WINTER 2015 Artificial Intelligence | Henry Molaison | Tumor Paint | Memory Distortion | Selective Visual Attention FEATURING PROSOPAGNOSIA Facial recognition gone awry THE LANGUAGE OF MUSIC The Neuroscience of Jazz improvisation MYSTERIOUS MICROGLIA Neurons are not the only brain cells Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS BRAIN BLURBS Artificial Intelligence: 8 In Memory of Henry Molaison 9 Optical Illusion 10 Tumor Paint 11 Tumor Paint Clinical Trials 12 Sleep and CSF 13 Amusia 14 Building Palaces of Memories 15 Early Childhood Neglect 16 FEATURED ARTICLE IMAGINATION: A CONTAINER FOR INFINITY 17 By Lars Crawford | Illustrated by Tracy Montes Imagining a vivid scene - with its sights, sounds, textures, and smells - is something most people do with little to no trouble at all. But what enables such behavior? How are the intricate, structures and complex computations going on in your brain utilized to carry out these different forms of imagination? RESEARCH ARTICLES 5 PROSOPAGNOSIA THE LANGUAGE OF MUSIC By Alec Sullivan By Cody Kommers Illustrated by Ellen Van Wyk Illustrated by Nathan Jones You identify your mother from your neighbor and your friend from a stranger simply by their appearance. But imagine if every face was a fresh face. Bebop musicians created spontaneous music played at the fastest speeds allowed by a music instrument. One has to ask: how can the human brain produce jazz improvisation? 22 1 GREY MATTERS | vol 2 | issue 1 25 29 31 MYSTERIOUS MICROGLIA MEMORY DISTORTION SELECTIVE VISUAL ATTENTION By Brooks Gribble By Eva Alderman By Darren Hou Illustrated by Justin Waterhouse. Designed by Benjamin Cordy. GREY MATTERS | vol 2 | issue 1 2 Editor’s Note THE STAFF ISSUE NOTES BENJAMIN CORDY JESSE MILES LAUREN SELBY Editor in Chief Senior Editor Editing Coordinator Benjamin is a Neurobiology and Computational Neuroscience student pursuing a career as a physician-researcher. He gets overly excited by science history and “discovery” stories. In his free time he enjoys reading, running, and rock climbing. Jesse is a Neurobiology student investigating brainstem development. When he grows up, he wants to be a science journalist and conduct research. Someone once asked Jesse what he liked to do in his free time - he could not answer. Lauren studies Psychology and English. Her interests include neurobiology and psychopathology, neuroscience and the law, and good scientific writing. ALICE BOSMA-MOODY SNEHA INGLE TYLER DEFRIECE JUSTEN WATERHOUSE Editing Coordinator Events & Membership Marketing Coordinator Art Director - Graduated Alice studies Neurobiology and Bioengineering. She plans to pursue a clinical research career involving neuro-prosthetics and rehabilitation. Sneha is a Biology and Psychology student pursuing a medical career focused on the brain. She is the chief architect behind An Evening with Neuroscience. Tyler is a Neurobiology student pursuing a medical career involving the brain. His is interested in mental health, social neuroscience, and consciousness. Majoring in Painting and Drawing and Philosophy, Justen is interested in using art to communicate complex ideas of neuroscience to everyone. STACIE SHIBANO Layout Coordinator - Graduated A recent graduate of the Neurobiology program, Stacie pursues her interest in art through Indesign. She also enjoys hiking, LOTR, and drinking tea. 3 AUTHORS EDITORS ARTISTS Eva Alderman Jasmine Correa Lars Crawford Alexa Erdogan Brooks Gibble Darren Hou Jacob Gile Cody Kommers Oleg Kritsky Nicole Riley Alec Sullivan Kirtana Vedire Jacob Colter Alexa Erdogan Brooks Gibble Chantruyen Ho Oleg Kristsky Maria Naushab Katie Reil Nicole Reno Nicole Riley Jennifer Wang Nathan Jones Chenhao Lu Tracy Montes Emma Rose Sierra Schleufer Ellen Van Wyk Rachel Whitehead GREY MATTERS | vol 2 | issue 1 EDITOR’S NOTE ON THE COVER Design by Benjamin Cordy Art by Justin Waterhouse. Imagining a vivid scene - with its sights, sounds, textures, and smells - is something most people do with little to no trouble at all. But what enables such behavior? HAVE YOUR SAY If you have questions or comments regarding this issue, please write a letter to the editor. ONLINE Visit the Grey Matters Blog for regular neuroscience updates, stories, and articles. WRITE FOR GREY MATTERS If you are interested in writing an article for publication (print or blog), submit a proposal online. SPECIAL THANKS Grey Matters Journal is funded, in part, by the generous support of the departments of Pharmacology, Psychology, Physiology & Biophysics, the Neurobiology major, and the College of Arts & Sciences at the University of Washington. We are especially grateful to those mentors and advisors whose encouragement and support make this publication a reality: • • • • • • • Dr. Ric Robinson, Department of Biological Structure Dr. William Moody Department of Biology Dr. Martha Bosma Department of Biology Dr. William Catterall Department of Pharmacology Dr. Stanley Froehner Department of Physiology & Biophysics Dr. Sheri Mizumori Department of Psychology Dr. Bruce Ransom Department of Neurology Last month I had the opportunity to discuss Grey Matters Journal with a group of mentors and advisors who were interested in learning more about the organization and its future. During the conversation I was asked my favorite “why” question: Why does Grey Matters exist? Scientists – in every field – are making great strides in revealing the unknown. In recent months researchers have introduced synthetic DNA into a living organism, landed a spacecraft on a comet, and are even making headway with optical tractor beams. Despite these exciting discoveries, the divide between discovery and public engagement is a large as ever. While our society is heavily dependent on the scientific method, it is largely uninterested in it. This is a serious problem. The future of human health, security, and productivity depends on our understanding of the world around us. Grey Matters will continue its work as long as there is a need for science outreach and education. For Grey Matters, the development of accomplished science communicators – including artists, illustrators, and designers – is as important as neuroscience outreach. Thus, as part of this work, I am happy to announce a new project: the Grey Matters’ Store. In the coming weeks we will be selling a variety of undergraduatedesigned products, including: prints, posters, t-shirts, stickers, buttons, mugs, water bottles, and more. All the proceeds are used to support Grey Matters’ mission, which includes supporting students. That is why half of every sale will go directly to the artist. The other half will only be used for neuroscience outreach activities. The Grey Matters’ Store is online at: In this issue of Grey Matters we take a look at the complex and creative. The featured article, “Imagination: A Container for Infinity” by Lars Crawford, takes a look at the “theatre of the mind” exploring the research of imagination. In “The Language of Music”, Cody Kommers discusses the relationship between language and improvised music. I hope you enjoy it. Benjamin Cordy GREY MATTERS | vol 2 | issue 1 4 Prosopagnosia Prosopagnosia PROSOPAGNOSIA An inability to recognize faces Image by Ellen Van Wyk FRESH FACES The human face is the index of the mind. We differentiate between individuals and recognize familiar faces based on one’s distinctive facial structure. You identify your mother from your neighbor and your friend from a stranger simply by their appearance. But imagine if every face was a fresh face. Prosopagnosia, fittingly labeled “face blindness,” is a disorder of face perception where the ability to recognize faces is impaired. While anyone can have trouble recognizing faces out of context, prosopagnosics cannot identify their friends, relatives, or even parents. They often complain that they have trouble following movies or television shows because they cannot recognize characters. Some report difficulties in judging age, gender, emotional expressions, or the direction of a person’s gaze1. Unlike amnesiacs, who also do not recognize familiar faces, prosopagnosics have intact memories. The distinguishing factor of the dis- 5 GREY MATTERS | vol 2 | issue 1 order: impaired facial recognition systems in the brain. The fusiform gyrus, located in the occipital and temporal lobes beneath the thalamus and hippocampus, is associated with facial recognition. There are varying levels of fusiform gyrus impairment linked to neurological peculiarities such as prosopagnosia, autism, hallucinations, and synesthesia. FORMS OF PROSOPAGNOSIA Prosopagnosia can be present from birth (developmental prosopagnosia) or acquired. These forms differ in etiology and therefore, they will be addressed separately. Developmental prosopagnosia establishes itself during early childhood and there is no cure. Studies suggest that genetic factors are responsible for this condition, but a single gene has not yet been identified2. In an investigation to study genetic factors, almost 700 randomly selected students were administered a survey which identified seventeen as prosopagnosics. The family members of fourteen of these students were tested for facial-recognition deficiencies, and in all fourteen families, at least one affected family member was found2. These same researchers found that the disorder is regularly transmitted from generation to generation and proposed that the prosopagnosia trait was dominant and transmitted through a single mutation of an autosomal (non-sexlinked) gene2. Acquired prosopagnosia results from brain damage. This form of prosopagnosia was first documented in 1844, although reports of acquired face blindness date to antiquity. Acquired prosopagnosia lacks the genetic factors proposed to underlie the developmental condition. Most individuals sustain a closed head injury or suffer from a stroke, and a lesion is formed in the core neural regions responsible for normal facial processing. Some of the most informative research on prosopagnosia has dealt with these core regions, as discussed in the following section. face. be noted, however, that these findings were most strongly noted in non-human primates5. The current understanding of face perception considers these structures to be the core of what is called the ventral occipitotemporal cortex (VOTC). However, these regions constitute the beginning of a broader network of extended nodes responsible for different aspects of face processing such as gaze, emotions, expressions, and face selectivity6. As a group, individuals with prosopagnosia have shown reduced facial selectivity in these core neural regions7. Curiously, though, some of the participants studied did show normal face selectivity7. NEURAL BASIS OF FACIAL PROCESSING The neural basis of face processing has received extensive research attention in the last two decades. Functional neuroimaging studies show several cortical regions with stronger responses to faces than to control stimuli, such as objects. The most notable areas that respond include the fusiform gyrus, inferior occipital gyrus, and superior temporal sulcus3. The fusiform gyrus is part of the temporal and occipital lobes. Within the fusiform gyrus is the region linked to facial recognition, known as the fusiform face area (FFA). During functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), this area produces twice the response to face stimuli than to control stimuli like houses, hands, the backs of human heads, and flowers4. The inferior occipital gyrus (IOG), although difficult to identify exactly, is a portion of the occipital lobe. Less investigation has been completed for this region, but evidence shows that the IOG responds more strongly to faces than to objects in greater than half of participants scanned4. The superior temporal sulcus is a depression in the folds of the temporal lobe. The cells in this location allow for detection of changeable aspects of faces, such as gaze or expression. It should FACE SELECTIVITY AS A TOOL TO STUDY PROSOPAGNOSIA One way to measure face selectivity is through event related potentials (ERPs). ERPs are the electrical responses measured in the brain that results from a particular neural event or stimulus. These events can be sensory, cognitive, or motor8. In our case, the event is presentation of a face or nonface object. The ERPs labeled M170 and N170 show a larger response to faces than non-faces. Some individuals with developmental prosopagnosia showed normal face selectivity, as measured by these ERPs, while others did not, which has lead scientists to question the correlation between impaired facial recognition and the variation in particular neural responses9. So, although researchers believe these responses may be useful to identify different groups of facial recognition deficiencies, they have proved insufficient for identifying prosopagnosics, which has led to further investigation of the brain circuitry involved in this disorder. According to more recent research, individuals with developmental prosopagnosia exhibit reduced white matter tracts connecting the core VOTC to parts of the extended face network. This means that impaired facial perception “ You identify your mother from your neighbor and your friend from a stranger simply by their appearance. But imagine if every face was a fresh GREY MATTERS | vol 2 | issue 1 6 Crossword Puzzle Artificial Intelligence may arise from a failure to propagate signals between the core and extended nodes, rather than a dysfunctional core10. Taken together, these findings indicate that the core VOTC, the link between the core and extended nodes, or the extended nodes themselves could be the root of the disorder. This could explain the variation in results from research with prosopagnosics. TREATMENT OF ACQUIRED PROSOPAGNOSIA There is no formal treatment for prosopagnosia. However, there is the opportunity for those with prosopagnosia to participate in experimental studies. Some research focuses on advancing the understanding of the causes and neurological bases of prosopagnosia, whereas other investigators are examining the effectiveness of training programs designed to improve face recognition. A handful of published cases have demonstrated focused attempts to provide rehabilitation. These suggest that the lesions in the core face-processing areas are resistant to treatment. Compensatory strategies such as the use of voice, body shape, and gait to recognize people, currently serve as a the best treatment efforts11. CONTINUED RESEARCH Further investigation into prosopagnosia and the neurological basis of face perception is needed. Examining cases of acquired and developmental prosopagnosia indicates existence of a complex neural network devoted to our recognition of faces. Consideration of novel methods that yield improvement in facial recognition is necessary to aid those that currently suffer from prosopagnosia. In studying the mechanism of a malfunctioning facial recognition system, a more holistic and neural-based face perception theory can be shaped. Maybe once this has been accomplished the idea of a familiar face will be conceivable to everyone. 2. A seahorse shaped brain region extremely important for memory formation. 3. A type of synapse characterized by a more negative post-synaptic cell membrane potential. 5. A general term for a collection of neuronal cell bodies in the peripheral nervous system (PNS). 6. An excitatory neurotransmitter that plays a key role in synaptic plasticity. 7. This brain region links the nervous system and the endocrine system. 8. A brain region that is generally involved in processing emotional reactions and stimuli. 13. A neurotransmitter that is chiefly responsible for regulating mood, sleep, and appetite. 14. This sleep state accounts for the majority of a typical sleep bout (acronym). By Alec Sullivan References on page 33 ACROSS 1. The molecule responsible for initiating the first step in visual perception. 4. A neurological disorder marked by an inability to regulate sleep-wake cycles. 9. A monovalent ion that is generally responsible for the repolarization phase following an action potential. 10. A neurotransmitter that is typically inhibitory. 11. A noninvasive recording technique that uses electrodes placed on the scalp. 12. This bivalent ion is critically involved in the release of neurotransmitters following a depolarization event in the presynaptic neuron. 15. A glial cell in the CNS that provides structural support, maintenance of the bloodbrain barrier, and synapse pruning. Crossword by Oleg Kritsky See page XX for solutions Solution on page 21 7 GREY MATTERS | vol 2 | issue 1 A LOOK AT NEURAL NETWORKS The study of how computers can make decisions autonomously. Image by Justin Waterhouse CROSSWORD PUZZLE DOWN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: learn to make decisions such as those involved in pattern recognition. By copying the structure and general function of biological neural networks, computers are becoming capable of accomplishing tasks that were previously considered impossible. One famous example is driving a car. Human drivers divide their attention between the roadway, traffic signals and speed limit signs, as well as other Can artificial neural networks spur the next computing revolution? drivers. They make important decisions in real time using what they can The brain’s processing prowess has the network’s actual output and its see and hear, and mistakes can be prompted many to wonder whether expected output to modify thresholds. costly. computers could become “smarter” by This utilizes a trial-and-error mechaThe pattern-recognizing power promimicking human brains. This might nism analogous to human learning. vided by neural networks has proven be accomplished by designing artificial So what does this accomplish? to be critically important for this task. neural networks, a manufactured ana- Usually, machines are fast at number Taking advantage of this, computer log of our biological circuits. crunching but fall short in tasks such scientists from Mahidol University in An artificial network is a set of as image recognition. When someone Thailand trained an artificial neural connected nodes that takes input from, looks at a picture of a cat, the human network to accurately determine what and produces output for, neighboring brain can almost immediately recog- type of traffic signs were within its nodes1. Organized this way, the network nize it. For most computers, however, field of view3. The speed of artificial acts as a neural circuit and individual tasks that involve deciding whether neural networks provides real-time nodes behave as neurons. Indeed, the an object exists in an image are more information about the environment node will only produce an output signal difficult. Such tasks are fraught with and minimizes the chance that a decionce the input from neighboring nodes potential complications: the cat could sion would result in an accident. reaches a threshold value. be blurry, or only its tail may be visible, Artificial neural networks provide This is analogous to how a bio- or perhaps it is a toy kitten. a new way to teach machines to do logical neuron produces an action Learning general patterns to identify more work on our behalf. Who knows, potential based on whether it received objects is complicated, but something the maybe Artificially Intelligent drivers sufficient input from pre-synaptic neu- human brain does with ease. Artificial will soon chauffeur you around town. rons. An important consideration in Intelligence borrows from nature by constructing artificial neural networks abstracting a mathematical model of is how best to establish the threshold the neural networks in our brains2. value. One approach called supervised These artificial neural networks are By Jacob Gile learning uses the difference between powerful tools that allow computers to References on page 33 GREY MATTERS | vol 2 | issue 1 8 Henry Molaison Optical Illusion IN THE MEMORY OF HENRY MOLAISON “ FEBRUARY 26, 1926 – DECEMBER 2, 2008 “ Scientists have grappled with the question of how memories are stored for quite some time. Today many technologies exist that allow for a variety of approaches to answering this question, but one tactic that has withstood the test of time has been the study of amnesiacs1. Henry Molaison, referred to as patient H.M., was one such amnesiac who gained fame for his willingness to partake in scientific studies. Over 100 scientists and teams have studied H.M., making him one of the most heavily examined amnesiacs of all time1. Over the years, study of H.M.’s brain helped to reveal some of the structural components of memory2. H.M. was not always an amnesiac. In 1953 at the age of 27, H.M. elected to undergo an experimental surgery called a bilateral medial temporal lobectomy to control his eplepsy3,4. This surgery removed part of the hippocampus, amygdala, and other pieces of the cortex nearby3,4. While this surgery drastically reduced the number of seizures that H.M. experienced, it came at a cost – H.M. developed both anterograde amnesia and partial retrograde amnesia2,3,4. By creating functional deficits in H.M. that were so specific to memory while leaving other intellectual abilities (such as personality and IQ) unaffected, the surgeon unknowingly created a way to study the brain structures involved in memory1,2,3,4. The thought emerged that if H.M. could not perform tasks that people without the lobectomy could, the brain structures removed from H.M. were in some way related to memory1,2,3. Research teams have revealed that H.M. does not suffer from deficits in working memory, classical conditioning, or motor skill learning1,2,3. For example, H.M. was given the task of tracing a star while only able to see his drawing hand in a mirror2,3. H.M. improved in his performance over time even though he had no recollection of ever completing the task, indicating a lack of declarative memory, but presence of some degree of procedural memory2,3. 9 RETROOGRADE AMNESIA The inability to create new memories after the event that causes amnesia. The inability to recall memories that occurred before the event that caused amnesia. H.M.’s brain following his death1. The purpose of this dissection was to clarify exactly which structures were removed in the original lobectomy. Histological slices of the brain were prepared under strict protocol and pictures of these stained slices were taken1. These pictures, along with previous measurements of H.M.’s brain structures, allowed Annese’s team to create a 3D model of H.M.’s brain1. New insight garnered from this work revealed that less of H.M.’s hippocampus was removed than was originally assumed1. However, it was noted that a part of the hippocampus known as the entorhinal cortex was removed, and What H.M. lost, we now know, was a critical part of his identity. —Dr. Thomas Carew ANTEROGRADE AMNESIA OPTICAL ILLUSION since the entorhinal cortex controls how information flows through the hippocampus, this may have prevented the hippocampus from functioning normally1. Along with this, removal of H.M.’s amygdala was confirmed, which may explain some of H.M.’s “emotional unresponsiveness observed in other studies1”. The researchers also discovered a previously undocumented lesion from the surgery in his frontal lobe, the significance of which is currently unknown1. This 3D reconstruction will allow other scientists to analyze H.M.’s brain and will give the most accurate understanding of what specific brain structures were removed during his lobectomy in 1953. Despite H.M.’s death, his legacy will live on and expand for years to come as researchers continue to study the man we will always remember. By Nicole Riley References on page 33 Believe it or not, but all the lines in this optical illusion are straight - not bent. Optical illusions highlight an important fact about your brain: it is not a perfect recording device. Rather, your brain reconstructs sensory stimuli to generate your perception of the world. Image by Justin Waterhouse Additionally, H.M. was able to keep information in short term memory, but would forget it as soon as he redirected his attention2,3. This research revealed that different forms of memory are stored in different parts of the brain2,3. Because H.M. had his medial temporal lobes removed and he suffered from anterograde amnesia, researchers concluded that the medial temporal lobes are important for memory consolidation, which is the process by which a short term memory is able to be stably converted to a long term memory2,3. The majority of information about H.M.’s lesions came from sketches drawn by the surgeon5. MRI imaging in later studies further clarified these original sketches, and revealed that H.M.’s brain lesion was not as large as originally thought6. However, MRI images could not capture everything6. In order to fully understand the lesions in H.M.’s brain, a post-mortem dissection needed to occur1. Because H.M. agreed to donate his brain to scientific research, this dissection was possible after his passing in 20081. A research team at the Brain Observatory of San Diego, led by Jacopo Annese, completed a broadcasted dissection of GREY MATTERS | vol 2 | issue 1 GREY MATTERS | vol 2 | issue 1 10 Tumor Paint Testing Tumor Paint Image by Rachel Whitehead T U M O R PA I N T Currently, tumor removal in the brain is a high stakes guessing game. MRIs are used to reveal the location of brain tumors but are unable to display their location during a live surgery. What’s more, up to this point it has been nearly impossible to visually differentiate healthy tissue from tumor cells while operating. Instead, surgeons monitor the responsiveness of brain tissue by electrically stimulating areas of interest, which shows whether or not these regions are critical. With some innovative thinking and a little help from nature, researchers are making steady progress on solving some of the main problems that have made removal of brain tumors such a gamble. What makes tumor removal so perilous in the brain? Because of the difficulty in distinguishing malignant and 11 healthy tissue, complications often arise during surgery and, as a result, one of two situations likely occurs: either healthy brain tissue is removed, or, some of the cancerous cells remain. Incomplete excision of cancerous cells is common, and more than 80% of malignant cancers reoccur at the site of surgery5. When the entirety of the tumor is removed, patients are more often than not left with impairments as a result of the operation. Simply removing a few grams of healthy tissue from the brain can impair memory, vision, movement, and a host of other things. The ability to accurately distinguish between healthy and cancerous tissue could help improve patient prospects dramatically. In order to alleviate some of the uncertainty associated with tumor removal, Dr. Jim Olson from the Fred Hutchin- GREY MATTERS | vol 2 | issue 1 son Cancer Research Center worked with teams from Seattle Children’s Hospital and the University of Washington to develop a molecule that could bind and identify tumor cells. The molecule, known as Tumor Paint, is a compound made from a peptide found in the venom of Israeli Deathstalker scorpions known as Chlorotoxin, and a fluorescent molecule called indocyanine green (ICG). One may be skeptical about the notion of putting a component of scorpion toxin anywhere near their brain, but Chlorotoxin is actually essentially inert to mature nervous tissue6,8. The real benefit to using Chlorotoxin resides in its ability to attach to gliomas2,3, which are found at high concentrations in tumor cells. Tumor paint has been shown to be 500 times more sensitive in cancerous cell detection than an MRI and can be used not only for brain tumors, but also for colon, prostate, skin, and breast cancers5. Furthermore, Tumor Paint is revolutionary because it allows surgeons to see the tumors during the physical surgery. The Chlorotoxin component consists of 36 amino acids, and specifically binds to isoform 2 of a matrix metalloproteinase (MMP2)2,7. There appears to be a correlation between the levels of MMP2 expressed and the likelihood of complete excision of the tumor, likely due to the upregulation of MMP2 in cancers (most commonly glioblastomas), leading to increased likelihood of Chlorotoxin binding3,7. Along with this, MMP2 is not normally expressed in the brain, so its presence there is another indicator of cancerous tissue6. When injected into the bloodstream of the patient, the Chlorotoxin peptide of Tumor Paint will find and become internalized by cancer cells. During surgery, these cells fluoresce when shown under a near-infrared (NIR) imaging system. Charge coupled device (CCD) cameras allow surgeons to see even low levels of fluorescent ICG attached to tumors1,4, making possible more accurate, less invasive surgeries. Tumor paint offers a revolutionary approach to the way we deal with brain tumors and other cancers. The ability to view a tumor during live surgery would allow for more confident and accurate prognoses and excision. Clinical trials began enrollment in December of 2013 in Australia and, if successful, will continue their second round here in the United States7. Dr. Jim Olson. Image from Ted x Seattle. Testing Tumor Paint: Current Clinical Trials In 2010, Dr. Jim Olson founded the Seattle-based company Blaze Bioscience to test and develop Tumor Paint for clinical use. Tumor Paint BLZ-100, Blaze Bioescience’s first candidate, is currently undergoing clinical trials in Australia. This first round of testing includes adult patients with non-metastatic skin cancers to determine the safety and potential toxicity of intravenous injection of the compound. Phase 1 of this trial, which is currently ongoing, is designed to determine biologically safe levels of the compound. Phase 2 will test BLZ100 pharmacokinetics in the human body, as well as fluorescence studies in resected cancerous tissue. Patients will be injected with an initial dose of BLZ-100 before surgery, then placed into five different treatment groups and administered varying levels of the compound during the procedure. Clinicians will test for adverse effects directly after injection, as well as several days following the procedure1. In September 2013 the United States Food and Drug Administration has approved Phase 1 Investigational New Drug clinical trials in patients with grade I, II, III, and IV gliomas intended for surgical removal2. This study is currently accepting candidates, although Blaze Bioscience does not believe that BLZ-100 will be available for commercial use until 20203. Since the discovery of Tumor Paint, many have wondered if the tumor-binding properties of Chlorotoxin could be combined with a tumor-killing agent to find and destroy any solid cancerous tumor in the body. Olson’s current research, and the future vision of Blaze Bioscience, is to identify and isolate specific components of compounds produced by plants and animals that will selectively bind to cancerous cells. Project Violet, a crowd-funded initiative, hopes to identify, develop, and engineer optimized peptides, known as optides, for the detection and treatment of malignant tissue4. By Kirtana Vedire By Alice Bosma-Moody References on page 33 References on page 33 GREY MATTERS | vol 2 | issue 1 12 Sleep and CSF Amusia Image by Emma Rose Evidence suggesting that sleep is crucial to your health continues to pile up. A recent finding published in Science has shed light on one of the mechanisms behind the restorative function of sleep. It seems that while we sleep, our brain is tidying up. During wakefulness, the body produces many metabolic waste products, including amyloid-beta (Aβ) peptides, which are substantially cleared from the brain during sleep. The accumulation of Aβ in the interstitial space leads to the buildup of plaques associated with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. These improperly functioning protein structures are toxic to the cells that make up the central nervous system (CNS). The exact mechanism by which Aβ plaques lead to neurotoxicity is not well understood. One hypothesis is that Aβ may compete for insulin receptors, causing inadequate glucose metabolism, which eventually leads to 13 neurodegeneration – a landmark feature of Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, research has shown that Aβ is detrimental to glutamatergic synaptic transmission and intracellular calcium homeostasis. Collectively, these adverse effects of Aβ presence in the interstitial space lead to irreversible neuronal damage. Because of their neurotoxic effects, the CNS needs to process and remove metabolic byproducts such as Aβ. The CNS lacks a conventional lymphatic system that would otherwise perform this task. It is, however, bathed in another solution: cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). CSF allows the brain to float without collapsing on itself, protects it from mechanical stress, facilitates proper blood flow to the brain, and acts as a “dumpster” that collects metabolic waste produced in the CNS. Sleep is associated with a whopping 60% increase in the interstitial GREY MATTERS | vol 2 | issue 1 HOW THE BRAIN TAKES OUT THE GARBAGE WHILE YOU SLEEP space volume, which provides for a dramatic increase in exchange of material between the CSF and interstitial fluid (ISF). At the onset of sleep, the increased ISF volume allows for improved clearance of Aβ by “dumping” it into the CSF, where Aβ is eventually passed to the general blood circulation to be degraded by the liver. Sleep has been shown to be an important factor in restoring one’s health. This study shows that, in addition to the many benefits conferred by sleep, it is also important in regulating clearance of waste products that are linked to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia – a powerful reminder that our brains need a time to have their garbage taken out. By Oleg Kritsky References on page 33 Image by Tracy Montes AMUSIA INTRODUCTION used to examine the neural wave patterns of amusic indiIn 1878, Professor Grant Allen reported a man who was viduals. The amusic brain did not respond to pitches that unable to perceive differences in pitch. The subject described differed by one semi-tone, whereas the brains of control that attending concerts was similar to sitting in a room for subjects could easily detect the difference. In order to beta few hours while nothing happened. Allen later termed ter map the amusic brain, researchers used a neuroimaging his subject’s “auditory abnormality” as note-deafness and technique called voxel-based morphometry, which captures his studies became the first record of congenital amusia in brain images and, using statistical mapping, localizes focal medical literature. Amusia is now the common term used to brain points into voxels. describe learning disabilities related to pitch differentiation, Voxel-based mapping made it clear that amusic indimusic memory, and music recognition. viduals had considerably less white matter in their inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) compared to the control. Likewise, an CONGENITAL AMUSIA excess of grey matter was found in the IFG, a characterisTo assess the extent of amusia’s effects, in 2001 Dr. Isabelle tic shared by other neurological disorders, such as dyslexia. Peretz performed several behavioral studies on 11 amusic This provided strong evidence for the involvement of the individuals and 20 control subjects. The tests were com- inferior frontal gyrus in musical pitch encoding and melodic prised of individual tones, familiar tunes, lyrics, dissonance, pitch memory. Still, further studies are necessary to verify and speech. The results showed that amusia is not caused causation of congenital amusia by the relative levels of white by complications in the auditory system, since the subjects and grey matter in this region of the brain. could readily differentiate speech intonations. Additionally, all the subjects were musically educated as children and CONCLUSION adults, ruling out lack of musical exposure as a cause. To many music lovers, this disorder might seem like a fate Ultimately, amusia was found to be specific to fine-grained worse than death. Preferences aside, continued research pitch perception, which is required to appreciate music but into congenital amusia may provide insight into the neural not necessarily speech. This was demonstrated when amusic circuitry underlying our ability to understand and appreciindividuals could not report the difference between original ate music while simultaneously exposing the ways improper classical pieces and dissonant versions where the pitch was wiring can cause musical learning disabilities. shifted by a semitone. Subjects also had slight difficulties recognizing familiar tunes based on temporal cues such as rhythm. These behavioral studies provided a foundation for determining the neurological basis of amusia. By Jasmine Correa In 2006, an event-related potential study (ERP) was References on page 33 GREY MATTERS | vol 2 | issue 1 14 The Method of Loci White Matter and Early Childhood Neglect of loci6. After training, the participants showed an overall improvement in information recall and increased activity in brain regions associated with attention processes and visualization when compared to their recall performance without the method of loci3. These findings suggest that the method of loci demands greater attention and processing of visual information from the brain, which may account for the increase in memory performance. Though it seems that some people posses supernatural memories, a closer look shows that the major difference between the information recall of an average individual and a World Memory Champion is simply technique. Indeed, the participants in these studies did not show higher than average intelligence, nor did they possess any unique neuro- BUILDING PALACES OF MEMORIES A GLIMPSE AT THE METHOD OF LOCI In 6th century Thessaly, the poet Simonides of Ceos is leaving a nobleman’s banquet hall after a rather unfortunate lyrical poem performance. As he steps outside, a loud crash echoes behind him. He turns around to witness the roof of the banquet hall caving in, crushing the guests under a pile of rubble. The deceased are so badly disfigured that relatives are unable to recognize their loved ones. It is then that Simonides speaks up, claiming he can identify the guests based on where they were sitting. The poet has seemingly stumbled onto a unique type of information recall: memory based on visual arrangement7. Today, the same memory technique is used by individuals like Gary Shang, who can memorize and recite up to 65,536 digits of pi, and Dominic O’Brien, who has won the World Memory Championships eight times. Such impressive feats raise the question of what is so neurologically distinct about individuals who are able to utilize this aptly named method of loci. The method of loci is a memory technique that takes advantage of the brain’s ability to manipulate spatial information. What distinguishes this method is its integration of multiple memory techniques, such as visualization, association, and organization of information. Users of the method of loci construct a mental map based on a familiar location, like their apartment or neighborhood. By constructing personalized rooms within this mental location, the user can organize information that is visually associated to other thoughts or images. In a history room, for instance, one might find Napoleon Bonaparte handcuffed to actor Idris Elba as a reminder of the name of the island where Bonaparte was first exiled. As the user practices walking through these rooms and becoming more familiar with the “memory palace”, it presumably becomes easier to recall information quickly and in an organized fashion1. Over the years, a number of neuroscientists have attempted to explore the neurological underpinnings of the method of loci. In the early 2000’s, a group of World Memory Champion participants took part in a study conducted by neuroscientists from the UK. While testing the participants’ working memory, the researchers recorded changes in blood flow in the brain using fMRI, assuming that increased blood flow meant increased brain activity in that locus. The data showed an increased amount of activity in specific brain regions linked to learning associations, spatial memory, and navigation2. These findings support the participants’ claims of utilizing the method of loci due to the technique’s dependence on spatial memory and mental navigation. In a similar neuroimaging study, researchers examined an individual who could recite the first digits of pi to over 15 Image by Chenhao Lu 65,000 decimal places3. An fMRI test was performed while the participant recited the first 560 digits of pi. The resulting data showed increased brain activity in regions involved in high-level executive functions and decision-related processes4, along with working memory, cognitive flexibility, and planning5. The researchers then gave the participant a string of 100 random digits to remember and ran another fMRI test while the participant worked on remembering the numbers. The long-term memory encoding process of the random string of numbers appeared on fMRI data as increased activity of motor and visual association areas. Both neuroimaging studies thus suggest that spatial processing and visual processing/association are integral characteristics of the method of loci memory technique. It is important to note, however, that these specific neuroimaging studies were conducted on individuals who were already known to possess great memory capabilities. There remains the question of whether ‘average’ individuals could achieve similar memory enhancement using the method of loci technique. In 2005, a group of Japanese researchers investigated a group of ‘average’ individuals who underwent an fMRI scan before and after they were taught the method GREY MATTERS | vol 2 | issue 1 WHITE MATTER AND EARLY CHILDHOOD NEGLECT Image: White matter tracts rendered by the BioTensor application developed at the University of Utah from Wikimedia Commons. A study recently published in JAMA Pediatrics took a new approach to studying the neurological effects of long-term early childhood neglect. Unlike previous studies conducted on this topic, Dr. Johanna Bick and colleagues were able to perform a randomized clinical trial using young children in Romania. The researchers created an experimental group by randomly assigning children from six Romanian institutions, characterized by low caregiver-to-child ratios and a lack of developmental experiences, to higher-quality foster care through the Bucharest Early Intervention Project. In addition, an age- and sex-matched group of children who had never been separated from their biological parents acted as a control in the study. Dr. Bick and colleagues were interested in the effects of these different experiences on the anatomical structures. The method of loci therefore seems to rely on an individual’s ability to integrate information from areas of the brain involved in visualization, association, and organization of information, which can be enhanced with training. While the intricacies of this technique’s molecular framework remain unknown, perhaps the method of loci can act as a gateway to furthering our understanding of memory and information recall. By Alexa Erdogan References on page 33 long-term development of white matter. The study found that the early childhood neglect characteristic of Romanian institutions had statistically significant impact on the normal development of white matter, particularly in the corpus callosum and areas of the brain responsible for limbic function and sensory processing. Additionally, they found that children who had begun their lives in an institution but who had been switched to a more nurturing foster care environment showed white matter development that more closely resembled that of the control group than the institutional group. This led researchers to suggest that remediation of early damage to white matter development due to neglect could be possible, an exciting result for the study. It is important to note, however, that this study is only a contribution to the research dedicated to studying the impact of early childhood neglect. First, the findings regarding potential remediation of white matter development in the foster group are limited by the fact that foster children showed similar development of the corpus callosum compared to the institutional group, which suggests that if in fact such remediation is possible, it may be incomplete. What’s more, the inclusion of six different institutions, with no controls for the exact differences in conditions at each, could be problematic in terms of consistency within the experimental group. The study also fails to provide a detailed account of the deficits children at such institutions might experience, leaving questions about exactly how the three treatment groups differ. However, despite these limitations, the study offers a promising look at the effect of positive post-natal experiences on the development of the brain, even after neglect in early childhood. By Lauren Selby References on page 33 GREY MATTERS | vol 2 | issue 1 16 Imagination: A Container for Infinity Imagination: A Container for Infinity I M A G I N AT I O N A CONTAINER FOR INFINITY Image by Tracy Montes 17 GREY MATTERS | vol 2 | issue 1 INTRODUCTION Imagining a vivid scene - with its sights, sounds, textures, and smells - is something most people do with little to no trouble at all. But what enables such behavior? How are the intricate structures and complex computations going on in your brain utilized to carry out these different forms of imagination? Does motor imagination require the motor system? Visual imagination the visual system? Auditory imagination the auditory system? Of the many capabilities the brain is endowed with, the ability to imagine is one that is as puzzling and complex as it is intriguing. This article will examine some of the research that has been done to reveal how a mass of cells bound by bone and blood can have the seemingly infinite capacity typical of human imagination. THE ROLE OF MEMORY When asking questions about how imagination works, one must consider the role of memory. Episodic memory, the ability to recollect autobiographical past experiences, is thought to play a crucial role in the ability to imagine. For the past several decades it has been widely viewed by memory researchers that engaging episodic memory is a constructive process rather than a reproductive one1. In other words, when one remembers they are pulling together pieces of information from multiple sources and reconstructing the memory for the conscious self instead of merely playing it back in full. Support for this notion comes from memory errors, which are thought to be reflective of the component-wise operations of this constructive process1. Memory researchers Shacter and Addis have hypothesized that imperfection in recalling memory fragments is actually conducive to imagination. Misconstruction of fragments allows the brain to piece together disparate bits of previous experiences in novel ways as a means to imagine and predict personalized future scenarios1. If this imaginative process, deemed episodic future thinking, occurs as Shacter and Addis propose, then one should be able to see neural correlates in similar areas to those where memory processes occur. To investigate this, researchers have conducted several different neuroimaging studies where PET scans of subjects’ brains were taken to assess correspondences between imagined and remembered events. Participants were asked to remember past events from their personal life and to imagine personal future events at two different temporal scales: near (days/weeks) or distant (months/years)2,3,4. The studies showed that the same areas light up for both memory and imagination of such events. These areas include bilateral frontopolar cortex, involved in self reference; medial temporal lobe (MTL) which contains the hippocampus, a structure involved in memory formation; occipital cortex, involved in visual perception; and areas that process other things, such as semantics and emotional responses. Interestingly, the variation in activation at different event time scales correlate positively between memory and imagination of events. More importantly though, a lesser level of activation in these areas was observed when subjects were asked to remember or imagine events not related to themselves, such as one involving Bill Clinton. These findings suggest two things: 1) that episodic future thinking involves, to a greater extent, one’s personal event timeline and 2) that more generalized imagination likely utilizes more/other areas than those mentioned above. Further support for this comes from the fact that amnesic patients (with damage to MTL) have difficulty both remembering and imagining personal events but are more competent at remembering and imagining general events1. However, though these neuroimaging studies hint at physiological mechanisms for some kinds of imagination, the daunting process by which the imagination is actually perceived – that is seen, heard, felt, and experienced within the brain – is largely a mystery. BRAIN COMPUTER INTERFACES AND MOTOR IMAGINATION Though it is still unclear how the brain reacts to perceive different imagined events, it has been shown that certain kinds of imaginative processes do utilize distinct brain regions. Motor imagery, or the generation of an internal representation of a movement prior to and during its occurrence, is a process that happens constantly within the motor system5. Remarkably though, the execution of a movement is not necessary for such imagery to occur. That is, the signal recorded within the motor cortex, the precentral gyrus, during the imagination of a movement is identical spatially and temporally and nearly so in magnitude to that of realized movement6. Several groups of scientists have begun to utilize this phenomenon to create devices designed to aid those with motor deficits. By recoding electrical activity associated with intended movement in the motor cortex, researchers are opening doors on both motor deficit treatments as well as the mechanisms behind motor imagination. For example, in 1995 Dr. Marc Jeannerod worked with and trained a tetraplegic patient, known as T.S., to control a robotic prosthetic hand via imagined movements in an effort to recover grasping function6. Over a period of several months T.S. was trained to imagine moving several parts of his body including his left and right hands and feet. Jeannerod used an electroencephalogram (EEG) based brain computer interface (BCI) to record electrical activity that occurred while T.S. imagined moving his limbs. At the conclusion of this training, the BCI was able to identify T.S.’s motor intent and engage the prosthetic with 100% accuracy. More recently in 2006, Hochberg et al. continued this research by implanting a 96 microelectrode array in a tetraplegic patient known as M.N.7. Three years after M.N. suffered a spinal cord injury, Hochberg implanted the device in his primary motor cortex where neuronal activity associated GREY MATTERS | vol 2 | issue 1 18 Imagination: A Container for Infinity Imagination: A Container for Infinity with imagined movements was still robust. In this study, M.N. learned to modulate the firing rates of a small group of neurons via motor imagery in order to control different devices, including a computer cursor and several robotic arms. With one such robotic arm, M.N. was able pick up and move an object. M.N.’s motor performance was not affected by engaging in other cognitive tasks such as conversing with Houchberg. Perhaps superficially this is unsurprising as M.N. is activating the same brain regions as able-bodied individuals while simultaneously performing motor and cognitive tasks. However, such simultaneous cognitive function in M.N. is actually quite incredible. It suggests that M.N. may have imagined the movement of the prosthetic rather than the series of associated body movements. In a sense, M.N. had recruited Figure 1: Brain structures implicated for both memory and imagination of events. the devices by imagination alone. Indeed, Areas include the bilateral frontopolar cortex (red), medial temporal lobe (green), and patients in other studies have reported the occipital cortex (blue) among other structures. such an experience. For example, patients in a study by Miller et al., who utilized an electrocorticography (ECoG) paradigm indicated that after sual cortical activity was disturbed via repetitive transcranial only a few trials they merely had to imagine the movement of magnetic stimulation (rTMS). a cursor in the desired direction rather than the motor comIn a similar vein, the act of imagining sound, related to mand trained for and assigned to it8. but not constrained by memory of sound, requires the audiMotor imagery is clearly a very powerful form of imag- tory system. An EEG study conducted by Brix demonstrated ination as well as a simpler concept to grasp than other that both visual imagination potentials (VIP) and auditory imaginative processes. Although the underlying conscious imagination potentials (AIP) occur over the visual and audecision process mediating this is still unknown, the physical ditory cortices, respectively, when subjects were asked to output is far easier to understand and to design devices for imagine certain sights and sounds10. Also shown was that compared to episodic future thinking and memory in gen- the amplitude of the evoked potential correlated with the eral. degree of concentration required by the subject to perform the imagination. For example, a particularly intense auditory VISUAL AND AUDITORY IMAGINATION imagination, such as the sound of a song, produces a greater Other imaginative processes related to memory are those of AIP than that of a simple one, such as the sound of a horn. visual and auditory imagination. A suite of visual imagery Taken together, these studies show that when one engages in paradigms have been carried out that indicate the visual sensory-motor imagery, they employ the associated modalsystem is involved in generating visual imaginations. One ity to do so. study of particular intrigue by Kosslyn et al. observed activation within Broddman area 17, the primary visual cortex, MENTAL DISORDERS via PET while subjects were asked to imagine and describe Discussed so far are the imaginative processes in a set of stripes, e.g. their width and orientation9. Intuitively, psychologically intact individuals where conscious effort the activation was similar to that observed during actual vi- brought about the desired form of imagination. However, sualization of a set of stripes. More notable though was the just as other cognitive functions can be impaired by neurosubjects’ inability to perform the imagery task while their vi- logical disorders, so too can one’s imagination. REPETITIVE TRANSCRANIAL MAGNETIC STIMULATION (RTMS) rTMS is a non-invasive technique to stimulate or inhibit neurons using electromagnetic induction. 19 HALLUCINATIONS perceiving something without stimulation of that sensory organ GREY MATTERS | vol 2 | issue 1 Figure 2: Using BCIs, a quadraplegic woman directs a robotic arm to bring a chocolate bar to her mouth. Several mental disorders bring about a sense of delusion that strips people of the ability to distinguish between real and imaginary. Hallucinations are actually considerably common but most individuals who observe them have the cognitive faculty to know that what they are observing, be it sight, sound, or other, is not real. For example, a disorder known as Charles Bonnet Syndrome (CBS) occurs in a relatively large subpopulation of visually impaired individuals who report vivid hallucinations of random events that are strictly visual11. Very few of the individuals estimated to have CBS report their experiences for fear of being labeled as mentally unstable, but most of those who do report indicate they are fully aware the visions are not real. Researchers have hypothesized that these hallucinations occur when deafferentiating neurons in visual association areas fire. It has been proposed that in such circumstances, these dying cells, which do not typically fire, behave like they would if they were responding to visual input. As a result, the brain creates a narrative around the activity11. Though bizarre, it is important to note that CBS individuals do not interact with these hallucinations in any way. The faculty that enables individuals to recognize that imagined events are not real is known as reality-monitoring, and is thought to be a form of source memory, i.e. one’s ability to remember the origin of information. When reality-monitoring malfunctions, serious psychological harm can result. One particularly extreme example of such a loss in reality-monitoring occurs within schizophrenics12. Schizophrenic patients have a range of symptoms including the hallucination of voices and people. The difference between individuals with disorders like CBS and those with Schizophrenia is that the latter often report expressly interacting with their hallucinations, sometimes in frightful, harmful or threating ways; their inability to reality-monitor results in emotional responses to their hallucinations. A study done by Brébion et al. demonstrated that schizophrenic patients have a reduced ability to reality-monitor related to an increased propensity to report events that had not explicitly occurred12. Patients were presented with a set of pictures and words and then tested, after a brief delay, for the form that each item took. Brébion et al. found that patients with schizophrenia were twice as likely as controls to misattribute the presentation of a word as an image. They also observed that patients did poorly at recognizing which items actually appeared as images in general. As such, Brébion et al. hypothesized that patients were engaging in excessive visual imagery which could have conflicted with internal representation of target images. They also contended that patients’ working memory, i.e. short term memory, could have been involved due to the relative timing of the tasks. It has been observed that both source memory and working memory occur in the same area in the brain: the prefrontal cortex13,14. Furthermore, several studies have shown that cerebral blood flow to the prefrontal cortex is reduced in schizophrenic patients14. Postmortem studies of schizophrenic brains have shown a reduction in neuropil (dendrites or axons of neurons) that has been thought to result from this lack of blood flow to the prefrontal cortex, GREY MATTERS | vol 2 | issue 1 20 Imagination: A Container for Infinity Mysterious Microglia most notably in the supragranular layers, which are generally considered association areas of the brain15. Indeed, an electrophysiological study in monkeys has shown that there are ‘delay’ cells, within the supragranular layers of the prefrontal cortex, thought to connect items of information with one another13. Although the exact mechanisms behind mental disorders like schizophrenia are vastly unknown, it is clear that the brain sits delicately within its reality, and that minor disturbances in function can turn imagination from a beautiful and limitless tool into something frightening and confusing. FINAL THOUGHTS Through the observation of the various studies reviewed above, it is quite clear that imagination is a complex behavior that takes many forms via dispersed brain structures and is extremely powerful. Creativity, the act of generating new ideas or combining old ones in novel ways, is tightly related to imagination and an attribute that humans are particularly well-endowed with. Of course, like other human skills, imagination and creativity take time and practice, much of which These are hippocampal neurons growing in culture The green marks a growth protein called GAP43, and the blue labels DNA Processes at the ends of these budding neural extensions are called growth cones Growth cones are enriched with a huge diversity of receptors, which guide growing neural extensions to their final destination begins when we are mere children. Countless psychological studies have shown the benefits of imaginative play throughout development from early childhood and into adolescence in producing creative and productive individuals16. The combinatorial process of ideas at work when children imagine fantastic scenes and figures paves a path for not only creative but also emotionally and socially adept lives in the future17. With an activity as widespread in the brain and as potent as imagination, one cannot help but think that the human brain evolved so as to encourage the creation of a boundless internal representation of the world for its own manipulation. And, though it currently remains perplexing how, as Charles Bonnet so eloquently put it, “the theater of the mind is generated by the machinery of the brain,” such understanding is not requisite to marvel at the limitless capability made possible by it. By Lars Crawford References on page 33 I N a r c o h i b i t H i y o P o n o t h G A B A l a C a l c i u m u A s t Image Credit: Encore Biotechnology Inc. 21 GREY MATTERS | vol 2 | issue 1 l R H o d o i e p s y p o c G a a m n p g u l a s s i u o n G l u t a m a t E E G N S R e r o c y t E M o t o n i n p s i n A m y g d a l a MYSTERIOUS MICROGLIA INTRODUCTION In April 2013, President Barack Obama announced an initiative to fund approximately one hundred million dollars of neuroscience research, called the Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies Initiative (BRAIN). By encouraging and supporting the study of neurons, these funds are hoped to shed more light on human brain function. As wonderful as this is for neuroscience, BRAIN is forgetting about a crucial class of cells in the brain – glial cells. Have you ever heard of glia? Most people know little about these brain cells, even though in some areas of the brain they outnumber neurons two to one1. Glial cells, or glia, are a family of non-neuronal brain cells that, unlike neurons, do not generate action potentials or have chemical synapses. Microglia are one of at least four different types of glial cells, each of which have distinct roles and abilities. Microglia perform a variety of tasks that range from supporting synapse development to promoting neuron growth, and even apoptosis, or programmed cell death2. In fact, research suggests that microglia dysfunction is related to a slew of neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, depression, and schizophrenia3. How do microglia do so much? And how does our growing understanding contribute to the pathology of the disorders mentioned above? Research on microglia has increased dramatically in the last twenty years with the simple goal of understanding what role microglia have in normal brain functioning. HISTORY OF MICROGLIA Scientists first discovered glial cells in the late 19th century, thanks to the groundbreaking work of Rudolf Virchow. Microglia, however, weren’t specifically identified until the early 20th century by neuroscientist Pio del Rio-Hortega. Already there existed an understanding that the discovered glial cells were unlike typical neurons. Microglia were GREY MATTERS | vol 2 | issue 1 22 Mysterious Microglia Photo by Frank Heppner Mysterious Microglia © Charité the brain. It is estimated that microglia are able to scan nearly the entire brain in just a few hours, searching for interlopers7. When triggered by stimuli such as CNS injury or disease, microglia rapidly undergo activation through complex pathways before changing structure to better face the stimulus6. In addition, recent research indicates that microglia seem to be involved in early brain development. Neuroscientists have revealed evidence that microglia contribute to synaptic development and pruning in the brain’s early stages of growth – an important role to say the least8. So how do microglia accomplish such a variety of tasks? It has been known for decades that microglia are capable of altering their morphology, or shape, in order to change their function, making them extremely diverse6. This ability to switch between phenotypes has prompted scientists ask what regulates these changes and what happens when the mechanisms involved are disrupted. Researchers discovered that there are actually two main morphologies that microglia can express: ramified or amoeboid. Figure 1. Photo showing microglia (brown) clustering around beta-amyloid plaques (red), indicators of Alzheimers’ Disease. An example of research investigating the role of microglia in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. RAMIFIED MICROGLIA Ramified microglia, or “resting microglia,” are present in a mature and healthy brain. This type of microglia was once thought to simply rest in the CNS, awaiting activation; however, publications are rapidly emerging, revealing that not specifically involved in basic neuronal signaling; rather, ramified microglia are active participants not only in mainthey possessed an ability to change shape depending on their taining a healthy brain, but also in supporting a developing environment4. one. Unfortunately, research on microglia seemed to go Moving about the brain’s tissues, resting microglia do on hiatus shortly after their discovery. Perhaps because not simply “rest.” They utilize chemotaxis to patrol for potenneurons were easier to study, it wasn’t until the late 20th tial targets such as pathogens or cells that have undergone century when new techniques were developed that allowed apoptosis9. They have short, protruding processes that move neuroscientists to answer specific questions about microglia around the cell body as the microglia move. These serve to and their dynamic behavior. increases the surface area of the microglial cell so that it can be more efficient in scanning the CNS6. CURRENT UNDERSTANDING The ramified processes can be extended or retracted in It is thought that microglia are akin to macrophages, one of mere minutes10. These extensions can even reach out and the key cells in immune response and healing. Similar to make contact with other cells such as astrocytes, pre-synmacrophages, microglia are derived from bone marrow and aptic neurons, or post-synaptic neurons. This suggests that are indeed involved in immune responses in the brain such microglia might posses the ability to regulate signal transas phagocytosis, or the engulfing of damaged cells and other mission, synapse development, and even plasticity – the extracellular material5. brain’s ability to change due to experience. Microglia are the resident immune cells in the central Ramified microglia can perform phagocytosis even in nervous system (CNS). They defend the brain from any type the absence of their normal inflammatory stimuli8. It all of inflammatory stimulus such as pathogens, blood loss, dis- depends on where in the brain these microglia are located. If, ease, and more. They have the ability to move throughout for example, they are in the hippocampus, which is a structhe brain and help form the supporting structure of the CNS6. ture highly involved in memory formation and organization, Microglia are also very sensitive to their environment and resting microglia might adopt this function to help prune alter their physiology according to changes in brain chem- and rearrange synapses11. istry and homeostasis. This will be further explored in later The science behind microglia in the healthy adult brain paragraphs. is still relatively new; however, most studies hint at the idea While they were once thought to be inactive for brief that microglia are not solely involved in responding to an moments, microglia are never idle, as they constantly scan injured brain. New research has just started to address how 23 GREY MATTERS | vol 2 | issue 1 microglial cell can phagocytize anything it needs to remove from the surrounding brain tissue to help the brain return to homeostasis14. Microglia can also be “fully” or “over” activated, in which they actually become neurotoxic to some extent. They are then involved in a pro-inflammatory response, releasing nitric oxide, cytokines, and reactive oxygen species that physically cause neuronal damage, or neurodegeneration15. When properly regulated, this sort of response can be beneficial to the brain. Constant or chronic activation of microglia, however, can be potentially injurious to the surrounding brain cells, leading to neurodysfunction. Essentially, activated microglia are effective in supporting and helping regenerate neurons, as well as removing pathogens and inflammatory stimuli through phagocytosis and the like. Microglia activation can also occur in a way that is actually detrimental to brain health and function. NEURODEGENERATIVE DISEASE The complete mechanisms behind the activation pathways of microglia are not currently understood, but we do Figure 2: Ramified “resting” microvglia are shown with their thin, know that an aging brain’s microglia tend to behave more branched processes. Activated microglia, which can perform many abnormally. In younger brains, microglia seem to prefer maintenance duties, are shown to have thicker, less extensive activation through the neuroprotective route, while in aging projections. Amoeboid microglia, the most condensed and motile brains, microglia are more prone to over-activation and thus microglia, are a type of activated microglia. neurodegeneration16. Questions remain regarding the changes in microglial a given location in the brain influences ramified microglia response that could lead to neurodegeneration. Is it due to behavior, as well as the extent to which these microglia con- microglial dysfunction? How much of a role does the aging tribute to normal brain development. brain play? When one considers the fact that Alzheimer and Parkinson’s diseases are neurodegenerative and partially AMOEBOID (“ACTIVATED”) MICROGLIA brought upon by old age, it is fair to postulate that dysfuncMicroglial activation occurs when a ramified microglial cell tional microglia may contribute to the degeneration. comes into contact with anything that disrupts homeostasis This opens up a whole new range of possible therapies within the brain. Once activated, the microglial cell under- for neurodegenerative diseases. Could microglia and regulagoes changes in gene expression and rapidly alters its shape tion of activation be an answer to mitigating symptoms such to better attack the disrupting stimuli12. as loss of brain cells or impaired brain function? This is one Activated microglia adopt the amoeboid morphology – of many questions left to answer regarding microglia. these cells are able to move around, usually towards their target, and they retract their processes, becoming more CONCLUSION spherical6. These blob-shaped microglia are still very envi- Microglia, the cells once thought to passively guard the brain, ronment-specific; therefore, activated microglia can appear are now being shown to have expansive roles in the CNS. and behave differently in one area of the brain versus Although they are slightly less mysterious than they were another. even 20 years ago, microglia still remind us that we have Each specific response, or activation state, also depends much left to learn about the brain. Only further questioning on the stimuli, since amoeboid microglia function changes and research can uncover all that this dynamic cell can do. depending on what it’s targeting. In certain cases, activated Until then, neuroscientists can only continue to unravel the microglia can be stimulated to become alternatively acti- tantalizing mystery that is microglia. vated, or neuroprotective13. Alternatively, activated microglia can opt to release neuronal growth factors that serve to aid damaged neurons in regeneration. They can also prepare to engulf cellular debris or release molecules such as cytokines that are By Brooks Gribble involved in an anti-inflammatory response. In addition, the References on page 33 GREY MATTERS | vol 2 | issue 1 24 The Language of Music The Language of Music BEBOP JAZZ A new style of jazz began to emerge in New York City during the mid-1940s, dubbed “bebop” by its pioneers. With its trademark flurry of complicated melodic lines, bebop is the musical equivalent of receiving every dish on the menu at once. It dismantled the danceable swing style of the prior era’s jazz; the music became fast, involved, and abstruse. The epicenter of the bebop movement was Minton’s Playhouse, a compact Harlem nightclub. Musicians did not so much patronize Minton’s as rely on it for subsistence. And among the favored musicians at Minton’s, performing in the smoky den for a clientele equal parts eccentric and drug-hazed, was Thelonious Monk. Any given evening at Minton’s, Monk could be found at the piano, nurturing a cigarette between his teeth. Like that of any other bebop musician, Monk’s playing was characterized by a central facet: improvisation. In contrast with current popular music heard on the radio or a Mozart composition, the music played by bebop musicians is made up on the spot—ex tempore. As if following a map marked only with a start and an end, the musicians have an idea of where they are and where they want to go, but they have no set path for how to get there. At the time, Monk and his contemporaries seemed set to be painted onto the mural of modern music as an inconsequential afterthought. In contrast to the popular acts of the era, bebop musicians had neither the polished image of Perry Como nor the endearing choruses of Frank Sinatra. Bebop was not the kind of music one might expect the typical post-war American to enjoy. Yet, despite bebop’s gratuitous nonconformity, its innovators became icons of American artistry. Among many other accolades, Monk won a Pulitzer Prize and a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award. Monk is the second most recorded jazz composer of all time—an achievement that is made more impressive when contrasted with how few songs he actually composed. The most recorded jazz composer of all time, Duke Ellington, penned over 1,000 songs; Monk composed only 70. Though Monk’s status as a figure of American music may be curious, this story contains a more intriguing phenomenon: that Monk and his colleagues could play this music in the first place. Bebop musicians created art characterized by its spontaneity while being produced at the fastest speeds physically allowed by a musical instrument. Somehow improvisers used this manic, abstract music to create meaningful works of art. How can the human brain produce jazz improvisation? Image by Nathan Jones 25 GREY MATTERS | vol 2 | issue 1 NEURAL CORRELATES OF IMPROVISED MUSIC Intrigued by this question, Johns Hopkins neurologists Charles Limb and Allen Braun sought to find out which areas of the brain activate in improvising musicians. Limb and Braun recruited six professional jazz pianists — contempo- rary Monks — for a functional magnetic resonance imaging experiment. Limb and Braun faced the challenge of trying to maximize scientific precision while recreating the authentic experience of a musician as closely as possible. Trading the dimly lit stage at Minton’s for the sterile, white confines of an MRI scanner required some ingenuity. To address this issue, Limb and Braun designed a special keyboard that would be safe in a powerful magnetic field while still allowing the musicians to retain a realistic feeling of playing. With this keyboard, the pianists played a sequence of songs, some of which were memorized and some of which were spontaneously composed. The only difference between the two situations was whether or not the musicians improvised. The variation between these brain states showed which areas activated specifically for improvisation, beyond what was required simply to play piano1. Limb and Braun’s first finding may have elicited an I-could-have-told-you-that response from Monk. They found deactivation in areas of the brain that are thought to be concerned with what society will think about one’s actions. Two particular brain areas perk up when you know the world is watching and choose to act according to societal conventions; they are known as the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the lateral orbitofrontal cortex. For Monk, who frequently danced around on stage when tired of the piano, deactivation of these areas was commonplace: “I say, play your own way. Don’t play what the public wants.” Limb and Braun’s second finding was more intriguing: Jazz improvisation activates a region of the brain that Braun and his colleagues had previously hypothesized is responsible for parsing narrative structure2. This area is known as the medial prefrontal cortex. Further scrutiny is required to substantiate their hypothesis, but preliminary evidence suggests that the medial prefrontal cortex contributes to how one naturally tends to tell a story with a beginning, middle, and end. This brain region is key to understanding how the brain creates jazz improvisation. NEUROLOGICAL SIMILARITIES BETWEEN IMPROVISED MUSIC AND LANGUAGE Monk played his solos much like he would tell a story. He would present an initial musical idea; tinker with the details of that idea, expanding on its key points; then present a conclusion—as if asking for your opinion. The narrative unfolds fluently even though he is making this story up as he goes. A drummer and bassist would have accompanied him, not as passive audience members, but as confidants responding in earnest to Monk’s ideas. Compare this interaction among the members of Monk’s band with a conversation you would have with a friend, requiring attentive participation from you both. Your conversation and Monk’s improvisation are remarkably similar. Both have basic narrative structure of exposition, development, and conclusion. Both relate complex information GREY MATTERS | vol 2 | issue 1 26 The Language of Music The Language of Music without premeditation. Both require empathetic interaction among participants. This is not just a qualitative observation: Musical improvisation and spoken language are processed similarly in the brain. The medial prefrontal cortex activation that Limb and Braun saw in improvising musicians is the same region would also likely be activated if you were telling a story to a friend. It appears that the brain uses some of the same regions to develop narrative structure in both improvised music and conversation. Charles Limb and a team of his students, led by Gabriel Donnay, ran another jazz-inspired functional imaging study. This time, they looked at improvisational interaction. Unsurprisingly, there is already an established paradigm in jazz to facilitate conversation-like interaction called trading, in which improvisers trade short musical phrases back and forth in response to one another. Donnay and his team used the same method of comparing improvisation with non-improvisation as before, but this time they scanned each subject while trading with another musician3. Donnay and his team found a pattern of activation that decidedly resembles what happens in the brain while participating in conversational language. Most notably, they saw activation in an area concerned with structure of a different kind, of sentences rather than of narratives. This area, called the inferior frontal gyrus, or Broca’s area, helps distinguish between “dog bites man” and “man bites dog”. Harvard neurologists Aaron Berkowitz and Daniel Ansari showed that this pattern of activation is not just the case for musical improvisation in jazz, but also for improvisation in classical music. Instead of studying the brains of jazz musicians, they examined classical pianists’ brains in the same improvisation-versus-non-improvisation setup. Berkowitz and Ansari found that improvisational activations in classical musicians overlapped significantly with those observed in jazz musicians4. Siyuan Liu, a student of Allen Braun, furthered these improvisational functional imaging findings by studying the brains of freestyle rappers while performing a lyrical improvisation or a composed verse. He found that the main difference between improvised and rehearsed rap was activation in the same narrative structure region as between improvised and rehearsed jazz, the medial prefrontal cortex5. phrase structure suggests how certain notes and rhythms would fit in the context of the previously played notes and rhythms. But where exactly is the line drawn between improvised music and language in the brain? Intuitively, one might suspect that although the structural elements of music and language are similar, different strategies are used to assign meaning to them. For example, following an A with an E flat in the key of C would be unlikely in the same way that following “apple” with “are” would be unlikely in English. However, the way in which we would interpret the meaning of those two events is completely different: “apple” refers directly to something in the world; the note A does not. Steven Brown, a neuroscientist from the University of Texas, used positron emission tomography to show exactly that. He studied the brains of amateur musicians as they vocally improvised with either music or language. He found that the areas of the brain used for processing structure related to word or note ordering were largely the same, but that they occurred on different sides—language on the left, music on the right. The two kinds of improvisation did not appear to share any neurological real estate directly related to interpretation or meaning6. Brown’s findings suggest that the same kind of neuro- logical machinery produces the structural elements of both musical and linguistic improvisation. Although the syntactic structure is processed similarly, whichever neurological machinery endows music with meaning does not require an ability to do the same for language. In other words, you do not need to speak English to speak jazz. Perhaps this effect is what an artist is referring to when she claims to express herself more truly with her medium than with language. She can articulate a story, but without being constrained by how literally meaning is assessed in language. Donnay, Limb, and their colleagues supported Brown’s findings with their imaging study of trading. They observed the right hemisphere activation, which is key for music, but not language. However, they also observed musical improvisational activation in the language areas on the left side of the brain, which Brown thought activated exclusively for language. This suggests that not only do improvised music and language rely on some of the same kinds of neurological machinery, but that, as improvised music becomes increasingly conversational, the processing of musical structure increasingly resembles the processing of linguistic structure. Thelonious Monk plays piano at Minton's Playhouse in New York in September 1947. Photograph by William P. Gottlieb. Thelonious Monk, Howard McGhee, Roy Eldridge, and Teddy Hill outside Minton’s Playhouse. Photograph by William P. Gottlieb. NEUROLOGICAL DIFFERENCES BETWEEN IMPROVISED MUSIC AND LANGUAGE The brain is clearly using similar neurological mechanisms when producing musical improvisation as when producing language. The first kind of mechanism, in the medial prefrontal cortex, supports narrative structure. Musical narrative structure suggests how a given musical phrase fits into the overall story—gradually introducing tension and building to a resolution. The second kind of mechanism, in the inferior frontal gyrus, supports phrase structure. Musical 27 GREY MATTERS | vol 2 | issue 1 INTERPRETATION OF MUSICAL IMPROVISATION A team of German music physiology researchers led by Eckhart Altenmüller used electroencephalography to com- pare brain activations with reported enjoyment of listening to certain songs. Participants listened to jazz, classical, and popular songs, then rated how much they liked each song. The best predictor of the listeners’ enjoyment of the music was lateralization of their brain activation. If the left prefrontal cortex activated more than the right, the listener probably enjoyed the song; if the right prefrontal cortex activated more than the left, then the listener probably did not enjoy the song. This was the case across all genres7. They also found that people tended to like the popular songs, all of which had lyrics, more than the classical or jazz songs, of which none had lyrics. This means that enjoyment, lyrics, and left frontal cortex activation tended to appear together. The main exception to this trend is when participants reported enjoyment when listening to either classical or jazz. Their left frontal cortex activated even though there were no lyrics. While there are many plausible interpretations of these results, one possibility is that this left frontal cortex activation in the absence of lyrics is the brain’s attempt to impose narrative structure over the musical story. Those who successfully imposed the narrative structure enjoyed the music and experienced left frontal cortex activation; those who failed to impose narrative structure did not enjoy the music and showed no left frontal cortex activation. Perhaps this explains how audiences began to enjoy Monk. They tapped into the story that Monk was telling and were able to interpret it for themselves. This effect is similar to what happens when you know what someone is going to say before they say it. You can tell where the conversation is going, and you are tempted to finish the speaker’s thought before he gets there. When listening to jazz improvisation, your brain can pick up on that same anticipation of the next step. This anticipation draws you in to the musician’s story. When an artist employs his medial prefrontal cortex to create a melody that allows the listener to engage her own narrative voice, that is when improvised music elates us. The enjoyment of bebop is not exclusive to the rakish lounges of 1940s New York. This phenomenon resonated throughout the world. Bebop festivals are now held in many major cities: from Cape Town to København, from Montréal to Monterrey. Regardless of mother tongue, people pick up on the storyline. Though we can now begin to see how the brain makes musical improvisation possible, it does not diminish our perception of its artistic beauty. In fact, it expands the beauty of music by demonstrating the independence of improvised music from cultural boundaries. As Herbie Hancock, director of the Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz, said: “Music truly is the universal language.” By Cody Kommers References on page 33 GREY MATTERS | vol 2 | issue 1 28 The Language of Music The Language of Music Image by Justin Waterhouse MEMORY DISTORTION Many storytellers have dealt with the topic of memory alteration. Public consensus is that such stories are fanciful. It is typically believed that it is impossible to enter someone’s mind to implant a memory that never occurred. What many people may not realize, however, is that distortion of existing memories and creation of entirely false ones are phenomena that have not only been observed in the real world, they have actually been replicated in human test subjects. MEMORY RECALL IS NOT PERFECT It is well established that some experiences, such as stress, can strongly disrupt memory formation and recall. In particular, glucocorticoids, a hormone released from the adrenal glands, have an inhibitory effect on memory recall4. In recent a study exploring human memory consolidation and recall in stressful conditions showed that high levels of the glucocorticoid cortisol were significantly correlated with poor performance on memory tasks7. Human subjects in a “stressed” experimental group were asked to participate in a mock job interview in front of an audience of evaluators. In the middle of the interview, they were suddenly asked to recall vocabulary from a word association activity they participated in five weeks beforehand. The control group was simply asked to recall their words with these stressors removed. The stressed group, researchers found, had elevated levels of cortisol in their saliva, as well as increased heart rate and blood pressures compared to control. Further, these stressed subjects performed worse in recalling “negative” word association vocabulary. However, it should be noted that stressed subjects were equally able to recall “neutral” word associations as non-stressed control. THE “MISINFORMATION” EFFECT Memory errors can extend beyond simply forgetting words under stress. In a series of now classic experiments, researchers have demonstrated that lasting and sometimes dramatic memory errors can occur. In one study participants watched a video in which a traffic accident takes place near a stop sign. They then received a written summary of the accident and asked to recall, FALSE RECOGNITION FUNCTIONAL MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING Reporting recognition of an object that has not actually been previously seen. fMRI detects which portions of the brain are most active at any given time by measuring changes in blood flow. 29 GREY MATTERS | vol 2 | issue 1 from memory, details about the video. If the summary substituted the stop sign for a yield sign, participants believed they had viewed a yield sign in the video, somehow adopting this into memory, in place of the stop sign that was actually there4. In a similar study, test subjects watched a video of a man stealing a girl’s wallet, with the girl sustaining a neck injury as a result. After watching the video, subjects were given a summary of the events that had occurred on screen. However, subjects were told that the girl had hurt her arm instead of her neck. When asked to recall the sequence of events in the video at a later time, almost half (47%) of the test subjects not only recalled an arm injury taking place during the sequence of events – they claimed to possess a visual memory of this occurrence2. This susceptibility of memory to fabrication has been called the “misinformation effect” by researchers. The sudden belief that one has seen something different than what actually occurred, just because it was verbally stated, is striking to say the least. jected to aggressive therapeutic techniques, even to the point of taking hallucinatory “truth serum”, and then subsequently claiming to have unearthed years of familial abuse. In one such case, covered extensively by Time Magazine, a young woman, after undergoing such therapy, sued her father for years of sexual abuse, and also claimed to witness a murder that he perpetrated1. If a person can mentally replace a stop sign with a yield sign, is it possible that she could remember witnessing a murder that never actually occurred? A variety of experiments, all with the same basic methodology, have shown that complex memories can be implanted. The families of research participants were asked to share the details of several meaningful events that occurred during the participant’s childhood. The researchers then met with participants and discussed their memories of each event including one that the researchers had made up and included in the list. Although many subjects did not initially remember the false memory - being lost at a shopping mall and returned to their family by an elderly person - repeated questioning led to about 30% of subjects reporting partial or even complete memories of the ordeal2. Being lost in a shopping mall is not an entirely unusual experience. So, some skepticism of this finding is warranted. However, in several follow-up studies, researchers have shown implanted memories that are fanciful, or even ridiculous. Participants have been led to believe and subsequently “remember” that they spent the night at the hospital for low blood sugar as children2, that they once attended a wedding and spilled punch on the parents of the bride, or that they fled a grocery store after the overhead sprinklers spontaneously activated1. Participants in one study could even be made to believe that they had proposed marriage to a Pepsi machine on a college campus. If subjects either imagined themselves preforming this bizarre task, or witnessed someone else doing so, they adopted the memory as their own within two weeks. Subjects rated their confidence in having proposed to an inanimate object very highly6. ARE FALSE MEMORIES EVER DISTINGUISHABLE? Given that most people rely on their memory as an accurate source of information, important questions have been raised in response to this research. Is it possible to distinguish between an event that actually occurred, and one that did not? Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies of false memory show that the Para hippocampus and sensory cortex are more active during true memory recall (for example: object recognition) than false5. Despite these differences in neural activity, conscious awareness of such false memories is still beyond the individual. So, while a test subject might confidently “remember” seeing a specific object, reduced activity in the Para hippocampus or sensory cortex suggest that such recognition is false. While perhaps this is surprising, researchers hypothesize that in instances of false object recognition, these “memory” pathways are not as actively stimulated as in the case of true object recognition. Thus, generating less activity in these brain regions. Hypothetically, this better match would produce greater Para hippocampal activity, and a more active signal in an fMRI scan5. CONCLUSION Research into memory has made it clear that our recollecMALLEABILITY OF MEMORY/FALSE IMPLANTATION tions are not always as dependable as we assume them to be. Some researchers, in further exploring the misinformation Not only do studies suggest the ability to alter memories, but effect, are trying to understand whether memory distortion to implant them altogether. Such findings challenge us to recan extend to complete fabrication. Altering a pre-existing think our understandings of the past, keeping the distortion memory seems fundamentally different than creating one of memory in mind as we do so. that never existed. The possibility of implanted memories first generated public interest in the late 20th century, when the psychotherapeutic practice of unearthing repressed memories came into vogue. Prominent media outlets covered stories of By Eva Alderman citizens who had recently undergone therapy and were subReferences on page 33 GREY MATTERS | vol 2 | issue 1 30 Selective Visual Attention Selective Visual Attention SELECTIVE VISUAL ATTENTION The tendency to overlook extraneous information in our cluttered visual environments is referred to as selective attention. In a popular demonstration video by Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simons, viewers are asked to count the number of times a team in white shirts passes a basketball. But as they focus on the task, only half of the participants notice something out of the ordinary1. This tendency to overlook extraneous information in our cluttered visual environment is referred to as selective attention. It involves two basic but separate problems: information processing and information filtering. A fraction of the information sent from the retina to the brain can be processed, and of what is processed, typically an even smaller amount is attended to. As a result, people are primarily aware of accentuated stimuli, leaving other objects to sit relatively unnoticed within their field of vision2. In the aforementioned video, emphasis was placed on the team in white, drawing attention to them. As a result, when asked about the unattended stimulus (players in black), it became significantly harder to recall what took place. Even more striking, a majority of viewers completely miss the giant gorilla that walks through the frame1. Traditionally, selective visual attention has been assumed to follow a “spotlight” model in which humans focus on processing one area in their visual field, and draw information from that particular area3. Recent studies, however, have presented strong evidence promoting a theory of competition where stimuli within the broader visual field “fight” for limited working memory. Any stimuli out of the ordinary or specifically looked for are then processed - eating up working memory - while the other extraneous information is left unanalyzed. FIGHTING FOR WORKING MEMORY Due to the limited capacity of working memory, the human brain is unable to simultaneously focus on a large number of objects within its visual field. In a series of simple experiments that demonstrate this inability, two objects are presented simultaneously in a visual field for a brief moment4. Afterward, subjects are asked about some property of the objects, such as size, brightness, or shape. Subject responses reveal crucial results. First, dividing attention between two objects results in poorer performance than focusing on just one. Second, processing is bottlenecked at the level of stimulus input; showing one object after the other with a slight delay results in much better performance4. Finally, the ability to process stimuli is mostly unrelated to the distance between the objects, suggesting humans do not spotlight one area of their visual field to process information, as previously supposed4. These assertions were first established empirically by To watch the basketball demonstration visit: 31 Image by Benjamin Cordy Image by Benjamin Cordy GREY MATTERS | vol 2 | issue 1 Donderi and Zelnicker in 1969 when they presented one target among a number of nontargets for a subject to identify3. In the study, “easy” cases were distinguished from “hard” ones. In easy cases, the target is clearly distinct from the others (a white square among a number of black circles, for example). Hard cases, on the other hand, featured targets that shared a variety of properties with the nontargets (e.g. having brightness, size, and shape in common). In the easy cases, nontargets provide weak competition for drawing attention toward them, as they are clearly distinct from the target itself. Given more factors in common, however, it becomes significantly harder to pick out the target over nontargets. This shows that the unconscious bias towards uniqueness is just as important as purposefully-drawn attention in the visual field4. BOTTOM-UP BIAS AND TOP-DOWN CONTROL As alluded to before, the current model of selective visual attention asserts that the targets and nontargets in a field of vision compete for working memory5. The bottom-up bias states that unique targets are easily identified among a number of homogeneous nontargets. Similarly, novel stimuli that enter a field of vision attract attention, and therefore processing power. In this way bottom-up bias can be considered to function as a series of largely automatic processes. Bottom-up bias may be the result of nontargets being stored in memory as the context or background - rather than as a potential target. There may also be related biases toward sudden appearances of new objects in the visual field, or toward objects that are larger, brighter, or faster. In such cases of stimulus-driven bias, the target seems to “pop out” of the background of homogeneity2. But just as target selection is dependent on bottom-up bias, top-down control is needed to process the information that is relevant to current behavior. For instance, attention can be purposefully drawn to one property of a number of shapes, or a discriminable colored target in a multicolored display. Only when targets are not easily discriminable does it become more difficult to distinguish between them and nontargets5. In a given visual field, our attention is naturally drawn to objects that stand out from the background in some way, but it can also be artificially drawn to what we want to focus on. When those two ideas conflict, such as when we are looking for objects that do not stand out in our visual field, they become harder to locate and distinguish5. One question up for debate in this current model of selective attention is the reason behind competition for focus within the brain. There are a few theories as to why this might be. For one, it may be possible that full visual analysis of every object in a scene would be too complex for the brain to handle – thus competition between objects is a result of limited identification capacity5. However, an equally strong theory proposes that a lack of control over response systems is the cause. Indeed, it was demonstrated by Eriksen and Eriksen in 1974 that subjects’ attentions are drawn to objects that they have specifically been told to ignore6. Regardless, competition likely occurs at multiple levels between sensory input and motor output7. NEURAL PROCESSES Objects within a visual field compete for processing in a network of more than thirty cortical visual areas, which are organized into two main corticocortical streams which begin in the primary visual cortex (V1). From there, a ventral stream is projected into the inferior temporal cortex for object recognition while a dorsal stream is projected into the posterior parietal cortex for spatial perception and visuomotor performance. Both eventually are projected into the prefrontal cortex8. As competition involves object recognition, the ventral stream is the key to selective attention. The ventral pathway primarily includes the extrastriate visual cortical areas V2 and V4, as well as TEO and ending in TE in the inferior temporal cortex. As visual information progresses through the ventral stream, the manner in which that information is processed grows more and more complex. For instance, V1 neurons act as filters for both distance and time, V2 neurons respond to visual contours, and inferior temporal neurons respond selectively to overall object features8. Additionally, the receptive field of visual neurons – the area within a visual field that each neuron responds to – increases at each stage. Moving down the pathway from V1 to V4 to TEO to TE, typical receptive fields are on the order of 0.2, 3.0, 6.0, and 25.0 degrees in size respectively. The receptive fields are seen as a crucial processing resource that objects in the visual field compete for, and as object features are coded into the ventral stream, the information available about any specific target declines as more objects are added to receptive fields. As a means of focusing attention, the visual system splits processing between the targets, and relevance is assigned to objects through either top-down or bottom-up processes to help decide which ones to focus on9. CONCLUSIONS Although the human retina is bombarded by information, only a select amount is processed and acted upon. At several instances between input and output, objects in the visual field “compete” for limited processing power of the ventral stream. The competition is biased by both bottom-up and top-down processes. Thus visual attention is less like a “spotlight” but rather as a series of interactions between the objects themselves as they compete for processing. By Darren Hou References on page 33 GREY MATTERS | vol 2 | issue 1 32 Referenced sources Referenced sources REFERENCED SOURCES PROSOPAGNOSIA Page: 5 1. Chowhan, S. (2013) “Living with Face Blindness” The Atlantic. 2. Grueter, M., Grueter, T., Bell, V., Horst, H., Laskowski, W., Sperlings, K., Halligan, P.W., Ellis, H.D., & Kennerknecht, I. (2007). “Hereditary Prosopagnosia: The First Case Series”. Cortex 43 (6): 734-749. 3. Kanwisher, N. & Barton, J.J.S. 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