GRASSES MORI # sun zone description attributes CALAMAGROSTIS - Reed Grass Strong vertical accent with stiff wheat-coloured plumes in fall. Non-invasive. Tolerates clay, ensure adequate moisture in heat. Cut back to 6” in spring. Accent vertical fort aux plumeaux dressés couleur blé en automne. Non envahissant. Tolère les sols argileux. Garder le sol humide par temps chaud. Rabattre à 15 cm au printemps. 095-63 acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster’ 3 120cm/48” 75cm/30” 095-65 acutiflora ‘Overdam’ 4 20cm/8” 75cm/30” gr This SuperStar is one of our favorites and has narrow green foliage with strong vertical accent and stiff wheat-coloured plumes in fall. gr Green with white margins and strong vertical accent with stiff wheat-coloured plumes in fall. Non-invasive. Cut back to 6” in spring. CAREX - Sedge Wide selection of forms and colours. Grass-like plants that prefer moist soils. Grand choix de formes et de couleurs. Préfère les sols humides 095-70 morrowii ‘Ice Dance’ 6 30cm/12” 60cm/24” gr Wide strappy white foliage with green outside variegation, which forms a dense slow spreading mound. 095-74 siderosticha ‘Snow Cap’ 6 20cm/8” 40cm/16” gr Vigorus, lush green foliage is highlighted by bright white leaf margins. A versitile yet stunning plant! 095-92 comans ‘Bronco Color Grass’ 7 30cm/12” 45cm/18” gr Unusual thin, arching and trailing chocolate-bronze foliage make it a great selection for mixed containers. 095-94 oshimensis ‘Evergold’ 6 60cm/24” 25cm/10” gr This popular groundcover has brilliant yellow variegation making it a wonderfully bright accent for shady gardens. CHASMANTHIUM - Northern Sea Oats Bamboo-like foliage and showy, drooping flower heads. Performs best in part shade. Feuillage semblable à celui du bambou rehaussé de grappes d’épillets inclinés. Pousse mieux à la mi-ombre. 095-99 lactifolium 5 75cm/30” 45cm/18” gr Striking Bamboo-like variegated foliage, and flower heads resembling oats, which look great even through the winter. FESTUCA - Fescue Rounded clumps of grassy foliage, evergreen in milder regions. Tall spikes of wheat-like seedheads in summer. Cut back to 4” in spring. Talle arrondie de feuillage lancéolé, persistant dans les climats doux. Produit de long épis semblables à ceux du blé en été. Rabattre à 10 cm au printemps. 096-39 glauca ‘Elijah Blue’ 5 30cm/12” 25cm/10” gr Striking, steel blue foliage accents the garden beautifully as it grows in neat dense clumps. Rugged and hardy; it makes a great landscape plant. HAKONECHLOA - Japanese Forest Grass Slow growing mounds excellent for shade and add tropical effect to gardens. Monticule de feuillage d’allure tropicale. Croissance lente. Excelle à l’ombre. 096-54 macra 5 40cm/16” 60cm/24” gr Beautiful cascading dark-green foliage. Prefers shady areas and rich organic soil. 096-57 macra ‘All Gold’ 5 40cm/16” 60cm/24” gr Brighten a shady location with this bright golden mound of graceful cascading foliage that changes to a bright scarlet red in the fall. 096-58 macra ‘Aureola’ 5 40cm/16” 60cm/24” gr A MoriStar favorite, it draws attention with its graceful, cascading habit and golden-variegated foliage. IMPERATA - Blood Grass Upright clumps of green turn blood red by the fall. Remove any green shoots. Talle de feuillage dressé, vert rougeâtre devenant graduellement rouge en automne. Éliminer toutes les pousses vertes 096-79 cylindrica ‘Red Baron’ 7 50cm/20” 45cm/18” gr With a bright green base, this grass has burgundy tips, which intensify more through the summer into the fall turning blood-red. LIRIOPE A low upright mound of evergreen foliage that adds colour to a shady area. Monticule de feuillage persistant. Excellant pous l’ombre. 096-85 muscari ‘Big Blue’ 7 20cm/8” 40cm/16” gr Low clumps of dark-green grass-like foliage, which bears spikes of tiny, deep-blue flowers. MISCANTHUS - Silver Maiden Grass Upright, vase shape. Feathery plumes held above foliage dry to tan and remain attractive into winter for year round interest. Cut back to ground in spring. Port érigé à évasé. Les épis plumeux qui s’élèvent au-dessus du feuillage deviennent beige en séchant et enjolivent le jardin en hiver. Rabattre au sol au printemps. 097-09 x Giganteus 4 40cm/16” 120cm/48” wi, gr This variety stands upright at almost 16 feet tall, with feathery plumes held above tan foliage. Perfect for planting as a specimen, border or mass planting. 097-14 sinensis ‘Adagio’ 4 100cm/40” 90cm/36” wi, gr This upright variety displays feathery, pink-tinged plumes that turn creamy white by fall, held above silvery-green blades of foliage. 097-19 sinensis ‘Gracillimus’ 4 180cm/72” 90cm/36” wi, gr This consistently popular variety stands upright, with narrow green, silver-veined foliage. In the fall, it displays it’s beautiful coppery-pink plumes. 57 097-38 097-35 097-29 097-31 097-19 097-14 094-57 096-58 096-57 096-39 095-70 095-99 095-65 LEGEND HEIGHT AT MATURITY SHADE dr DROUGHT TOLERANT cu CUT FLOWERS DEER RESISTANT SPREAD AT MATURITY NATIVE SPECIES PART SUN FULL SUN gr GROUND COVER ROCK GARDEN fr ATTRACTS BUTTERFLIES/BEES ro FRAGRANT wi WINTER INTEREST ATTRACTS HUMMINGBIRDS GRASSES MORI # sun zone attributes description MISCANTHUS - Silver Maiden Grass (continued) 097-26 sinensis ‘Morning Light’ 4 150cm/60” 75cm/30” wi, gr This graceful variety displays a sturdy, compact habit of narrow green foliage with very fine white variegation. In the fall it displays it’s beautiful coppery-pink plumes. 097-29 sinensis ‘Purpurescens’ 4 150cm/60” 90cm/36” wi, gr Feathery, soft-pink plumes in summer, turn to silver in the fall. A beautiful display above dark green foliage that turns fiery orange. 097-31 sinensis ‘Sarabande’ 4 180cm/72” 90cm/36” wi, gr Attractive bronze-gold plumes are displayed over a cascading mound of narrow dark green blades of foliage. 097-35 sinensis ‘Strictus’ 4 200cm/80” 90cm/36” wi, gr Large, feathery soft-pink plumes are held atop upright, green blades of foliage, that is banded with yellow. Turns to tan shades in fall. 097-38 sinensis ‘Variegatus’ 5 240cm/96” 90cm/36” wi, gr This variety displays large, deep-pink plumes over a cascading mound of green and white variegated foliage. 097-39 sinensis ‘Huron Sunrise’ 4 180cm/72” 90cm/36” wi, gr This variety displays large burgundy plumes in late summer and into fall, over top of graceful green foliage, with silver midribs. 097-41 sinensis ‘Zebrinus’ 4 480cm/188” 120cm/48” wi, gr Big coppery plumes are displayed over cascading green foliage that is banded yellow. Turns light tan shades in the fall. 097-43 sinensis ‘Little Dot’ 4 wi, gr Silver feathery plumes stand over an upright mound of green foliage that is banded with yellow, that turns to light tan shades in fall. Similar to Strictus, but more upright in habit. 90cm/36” 60cm/24” OPHIOPOGON - Mondo Grass Slow growing tidy evergreen clumps provide excellent colour in the garden. Talle de feuillage persistant au coloris unique. Croissance lente. Tidy clumps of deep purple-black foliage produce lilac-pink flowers gr, cu 097-52 planiscapus ‘Nigrescens’ 6 20cm/8” 20cm/8” provide excellent contrasting colour in the garden. PANICUM - Switch Grass Name comes from peaceful swishing noise in the wind. Tough and sturdy plants. Salt tolerant. Son nom vient du bruit appaisant provoqué par le vent dans les feuilles. Plante robuste et résistante. Tolère le sel. 097-58 virgatum ‘Dewey Blue’ 4 200cm/80” 90cm/36” dr Light beige flowers over exceptional blue foliage, that exhibits fountain-like arching habit. 097-60 virgatum ‘Heavy Metal’ 4 200cm/80” 90cm/36” dr A compact clump of upright metalic-blue foliage which redden to burgundy at the tips in the fall and carry tiny green flowers in the summer. 097-61 virgatum ‘Prairie Sky’ 3 120cm/48” 75cm/30” dr Steel-blue flowing foliage brightens to golden yellow and fades to tan in the fall. Expect stems of tiny green flowers late summer, which are great for fresh, or dry arrangements. 097-62 virgatum ‘Shenandoah’ 3 120cm/48” 75cm/30” dr A mass of thin, flowing green foliage, the tips changing sporadically to deep red are accompanied by stems of tiny reddish flowers in august. 097-65 virgatum ‘Thundercloud’ PP20665 4 240cm/96” 120cm/48” dr This mound of upright foliage with tan and light pink panicles has a sturdy habit, which makes it a dependable addition to any garden or landscape. PENNISETUM - Fountain Grass Upright arching clumps bear long bottlebrush-like plumes. Cut to ground in spring. Talle de feuillage dressé puis arqué, qui s’orne de longs plumeaux cylindriques. Rabattre au sol au printemps. 097-69 alopecuroides ‘Hameln’ 5 90cm/36” 75cm/30” dr, ro 097-75 setaceum ‘Rubrum’ 8 75cm/30” 45cm/18” dr Thin red-purple arching leaves under red foxtail plumes make this annual fountain grass a showy focal point in any container or garden. 097-76 alopecuroides ‘Red Head’ 5 90cm/36” 90cm/36” dr This popular fountain grass has a large mound of tall flowing green foliage under a spears of pale-pink flowers 3 90cm/36” 90cm/36” dr A clump of upright compact white and green variegated foliage which developes a pink tinge in cooler temperatures. A compact mound of lush green flowing foliage bearing bottlebrush spikes of fluffy white flowers. Great in dried flower arrangements. PHALARIS - Ribbon Grass 097-85 arundinacea ‘Strawberries & Cream’ SCHIZACHYRIUM - The Blues Clump forming native selections with distinctive upright flowers. Tolerates wide range of soil conditions. Thrives when neglected. Cut back to ground in spring. Graminée indigène formant un talle ornée de beaux épis dressés. Tolère diverses conditions de culture et prolifère même quand on la néglige. Rabattre au sol au printemps. 097-89 scoparium ‘Prairie Blues’ 3 90cm/36” 90cm/36” dr Bright grey-blue thin foliage that changes to red-orange in the fall months topped with red stems and bright flowers in the fall!. 59 097-75 097-41 097-89 097-52 097-26 LEGEND 097-26 097-39 097-61 097-65 HEIGHT AT MATURITY SHADE dr DROUGHT TOLERANT cu CUT FLOWERS DEER RESISTANT SPREAD AT MATURITY NATIVE SPECIES PART SUN FULL SUN gr GROUND COVER ROCK GARDEN fr ATTRACTS BUTTERFLIES/BEES ro FRAGRANT wi WINTER INTEREST ATTRACTS HUMMINGBIRDS
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