coneflower - compact habit, heavy bloomers 6" Eragrostis elliotii - Elliot's Love Grass - willowy blue-gray foliage, white plumes in Summer, IN BLOOM! 6" Eragrostis spectabillis - Love Grass - deciduous, low growing clumper, purple plumes in Fall 6" Euphorbia hypercifolia 'Diamond Frost' - covered by clouds of dainty white blooms, heat & drought tolerant 4.5"& 6" Gaillardia 'Arizona Red Shades' - bushy upright habit, daisy-like crimson red blooms with dark red centers 4.5" Gaillardia 'Mesa Bright Bi-color', 'Peach' or 'Yellow' - Blanket Flower - uniform, compact habit, well-branched 6" Globba globulifera - Purple Globe Dancing Girl Ginger - unusual attractive purple inflorescence 6" Hedychium coronarium - White Butterfly Ginger - fragrant butterfly-shaped flowers atop glossy green foliage 6" Hedychium - Butterfly Gingers - 'Elizabeth', 'Pink V', flavum, 'Disney', 'Anne Bishop', great for shade, cold hardy 6" Kalanchoe beharensis - Feltbush - slow growing succulent tree-like shrub, olive-green soft velvety leaves 6" Kalanchoe thyrsiflora - Flapjack - clumps of fleshy gray-green paddle-like leaves, unusual succulent 6" Lantana 'Chapel Hill Gold' - compact habit, flowers are larger than 'New Gold', cold hardy variety 4.5" Lantana 'New Gold' - brilliant gold-yellow flowers, compact habit, great for rock gardens or containers 6" Liriope 'Isabella' PP20622 - grass-like groundcover with finer leaves like Mondo, pink blooms 10" Mandevilla sanderi Pink or Red (Dipladenia) - compact tropical vine, floriferous, ideal for balcony or patio 6" Muehlenbeckia axillaris - Wire Vine - ground-hugging evergreen with wiry stems, small leaves 4.5"& 6" Osmunda regalis - Royal Fern - erect deep green foliage, interesting texture & color, deciduous, shade lover 10" Pennisetum purpureum 'Princess Caroline' - brilliant purple foliage, shorter version of 'Prince', disease resistant 10" Pennisetum purpureum 'Regal Princess' - gracefull arched burgundy foliage, disease resistant 6" Pennisetum setaceum rubrum - Red Fountian Grass - arching burgundy foliage with red-purple plumes 6" Penstemon digitalis 'Husker Red' - maroon and green rosetting foliage, tubular white blooms on 3' spikes 6" Perovskia atriplicifolia - Russian Sage - fragrant silvery foliage, lavender-blue flowers 6" Petunia 'Easy Wave Red' - more mounding than Wave, sets blooms from both the center & end of stems 4.5" Purslane 'Toucan' series - Fuchsia, Scarlet, or Yellow, low spreading succulent, heat & drought tolerant 4.5" Rudbeckia hirta 'Cherry Brandy' (bronze / gold / red) - semi-dbl to double bloom, full sun annual 4.5"& 6" Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldsturm' - Gloriosa Daisies - black-eyed golden flowers on wiry stems 6" Rudbeckia laciniata 'Autumn Sun' - clumping coneflower, large yellow daisy-like blooms with green centers 6" Rumohra adiantiformis - Leatherleaf Fern - deep green leathery fronds, cut foliage used in floral arrangements 4.5" Rosmarinus officinalis - Rosemary - 'Arp', 'Blue Spire', 'Hill Hardy', 'Spice Island' - grayish foliage, blue blooms 6" Salvia coccinea 'Coral Nymph' (pink) and 'Lady in Red' - re-seeding annual, continuous color 6" Salvia greggii 'Pink', 'Purple Pastel', 'Raspberry' & others - Autumn Sage - compact habit, drought tolerant 6" Salvia X 'Mystic Spires' - compact version of Indigo Spires, blue flowers intermittently all warm season 4.5" Saxifraga stolonifera - Strawberry Geranium - mounding groundcover, bronze leaves w/ white veins, shade lover 6" Sedum rupestre 'Lemon Ball' - xeric groundcover for full sun, needle-shaped chartreuse foliage 6" Selaginella uncinata - Peacock Fern - low spreading groundcover, unique blue iridescent fern-like foliage 6" Solenostemon scutellariodes - Coleus - 'Kong Rose Jr.' - large leaves, red center & green edge, shade tolerant All sizes Vitex agnus-castus 'Shoal Creek' - best Vitex cultivar on the market - terminal blue flowers in great numbers now ***** ATTENTION CUSTOMERS ***** TO SAVE TIME ON THE PHONE, WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO USE THE NEW ORDER AND AVAILABILITY SHEET FOUND ON OUR WEB SITE. JUST LOG IN, HOVER YOUR MOUSE OVER THE PRODUCTS TAB AND CLICK PRICES AND AVAILABILITY. THEN SCROLL DOWN AND CLICK ON EXCEL AVAILABILITY AND ORDER FORM. FILL IN QUANTITIES AND SAVE. SEND BACK TO US AS AN ATTACHMENT. MAKES ORDERING EASIER - TRY IT! $6.55 $7.75 $2.85 $2.95/6.75 $0.72 $6.75 $2.90 $3.00 $1.70 $3.15 $3.15 $3.15 $1.70/2.90 $1.65 $4.25 $4.55 $5.25 $5.15 $5.75 $2.90 $1.65 $2.80 $10.25 $2.85 $2.05/3.40 $7.05 $7.05 $2.85 $2.85 $2.95 $2.65 $1.65 $1.65 $1.65/2.85 $3.15 $3.00 $1.65 $2.70 $2.70 $2.90 $1.65 $3.05 $3.55 $2.75
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