Spring News Letter - Grassington Medical Centre

Grassington Medical Practice
Practice Update:
Proposed Practice Merger — Thank you to all those who took time out to attend our Patient
Engagement Session on the 25th of March 2015, your comments and feedback were very much
appreciated. A similar event was also held in Ilkley and all information will be passed to NHS England.
If you have any further comments or concerns and would like to contact NHS England direct please
email Helen.Hawran@nhs.net
Spring 2015 Newsletter
is the independent consumer champion for health and social
care in England, made up of a network of 152 local
Healthwatches. Each local authority in England is mandated by law to have a local Healthwatch to
represent the citizens and communities. Craven, under the umbrella of the North Yorkshire Healthwatch
aims to give the children, young people and adults of Craven a powerful voice, making sure that their
views and experiences are heard by those who run, plan and regulate health and social care services.
Also providing information about local services, helping people access and make choices about health
and care, and signposting people to other forms of support within the community. Here to help, inform
and educate you on your rights are as a consumer or service user, so that you know what to expect
when accessing care and know what to do if that care does not meet the necessary standard. We
would welcome your views on GP out of hours, experience of hospital discharge and support for carers
in particular unpaid carers.
Want to get in touch? Contact us if you would like " Have Your Say", share your experience or views
on health or social care in Craven, including suggestions /recommendations for how services can be I
mproved , If you are looking for information or you have concerns about local health and social care :
Tel: 01904 621631 Email healthwatchny@nbforum.org.uk www.healthwatchnorthyorkshire.co.uk
or tweet us @HealthwatchNY Local rep Heidi Edmondson
Reducing salt intake is key to reducing high Most of the salt we eat, however,
is not added by us but is already
blood pressure and stroke
in the food we buy to eat.
Did you know that reducing how much salt you
eat a day by about 1 teaspoon can significantly Look out for the traffic light
coding system on the front of food packaging
lower your risk of stroke and heart disease?
(red, amber, green labels) that now many foods
A new report by the World Health Organisation show to help you make informed choices.
states that reducing salt is an easy
Can you guess the 12 highest-salt foods to look
and effective way of gaining great health
out for? Answers on the reverse!
Did you know that
there are over 6.5
million carers in
the UK today?
That is 1 in 8 ordinary people caring and supporting someone who is older, disabled or seriously ill. This unpaid care saves the state
£119billion a year in social care costs.
Many, if not all, of these people are trying to
care for someone at the same time as work, or
look after other family members or children:
many struggle to cope with the pressures.
Carers UK provides much needed and valuable support and assistance for those
caring for others. The support they provide
 Telephone advice and support line
Carers’ Groups to connect and support
those caring
Campaign together for better support and
Help applying for benefits
A new mobile app to help you organise
care and other priorities:www.jointlyapp.com
If you are a young carer you can also find
more information and help at
If you are caring for someone you may
find Carers UK an invaluable source of
advice and support. Also remember to
let your GP know so this information
can be put on your records so it may
help us to help you as well. Further
information on: http://www.carersuk.org.
Spring 2015 Newsletter
Changes to care and support from April 2015, care and support in England is changing for
the better. The new Care Act will help make care and support more consistent across the country.
The new national changes are designed to put you in control of the help you receive. Any decisions
about your care and support will consider your wellbeing and what is important to you and your family,
so you can stay healthy and remain independent for longer.
For further information log on to the North Yorkshire County Council website at :
At the satellite centre in Skipton they offer practical things like Information on services and help with Transport, as well as emotional support through counselling
and complementary therapies.
Art Classes offer a welcome diversion for many, whilst relaxation group offers an
opportunity to unwind. These are a great way to meet other people who understand and to chat with others in a similar position.
All services are free to access,
Contact: Cancer Support Skipton, 45a Armoury House, Otley Street, Skipton, BD23 1EL
Tel: 01274 776688 E-Mail: debi.hawkins@bradfordcancersupport.co.uk
The Marigold Wellbeing Centre is located in the Day Therapy Unit of St Michaels Hospice in
Harrogate offering support to people with cancer and other chronic conditions. On the second and
fourth Saturdays of every month they offer Relaxation, Healing, Aromatherapy, Counselling, Reiki,
Indian Head Massage and Reflexology. As well as refreshments and a light lunch. Those attending are welcome
to bring along a close friend or family member and all services are free of charge after an initial registration fee.
For more information Contact Maggie on 01756 730489 or www.marigoldwellbeingcentre.org.uk
National Walking Month - May 2015
The health benefits of walking are considerable and yet many of us still
don’t walk quite as much as we could or should. Livingstreets.org are organising various events in May 2015 (National Walking Month) to encourage
and inspire us.
One event is an annual free workplace challenge—a fun way to get some
healthy competition going between work colleagues and gain some great
health benefits. In May 2014 workplaces around the UK walked more than 50,000 miles during Walk to Work Week.
This year the organisers are aiming for even more. Can you take the challenge?
Other events include Walk to School Week 18– 22 May.
Why walk?
Further info on (and images courtesy of): http://
Answers : 12 high salt foods to watch out for:
bread, meat products, cheese, ready meals, soup, breakfast cereals, fish products, crisps and savoury
snacks, catering meals, restaurant meals, sauces, condiments and spices, and potato products .
Grassington Medical Practice
Postal address:
9 Station Road, Grassington, Skipton BD23 5LS
Web-site :
Telephone Number: 01756 752313
Fax: 01756 753320
Email : team@grassingtonmedicalcentre.co.uk