The Journal of Neuroscience Journal Club

The Journal of Neuroscience
October 8, 2014 • Volume 34 Number 41 •
This Week in The Journal
Journal Club
The Medial Prefrontal Cortex and the Deceptiveness of Memory
Marlieke T.R. van Kesteren and Thackery I. Brown
Neuroinflammation Mediates Synergy between Cerebral Ischemia and Amyloid-␤ to
Cause Synaptic Depression
Walter Swardfager, Madelaine Lynch, Sonam Dubey, and Paul M. Nagy
Cover legend: The phase relationship as a function
of time between a prefrontal and a parietal local field
potential (8 –25 Hz) during a visual working memory
task. This example illustrates a flip in the phase
relationship from anti-phase to in-phase. The
background is a schematic of the phase relationships
between prefrontal and posterior parietal cortex.
For more details, see the article by Dotson et al.
(pages 13600 –13613).
A␤ Selectively Impairs mGluR7 Modulation of NMDA Signaling in Basal Forebrain
Cholinergic Neurons: Implication in Alzheimer’s Disease
Zhenglin Gu, Jia Cheng, Ping Zhong, Luye Qin, Wenhua Liu, and Zhen Yan
The Schizophrenia Susceptibility Gene Dysbindin Regulates Dendritic Spine
Jie-Min Jia, Zhonghua Hu, Jacob Nordman, and Zheng Li
Stress Induces Pain Transition by Potentiation of AMPA Receptor Phosphorylation
Changsheng Li, Ya Yang, Sufang Liu, Huaqiang Fang, Yong Zhang,
Orion Furmanski, John Skinner, Ying Xing, Roger A. Johns, Richard L. Huganir,
and Feng Tao
Ganglioside GD3 Is Required for Neurogenesis and Long-Term Maintenance of Neural
Stem Cells in the Postnatal Mouse Brain
Jing Wang, Allison Cheng, Chandramohan Wakade, and Robert K. Yu
Adult Neurogenesis Is Necessary to Refine and Maintain Circuit Specificity
Diana M. Cummings, Jason S. Snyder, Michelle Brewer, Heather A. Cameron,
and Leonardo Belluscio
Early Monocular Defocus Disrupts the Normal Development of Receptive-Field
Structure in V2 Neurons of Macaque Monkeys
Xiaofeng Tao, Bin Zhang, Guofu Shen, Janice Wensveen, Earl L. Smith 3rd,
Shinji Nishimoto, Izumi Ohzawa, and Yuzo M. Chino
The TRIM-NHL Protein Brat Promotes Axon Maintenance by Repressing src64B
Giovanni Marchetti, Ilka Reichardt, Juergen A. Knoblich, and Florence Besse
Motor Cortex Is Functionally Organized as a Set of Spatially Distinct Representations
for Complex Movements
Andrew R. Brown and G. Campbell Teskey
Phasic Activation of Individual Neurons in the Locus Ceruleus/Subceruleus Complex
of Monkeys Reflects Rewarded Decisions to Go But Not Stop
Rishi M. Kalwani, Siddhartha Joshi, and Joshua I. Gold
A Feedforward Inhibitory Circuit Mediates Lateral Refinement of Sensory
Representation in Upper Layer 2/3 of Mouse Primary Auditory Cortex
Ling-yun Li, Xu-ying Ji, Feixue Liang, Ya-tang Li, Zhongju Xiao,
Huizhong W. Tao, and Li I. Zhang
Sparse Coding and Lateral Inhibition Arising from Balanced and Unbalanced
Dendrodendritic Excitation and Inhibition
Yuguo Yu, Michele Migliore, Michael L. Hines, and Gordon M. Shepherd
Presynaptic BK Channels Modulate Ethanol-Induced Enhancement of GABAergic
Transmission in the Rat Central Amygdala Nucleus
Qiang Li, Roger Madison, and Scott D. Moore
The Amygdala and Basal Forebrain as a Pathway for Motivationally Guided Attention
Christopher J. Peck and C. Daniel Salzman
Presynaptic Modulation of Spinal Nociceptive Transmission by Glial Cell
Line-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (GDNF)
Chiara Salio, Francesco Ferrini, Sangu Muthuraju, and Adalberto Merighi
Frontoparietal Correlation Dynamics Reveal Interplay between Integration
and Segregation during Visual Working Memory
Nicholas M. Dotson, Rodrigo F. Salazar, and Charles M. Gray
Human Muscle Spindle Sensitivity Reflects the Balance of Activity between
Antagonistic Muscles
Michael Dimitriou
The Fusion of Mental Imagery and Sensation in the Temporal Association Cortex
Christopher C. Berger and H. Henrik Ehrsson
Spontaneous Microsaccades Reflect Shifts in Covert Attention
Shlomit Yuval-Greenberg, Elisha P. Merriam, and David J. Heeger
Working Memory Contributions to Reinforcement Learning Impairments in
Anne G.E. Collins, Jaime K. Brown, James M. Gold, James A. Waltz,
and Michael J. Frank
Mirror Reversal and Visual Rotation Are Learned and Consolidated via Separate
Mechanisms: Recalibrating or Learning De Novo?
Sebastian Telgen, Darius Parvin, and Jo¨rn Diedrichsen
Cortical Activation Associated with Muscle Synergies of the Human Male Pelvic Floor
Skulpan Asavasopon, Manku Rana, Daniel J. Kirages, Moheb S. Yani,
Beth E. Fisher, Darryl H. Hwang, Everett B. Lohman, Lee S. Berk,
and Jason J. Kutch
Ceiling Effects Prevent Further Improvement of Transcranial Stimulation in Skilled
Shinichi Furuya, Matthias Klaus, Michael A. Nitsche, Walter Paulus,
and Eckart Altenmu¨ller
13586 Mutant ␣-Synuclein Enhances Firing Frequencies in Dopamine Substantia Nigra
Neurons by Oxidative Impairment of A-Type Potassium Channels
Mahalakshmi Subramaniam, Daniel Althof, Suzana Gispert, Jochen Schwenk,
Georg Auburger, Akos Kulik, Bernd Fakler, and Jochen Roeper
Alzheimer’s Disease-Like Pathology Induced by Amyloid-␤ Oligomers in Nonhuman
Leticia Forny-Germano, Natalia M. Lyra e Silva, Andre´ F. Batista,
Jordano Brito-Moreira, Matthias Gralle, Susan E. Boehnke, Brian C. Coe,
Ann Lablans, Suelen A. Marques, Ana Maria B. Martinez, William L. Klein,
Jean-Christophe Houzel, Sergio T. Ferreira, Douglas P. Munoz,
and Fernanda G. De Felice
Early Alterations in Functional Connectivity and White Matter Structure in a
Transgenic Mouse Model of Cerebral Amyloidosis
Joanes Grandjean, Aileen Schroeter, Pan He, Matteo Tanadini, Ruth Keist,
Dimitrije Krstic, Uwe Konietzko, Jan Klohs, Roger M. Nitsch, and Markus Rudin
Retraction: “Coordinated Regulation of Hepatic Energy Stores by Leptin and Hypothalamic
Agouti-Related Protein” by James P. Warne, Jillian M. Varonin, Sofie S. Nielsen, Louise E.
Olofsson, Christopher B. Kaelin, Streamson Chua, Jr., Gregory S. Barsh, Suneil K. Koliwad,
and Allison W. Xu appeared on pages 11972–11985 of the July 17, 2013 issue. A retraction
for this article appears on page 13865.
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