Daisy Keen Leaving Letter 23.04.2015

Grazebrook Primary School
Lordship Road, London N16 0QP
Telephone: 0208 802 4051
Fax: 0208 442 5202
Executive Headteacher: Mrs Michelle Thomas
Head of School: Mr Derek Hewie
Thursday 23rd April 2015
Dear Parents and Carers of 5B
Re: Miss Keen
It is with great sadness that I find myself writing this letter. However, I am writing to inform you that
Miss Keen has made the decision to leave Grazebrook and to take a new job closer to home.
Whilst I am sure you will find this news upsetting, I would like to assure you that we have done
everything in our power to ensure consistency for the children in 5B. Mr Clarke will be taking over
as classteacher for the final weeks of the academic year taking them up to the summer break. Ms
Yearwood will continue to support Mr Clarke as the teaching assistant in 5B.
The children know Mr Clarke well as he has been working at Grazebrook during the last term and has
been working alongside Miss Keen. Mr Clarke and Miss Keen will continue to work together until
she leaves the school next week.
Miss Keen’s last day at Grazebrook will be Thursday 30th April 2015 and I’m sure you will all join me
in wishing her a great amount of success in her new venture. She has been a great asset to the
school during the last two years.
In the meantime, should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Best wishes,
Derek Hewie
Head of School