n c mpass Carers Point! Spring 2015 In this issue... Services Forums The Harbour Carers’ Caravan Activities Hospital Passports Explained Carers Week Trips Funded by Certificate Number 9463 ISO 9001 Follow us @ncompasscarers Like us /ncompasscarers Telephone: 0345 688 7113 newsletter! Part of Carers Lancashire Registered Charity Number 1128809 www.ncompassnorthwest.co.uk Hello and welcome to the n-compass Carers Services Spring Newsletter. Contents 3 Community Groups 4 n-compass Carers Services 9 Carers Book Corner 10 Carers Health and General Wellbeing 12 Lancashire Wide Services 14 Useful Telephone Numbers 15 Carers Week and Carers Courses In this newsletter you will find a report from one of our Carers who attended a Lunch for Carers, Charities and Carer Organisations hosted by the Chairman of Lancashire County Council. Also information on Carers Allowance – DWP Digital Service, Reablement, Grandparent Plus and much more. 16 n-compass Carers Point! Support Groups 17 Activities and Trips Enjoy your read. 19 n-compass Health & Wellbeing Champions 20 Activity Booking Form Spring is here, the nights are drawing out again and the trees and plants are beginning to wake from their winter slumber – a time of new beginnings. March saw the opening of The Harbour, Blackpool. The Harbour is a new mental health hospital which was designed with extensive input from service users and clinicians. The ethos of the unit is to provide therapeutic care which is empowering, person centred and needs led, and focuses on promoting recovery and independence. You can read a report about the Open Day and information about the support we are able to offer Carers from East Lancashire visiting their cared for person in The Harbour on pages 6 and 7. The front cover photographs were taken during a recent Carers trip to Lawrence House Astronomy and Space Science Centre, see page 18 for a short report. June sees Carers Week, the UK-wide annual awareness campaign which is taking place this year from Monday 8th to Sunday 14th June 2015. All the June Coffee and Chat Sessions have been arranged to coincide with Carers Week and will be a little bit different with the opportunity to have a hand massage and receive a goody/pamper bag. Asher Beever Service Lead n-compass Carers Services Every care has been taken in the compilation and publication of the content of this newsletter. However, n-compass Carers Point! will not be held responsible for the content or services provided by any third parties or liable for inconvenience caused as a result of any inaccuracy or error within these pages. The information contained in this newsletter is for general information only and does not constitute as advice on personal health or any other matter. Views expressed in articles do not necessarily represent those of n-compass Carers Point! Comments, Complaints and Compliments To help us improve our service, if you have any comments, good or bad, please bring them to our attention. Our complaints procedure is available on request from the service. All complaints are responded to promptly. If you have any compliments and you feel happy with the service you received please let us know. 2 Have you ever thought about what you could add to your community? Perhaps you have an idea for a new group or club but don’t know where to start? All it takes is 1 seed….. We would love the opportunity to support you in developing your ideas and strengthening your Community; or to support you to become involved in existing groups or clubs in your Community. For further information and support, please contact Colin Bowman at n-compass on 01253 362140 or email cbowman@ncompassnorthwest.co.uk n c mpass looking towards a brighter future 3 Errigal House, Avroe Crescent Blackpool Business Park Blackpool FY4 2DP Cancer Community Choir (start date 11 May) Lancaster Craft Group Fleetwood Regenda Housing Community Group Fleetwood Warblers on t'Wyre Tel: 01253 362140 Fax: 01253 407473 admin@ncompassnorthwest.co.uk www.ncompassnorthwest.co.uk n c mpass looking towards a brighter future Friends of St. Annes Palace St. Annes Incredible Edible Project St. Annes Men in Sheds St. Annes Just Good Friends Lytham St. Annes & Fleetwood Willow Garden Project Fleetwood Remind Mental Health Group Lytham Arthritis Group Poulton Fancy a Pint Warton Lunch Club Poulton Carers of Citizens with Dementia Kirkham Men's Group Poulton Anti-Bullying Group Fylde & Wyre CHAT Group Thornton Fitness Group Fylde & Wyre Ballroom Lessons St.Annes Autism Support Group Chill and Chat for the visually impaired St. Annes Blackpool, Fylde & Wyre Choir St. Annes Young Person's Hearing Voices Group Craft Group St. Annes Blackpool, Fylde & Wyre 3 n c mpass Carers Point! n c mpass Carers Point! Spring 2015 Newsletter n-compass Carers Services 4 Part of Carers Lancashire Carers Assessments Peace of Mind 4 Carers Most Carers have a legal right to a Carers Assessment of their own needs; through their assessment Carers have the opportunity to discuss how being a Carer affects them and highlight any support which they may need. An assessment can result in a range of support being offered to Carers e.g. referrals for a home fire safety check, benefit check, condition specific Carer support, modifications to the home or a personal budget. Through the Peace of Mind 4 Carers service Carers can be sure that the person they care for is not left without help and support in the event of an emergency. Plans are free, provide 24 hour contingency and up to 72 hours of free care that will be in place within 1 hour of the plan being activated. For more information, to complete a plan or to review your existing plan contact n-compass Carers Point! on 0345 688 7113 or email cadmin@carerspoint.co.uk Time For Me Changes Many carers have benefited from a Time for Me grant over the past few years. This was money provided by Lancashire County Council for Carers to take a break from their caring role. The changes required under the Care Act means that these grants will no longer be available. Local Authorities must now provide personal budgets to Carers who are eligible and Lancashire County Council are honouring this. To access a personal budget you will need to have a Carers Assessment, which can be carried out by n-compass Carers Services. A support plan will be developed with you and a personal budget applied for. If you are eligible for a budget, the money must then be spent on the items agreed in your support plan. At this stage, Carers Assessments cannot be offered by n-compass Carers Services to the following Carers: Young Carers (a Carer under 18 years old), Parent Carers (caring for a child under 17 years old) For these Carers support will be given by n-compass Carers Point! to access their assessment. For more information or to request a Carers Assessment contact n-compass Carers Point! on 0345 688 7113 or email cadmin@carerspoint.co.uk Follow us @ncompasscarers Like us Small Groups Fund The Small Groups Fund can be applied for by Groups of Carers to set up or support a Carers' support group or network. The maximum that can be applied for is £500. For more information or for an application form contact n-compass Carers Point! on 0345 688 7113 or email cadmin@carerspoint.co.uk Sitting-In Service The Sitting-In Service engages Volunteers to provide Carers with a break from their caring role by providing support to the person that they care for. Volunteers can offer companionship by taking part in activities such as listening to music, watching television, playing board games and chatting. The service is free and can be provided at a time to suit, including evenings and weekends, and is dependent on a suitable Volunteer match. For more information or to register your interest in receiving the Sitting-In service contact n-compass Carers Point! on 0345 688 7113 or email cadmin@carerspoint.co.uk /ncompasscarers Telephone: 0345 688 7113 www.ncompassnorthwest.co.uk Volunteers for the Sitting-In Service Volunteers are absolutely crucial to n-compass Carers Services. If you are enthusiastic and have time to give, why not join our team? The Sitting-In Service is something we would love to offer to all the Carers who would like this Service. To do this we need more volunteers. For more information contact Martin at n-compass on 01253 362140 or email volunteering@ncompassnorthwest.co.uk “ “ Would you, a family member or a friend consider volunteering for the ncompass Carers Point! Sitting-In Service? It would involve going to a Cared For persons home to sit with them while their Carer takes a well-earned break for a couple of hours. Or leave the Carer to put their feet up while you take the person they care for out for a walk or to pursue an interest or hobby. It is purely a companionship service and you would receive full training. You would be matched with someone who lives near to you so that you do not have to travel far. e y o v ur Say a H Do you access n-compass Carers Services; Carers Point! and/or the Mental Health Carers Support? At n-compass we value the thoughts and views of the citizens who have been involved with us, and have enjoyed the support of feedback groups for a while now. Their input has taken us from strength to strength in improving the quality and relevance of our services. Carers have been involved at all levels of the organisation, influencing key decisions in the way our services and the wider organisation develop. In short these are your Carers Services and we want you to have the opportunity to shape them. n-compass Carers Services are now supported by three feedback groups that meet every other month in North, Central and East Lancashire and Adult, Parent and Former Carers who have been involved with n-compass Carers Services are welcome. For more information or for details on how to become a member of an n-compass Carers Feedback Group contact n-compass Carers Services on 0345 688 7113 or email cadmin@carerspoint.co.uk Follow us @ncompasscarers Like us /ncompasscarers Telephone: 0345 688 7113 www.ncompassnorthwest.co.uk 5 n-compass Carers Mental Health Support Service THE HARBOUR - Open Day 21st Feb 2015 The Harbour is the Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust's innovative new building which delivers the Trust's vision of providing 21st Century Healthcare with wellbeing at its heart. It provides 154 in-patient mental health beds for people from across Lancashire, utilising the latest technology combined with dedicated healthcare professionals who provide high quality, compassionate care for the people who need it. Located just off the M55 in Blackpool at the aptly named Windmill Rise, The Harbour provides care across four main areas; Functional Acute, Advanced Care, Dementia and Psychiatric Intensive Care Units (PICUs). Members of our n-compass Mental Health Carers Support Team were invited to attend the recent Public Open Day event at The Harbour, to promote the Service and to meet Carers whilst they found out more about the new facilities. The Open Day was a busy, informal event with visitors able to attend guided tours around several of the new wards, meet and ask questions of the specialist staff and find out about the wealth of other services and organisations available throughout Lancashire. At the n-compass stall, we were able to meet a number of Carers who were interested in the range of services that we offer, many of whom asked for referrals to be made into our support teams. We also had a lot of interest from visitors who were keen to volunteer with n-compass and wanted to get involved in the work that we carry out. Several Carers also wanted to find out more about our Carers Forum meetings, as they felt that they had no one to share their views and opinions with. We described the new format of the meetings, explaining that each meeting would have time for Carers to share opinions with other Carers and seek advice from our Carer Support Team, in addition to presentations with invited speakers and updates on the latest developments in caring throughout Lancashire. The Open Day was an ideal opportunity to have a first look at the 'flagship' facility, and the n-compass staff present welcomed the chance to have a 'close up' look at the wards, that include sensory signage, outdoor areas, en suite facilities in each room and large, comfortable communal areas. The event also provided a chance to meet with other organisations that had information stalls and find out more about healthy diets, advocacy services, community transport and help with substance addiction. A big 'thank you' to the many Carers and visitors that came to say 'hello' to us at the n-compass stall. 6 The Harbour opened officially on 11th March 2015. Mental Health Carers’ Support n c mpass looking towards a brighter future Carers’ Caravan n-compass are supporting Mental Health Carers registered with ourselves who are visiting the person they care for at The Harbour. We are able to offer the facility of a static caravan close to the unit in Blackpool for overnight stays. The static caravan accommodation is situated on a safe and well established caravan park and there will be no cost to the Carer. Initially this facility will only be available to Carers from East Lancashire including Carers of people with Dementia who are being cared for at the Harbour. To make enquiries about booking the static caravan call our CHIT line. 0300 303 8700 CHIT C ARERS ’ HELP A ND INFORM ATION TEAM Calls charged at your local standard network rate For information on the caravan park log onto www.martonmere.org.uk n c mpass looking towards a brighter future Find out more: @ncompasscarers Email: mhcarers@ncompassnorthwest.co.uk /ncompasscarers n-compass North West Limited Registered Office Address 3 Errigal House, Avroe Crescent, Blackpool Business Park, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY4 2DP Tel: 01253 362140 Fax: 01253 407473 www.ncompassnorthwest.co.uk mhcarers@ncompassnorthwest.co.uk n-compass is registered in England and Wales as a Registered Charity No.1128809 and as a company limited by guarantee No. 06845210. Certificate Number 9463 ISO 9001 n-compass offers con fidential services 7 n-compass Mental Health Carers Support Groups The n-compass Mental Health Carers Support Groups offer Carers and professionals the opportunity to share their experiences and collectively influence the development of potential new and existing services in the field of mental health within their locality. The groups are also an opportunity for Carers and professionals to find out more about support services available both to Carers and the people that they care for. Group Details Central Mental Health Carers Forum - The Lancashire Archives, Lancashire Record Office, Bow Lane, Preston, Lancashire PR1 2RE (Please note the change of venue) 12:00pm – 3:00pm 15th June, 17th August, 19th October, 21st December 2015 & 15th February 2016 East Lancashire Mental Health Carers Forum - Burnley Fire Station, Ormerod Road, Burnley BB10 3AA 11:00am-2:30pm 10th June, 12th August, 14th October, 9th December 2015 & 10th February 2016 North Lancashire Mental Health Carers Forum – The Community Room, Oak Road Sheltered Accommodation, Garstang PR3 1HT. 10:30am-1:30pm 18th June, 20th August, 15th October, 10th December 2015 & 18th February 2016 Refreshments and a light lunch will be provided. Simply come along on the day or for more information contact n-compass Carers Mental Health Support Service on 0300 303 8700 or email mhcarers@ncompassnorthwest.co.uk Contact Details 8 Carers Help and Information Team (CHIT) line: 0300 303 8700 Email: mhcarers@ncompassnorthwest.co.uk Text: 07866 004 304 Letter: n-compass Mental Health Carers Support Service, 3 Errigal House, Avroe Crescent, Blackpool Business Park, Blackpool, FY4 2DP Fax: 01253 407473 Website: www.ncompassnorthwest.co.uk/ and go to Carers page Lancashire Carers Forum The Lancashire Carers Forum meets every other month and gives Carers from across Lancashire the opportunity to meet together for consultation and discussion with other Carers, Carers Support Service staff, elected Council members, Officers from Adult Social Services and representatives from the Health Trusts. The Lancashire Carers Forum is held from10:45am-2:30pm at Farrington Environmental Education Centre, Sustainability Way, Leyland, PR26 6LZ. A light buffet lunch will be provided. Dates and themes for 2015: 24th June Dementia 24th September Mental Health 30th November TBC – AGM Simply come along on the day or for more information contact n-compass Carers Services on 0345 688 7113 or email cadmin@carerspoint.co.uk Carers’ Book Corner A Carer's Odyssey: Life as Mother, Wife, Carer by Anna Chan In the first part of A Carer's Odyssey, Anna Chan describes how she and her husband Jeff were devastated 16 years ago by the diagnosis of their daughter Emma's severe neurological disorder, called Rett Syndrome. They tried everything with little success, including a course of cranial acupuncture in China. The lack of understanding and empathy of disabled people in China is saddening, while the way in which extended families give their support is inspirational. Part two of the book tells the story of how Jeff became mentally ill and how Anna had to cope with an extra burden. It details her battle to get Jeff's illness recognised and treated, and her struggle to understand Jeff and help him recover. Part three develops the positive lessons learnt from both Anna's professional work as a Carers' Support Worker and Carer Lead for an NHS trust, and from Do you have a book which has helped you manage your caring role? Let us know and we'll feature it in the next newsletter. KORE The book is available to borrow from Lancashire Libraries. Items available for loan can be requested online, by email, phone or in person at any library. If you are placing a reservation please be aware that a charge, per item of 60p, will be payable on collection. The home library service is provided free of charge if you are unable to get to a library building because of your age, disability or ill health. The home library service offers the loan of books, audio visual material and a request service. To contact the Library Service call 0300 123 6703 or log on to www.lancashire.gov.uk/librariesand-archives KORE Therapy ® Specialists in Treating Musculo-Skeletal, Digestive and Emotional Issues FinSpa is situated in the heart of Poulton-Le-Fylde and offers our clients a unique pampering experience from a range of indulgent treatments. Who’s caring for the Carer? Relax the mind, body and spirit; Reiki Back, neck and shoulder massage Indian Head Massage Hopi Ear Candling Reflexology Crystal Reflexology Available on Wednesday and Saturday with Holistic Therapist Karen We’ve been established for over 25 years supporting people suffering from back pain to sleep problems and depression. Our professional complementary medicine team and award winning Academy is here to help you. If you’re suffering, contact us now for the care and support you need. Situated at: FinSpa, 1a Queens Square, Poulton-Le-Fylde FY6 7BW For appointments or information on any of the treatments contact FinSpa 01253 899950 2a Leach Lane, Lytham St. Annes, Lancashire. FY8 3AP Home visits may be arranged in some circumstances 01253 728035 30min Back, Neck & Shoulder Massage now £12 for Carers with 15min FREE Reiki session Email: info@koretherapy.com www.koretherapy.com Follow us @ncompasscarers Mention this advert and receive a 10 Discount % Like us Advertisement Advertisement some heart-warming and inspirational accounts of great achievers who have suffered or do suffer from physical or psychological disabilities. /ncompasscarers Telephone: 0345 688 7113 www.ncompassnorthwest.co.uk 9 n c mpass Carers Point! Spring 2015 Newsletter Carers’ Health & General Wellbeing 10 Is the person you care for going into hospital or has frequent admissions to hospital? HOW CAN WE HELP? Complete a Hospital Passport to assist you as a Carer and the person you care for have a better experience within hospital settings High Blood Pressure It's thought that around 30% of people in England have high blood pressure, and many don't even know it. Though more than half of them are over 60, a large number are younger. Could you be one of them? What is the Passport? The Passport is a booklet that will enable you to inform hospital staff of relevant, accurate information on the person you look after so the right help is given. The Passport will be particularly helpful if the cared for person/patient has communication difficulties. The Passport will also give you the opportunity to inform staff of your caring role, the support you are able to provide to the cared for person whilst in hospital and identify what support you will be able to offer to the cared for person after discharge. How does it work? Carers complete the Passport adding information, comments and suggestions about the needs of the cared for person/patient in the three sections. The red section is for 'must know' information, amber section for 'important' information and green section for 'helpful' information. The Passport stays with the patient while they are in hospital, enabling all health professionals access to the information contained in the Passport. How can I get hold of one? Contact n-compass Carers Point! on 0345 688 7113 or email cadmin@carerspoint.co.uk High blood pressure is common and often has no symptoms. Check your blood pressure High blood pressure is often referred to as a "silent killer" and the only way to know if you have it is to have your blood pressure checked. Health professionals such as nurses, pharmacists and GPs can check your blood pressure with a simple test. If this check shows raised blood pressure, you may be given a blood pressure kit to take home so you can monitor your blood pressure throughout the day. This will confirm whether you have consistently high blood pressure. High blood pressure increases your risk of having a heart attack or stroke, but there are things you can do to lower your blood pressure. KEEPING BLOOD PRESSURE HEALTHY Exercise Do at least 30 minutes of exercise five times a week, such as walking, dancing, cycling, or swimming. If you're not used to exercising, don't start too quickly. Talk to your doctor about how much exercise will suit you, and build up slowly. continued>> Follow us @ncompasscarers Like us /ncompasscarers Telephone: 0345 688 7113 www.ncompassnorthwest.co.uk Healthy Eating A healthy, balanced diet will help reduce your blood pressure. A healthy diet includes eating: Fruit and vegetables are good for health, whether they're fresh, tinned, frozen, dried or in juice. Lose Weight Exercising and eating healthily will help you lose weight. Obesity increases your risk of high blood pressure, so it's important to be a healthy weight. less salt less saturated fat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day Limit Your Alcohol Intake Aim to eat no more than 6g of salt a day. Don't add salt to food. Read food labels when you're shopping, to help you buy healthier foods. Many foods – including breakfast cereals, bread and soup – contain added salt. The recommended healthy limits for alcohol are: no more than three to four units a day for men no more than two to three units a day for women Saturated fat is found in butter, ghee, lard, meat pies, fatty meat, sausages, cakes, biscuits and food containing coconut oil or palm oil. One unit of alcohol is roughly half a pint of regularstrength lager or a 125ml glass of wine. How To Use Left-Overs Safely Love Leftovers Rising shopping bills have led to some people ignoring basic food safety advice in a bid to save money and make their meals go further, according to a survey. · Don't throw out your leftovers: they can be tomorrow's lunch. · Cool leftovers as quickly as possible, ideally within 90 minutes (splitting into smaller portions can help). Then cover and refrigerate. · Use leftovers within two days and reheat till steaming hot. · Don't reheat leftovers more than once. More than 30% of the 1,900 people who took part in the survey admitted to ignoring "use by" dates and relying on “smell and look” when deciding if food was safe to eat. The survey was commissioned by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) to highlight the growing concern over food poisoning caused by food leftovers. A food label's "use by" date is the most important guide to whether food is still safe to eat because many harmful germs are odourless and therefore impossible to detect. Wednesday Tuesday Leftovers “It's tempting just to give your food a sniff to see if you think it's gone 'off',” says Bob Martin, a food safety expert at the FSA. Monday Monday Leftovers “But food bugs like E. coli and salmonella don't cause food to smell off, even when they may have grown to dangerous levels. So food could look and smell fine but still be harmful.” 'Best before' and 'use by': · Food with a "use by" date goes off quite quickly. It can be dangerous to eat after this date. · Food with a "best before" date is longer-lasting. It should be safe to eat but may not be at its best quality after this date. Follow us @ncompasscarers The fridge and freezer Like us /ncompasscarers Wednesday You may be able to freeze food up until its "use by" date. · Check the packaging to see if it's suitable for freezing. · Freeze your leftovers. Wait until they've cooled before you put them in the freezer. · Always defrost leftovers completely, either in the fridge or in the microwave. · Cook the food within 24 hours of defrosting until steaming hot and do not refreeze. · Make sure your fridge temperature is below 5C. “Making the most of the food we buy is increasingly important to us all, especially with ever tighter household budgets,” says Emma Marsh, from the Love Food Hate Waste campaign. “But we're still unnecessarily wasting 20% of the food we buy. LoveFoodHateWaste.com has hundreds of tips, recipe ideas and inspiration to help everyone waste less and save more. Telephone: 0345 688 7113 www.ncompassnorthwest.co.uk 11 n c mpass Carers Point! Spring 2015 Newsletter Lancashire Wide Services 12 Carers Allowance DWP Digital Service The Carers Allowance Digital Service is a simpler, clearer and faster way to make a claim for Carers Allowance or to report a change of circumstances. Since it went live, the Service has been used by some 150,000 Carers and they have provided the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) with some excellent feedback about using the facility Some benefits of the service include: - Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - Your claim arrives immediately at the Carers Unit once submitted - Can be used on a mobile phone or tablet - Has significantly less questions than the paper claim - Does not require a signature or password - Has mandatory questions to ensure you provide the information needed to help pay your claim quickly - Has helpline numbers and help text if carers need to clarify questions - Does not need to be printed or saved - Is available in Welsh What happens after the claim is submitted? Once your claim is submitted, the Carers Unit will start processing the claim and will write to your cared-for person to let them know a claim by someone caring for them has been made. CarerSmart is the first club of its kind and is launched by Carers Trust, giving the UK's seven million Carers a chance to save money on a range of products and services whilst they continue to provide care. Carers will be able to save money on a range of products by getting cash back in numerous high street stores as well as discounted rates on energy bills, insurance renewals and lifestyle activities, such as the gym, the cinema, days out and travel. They will also have access to free legal advice. As part of Carers Trust, Carers can also find out more about both local and online services to support them in their caring role. The uniqueness of the club means that Carers right across the UK can benefit. You will be able to use an online calculator to work out how much you could potentially save and this could be as much as £600 per year. The CarerSmart club is free to join. To register visit www.carersmart.org How long will it take to make the claim? The DWP currently regularly review the questions that they ask to ensure they are only asking you to provide information that they need to process your claim. As a consequence, the time taken to complete a digital application is reducing and is currently around 26 minutes. “I decided to have a look at the member energy area. The process took me around 10 minutes and I was advised that by switching providers I could save around £360. Lots of provider options were mentioned.” What if the carer needs to take a break whilst making the claim on line? You will not be “timed out” of the on line application for 90 minutes, once you have started to complete the digital claim form. This means you should be able to take a break and then return to complete it later. “I thought this sounded great until I realised I have to have a card for each retailer, which you have to load in advance. This means if I join 10 stores and put £10 on each (not a lot to some I know) but this means I have to load £100 onto the cards before I can shop and save anything.” A couple of reviews: What if you need help? There are help guides to clarify questions and eligibility questions. Where can you access this service? Carers can access the digital service at: www.gov.uk/apply-carers-allowance Follow us @ncompasscarers Like us /ncompasscarers Telephone: 0345 688 7113 www.ncompassnorthwest.co.uk Reablement Personal Advisor Service Do you require any help, information or just someone to talk to? Age UK Lancashire has a local Personal Advisor who can telephone or visit you at your convenience. This is a free service. Reablement is a non-means tested specialist service provided by Lancashire County Council that assists people who may have experienced any of the following to relearn some of the skills they may have lost and regain confidence in the home: Ÿ a stay in hospital, a rehabilitation unit or a stay in a We can offer assistance with: Ÿ Social activities and befriending. Ÿ Practical support and activities for people living with dementia/memory problems. Ÿ Aids and adaptations for your home. Ÿ Practical and emotional support for people who have been bereaved. Ÿ Help in the home including shopping, cleaning and laundry Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ care home a temporary illness or permanent disability a fall at home a crisis at home a change in circumstances relating to care The reablement service is provided by care staff who support people in their own home and local community to: Ÿ regain skills and confidence in completing Ÿ Welfare and benefits. Ÿ Information on how to access care. Ÿ Practical support in the home following discharge from hospital. everyday tasks and activities such as making meals, washing and dressing, shopping and getting out Ÿ Ÿ support to gain new skills to help manage in the Ÿ Home and car insurance home We aim to help anyone over 50 living in Lancashire to lead valued and fulfilling lives. Ÿ Ÿ help avoid unnecessary admission to hospital, or long term residential care Ÿ Ÿ help people to get back on their feet after a stay in Please call our Customer Service Line: 0300 303 1234 and ask for the Personal Advisor in your district or email pa@ageuklancs.org.uk Ÿ Ÿ ensure equipment or telecare is provided to help Visit our website www.ageuklancs.org.uk to find out more about what we do and the services available. Ÿ Ÿ put people in touch with other services that can help hospital people live independently such as Help Direct Grandparents Plus Grandparents Plus is the national charity which champions the vital role of grandparents and the wider family in children's lives – especially when they take on the caring role in difficult family circumstances. They do this by: Lancashire County Council provides the service for up to six weeks, free of charge. For more information contact: 0300 123 6720 or email enquiries@lancashire.gov.uk · Campaigning for change so that their contribution to children's wellbeing and care is valued and understood · Providing evidence, policy solutions and training so that they get the services and support they need to help children thrive · Advising and supporting grandparents and wider family members to ensure they have access to a holistic service, offering them professional advice, information and casework support; and by ensuring that they can have a voice and help each other, especially when they are caring for children who are not living with their parents. · Advising, informing and supporting professionals to develop good kinship care practice and advising employers about how they can respond to the needs of their ageing workforces. To find out more about Grandparents Plus, contact 020 8981 8001 or email: info@grandparentsplus.org.uk Follow us @ncompasscarers Like us /ncompasscarers Telephone: 0345 688 7113 www.ncompassnorthwest.co.uk 13 Z Useful Telephone Numbers NEW NUMBER Social Services Customer Service Centre (24 hours) Emergency Duty Team (5.00pm – 8.45am weekdays, 24 hours weekends and bank holidays) n-compass Advocacy Service n-compass Carers Point! part of Carers Lancashire n-compass Mental Health Carers Support Service Age UK Lancashire Alzheimer's Society Arthritis Care Barnado's Lancashire Young Carers Service British Red Cross (support, transport, mobility aids and wellbeing) Carers UK Advice Line Cancer Care (advice and support) CEA Card* Citizen’s Advice Bureau - Fylde Citizen’s Advice Bureau - North Lancashire Citizen’s Advice Bureau - Wyre Help Direct 0300 123 6720 0845 602 1043 0345 013 8208 0345 688 7113 0300 303 8700 0300 303 1234 0300 222 1122 0330 2020 358 01254 504 930 01772 707 300 0808 808 7777 01524 381 820 www.ceacard.co.uk 01772 682 588 01524 400 400 0344 245 1294 / 0300 330 0650 0303 333 1111 (help and advice with finances, health, employment and accessing services in the community) Motor Neurone Disease (advice, practical and emotional support) Mental Health Help Line Multiple Sclerosis NHS 111 Service NHS Carers Direct (confidential information and support) Samaritans The Silver Line (advice and support for older people) Welfare Rights Welbeing and Mental Health Helpline Attendance Allowance Helpline Carers Allowance Unit Disability Benefits Helpline Job Centre Plus Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Helpline Special Education Needs Disagreement Resolution Service State Pension Enquiries 08457 626 262 0500 369 000 020 8438 0700 111 0300 123 1053 08457 909 090 0800 470 8090 0300 123 6739 0300 222 5931 0345 605 6055 0345 608 4321 0345 712 3456 0800 055 6688 0345 850 3322 0800 064 4488 0800 731 7898 Fylde Borough Council Lancaster City Council Wyre Borough Council 01253 658 658 01524 582 000 01253 891 000 *CEA Card - One year cinema pass for the Carer at £6.00 14 Follow us @ncompasscarers Like us /ncompasscarers Telephone: 0345 688 7113 X www.ncompassnorthwest.co.uk Monday 8th to Sunday 14th June 2015 Carers Week is a UK-wide annual awareness campaign which is taking place from Monday 8th to Sunday 14th June 2015. It is an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges carers face and recognise the contribution they make to families and communities throughout the UK. This year the focus is on Building Carer Friendly Communities. Communities which support carers to look after their loved ones well, while recognising that they are individuals with needs of their own. Look for us out and about celebrating carers during Carers Week 8th – 14th June 2015: We will have an information stand in the foyer of Morecambe Library on Thursday 11 June from 10am to 1pm. There should also be stands and information for other Carers organisations, so please come along. Similarly, we will be at Fleetwood Library, North Albert Street on Tuesday 9th June from 10am to 12 noon. Also see over the page for details of our special June Coffee and Chats where we would like to thank Carers personally. Lancashire Adult Learning - Residential Courses for Unpaid Carers Alston Hall College, Alston Lane, Longridge, PR3 3BP These breaks are a valuable opportunity for Carers to relax and take a well-deserved break, with meals and accommodation included for a cost of £54.20 per person. TAKING CARE OF THE CARER: ASTRONOMY Friday 15th- Sunday 17th May 2015 For more information please contact Helen Pass or Jill Hurst on 01257 516347 or helen.pass@lancashire.gov.uk Follow us @ncompasscarers Like us /ncompasscarers THREE DAY COURSE subject to be confirmed Wednesday 17th - Friday 19th June 2015 Telephone: 0345 688 7113 www.ncompassnorthwest.co.uk 15 n c mpass Carers Point! Wesley’s Coffee Bar groups Meet and chat with other Carers and take a break from your caring role. Speak to an n-compass Carers Point! worker and take the opportunity to find out about our services and other support available in your area. Carers Week this year is 8th – 14th June 2015 and all the June Coffee and Chats will take place within that week. To mark Carers Week we would like to offer you the opportunity to have a hand massage and to receive a small pamper/goody bag whilst at the Coffee and Chat. Please note that all the June Coffee and Chats will take place in the second y week of the month. Goodg a B Themes of the Month: The Themes of the Month are continuing to go down well. Carers had the opportunity to share their experiences and tips around each theme and take some materials away with them. In February, for example, these materials included information about opportunities for taking up yoga, some Mindfulness exercises to try at home and opportunities for meditation in your lunch hour! For the next Themes of the Month see below: May 'Gardening' June 'Carers Week - Building Carer Friendly Communities' July 'Local History’ Park Hill Road, Garstang, PR3 1HF. 10:00am - 12:00noon Thursday 7th May 2015 th Thursday 11 June 2015 nd Thursday 2 July 2015 Silverdell Café & Bookshop 61 Poulton Street, Kirkham, PR4 2AJ. 1:00pm - 3:00pm Thursday 7th May 2015 th Thursday 11 June 2015 Thursday 2nd July 2015 The Cornerstone Sulyard Street, Lancaster, LA1 1PX. 10:00am - 12:00noon th Friday 8 May 2015 Friday 12th June 2015 th Friday 10 July 2015 Burnside Garden Centre New Lane, Thornton-Cleveleys, FY5 5NH. 10:00am - 12:00noon th Wednesday 13 May 2015 th Wednesday 10 June 2015 th Wednesday 8 July 2015 Bay View Garden Centre Mill Lane, Bolton-le-Sands, LA5 8ET. 10:00am - 12:00noon Wednesday 27th May 2015 th Wednesday 10 June 2015 nd Wednesday 22 July 2015 **NEW VENUE** The Sanctuary 12-14 Heysham Road, West End, Morecambe, LA3 1DG. 1:00pm - 3:00pm th Tuesday 19 May 2015 Tuesday 9th June 2015 st Tuesday 21 July 2015 Support Groups when and where... Please note that whilst n-compass Carers Point! do our best to print accurate information, times, dates and venues may be subject to change so you are advised to check on our website or call before attending. 16 Take a break from your caring role and enjoy some activities and trips with other Carers. Don’t be concerned about attending on your own, all Carers will be made to feel welcome. Please complete the Activity Booking Form and return to n-compass Carers Point! to reserve a place on any of the activities offered below. Theatre Trips Opera Boys Lancaster Grand Theatre, Saint Leonard's Gate, Lancaster LA1 1NN Friday 17th July at 7.30pm The UK's finest classically trained young voices combine in a powerhouse of vocal harmony to deliver stunning blend of music ranging from Opera to Pop, and everything in between. Operatic arias and classical favourites from 'Nessun Dorma' to 'Time to say goodbye 'are mixed with showstoppers from 'Les Miserables' and 'Phantom' right through to 'Jersey Boys'. The show also features brand new classical arrangements of modern day pop hits, all performed in The Opera Boys inimitable style. With beautiful vocal arrangements , spectacular close part harmony and a great line in humour, The Opera Boys perform wonderfully entertaining show not to be missed! A Concert for Chrisites Lowther Pavillion, Lowther Terrace, Lytham FY8 5QQ Thursday 9th July at 7.30pm Team Christies present their 3rd biannual Musical Theatre Extravaganza in aid of The Christie Hospital. Having raised upwards of £10,000 in previous years, this next production promises to be bigger and better than ever before. Featuring 22 invited professional theatre performers from around the North West alongside the trademark vitality of the Fylde Stage Academy children, this show includes exerts from: Frozen, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Mamma Mia, Top Hat, Jersey Boys and MORE. Pottyroo's Ceramics and Crafts Big Storage, Unit A0003, Northgate, White Lund Industrial Estate, Morecambe LA3 3PA (From Asda turn onto White Lund, 200 yards on the left Big Storage. Park at the back of Big Storage. Pottyroo's Ceramics is opposite Bookers) Wednesday 20 May from 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm Pottery Painting Visit the studio and paint a lovely piece of pottery: ornaments, plates, mugs, vases, money boxes etc. Glazey Days 6 The Esplanade, Fleetwood. FY7 6DL. Thursday 14 May from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Price £10.00 Full payment required to secure booking Visit the studio and paint a lovely piece of pottery: a large tile, breakfast bowl, mug, plate etc Price £10.00 Full payment required to secure booking @ncompasscarers Like us /ncompasscarers Telephone: 0345 688 7113 www.ncompassnorthwest.co.uk n c mpass Carers Point! Spring 2015 Newsletter Price £11.50 Full payment required to secure booking Price £16.00 Full payment required to secure booking. Follow us Activities & Outreach Activities and Trips 17 Trip to the Lawrence House Astronomy and Space Science Centre, Fleetwood The Centre offers people of all ages and levels the chance to do some astronomy and provides opportunities to become enthralled and enthused with this amazing science. A group of Carers went to find out more. The session was delivered by astronomer Dr Nick Lister and was a fascinating insight into our galaxy and galaxies beyond. We first sat in the lecture theatre and learnt about the planets making up our solar system, found out some fascinating facts and discovered some of the science used to find out all this amazing information. We then went into the Planetarium where we made ourselves comfortable on beanbags and as the lights went down were introduced to the night sky. It was stunningly beautiful and atmospheric and Nick continued to tell us more interesting, wonderful facts, figures and stories. As one Carer in the group, Elizabeth Dobson, said “What an incredible journey lead by a fantastic man. He was incredibly enthusiastic and managed to talk about some complex ideas in an understandable way. Everyone enjoyed it and we got to hold a piece of the moon! It was well worth the effort of going.” Chairman's Lunch Carl and I were nominated by n-compass Carers Point! to attend the Chairman's Lunch for Carers of people living with Dementia on Tuesday 10th March 2015. The Lunch was hosted by the Chairman of Lancashire County Council, County Councillor Kevin Ellard. The Lunch took place in the beautiful Assembly Rooms, County Hall, Preston. We were joined by about 40 other Carers from around Lancashire, Charity Officials, Councillors and of course the Chairman. We were told that it would be a lovely meal and we were certainly not disappointed. On arrival we were offered a choice of tea, coffee, wine or a soft drink before we moved into the Assembly Rooms. The Chairman then gave a small speech thanking us all for attending and for the invaluable service we all provide by caring for our families and loved ones. We had a very pleasant afternoon exchanging experiences with other Carers; some funny and some sad, whilst enjoying an excellent five course meal. I would encourage anyone who gets the opportunity to attend one of these events to do so – you will not regret it. Susan Bailey – Carer 18 Follow us @ncompasscarers Like us /ncompasscarers Telephone: 0345 688 7113 www.ncompassnorthwest.co.uk Health and Wellbeing Champions n c mpass looking towards a brighter future Your chance to improve your health and that of those around you Would you like to make a positive difference to the health and wellbeing of yourself, your family, neighbours, work colleagues and the community where you live and work? Or do you know someone who would? If so we would like to invite you/them to attend a training course which will support you/them to get a level 2 qualification and become part of our network of Volunteer Health and Wellbeing Champions. Following the training you/they can use their knowledge and skills to encourage others to look after and improve their Health and Wellbeing. This may include topics such as stopping smoking, being more active, eating well, and generally being more aware of healthy lifestyle choices. If you/they would like to know more we offer regular awareness sessions. To arrange attendance, or to discuss involvement in more detail, please contact our Services Support Team by telephone on 01253 362140 (Monday to Friday 8am – 6pm) Or by email to hwbchampions@ncompassnorthwest.co.uk Health and Wellbeing Champions can also help people access the NHS services that they may need. There will also be an opportunity to get involved with community based events and with the evaluation of the project. 19 Activity Booking Form Activities can be accessed by Carers and former Carers who are registered with us at n-compass Carers Point! Carers from across North Lancashire can access any activity although please note transport is only provided when stated. If you wish to attend any of the activities below please tick the appropriate box and return this form to FREEPOST RRUJ-ABCZ-TEUE, n-compass Carers Point!, 3 Errigal House, Avroe Crescent, Blackpool Business Park, Blackpool, FY4 2DP. You should receive confirmation in writing that you have booked a place. Please make cheques payable to 'n-compass North West Ltd.' TICK I would like to be contacted by Colin (n-compass Community Development Officer) regarding Community Groups I would like to be contacted by Martin (n-compass Volunteer Co-ordinator) regarding Volunteering for the Sitting-In Service I would like to be contacted regarding becoming a Health and Wellbeing Champion EVENT DATE & TIME Pottery Painting Glazey Days 6 The Esplanade, Fleetwood FY7 6D £10.00 - Full payment required to secure booking Thursday 14th May 2015 1:00pm – 3:00pm Pottery Painting Pottyroo's Ceramics and Crafts Big Storage, Unit A0003, Northgate, White Lund Industrial Estate, Morecambe LA3 3PA £10.00 - Full payment required to secure booking Wednesday 20th May 2015 1:00pm – 3:30pm Theatre Trip A Concert for Chrisites Lowther Pavillion, Lowther Terrace, Lytham FY8 5QQ £11.50 - Full payment required to secure booking Thursday 9th July 2015 7:30pm Theatre Trip Opera Boys Lancaster Grand Theatre, Saint Leonard's Gate, Lancaster LA1 1NN £16.00 - Full payment required to secure booking Friday 17th July 2015 7:30pm TICK Book by: Friday 8th May 2015 Book by: Friday 8th May 2015 Book by: Friday 22nd May 2015 Book by: Friday 22nd May 2015 All Carers need to state an Emergency Contact. Your Name 20 Contact Number Their Number Emergency Contact Name One-off payment of £ attached Produced by ZPQ Designs - Lancashire. 01253 728088 Please make any activity suggestions here.
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