The Sentinel Spring 2015 - Volume 141 - 1 AND ON THE THIRD DAY, THE STONE WAS ROLLED AWAY Grand Master's Message 2 The Sentinel Spring 2015 Volume: 141 - 1 Editor in Chief: James Bell Managing Editor: John Chalmers Orange Headquarters 94 Sheppard Ave. West Toronto, ON M2N 1M5 1-800-565-6248 416-223-1690 ISSN 1711-3989 Publications Agreement 40772033 The Sentinel is a publication of the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. All pictures and news stories are property of the Sentinel and may be edited due to space. Printed in Canada by Britannia Printers Inc. Next Article Due Date: July 15th. 2015 General Advertising Number of ads: 1 2 Full Page $250 $450 1/2 Page $125 $225 1/3 Page $100 $170 Business Card $ 25 $ 45 3 $650 $325 $250 $ 80 Sentinel Email Keep sending in your Articles, Events, Advertisements and News to Mission Statement of the “Sentinel” We shall..... Take pride in our achievements of the past Accept the realities of the present Embrace a positive vision of the future We publish with empathy for the writer and in compliance with our constitution. Most Worshipful Grand Master and Sovereign of Canada, Bro/ G.W. Budden In a few days time, I will be travelling to Brockville, Ontario to participate in a dedication ceremony of a new lodge building, as the old building no longer meets the needs of its members and has become a financial challenge. We certainly hope that this new facility will meet the needs of its membership and will be a great benefit for the orange association in the Brockville area. It is however, somewhat sad, to see that part of our history come to an end, as I am sure that the old lodge building holds many a memory for many of the members of our association. We are however enthusiastic that a new page is being turned and we look forward to this new home which will serve the brethren and will help preserve orangeism with the same zeal and determination that was evident in the former surroundings. As an observation, downsizing seems to be the trend these days. Whether it involves a lodge building, a church, or even ones home, members, congregations, or even families cannot seem to keep up with rising costs and costly repairs. Both lodges in St. John’s where I am a member have over the years sold their halls and rent. It is never the same, you miss that environment, but you have less financial headaches. During the last few years churches are now disposing of their property and amalgamating because of a declining membership and the lack of financial support and the cost of labour and repairs. I know of a beautiful and historical cathedral close of where I grew up being offered for sale, and after the congregation raised over one million dollars to repair and renovate it, but still even a million dollars couldn’t make it a viable operation. So far the only people who have come forward regarding the sale of this beautiful old cathedral is a brewery who because of its size and location sees some benefit in purchasing it, a very sad commentary indeed. The reality of the situation however, is that with a declining membership, a aging membership, whether it be church, or lodge, the financial means, and the ability to carry out the work is a tremendous challenge and responsibility that often rests with a select few. We must take comfort however, in the fact, that the lodge is the members, not the building, and that the church is the people of God, who carry out God’s divine purpose here on earth. To those members across Canada, who own and operate lodge buildings, we are in debt for your service. To the brethren of Brockville who are moving to a new facility, we wish you all the best and congratulate you on this endeavour. We trust that your lodge building will be such as to show the high standard of orange presence in your community and a reflection of a proud past and a bright and meaningful future. Sincerely & fraternally. Gerald W. Budden Grand Master & Sovereign Chaplain’s Corner 3 Christ Has Risen Luke 24:7 “The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of men and be crucified and on the third day rise again.” In the weeks leading up to his death, Jesus told his disciples that he was going to be killed and rise again on the third day. The first time he shared this prediction, Peter rebuked him (Mark 8:31-32). In Mark 9:30-31 Jesus states again, to his disciples “ because he was teaching his disciples. He said to them, “The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men. They will kill him, and after three days he will rise.” 32 But they did not understand what he meant and were afraid to ask him about it. The disciples and those present at the time did not understand what that meant. However, when the women took spices to the tomb on the third day to anoint the body, an angel repeated those words as we see in Luke 24:7. It was in remembering those words that they began to understand what had taken place. Jesus was no longer among the dead, he had risen from the dead and was alive. We have the advantage of being able to look back and see the whole thing and may even be frustrated with the disciples with their initial lack of understanding of what they had the privilege of being witness too. We cannot allow the time and space that separates us from this event diminish our awe and gratitude about the significance of it. Jesus, the Son of God, gave his life for us. He conquered death on our behalf so we may have eternal life. While we did not have the opportunity of witnessing the actual death and resurrection of Christ, we can witness the saving power of his sacrifice in our lives and in the lives of others as they choose to follow him. This year, brothers, as you contemplate Easter, put yourself in the shoes of the disciples and ask, “Would I have understood the magnitude of the prediction Jesus was making when he foretold of his death?” “How would my life be different if I had been there to witness such a life changing event?” “Knowing the significance of the sacrifice Christ made for you, what are you willing to do to show your gratitude?” MW Bro. Allan Borden Grand Chaplain of Canada 4 Secretary-Treasurer / C.E.O’s 2014 Synopsis The competition in our market niche is still challenging, and continued low interest rates have impacted our available reserves and revenue stream. Much time has been spent developing new market niches which are scheduled to come on line in 2015. As usual we received a clean audit report. In the spirit of compliance and transparency, I am using the CEO’s synopsis to keep members informed on the status of their insurance department. For clarification, be reminded that the license to operate a federally regulated financial institution is held by Grand Lodge Canada and that the Grand Master by virtue of his office has a seat on the Orange Insurance board. In order to stay abreast of industry and regulatory standards, the Orange Insurance board did establish a Governance Committee. Orange Insurance picks up the travel and accommodation costs of the Grand Master and all of the Grand Lodge executive except that of the Grand Secretary, who is not a member of the insurance board. The publishing and financing of the Sentinel was assumed by Orange Insurance over 10 years ago. As Editor in Chief I take great pleasure in thanking our Grand Secretary, John Chalmers for his outstanding work as Managing Editor of the Sentinel. A decision was made this year that on a go forward basis the Sentinel will be distributed primarily by electronics or viewed on the GLC website. Hard copies are available for those who do not have computers or prefer hard copy. Orange Insurance continues to provide an office and administrative support for the Grand Secretary as well as space for our museum. Please visit us at 94 Sheppard Ave. West from 9:00 – 4:00 Monday – Thursday. By Orange Insurance sharing its financial infrastructure, investment experience, personnel along with the sale of halls, Grand Lodge assets have increased to nearly $1,000,000. Direct financial support is given to all levels of the association upon request. The following are some examples of fund recipients. Lodge sponsored charities and projects, computers and web sites, hall dedications, bands and advertising for parades, funds for new banners, key boards for the LOBA, financial help for members sick or in distress and many more which are often profiled in the Sentinel. Again my thanks to our board members, management, staff and external professionals. James Bell / Sec.-Treas. / CEO Full financials can be viewed at or contact us Orange Head Quarters for a hard copy. 5 Independent Auditors' Report To the members of The Grand Orange Lodge of British America Benefit Fund: We have audited the accompanying financial statements of The Grand Orange Lodge of British America Benefit Fund, which comprise the statement of financial position as at December 31, 2014, and the statements of net income, comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor's Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of The Grand Orange Lodge of British America Benefit Fund as at December 31, 2014, and its financial performance and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards. C.W. PARTNERS LLP Chartered Accountants, Licensed Public Accountants Toronto, Ontario February 24, 2015 Opinion of the Appointed Actuary To the members ofThe Grand Orange Lodge of British America Benefit Fund: I have valued the actuarial liabilities for policy liabilities, reinsurance assets and other contract liabilities of The Grand Orange Lodge of British America Benefit Fund for its balance sheet as at December 31, 2014 and their change in the statement of income for the year then ended. In my opinion, the amount of policy liabilities makes appropriate provision for all policy obligations and the financial statements fairly present the results of the valuation. Louis Mercier Fellow, Canadian Institute of Actuaries February 24, 2015 6 Grand lodge of british America Benefit Fund Statement of Financial Position (in Canadian $) for Year Ended December 31, 2014 2013 2014 Assets Cash and cash equivalents Interest and dividends accrued Premiums receivable Investments (note 4) Bonds and debentures Common and preferred shares Loans on policies Current income tax Property and equipment (note 6) Accrued benifit asset (note 11) Liabilities Other liabilities (note 7) Claims payable Policy liabilities (note 8) Deferred income taxes Equity General surplus Accumulated other comprehensive income $ 548,850 193,663 1,692 $ 604,885 193,196 12,547 22,030,171 2,870,625 243,964 28,285 78,599 1,158,323 ___193,400 20,130,019 2,620,734 254,999 20,837 $ 27,347,572 $25,251,816 1,170,379 __243,500 23,296,542 648,835 196,376 19,993,311 ____70,434 $20,908,956 3,541,044 509,986 4,025,842 ___317,018 4,051,030 4,342,860 27,347,572 $25,251,816 $ 720,433 247,802 22,328,307 $ 7 Grand lodge of british America Benefit Fund Statement of Operations (in Canadian $) for Year Ended December 31, 2014 2014 Revenue Gross life premiums Gross annuity premiums Less: reinsurance 2013 $ 1,779,341 9,220 (27,145) $ 1,895,784 13,943 (25,298) 1,761,416 2,923,157 1,884,429 (570,137) 4,684,573 1,314,292 Certificate Death claims Matured endowments Surrender benifits Annuties 1,172,763 241,320 162,688 58,544 979,802 213,748 125,332 26,894 Increase (decrease) in policy liabilities 1,635,288 2,334,996 1,345,776 1,118,894 3,970,284 _226,932 469,540 258,325 229,969 161,989 78,794 54,387 47,929 21,896 16,706 1,339,535 5,309,819 482,050 274,284 273,181 187,956 96,135 51,421 37,631 23,286 18,960 1,444,904 1,671,836 Income (loss) before income taxes Income taxes (recovery) Current Deferred (625,246) (357,544) (72,215) (126,845) (199,060) (35,031) 79,550) (114,581) Net income (loss) for the year $426,186 $ (242,963) Net premiums Net investment income (loss) (schedule 1) Expenses General Salaries and benefits Financial and compliance Commissions Travelling and selling Office and general Building Licences taxes and fees Depreciation of property and equipment Interest on benefits and deposits 8 Grand lodge of british America Benefit Fund Statement of Comprehensive Income (in Canadian $) for Year Ended December 31, 2014 Net income (loss) for the year 2014 $ (426,186 2013 $ (242,963 232,834 180,201 (39,866) 192,968 50,585 129,616 (58,612) 134,356 247,277 374,893 Other comprehensive income, net of income taxes Unrealized gains on available-for-sale assets, net of income taxes of $88,184 (2013 - $58,652) Realized gain reclassified to net income, net of income taxes of $15,969 (2013 - $21,778) Actuarial gain (losses) for the defined benefit plan recognized in general surplus, net of income taxes of $92,623 (2012 - 14,590) Total comprehensive income for the year $ (291,830) $ 131,930 Grand lodge of british America Benefit Fund Statement of Changes in Equity (in Canadian $) for Year Ended December 31, 2014 Accumulated other comp. income (items that may be reclassified subsequently to net income Balance at December 31, 2012 Net income Other comprehensive income, excluding actuarial losses for the defined benefit plan Actuarial losses for the defined benefit plan Balance at December 31, 2013 Net loss for the year Other comprehensive income, excluding actuarial losses for the defined benefit plan Actuarial gains for the defined benefit plan Balance at December 31, 2014 General Surplus Total Equity $ 4,023,528 $ 4,210,930 (242,963) (242,963) 245,277 ____________ $ 4,025,842 129,616 245,277 ___________ $ 4,342,860 (426,186) (426,186) 192,968 ___________ (58,612) 192,968 (58,612 $ 509,986 $ 3,541,044 $ 4,051,030 $ 187,402 129,616 ____________ $ 317,018 9 Grand lodge of british America Benefit Fund Statement of Operations (in Canadian $) for Year Ended December 31, 2014 2014 Operating activities Net loss for the year Items not requiring an outlay of cash Depreciation of property and equipment Increase (decrease) in policy liabilities Unrealized losses (gains) - FVTPL Realized gain on sale of investments Deferred income taxes and OCI tax adjustments 2013 (426,186) $(242,963) 21,896 2,334,996 (1,882,325) (79,488) (165,002) 23,286 (1,118,844) 1,668,771 (98,273) (125,853) (196,109 106,124 253 10,855 (7,448) 71,598 51,426 (30,700) 18,659 (6,865) 10,767 (4,328) 8,351 7,400 95,984 19,184 Cash provided by operating activities (100,125) 125,308 Investing activites Purchase of investments Proceeds on sale and redemption of investments Adv. (repayments) of policy loans, net of repayments (advances) Purchases of property and equipment (529,035) 571,930 11,035 (9,840) (2,532,400) 2,512,658 (15,408) (666) Cash provided by (applied in) investing activities 44,090 (35,816) Increase (decrease) in cash during the year 56,035 89,492 604,885 515,393 $ 548,850 $ 604,885 Net change in non - cash working capital balances Interest and dividends accrued Premiums receivable Current income tax Other liabilities Claims payable Net cash impact on accrued benefit liability Cash and csh equivalents, beginning of year Cash and cash equivalents, end of year 10 2015 Provincial Meetings IN MEMORIAM Western Canada Winnipeg MB April 17 - 18 MW Sis. Elva Rodwell LOBA 1136 Ont. West Nov. 27th. 2014 Ont. West Niagara Falls ON April 23 - 24 - 25 Wor. Bro. Gordon Hunter Wilson. LOL 936 Ont. West Dec. 15th. 2014 age 98 yrs. Member for 82 yrs. Ont. East Kingston, ON April 10 - 11 Quebec Shawville May 1 - 2 New Brunswick Moncton NB April 17 - 18 Newfoundland/Lab. Foxtrap NL May 5 - 6 GOL Canada St. Johns NL June 2016 PROVINCIAL SECRETARIES Western Canada Adrian Cotter Ontario West John Wells. Ontario East Calvin Yeo. Quebec Allison Corrigan. New Brunswick Daniel Grasse. Newfoundland/Labrador Clyde Crane. L.O.B.A. Canada Heather Brown. Grand Orange Lodge of Canada John D. Chalmers. MW Bro. Gavin Jerrett. PGM Nfld. PGMarshal GOL Canada Dec. 24th. 2014 Sis. Elsie Gordon. LOBA 1033 Quebec. Dec. 9th. 2014 age 98 yrs. Bro. Rev. Leonard Tarnowski. LOL 2934 Ont. West. Jan 12th. 2015 Bro. Donald Raymond Althouse. LOL 326 Ont. East Jan. 27th. 2015 Bro. Sir Kt. Fred Thompson. WM LOL 526 Ont. West Perceptor RBP 1091 Ont. West Feb. 2015 RW Bro. Gordon Angus. LOL 34 - RBP 696 PGM GOL Quebec Feb. 22nd. 2015 MW Sis. Carol Porter. Ruby LOBA 239 Nfld/Lab. Past Gr. Secretary LOBA Canada PGM LOBA Nfld/Lab DGS LOBA Nfld/Lab PSP C.C. Upper Island Cove. Nfld Member of Boyne WLOL 1690 N.I. Sister Porter passed away following a lengthy illness Mar. 1st. 2015. She is sadly missed by husband Ron Spurrell and family. WELL DONE GOOD AND FAITHFULL SERVANT Bro. Sir Kt. George Warren. LOL 18 - RBP 1064 Nfld/Lab April 1st. 2015 Bro. Sir Kt. Albert Taylor. LOL 23 - RBP 867 Nfld/Lab April 2015 Bro. Hugh Moore. LOL 137 Ont. West April 3rd. 2015 Rt. Hon.Lord Jim Molyneaux. KBE of Killead N. I. MW Bro. Molyneaux, a Past Imperial Grand Master, (elected 1991) aged 94 died peacefully March 9th. 2015, and will be sadly missed by the Orange Association Worldwi SENTINEL INFORMATION To all LOL - LOBA - LTB Lodges. All Lodges will receive 1 copy of the three issues in 2015 delivered by mail to your recording secretary, at no charge. Starting in Jan. 2016 all Lodges will pay a subscription rate of $15 per year for i copy of each 3 issues and, to ensure ther is no disruption in delivery, this must be received before December 31st 2015. Should your Lodge require more than 1 copy let us know, and adjust your subscription rate accordingly Members who receive the Sentinel at their home address will pay as before, a subscription of $15 per year. Although we are using a new database for recipients , we will check previous records and credit those readers who have paid the subscription fee for future years. All recipients of home delivery will receive a statement of their standing in the near future. Those wishing to initiate home delivery must forward a request along with payment for same to Orange H/Q 94 Sheppard Ave. W. Toronto ON M2N 1M5 Those who wish to have delivery by email (no charge) contact me at J. Chalmers Managing Editor Lodge News L.O.B.A. LODGES IN MEGANTIC COUNTY (Written by Joy Nugent for the MCDC, February 2005) On the afternoon of September 15, 1933, Osgoode Valley Ladies Orange Benevolent Association No. 995 was initiated at Kinnear’s Mills. The Right Worthy Sister Elizabeth Morgan, Provincial Grand Mistress, acted as Installing Officer and was assisted by the Degree Team of Francis Valley No. 636 of Sherbrooke. Twenty-one joined at this time to become Charter members, including three members of L.O. L. No. 559. Sister Clara McHarg was elected as Worthy Mistress, meetings to be held the second Monday of each month with dues at 15 cents. Some of Lodge Regalia was donated and the rest was purchased. Bro. Thomas McElreavy made and donated a Chest and Flag Stands. The first recorded event held to raise funds was a concert in the I.O.O.F. No. 54 Hall. Admission charged was 30 cents with proceeds amount to $24.85. They served dinners at L.O.L.County meetings and served lunches at Lodge dances. The first proceeds recorded amounted to $42.35 with the music costing $6.00 Tags were made and sold at July 12th picnics and dinners were served sometimes on this day. In July 1937, Sister McHarg travelled to Ireland for the 12th celebrations. She brought back two pictures which she donated to the lodges. That year for dinner, 341bs of beef were purchased at 12cents per lb. from William Ross of Leeds Village.In September 1938 two new lodges were instituted, namely Orange Lily No. 1041 (Sept, 12) held in the L.O.L. Hall at Campbell’s Corner, Inverness and Smith Memorial No. 1042 (Sept, 13) held in the Women’s Institute Hall, Lemesurier. On August 29, 1939 No Surrender No. 1055 was initiated in the L.O.L. Hall, Lower Ireland, by a Degree Team chosen from the other three neighboring Lodges. This lodge was believed to have closed about 1944 or 1945. In 1940 Bro. Murray Nugent made and donated an Altar to L.O.L. 559 and L.O.B.A. 995 which is still in use today. In 1942 Sister Clara McHarg was elected to the office of Provincial Grand Mistress of Quebec. During the War Years of 1939-1945, Victory Bonds were purchased and donations given to Orange War Relief fund, Red Cross and Canteen Fund. Members knitted items for the soldiers and care packages were sent overseas. Over the years donations have been given to many charities and worth needs both locally and elsewhere. In 1948 Smith Memorial No. 1042 moved to Lennoxville where it still exists today. Some of our former members transferred to this lodge. The Orange and Protestant Children’s Home officially opened in Rosemere, Quebec in 1949. Over the 50 years which this Home existed, many donations were given by Megantic County Lodges, members and friends. This was closed in 1998 and all was sold. The proceeds were invested and renamed Orange and Protestant Foundation with the interest to be used for “Worthy Children’s Needs.” Provincial Grand Lodge Sessions of the L.O.L. and L.O.B.A. have been held the following years in Megantic County. 1967 (Thetford Mines); 1976 (Kinnear’s Mills); 1981 (Inverness); 1986 (Kinnear’s Mills); 1997 (Kinnear’s Mills; 2002 (Kinnear’s Mills); 11 Our two remaining lodges have carried on but are struggling. We have had joint Anniversary celebrations with Service Pins presented to members of 25, 35 ,50 and 60 years of membership. Now since 1991 Orange Lily and Osgoode Lily hold joint meetings in Kinnear’s Mills. Ontario East Triangle Court Low Rental Senior Citizen’s Residence located at FRANKFORD ONTARIO Sponsored by all branches of the Loyal Orange Association in Eastern Ontario Send Donations to: Treasurer. Mr. Jack Chatten 135 March St. Frankford, ON K0K 2C0 REMEMBER THE COURT IN YOUR WILL! 12 Harbour Bretton LOL260 Scholarship Presentation Representatives of Harbour Bretton RBP - LOL - & LOBA present the $500 Scholarship award from Harbour Bretton Lodges to recipient Ashleigh Skinner. l-r WP of the RBP R.T. Tibbo - Ashleigh Skinner - WM LOL 260 R. Domonie. WM LOBA Sister M. Pierce Courtenay Bay LOL # 8 and Lorneville LOL # 29, Saint John, NB Hold Annual Christmas Party: “ On December 8, 2014 a number of Orange Lodge Members assembled for a Christmas Party in Saint John, NB. with over 70 people attending from all over Saint John County and Sunbury and YorkCounties. There was live music, speeches from Lodge Officials and dancing which all enjoyed. During the course of the evening, Wor. Bro. Lyman Spear was presented his 60-year Service Award Pin from the R. W. Grand Master of N. B. Clifford Hargrove. A good time was had by all!” Top photo from right to left, Bro. C. Hargrove presents Lyman Spear with his 60-year Pin bottom photo, we see the colorful decorations and large number present. “Two Dan’s above l - r Dan MacDonald & Dan MacDonald father and son, both members of LOL 805 Ont. W. RW Bro. Dan on thr right is the current GM of the GBC Ont. W. 13 REFLECTIONS MW Bro. D. Griffin PGM Canada Anniversaries are an important part of any Organization that has been in existence as long as the Loyal Orange Association. In 1979 a Committee was formed to make arrangements for the Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Grand Orange Lodge of B.A. (Canada) formed in 1830 and the Grand Orange Lodge of B.A. Benefit Fund (Orange Insurance) formed in 1881 as one gigantic Celebration to be held in 1981. During the Annual Sessions of the Grand Lodge held at the Hotel Toronto in the City of Toronto these plans came to fruition. Commencing on Sunday June 14 1981 A Parade formed up at the Hotel led by the 140 member Massed Legion Pipes and Drums the parade proceeded east on Queen Street towards Cooke’s Presbyterian Church with a stop at War Memorial in front of the old City Hall were wreaths were laid in memory of those who paid the Supreme Sacrifice in two World Wars. The front row included M.W. Brothers J.D. Phillips Grand Master & Sovereign Rev. Martin Smyth Imperial Grand President. Sir James Molyneaux Grand Master of the Imperial Grand Black Chapter Thomas Orr Grand Master of Scotland Richard Roberts Grand Master of England Walter Williams Imperial Grand Secretary and Leslie Saunders Past Imperial President. At Cooke’s Presbyterian Church the Service was led by the Rev. H.M. MacRury and the Guest Preacher was Rev. Doctor Finlay Stewart. Several other Ordained members of the Association were in attendance on the Dais. On Wednesday Evening a Gala Banquet was held with almost 700 in attendance including a number of people from other Fraternal Societies The event was under the Chairmanship of M. W. Bro. L.H. Saunders Senior Past Grand Master. During the course of the Dinner several events took place. The Grand Master presented a cheque in the amount of $37,000.00 to “Whipper” Billy Watson representing the Crippled Children, the National Project for this occasion. Plaques were presented to all Past Grand Masters by M. W. Bro Gordon Keyes. The Anniversary Cake was cut by the Grand Master and the Grand Mistress of the LOBA. The cake for those who are interested cost almost $2,000.00. Greetings were brought from the Prime Minister. The Provincial Premier of Ontario, together with other dignitaries of the Orange Association The entertainment for the evening was the Massed Legion Pipes and Drums who filled the Massive Dance floor, the Dofasco Male Choir from Hamilton who rendered several selections. At the close of the entertainment the Massed Legion Pipes and Drums led the Grand March. At the close of the Grand March the Bill Burnett Musical Ensemble provided music for the dance that followed. Some photos are attached to this Reflections but if you have an opportunity to visit Orange Headquarters an album of this event is available to view 14 CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION – EDWARDS L.O.L. #2297 On Sunday, August 24th, 2014, approximately 90 people gathered to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Orange Hall in Edwards, Ontario. The Orange Hall, being 100 years old, was in need of repair, and through the generosity of fellow Lodges and personal donations the hall received a new floor, the roof was fixed and painted, the inside walls and ceiling were painted as well as the outside of the building. A traditional meal was held, hot roast beef on a bun, corn on the cob, BBQ sausages on a bun, a variety of salads and a special decorated cake to honour the event. After the meal cheques were presented to Christina Enright, representing Winchester District Memorial Hospital Dialysis Unit by Ryan Campbell, Deputy Master of Edwards Orange Lodge #2297 for $252.00 and by Scott McCooeye, the Preceptor of the Royal Black Preceptory #754 Edwards in the amount of $200.00. The Dialysis Unit is a project that both Organizations have supported for many years. Following the cheque presentation, guests were invited into the Hall to view an historical documentary produced by Campbell, who with great assistance from family, friends, and members of the community, had researched and collected documents, pictures, and memorabilia that helped complete the project. It was a typical warm summer day in August but no one left the hall in case they missed something. The youngest person in attendance was 10 months old and the oldest two ladies were over 90. We were very honoured to have had the three leaders of our Orders with us: R.W. Brother Mark Alexander, Provincial Grand Master of The Provincial Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario East; R.W. Sister Ann Stevens, Provincial Grand Mistress of The Ladies’ Orange Benevolent Association of Ontario East; and R.W. Sir Knight Ron Shannon, Provincial Grand Master of the Grand Black Chapter of Eastern Ontario. Also in attendance was Kim Sheldrick, a Candidate running for Osgoode Ward in the City of Ottawa election in October. On completion of the programme, Ryan Campbell thanked everyone for coming. The celebration was closed with a prayer lead by Campbell’s brother Braden, who, inspired by Mathew 7:24-27, reminded all present that the Edwards Orange Hall was “built upon a rock”. Toronto County Open Installation Above Wor. Bro.Gerry Morgan the newly installed master of Toronto County Purple Hill LOL 399 Celebrates Sir John A. MacDonald On Dec. 8th. 2014 LOL 399 held a dinner to celebrate the upcoming 200th. birthday of Sir John A. MacDonald (above top) Rt W. Bro Russell Staye gave an address to members and guests on the history of Sir John A. MacDonald following dinner. (above bottom) Bro. John Goulding was presented with a portrait to display in the hall. Russell was presented with an authentic Sir John A figure. GOL Canada PTSD Donation Installed officers of Toronto County, Bro. G. Morgan C.M. 3rd. from left The installation team l - r D. Griffin - J Wells - M. Thomas MW Bro. Jim Bell presents a donation of $500 to the fund selected by the County master, which supports our returning troops suffering from PTSD. Bro Bell was representing MW Bro.G. Budden Grrand Master of Canada at the Toronto County Installation Meeting Brockville LOL #1 Dedicates their Renovated Orange Hall in Rocksprings Ont. East 15 A Jewel With History It was presented to Bro. Thomas Mairs on his elevation to Past Master of Enniskillen Lodge LOL 1615 in 1937. He was 36 years old. When he passed away in 1987, When his great grandson, Bro. Norman Allen Nelson III, joined the Junior Orange Lodge in 1988, it was decided that he would receive the jewel on his elevation to Past Master of Enniskillen Lodge . RW Bro. Norman Allen Nelson III, great grandson of the late MW Bro. Thomas Mairs, has been elevated to Past Master of Enniskillen Lodge LOL 1615. In the attached photo, his father, MW Bro. Norman Allen Nelson II presents him with the jewel at Enniskillen LOL 1615’s regular meeting on February 6, 2015. RW Bro. Norman Nelson III is currently the JDGM of GOL WC His father is currently the GM GOL WC and Lect. GOLC. Also present at that meeting were visitors from Pioneer Lodge, including their Past Master, Wor. Bro. Scott Ferguson, son of the late MW Bro. George Ferguson; RW Bro. Richard Hollick-Kenyon and RW Bro. Dave Douglas, all of whom knew the late MW Bro. Thomas Mairs well during his time in Primary - RW MW Lodges and the World Triennial Council. LOL # 1 Brockville dedicated their newly renovated Orange Hall in Rocksprings just outside Brockville Ont. Under the leadership of MW Bro. G. Budden, who also had his national executive present, the dedication was carried out in an impressive manner. Also present were RW Bro. M. Alexander Grand Master PGOL Ont East. RW Sir Kt. R. Shannon Grand Master GBC Ont. East. A banquet took place following the dedication, which was enjoyed by the large turnout of Members, friends & family RW Bro. R. Weller, GM of the LTBA in Ont. W admires the banner of the Lodge into which he was initiated. At their meeting in the LTB Orange Home, all officers were re-elected for 2015. Time for some Country Guitar Playing & Singing at Orange Insurance When that time of year comes around and the dreaded audit is upon you most people’s dispositions tend to change for the worst. You expect to be bothered and harassed during the stay of your auditors and you can’t wait for them to leave. At Orange Insurance it is quite different. We have an amazing audit team that we enjoy seeing twice a year. We all respect and enjoy each other’s company. In fact we found out one of our auditors is on the Board of Directors for The Country Music Association of Ontario. The girls in the office decided that we should show him our support and dressed up in true country style.As you can see from the picture Sam really seemed to enjoy it! Christmas in Cupids Last night the orange hall in Cupids, NL was jam packed with people who came to attend our annual one-night Christmas Raffle. The raffle wheel went through 73 spins and proceeds were $1600.00 ! Proceeds go to our many charities eg. On Tibbs Eve our members will go door to door with Santa and deliver Christmas fruit baskets to all the shut-in seniors . At each house we deliver the basket then stay a few minutes to sing a couple of Christmas carols. It brings quite a cheer to the shut-ins and is rewarding to the brethren as well. THE WAR YEARS - 1915 ISSN 1711 3989
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