19th May 2015 - Gretton School

Gretton School Newsletter
Issue 64
Dates for your Diary
Wednesday 20th May – Gretton Families 1:30pm – 3:00pm
Friday 22nd May – Pupils finish at 1pm for half term
Monday 1st June – Pupils back to school
As promised, here are the dates and details for our new fundraising drive. Each
Friday will have a different event and the money raised will be donated to Miss
Isaacson’s charity of choice-Make a Wish Foundation. (Please see further in the
Newsletter for more Information)
June 5th – Wear What you Wish – Miss Isaacson “wishes” to go to Mexico so we will
all dress up like someone from Mexico! Voluntary Donations please.
June 12th –Giant Chocolate Bar Raffle- £1 per ticket.
June 19th –Buy “iGive 4 Miss” t-shirts (£5) and badges (£1).
June 26th –Bake Sale- 20p per item. Please feel free to send in baked donations.
July 3rd –Wear your Favourite Sports Kit- voluntary donations please.
July 10th – Race for life-Sponsor Kits will be sent home with the students.
Thank you so much for all your support in this. I hope it’s a big success as well as
being fun. Please contact me at school if there are any questions.
Megan Humann
Dear Parents/Carers,
As you all should know by now, one of our lovely members of staff, Miss Isaacson,
has been diagnosed with cancer. A lot of the staff and students here at Gretton
School would like to do something for Miss I.
We have been raising money for various charities over the past 3 years and have
managed to raise an amazing £2,632.15. We would like to start a new fundraising
drive which we are calling,
We will start the drive by holding a different event on each Friday of the last half term
(June and July). We will send a list of dates and events home in the newsletter and
reminders will be sent out each week. All of the money raised will go to a charity of
Miss Isaacson’s choice.
My hope is that it will help everyone still feel connected to Miss I and let people feel
like they are helping in some way.
There is something wonderful about the sense of community our school has, both for
staff and students. I hope this new fundraising drive will reiterate the very important
lesson of how important it is to look after, and look out for each other. We can’t help
everyone, but everyone can help someone.
I would like to thank you for your generosity over the past few years and look forward
to your ongoing support.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Sincerely yours,
Megan Humann
Cork Acrobat Gymnasts for Special Interest Science
This week, Jayden made some Cork Acrobat Gymnasts. First 2cm lengths of cork
were measured out and cut to make heads. Jayden decorated these and then
screwed the heads on to the bodies. He marked out positions for the arms and legs
and helped to attach these to the bodies. You can see that one gymnast is doing a
hand-stand and the other is sitting down, so the difficult thing is getting them to
balance! All ready to take home - see pictures below.
Well done Jayden!
Rector Mandy visits Temple and Roman class.
On Wednesday 6th May 2015, Rector Mandy came to visit Temple and Roman class
to support their RE learning this half term. The main focus in RE this half term is the
roles and responsibilities of different religious leaders. Prior to Mandy’s visit, all of
the children created questions to ask Mandy about her rights and responsibilities as
the Rector of St Andrews Church in Girton. She told us about her working hours and
how she does not just work in the church but also visits parishioners in their own
homes if they cannot make it to church. She also told us that she has to open up the
church every morning and lock it every day as well as leading a total of up to 3
services on Sunday.
All of the children asked their questions sensibly and listened carefully and
respectfully to the answers Mandy gave.
Once the interview was over, Rector Mandy had a tour of the school.
Next half term, Temple and Roman class will be visiting a synagogue to find out
about a Rabbi’s roles and responsibilities and compare them to the roles and
responsibilities of Rector Mandy.
Shetland Class trip to the Post Office
This week Shetland class were very excited to go to the local post office in Histon
and post their hand written letters home to their families! All of the pupils were very
polite and were able to ask the cashier for their first class stamp. The pupils were
given a handful of coins and they had to decide which coins they needed to use to
pay with. The pupils were very excited at the thought of their letters arriving on their
doorsteps and surprising their families. Keep an eye out for some more surprises in
the future!
Henry’s trip to Huntingdon Regional College
On Thursday 23rd April 2015, Henry visited Huntingdon Regional College (HRC).
Henry found the trip extremely interesting. We were shown around the whole
campus viewing all the departments ranging from Art to Motor Sports Engineering.
As part of the Motor Sport course, HRC students are given the opportunity to
prepare a race car and experience a number of racing events as part of the pit crew.
HRC has a variety of facilities where students can socialise and eat, study
independently as well as a student run shop open to the general public selling
anything from plants to student created art work. HRC has a dedicated special
educational needs area which students can access every day from 9am-5pm.
Henry enjoyed this trip as he was able to review another college. A selection of
qualifications are available including; Apprenticeships, A-levels, B-TECs and
Functional Skills.
“It was different from Cambridge Regional College. HRC was smaller so some
students at our school would prefer it here… I don’t think this is the college for me,
but I did like the Motor Sport course they offer”.
Well Done Henry.
Mr Chagger will be working with students to facilitate more visits to work places
colleges and universities.
Two Tattoo For School
On Thursday 30rd April 2015, Alix from Einstein class visited two tattoo shops on Mill
Road, Cambridge; Phoenix 2 Tattoo and Tattooing by Fabio.
Alix has a passion for Art and has been interested in tattooing since an early age.
Both Mr Chagger and Alix learnt a lot from this trip.
Thanks to Alec and Phoebe for the valued advice given in both shops. Alix spoke to
staff regarding the legal age of getting a tattoo (18 years old), various ways to enter
the tattoo trade and the amount of years of experience it takes to become a
professional tattoo artist. He was also able to watch a customer having a tattoo done
in the shop.
“I really like that we went to two different tattoo shops, they had different styles…I
didn’t know that there was so much cleaning and sterilising that was needed in a
tattoo shop…They have people that have specific roles, tattoos or piercings...I learnt
a lot from this trip”.
Good job Alix.
Mr Chagger will be working with students to facilitate more visits to work places
colleges and universities.