Neurodynamics of Decision Making – a Computational Approach Hans Liljenströmab and Azadeh Hassanejad Nazira a Div of Biometry and Systems Analysis, ET, SLU P.O. Box 7032, SE-75007 Uppsala, Sweden b Agora for Biosystems P.O. Box 57 SE-19322 Sigtuna,Sweden Abstract Decision making is a complex process, that normally seems to involve several brain structures. In particular, amygdala, orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC) seem to be essential in human decision making, where both emotional and cognitive aspects are taken into consideration. In this paper, we present a stochastic population model representing the neural information processing of decision making, from perception to behavioral activity. We model the population dynamics of the three neural structures significant in the decision making process (amygdala, OFC and LPFC), as well as their interaction. In our model, amygdala and OFC represent the neural correlates of secondary emotion, while the activity of OFC neural populations represents the outcome expectancy of alternatives, and the cognitive aspect of decision making is controlled by LPFC. The results may have implications for how we make decisions for our individual actions, as well as for societal choices, where we take examples from transport and its impact on climate change. Keywords: Decision making, emotion-cognition, neural network model, amygdala, prefrontal cortex 1. Introduction Our actions are to a large extent a result of decision making, which can be categorized into three phases: 1) Prevailing alternatives concerning the internal and external states are emotionally evaluated and prioritized, 2) a cognitive assessment of the options and the selection of actions, depending on needs (Damasio, 1996). 3) the execution of an action, and evaluation of the resulting effect, which allows for a comparison between actual and expected value. Based on the “prediction error”, the assigned values to the choices in the first step are revisited and learnt, possibly resulting in a change of mind. (Gold & Shadlen, 2007; Doya, 2008; Bedia et al., 2012). The decision making (DM) process may not be as rational as often believed, which has been demonstrated by Kahneman and colleagues (Kahneman & Tversky, 1979, Kahneman, 2011). According to their hypothesis, decision making is the result of an interplay between an intuitive/emotional and a rational/cognitive system, represented as System 1 and System 2, respectively. This dual process model posits the integration of a “bottom-up”, intuitive, fast, implicit, emotional system (1) and a “top-down”, deliberative, slow, explicit, cognitive system (2). Amygdala, as a part of the limbic system, has since long been associated with emotional processing, 1 related to sensory perception and learning, linking the stimulus provoking emotional response and its emotional value (Whalen & Phelps, 2009). The functionality of the amygdala is realized through its connection to the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), which receives extensive neural afferents from different sensory modalities. The bidirectional connections between these two structures are supposedly embodied in an affective decision making process, where the perception and evaluation of environmental stimuli constitute the first phase. (Roesch & Schoenbaum, 2006). In the second phase, the emotionally assessed stimuli in the amygdala-OFC pathway would be monitored cognitively and a final decision would be taken. Lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC) mainly participates in the cognitive evaluation of stimuli. In contrast to OFC, which pursues short term rewards, LPFC primarily values future rewards. LPFC contributes to the prediction of the expected cognitive optional values. The resultant value of emotional and cognitive evaluations guides the action selection. (Gray et al, 2002; Krawczyk, 2002). The outcome of the second phase is followed by the execution of an action. The actual value of the selected action is evaluated and compared with the expected one by OFC and LPFC. The computed prediction error provides the basis for learning. Through a recurrent pathway from LPFC to OFC a feedback signal is transmitted and the actual value of the performed action is maintained in OFC. Learning occurs in OFC by changing the neural firing frequencies, depending on the prediction error. The learning of new cue-outcome association and formation of adaptive behavior is also supported by OFC. The interconnection between amygdala and OFC associates the cue to its actual value and to generate the outcome expectancy signal inducing the behavioral change. (Anderson & Matessa, 1997; Dixon & Christoff, 2014). These systems may correspond to “fast and slow thinking”, respectively (D. Kahneman). The corresponding stuctures, as well as the connections between them and other brain areas are illustrated in Fig. 1. Integration of emotional and rational values in LPFC leads to the selection of one of several possible and available options. The output is transmitted to motor cortex so as to execute an action. Fig 1. The figure represents the interactivities of different of five neural structures in the decision making process. Amygdala and Orbitofrontal Cortex (OFC) are considered as the main organizations in emotional decision making and Lateral Prefrontal Cortex (LPFC) play crucial role in rational analysis. The inputs comes from all sensory modalities and the taken action is executed through the connectivity of LPFC and motor cortex. The flexibility of this process depends on the real value of the executed action computed by VentroMedial Prefrontal Cortex (VMPC) and transmitted to LPFC and OFC to update the stored rational and emotional attitudes toward the chosen alternative. 2 2. Model description As was outlined in the previous section, several key mental processes are involved when making a decision. The proposed model attempts to present an adaptive DM under varying internal and external contexts. Experimental results indicate the involvement of different neural sections in decision making process, but to simplify the model, we focus our attention on three crucial neural structures: Amygdala, orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC). The model encompasses an input-procedure-action-feedback process. This flexible process can be followed in both the emotional and rational/cognitive systems. The salient features of two systems, System 1 and 2, are illustrated in our model. The decision making process is modeled at a mesoscopic level of cortical neurodynamics. The structures and dynamics of the three brain areas are modelled with attractor neural networks (see below). Oscillatory rhythms encode information related to perception, cognition and emotional associations, and are the result of interactions between excitatory and inhibitory neural populations. The network activity can be envisioned as local field potentials (LFP) or electroencephalogram (EEG) readouts. Our model is based on a previous developed cortical neural network model (Liljenström, 1991), which has been extended and modified to mimic the structures of the amygdala, OFC and LPFC, respectively. The general structures of these three systems and their interconnections are shown in Fig 1. whereas their schematic network structure is given in Fig. 2. Fig. 2. This figure represents three neural structures. The upper and lower networks are composed of 25 inhibitory neurons and the network in the middle is composed of 100 excitatory neurons. The external inputs stimulate (subset of) excitatory neural network. The stimulation of excitatory neurons is the start of activity of the system. Stimulated excitatory neurons excite inhibitory neurons which result in the excitation-inhibition balance. The excitatory sub-layer of each model structure consists of a network of 100 neural units (populations), while each of the two inhibitory networks is composed of 25 inhibitory units. The excitatory network nodes are connected recurrently, while there is no internal connection among inhibitory network nodes. An excitatory-inhibitory balance results from the bidirectional connectivity of excitatory units with the two inhibitory networks on either side. 3 The function of the three neural structures requires the formation and update of cell assemblies. In our model, some specific parameters affect the oscillatory activities of the cell assemblies. A cell assembly, is expressed as synchronized network oscillation, s, is the representation of stored experiences, attitudes and associated feelings towards the consequence of choosing any of the present options (alternatives) as the ultimate decision. A decision in each of the emotional and rational system separately is based on the “winning” response activity. The competition between the stored pattern toward the cue can be determined with the help of cosine similarity of the frequency vectors f. The highest value of V will win the competition, and result in a decision to choose that option. Vopt = |s| × f × A The ultimate decision is the resultant of the emotional and rational decisions. The integration of emotion and cognition can be computed by adding the emotional and cognitive values, while considering the dominance of each structure over the other. 3. Simulation Example and Results In this model, some parameters are determined by a person’s attitudes and priorities. Cell assemblies in Amygdala, OFC and LPFC represent the feeling, expectancy value and rules for the outcome of a decision. According to the three pillars of sustainable development, the rational and emotional attitudes considered are: 1) Ecology (eco), 2) Social (soc), and 3) Economic (mon). The choice depends on various external (weather, costs, traffic etc) and internal (mood, motivation, attitude etc) factors. Hence, we suggest there are three options to choose between: car (C), bike (B), and train (T), which all are considered to be available, albeit with different levels of convenience. The value equation can be reformulated based on the scenario: V (C) = Peco × U(eco) + Peco × U(soc)+ Pmon × U(mon) = Veco + Vsoc + Vmon (12) In this example we assume that the decision maker is pro-environment with his emotional and rational priorities in transportation. Emotional priorities: C > B > T ; Rational priorities : B > T > C In the absence of external/internal context, the priority should be followed and the option with the highest priority should be chosen in each system. In this case, emotionally, C is the best choice while rationally B is preferred. In this case the cell assemblies that determine the association between the options and feelings and the consequence of taking an option are stimulated with external and internal stimuli. In the program the frequencies are just random number generated in the gamma range [30Hz, 80Hz]. As is illustrated in below, the randomly generated frequencies of emotional memory and rational memory are values in gamma range but different values. The difference between these frequencies are due to different external stimuli stimulate these two systems. 4 Fig. 5 The oscillatory activity of neurons representing the association between the car as an option with highest priority and emotion. In the upper picture, the red oscillations represent the mean membrane potential of the stimulated neurons and the blue ones are non-stimulated neurons. In the lower picture, the red and green oscillations show the mean membrane potential of the inhibitory networks and blue one indicate the oscillation of all excitatory neurons. Fig. The oscillatory activity of assemblies in emotional and rational systems representing the significance of car as one of the options during decision making process. As is illustrated the first 3 seconds is the length of emotional processing and remained 7 seconds the option is analysed rationally. The higher frequency of neurons during emotional processing and low frequency during rational processing indicate the high emotional priority and low rational priority of car. 5 5. Discussion In this paper we have modelled a major part of the neural system involved in decision making, including the amygdala, the orbitofrontal cortex and the lateral prefrontal cortex. These systems also represent emotional, as well as cognitive aspects of the decision making. With our model we have demonstrated how different cell assemblies, representing different optional choices available to the individual, may compete with respect to level of activity. This level was suggested to be a combined measure of the size of the cell assembly (number of neural populations), and the frequency and amplitude of the oscillatory activity of the neural populations. The winning assembly was simply the one with the largest neural activity, measured as the product of the three assembly characteristics (number, frequency, amplitude). The different options get different values, depending on internal as well as external factors. Internal factors could be attitudes, values, mood etc, while the external factors include weather, availability, distance etc, but also influence of other individuals in a social context. In fact, context could be considered the combined internal and external context, while a signal could also be either internal or external. A signal is typical specific, having a specific information content, that usually is transmitted to the decision making systems via our sensory systems, or via other brain areas. Hence, for any particular input signal, the final decision made by an individual could shift depending on internal and external context. The experience of our decisions/choices are also learnt and may influence future decisions. For example, if we have decided to take the bus instead of our car one morning, and the bus is delayed or maybe even does not show up, this experience will affect our willingness to take the bus the next day. Similarly, if there I end up in traffic jams almost every morning taking my car, I (eventually) may decide to try another means of transport. In addition to these contextual influences, our neighbors in our social networks also influence our decisions, depending on the psycho-social distance (trust). This influence may either be informational, through direct communication, or by adopting the trusted ones’ decisions/behaviour. Understanding the decision making process of an individual may be helpful not only to that individual, but also to those interacting with that individual, as well as to policy makers and businesses who want to influence our behavior in various ways. Apparently, our decisions are based on biological (genetic, neural, physiological) factors, but also to social and environmental factors, that constitute a complex web of causation, making it hard or even impossible to predict an action or the behaviour for any given individual. Yet, taken en masse, the behaviour of hundreds or thousands of individuals may be more or less predictable, and to some extent controllable, depending on our knowledge of internal as well as external signals and contexts. This knowledge can be used (and misused) for such things as spreading of information, nudging, advertisement etc. There are of course many simplifications and assumptions made in our modeling that could be discussed and re-examined, and which may be crucial for the behaviour of our model system. For example, experiments on OFC-lesioned animals indicate the incapability of those animals in devaluation of the reward (Winstanley et al., 2004). Intact OFC is devaluating the reward regarding the time of delivery. Large delayed reward has a lower value, comparing to small short term reward. This can be presented with the help of a hyperbolic discounting function. This function models the exponential reduction of rewards in terms of time. Acknowledgements We are grateful for generous grants from the EC-FP7 for COMPLEX, Grant 308601, and from the John F. Templeton Foundation, Grant 39987. 6 References Anderson, J.R. Matessa, M. (1997) A production system theory of serial memory. 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