GRANDIFLORA® 10/10/14 7315 NW 126 St. Gainesville FL 32653 Call Toll Free: 1-800-933-9638 Follow us on Facebook too! Local: 352-332-1220 / Fax 352-332-3113 For Automatic Faxed Availability Call: 1-877-809-6398 Visit our Web Site: REMEMBER! Our Web Site Log-in is case sensitive---> User Name - Grandiflora and PW - PlantNut To download our new Availabilty Sheet with prices, sizes, description, and number ready: Log in, hover mouse over "Products", click "Prices and Availability", scroll down to bottom choice. Click on "Excel Availability and Order Form". To use as order form, fill in, save, attach and send back. PLANT OF THE WEEK AGAIN: Lespedeza liukiuensis 'Little Volcano' Little Volcano Bush Clover 5-6' x 8-10', mounding habit, upright arching branches, small dark green leaves, bright red-purple pea flowers starting in summer, brought back from the Ryuku Islands by plantsman Ted Stephens of Nurseries Caroliniana. OCTOBER SALE ITEMS - LAST CHANCE AT THESE PRICES… Must purchase trays of 4" & 4.5", 10 or more 6", & 5 or more 10" (of same plant) to receive sale price 6" ANTIGONON LEPTOPUS - CORAL VINE - blooming now, fast-growing vine 6" ASPARAGUS DENSIFLORUS 'SPRENGERII' - SPRENGERII FERN - fluffy foliage 6" CALADIUMS -'Carolyn Wharton' (fancy-leaf) & 'Florida Sweetheart' (lance-leaf) 6" HIBISCUS 'LUAU® RED NALU' - Proven Selections, hardy to 25 degrees F 10" HIBISCUS ROSA-SINENSIS - TROPICAL HIBISCUS - all varieties and colors 6" JUNCUS EFFUSUS 'TWISTER' - unusual twisty growth habit, likes it wet 6" KAEMPFERIA PULCHRA 'BRONZE'- low grower, shade lover, lavender blooms 6" KAEMPFERIA PULCHRA 'SILVER SPOT'- purple leaves with silver mottling 6" LANTANA MONTEVIDENSIS 'PURPLE' - trailing perennial, fragrant 10" LIGUSTRUM HOWARDII - YELLOW-TIP LIGUSTRUM - great hedge plant 10" MUHLENBERGIA DUMOSA - BAMBOO MUHLY - feather bamboo-like stems 6" OSMANTHUS FRAGRANS 'FUDINGZHU' - TEA OLIVE - covered with blooms now REGULAR PRICE SALE PRICE $2.95 $2.45 $2.65 $3.75 $6.75 $4.25 $3.45 $3.95 $2.60 $6.25 $8.25 $3.25 $1.95 $1.95 $1.95 $2.65 $4.45 $3.45 $2.95 $3.45 $2.25 $4.95 $7.45 $2.95 NEW ARRIVALS - PLANTS COMING IN DAILY… 10" 6" 10" 10" Alocasia 'Yucatan Princess' - leathery foliage on strong upright petioles Asclepias tuberosa - Milkweed - native, orange blooms, butterfly and larval plant Manihot esculenta 'Variegata' - Variegated Tapioca - variegated tropical foliage Sassafras albidum - strange little tree with nice fall color, mitten leaves $11.45 $3.45 $8.25 $10.35 NOW NOW NOW TOUGH, BEAUTIFUL PLANTS FOR FALL 6" Abelia grandiflora - Glossy Abelia - evergreen shrub with white bell-shaped blooms 10" Abelia grandiflora 'Rose Creek' - compact evergreen shrub with fragrant white bell-shaped blooms 6" Agastache 'Blue Fortune' - Anise Hyssop - licorice-smelling foliage, terminal blue flowers, bees love it 6" Aloe vera - Burn Plant - thick & fleshy succulent with gray-green leaves, has various healing properties 10" Antigonon leptopus - Coral Vine - heart-shaped foliage with a profusion of pink pea-like blooms, fast grower 10" Bignonia capreolata 'Tangerine Beauty' - evergreen vine, peachy-apricot trumpet-shaped flowers, repeat bloomer 6" Buddleia davidii - Butterfly Bush - 'Bonnie' (lav./purple) and others, continuous color til frost 6" Calibrachoa 'Aloha' sereies - Million Bells - Orange, Red, Yellow & more, groundcover small petunia-like blooms 10" Colocasia esculenta 'Black Coral' - glossy thick ripply purple-black foliage with bluish veins, purple stems 6" Colocasia esculenta 'Puckered Up' - black shiny leaves with puckered appearance 10" Colocasia esculenta 'Tea Cup' - shiny green leaves, red stems & red veins, shaped to form a water holding cup 6" Colocasia esculenta 'Elena' - chartreuse Elephant Ear with red eye, slow spreader, cold hardy to Zone 7 10" Cordyline australis 'Red Sensation' - Cabbage Palm - vertical woody trunk, narrow purplish-red sword-like leaves 10" Cordyline terminalis 'Red Sister' - Hawaiian Ti Plant - upright habit, burgundy red leaves with pink tips 6" Crinum asiaticum - Giant Crinum Lily - dramatic wide strap-shaped leaves, clusters of narrow white flower petals 10" Cymbopogon citrinus - Lemon Grass - long narrow lemon-scented leaves, fast growing clumper 6" Dianella tasmanica 'Variegata' - Blueberry Flax Lily - variegated strappy foliage, blue berries add colorful accent 6" Erigeron 'Profusion' - low growing perennial, blooms constantly with small white blooms that fade to pink 6" Ficus pumila - Creeping Fig or 'Variegata' - vigorous evergreen vine, attaches to walls, great for topiaries 10" Fruit Trees - Apples, Figs, Nectarines, Pears, Pomegranates, Plums, Persimmons & others 5" Gerbera jamesonii 'Jaguar Mix'- Gerber Daisy - earliest, heaviest & most uniform series, great cut flower 6&10" Hamelia patens sp. OR 'Compacta' - Firebush - orange-red tubular flowers with orangy fall foliar color 6" Helianthus angustifolius - Swamp Sunflower - upright habit, narrow leaves with golden-yellow daisy-like blooms 6" Lantana depressa - Pineland Lantana - low sprawling habit, pale yellow & white blooms, native butterfly plant 6" Lomandra longiflolia 'Breeze' - Dwarf Mat Rush - clumping evergreen, dark green narrow leaves, very tough 10" Miscanthus sinensis 'Cosmopolitan' - striking variegated striped leaves, pluming now! 6" Muehlenbeckia axillaris - Wire Vine - low groundcover with small gray-blue leaves and wiry stems 10" Musa acuminata - 'Cavendish' - Banana - fruit producing variety, great in containers or landscape 8" Musa acuminata - 'Gran Nain' - comercially sold as Chaquita brand, good wind resistance, GREAT PRICE! 10" Musa 'Veinte Cohol' - fast fruiting banana often flowering & fruiting by end of summer, good for containers 6" Myrcianthes fragrans - Simpson's Stopper - aromatic leaves, white flowers, orange-red fruit, native 6" Nephrolepis biserrata - Macho Fern - fast & large grower, long arching fronds, lush & very tropical look 6" Nephrolepis obliterata - Australian Sword Fern - medium green arching leaves, rapid groundcover 10" Osmanthus fragrans - Tea Olive - white fragrant blooms, evergreen, columnar, old southern favorite 6" Osmunda regalis - Royal Fern - grows well in wet locations, native to southeast US 10" Passiflora 'Incense' - Passion Vine - large five fingered leaves, royal purple flowers, fragrant, cold hardy 6" Pedilanthus tithymiloides 'Variegatus' - Devil's Backbone - upright succulent, gray-green foliage with pink blush 6" Pelargonium x hortorum 'Survivor Dark Red' - Geranium - upright habit, excellent branching, large-headed blooms 6" Perovskia atriplicifolia - Russian Sage - powder blue flowers on long spikes, scented gray foliage 6" Salvia greggii 'Red' - narrow green foliage, bright cherry-red flowers, extremely cold & drought tolerant 10" Salvia leucantha 'Santa Barbara' - Compact Mexican Sage - purple & white blooms, grayish foliage, perennial 6" Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips' - upright fast grower with delicate two-toned red & white flowers 6" Selaginella uncinata - Peacock Moss - low creeping habit, feathery irridescent blue fern-like foliage, shade lover 6" Sisyrinchium angustifolium - Blue or Puple Eyed Grass - low clump forming perennial, grass-like foliage 6" Tecomaria capensis 'Athens Gold' - Cape Honeysuckle - vigorous upright habit, golden tubular flowers 4.5" Vinca major 'Variegata' - Bigleaf Periwinkle - groundcover, green leaves with cream edges, sporadic blue blooms 6"&10" Yucca filamentosa 'Color Guard' - Adam's Needle - narrow sword-shaped green leaves with creamy yellow stripes 6"&10" Yucca smalliana 'Bright Edge' - Soapwort - dark green narrow leaves edged with band of gold, deer resistant $2.60 $6.55 $2.75 $2.85 $8.35 $8.95 $2.85 $2.65 $9.85 $4.60 $9.85 $4.60 $8.95 $8.25 $3.85 $7.45 $4.20 $2.75 $2.65 Asst'd. $1.89 $2.60/6.25 $2.70 $2.80 $5.15 $7.45 $2.80 $11.50 $7.75 $11.50 $2.75 $2.90 $2.90 $7.85 $3.30 $9.35 $2.85 $2.85 $2.75 $2.60 $6.45 $2.85 $3.45 $3.05 $3.35 $1.58 $5.55/14.25 $5.55/14.25
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