4/22/2015 Nonpoint Source Pollution Assessment: Framework, Vulnerability Analysis, and Modeling Thomas Harter Outline • Driver: regulatory framework • Understanding nonpoint source transport dynamics (v. point sources) • Vulnerability assessment • • • Dubrovsky et al., USGS, 2010 Dubrovsky et al., USGS, 2010 Nitrate: Impacted regions within the Central Valley Scoring methods Statistical methods Modeling All Water Systems red dots: wells above MCL for nitrate CVSALTS, Tasks 7 and 8 – Salt and Nitrate Analysis for the Central Valley Floor Final Report, December 2013 Figure 7-14 Estimated locations of the area’s roughly 400 regulated community public and state-documented state small water systems and of 74,000 unregulated self-supplied water systems. Source: Honeycutt et al. 2012; CDPH PICME 2010. 1 4/22/2015 Regulating Water Pollution Sources Regulating Water Pollution Sources Point Sources of Pollution Point Sources of Pollution 1970s ‐ now Clean Water Act: NPDES Permits Surface Water Quality 1970s ‐ now Clean Water Act: NPDES Permits Ground Water Quality Surface Water Quality Ground Water Quality 2000s ‐ now Clean Water Act: TMDL Nonpoint Sources of Pollution Nonpoint Sources of Pollution RCRA Groundwater Monitoring Regulating Water Pollution Sources Point Sources of Pollution • Affected parties: o TSDFs (transport, storage, and disposal facilities) o MSWFs (municipal solid waste landfills) • 1970s ‐ now Clean Water Act: NPDES Permits Surface Water Quality 1980s ‐ now Superfund, TSCA, RCRA, FIFRA Ground Water Quality 2000s ‐ now Clean Water Act: TMDL Nonpoint Sources of Pollution Regulatory Approaches to Groundwater Protection and Monitoring Modified from: EOS, Transactions, AGU 2001 • • Detection monitoring o 1 or more monitoring wells upgradient o 3 or more monitoring wells downgradient o Objective: SSI (statistically significant increase)? Compliance monitoring / Assessment monitoring o • Permitted facilities vs. Interim facilities (existed prior to RCRA rules) Objective: groundwater protection standards exceeded? Corrective Action o Treatment o Cleanup o Cease and desist o …. http://www.epa.gov/osw/hazard/tsd/td/ldu/financial/gdwater.htm http://www.epa.gov/solidwaste/nonhaz/municipal/landfill/financial/gdwmswl.htm Regulatory Approaches to Groundwater Monitoring from: Parker, Beth L., Cherry, John A. & Swanson, Benjamin J., 2006. A Multilevel System for HighResolution Monitoring in Rotasonic Boreholes. Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation 26 (4), 57-73. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-6592.2006.00107 from: http://www.ems-i.com 2 4/22/2015 Regulating Water Pollution Sources Monitoring w/ Monitoring Wells Point Sources of Pollution 1970s ‐ now Clean Water Act: NPDES Permits 1980s ‐ now Superfund, TSCA, RCRA, FIFRA Surface Water Quality Ground Water Quality 2000s ‐ now Clean Water Act: TMDL ??? Nonpoint Sources of Pollution Farm Contaminant Sources: Regional Scale • Modified from: EOS, Transactions, AGU 2001 Farm Contaminant Sources: Farm Scale • Source of N (2007) in CA: o o o o o Dairy Farm Contaminant Sources: Management Units Sources of N: o Fertilizer use (varies with farm / farming practices) 740,000 tons Animal Manure 240,000 tons Septic leach fields 27,000 tons Irrigation water source & mgmt. Treated municipal effluent 31,000 tons o o o o o o Feedlot Lagoon Storage areas Manured fields Fertilized fields Various crops Septic system Farm Sources: Field Scale 3 4/22/2015 Why is Nonpoint Source Pollution Different from Point Source Pollution of Groundwater? • Scale o • CHALLENGE 1: there is ALWAYS recharge in agriculture, EVERYWHERE Non-recharging source, incidental release Millions of acres vs. 1‐10 acres Intensity o Within ~1 order magnitude above MCL vs. many orders of magnitude r=0 Target: UST q above MCL • o • Recharge vs. non‐leaky r Frequency o • Recharging source: planned/frequent release Hydrologic Function Target: Agriculture/ Land Application Ongoing/seasonally repeated vs. incidental Heterogeneity & Adjacency q Source Area of a Monitoring Well Source Area of a Monitoring Well in a Recharge Area r d Slope of the water table: i q s Monitored source length, s = d * q/r Horizontal flow: q = K * i (Darcy’s law) Vertical flow: r (recharge) Aquifer hydraulic conductivity: K source area Source Area of a Monitoring Well in a Recharge Area Horizontal flow: q = K * i (Darcy’s law) Monitoring Design for Varying Water Table Depth gw flow Vertical flow: r (recharge) (a) water level high source area Monitored source length, s = d * q/r • • • • Recharge rate, r: 1 ft/yr = 0.003 ft/d Horizontal gradient, i: 0.3% = 0.003 Length of screen below water table, d: 20 ft K (ft/d) ‐ 1 10 20 50 100 500 q (ft/d) ‐ 0.003 0.03 0.06 0.15 0.3 1.5 (b) water level intermediate s (ft) source area 20 200 400 1,000 2,000 10,000 (c) water level deep 4 4/22/2015 CHALLENGE: There is NO floating product – redefine “First Encountered Groundwater” MW Well Design: Varying Water Table in Heterogeneous Aquifer monitored source area monitored source area (a few feet long) regional gw flow regional gw flow (a) Screen (length ~ 20’) located at water table, but not intersecting sand layer (a) Screen (length ~ 20’) located at water table, but not intersecting sand layer monitored source area (several hundred feet long) monitored source area sand sand sand sand regional gw flow regional gw flow loamy clay sand (b) Screen (length ~ 20’) located in sand layer regional gw flow regional gw flow loamy clay sand (b) Screen (length ~ 20’) located in sand layer CHALLENGE: There is NO PLUME to chase – nitrate, nitrate everywhere, all the time!...... • Regional variations in landuse / hydrogeology • Farm‐to‐farm differences in management • 1 Farm = Many Sources (Management Units) • Within‐source/field variability (soil, irrigation) 5 4/22/2015 Farm Groundwater Monitoring: Tile Drain Monitoring V18 V25 V4 Average N of monitoring wells on dairies withAverage tile drains N of two tile drains V24 100 100 V21 V2 V5 V20 V14 Source Area of a Barn / Irrigation Well 90 Mean Mean V8 90 V17 V7 V16 80 80 V10 V1 V15 total N [mg/l] V6 W23 W19 W18 W17 W22 Wells V22 70V19 W9 60W3 W15 50 W14 W11 total N [mg/l] V13 W8 W10 W1 W4 W2 W16 40 70 V9 W31 60 Drains W29 W5 50 W28 W30 W6 40 W12 30 20 20 W27 Nov-1995 Feb-1996 May-1996 Jul-1996 Sep-1996 Jan-1997 Apr-1997 Jul-1997 Oct-1997 Jan-1998 Feb-1998 Nov-1995 May-1998 Feb-1996 Jun-1998 May-1996 Aug-1998 Jul-1996 Nov-1998 Sep-1996 Feb-1999 Jan-1997 Apr-1999 Apr-1997 Jun-1999 Jul-1997 Sep-1999 Oct-1997 Dec-1999 Jan-1998 Apr-2000 Feb-1998 Jul-2000 May-1998 Oct-2000 Jun-1998 Jan-2001 Aug-1998 Apr-2001 Nov-1998 Jul-2001 Feb-1999 Oct-2001 Apr-1999 Jan-2002 Jun-1999 Apr-2002 Sep-1999 Jul-2002 Dec-1999 Sep-2002 Apr-2000 Jan-2003 Jul-2000 Apr-2003 Oct-2000 Jan-2001 Apr-2001 Jul-2001 Oct-2001 Jan-2002 Apr-2002 Jul-2002 Sep-2002 Jan-2003 Apr-2003 W7 30 sampling date sampling date Domestic Well Monitoring Production Well Monitoring source area source area recharge domestic well regional gradient effective gw flow direction Source Area of a Barn / Irrigation Well recharge barn well / irrigation well regional gradient effective gw flow direction Source Area of a Barn / Irrigation Well Crosssection 2 miles x 200 ft • • • Planview Water flow is horizontal & vertical Horizontal travel distances are generally MUCH longer than travel vertical distances Different depths of the well screen capture different water! • • • Water flow is horizontal & vertical Horizontal travel distances are generally MUCH longer than travel vertical distances Different depths of the well screen capture different water! 2 miles x 2 miles 6 4/22/2015 Source Area of a Barn / Irrigation Well Source Area of a Barn / Irrigation Well • • • Water flow is horizontal & vertical Horizontal travel distances are generally MUCH longer than travel vertical distances Different depths of the well screen capture different water! Deeper Groundwater = Older Groundwater Future Impacts Likely Increase: Delay of Impact due to GW Age Groundwater Age [Years] at 30 m (top), 100 m (bottom) Age at 100 ft (30 m) depth Age at 300 ft (100 m) depth Recharge Rate (color map) & Reverse Particle Paths from 100m wellpoints Harter et al., 2009 Measured Groundwater Age in Multilevel Groundwater Wells Regulating Water Pollution Sources Tritium/Helium‐3 Groundwater Age (2‐20 yrs) The Dairy DTW: 80-120 ft bgs Wells: multi-level Point Sources of Pollution 1970s ‐ now Clean Water Act: NPDES Permits 6 6B: <2 yr Surface Water Quality 5 4 4: 4-20 yr N Observations Young groundwater present Age increases with depth in both multi-level wells & across the site No significant saturated-zone denitrification in monitor wells 7 2B: 5 yr 1B: 2 yr 3 3B: 20 yr 1980s ‐ now Superfund, TSCA, RCRA, FIFRA Ground Water Quality 2000s ‐ now Clean Water Act: TMDL 2 1 one-half mile Courtesy, Brad Esser & Jean Moran, LLNL, 2009 Nonpoint Sources of Pollution 7 4/22/2015 Focus: Enforcement Monitoring Example of Working with a Regulation: Speed Limit Responsible Party: Driver Feedback: Speedometer Management Tool: Brakes Focus: Enforcement Monitoring Focus: Enforcement Monitoring Applying Point Source Approach to Nonpoint Source: Responsible Party: Landowner Enforcement: Radar Controls Alternative Monitoring Approach to Nonpoint Source: Responsible Party: Landowner Feedback: missing Management Tool: $$$ “agronomic” Enforcement: Monitoring Wells Regulating Water Pollution Sources Enforcement: Annual Nitrogen Budget + Management Practice Assessment + Management Tool: Regional Trend Monitoring Water and Nutrient Management Feedback: Nutrient/Water Monitoring & Assessment Source Area of a Barn / Irrigation Well Point Sources of Pollution 1970s ‐ now Clean Water Act: NPDES Permits Surface Water Quality 2000s ‐ now Clean Water Act: TMDL 1980s ‐ now Superfund, TSCA, RCRA, FIFRA Ground Water Quality 1980s – now CA pesticide contamination prevention act 2010s ‐ future CA Porter‐Cologne: Dairy Order ILRP/Ag Orders CV‐SALTS Nonpoint Sources of Pollution 8 4/22/2015 Assessment: Field Trials & Modeling Transport and Fate of Nitrate and Salts => improved management practices Average shallow groundwater nitrate-N [mg/l] lbs N per acre 1401200 Alternative Monitoring Approach to Nonpoint Source: Groundwater Assessment / Vulnerability Analysis => prioritize planning/enforcement Measured 106 mg/l NO3-N fertilizer N (commercial) 120 Modeled org-N (manure) 1000 Responsible Party: Landowner NH4-N (manure) 100 N surplus Plant N uptake 800 80 43 mg/l 60600 40 Focus: Enforcement Monitoring Enforcement: Annual Nitrogen Budget + Management Practice Assessment + Management Tool: Regional Trend Monitoring Water and Nutrient Management Feedback: Nutrient/Water Monitoring & Assessment 10 mg/l 400 20 200 5/1/00 1999 2000 10/31/00 5/2/99 1998 11/1/99 5/2/98 1997 10/31/98 5/1/97 1996 10/31/97 5/1/96 1995 10/30/96 5/1/95 1994 10/31/95 5/1/94 1993 10/31/94 5/1/93 0 10/30/93 0 Crop YearDate Sampling VanderSchans et al., Ground Water, 2009 for further publications: http://groundwater.ucdavis.edu/gw_201.htm Vulnerability Analysis: Overview Vulnerability Analysis: Some Modeling Examples Another Vulnerability Scheme: Nitrate Hazard Index Nitrate Contamination Study Area Based on: Soil Crop Irrigation Dzurella, Pettygrove et al., Journal Soil Water Conservvation, 2015 9 4/22/2015 Explaining the Mass Balance Approach to Estimate N Leaching to Groundwater Explaining the Mass Balance Approach to Estimate N Leaching to Groundwater After setting “storage change in N” to zero and rearranging the mass balance equation, we obtain the following formula to estimate N leaching to groundwater: Mass balance requires that: Synthetic fertilizer N + Wastewater effluent N + Biosolids N + Dairy manure N + Atmospheric deposition N + Irrigation water N + = Atmospheric losses N + Harvested N + Surface runoff N + Leaching N to groundwater + Storage Change in N in root zone = - Scale: 50 m + Atmospheric losses N + Harvested N + Surface runoff N 50 m (1 acre) scale ● 0.9 + + + Leaching N to groundwater Synthetic fertilizer N + Wastewater effluent N + Biosolids N + Dairy manure N + Atmospheric deposition N + Irrigation water N + = study area scale tons N/yr 440,000 Cropland Area Cropland Area (without Alfalfa) Total Nitrogen Inputs: Previous Slide: spatial resolution ‐ 50 m x 50 m (~1 acre) 420,000 tons N/yr Below: spatial resolution ‐ study area total Irrigation water Atmosphere 4M ac Synthetic Fertilizer 330,000 3M ac 220,000 2M ac 110,000 1M ac Scale: Study Area Atmosphere Runoff Leaching to Groundwater Biosolids Effluent Poultry, Swine 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Dairy Manure Harvest Total Nitrogen Outputs: 420,000 tons N/yr18 10 4/22/2015 Role of thick unsaturated soils/sediments in nonpoint source transport & travel time Alluvial Fan Stratigraphy Modeling Approach Results (Velocity) • Model 2 “Heterogeneous ‐ SF” – Given the information for the spatial correlation structure of the scaling factors, a value of scaling factor at each grid is generated Homogeneous Hetero - SF Hetero - VG 11 4/22/2015 Nitrate in a 16 m thick alluvial unsaturated zone Fresno, California Results (Conc.) Homogeneous Hetero - VG Hetero - SF Vadose Zone Residence Time of Nitrate Results (High subplot in kg N) Homogeneous Hetero - SF Hetero - VG Input N 2400 2400 2400 Root Uptake 835 838 827 Leaching to GW 956 839 916 Stored in RZ 93 95 89 Stored in Deep VZ 515 565 543 • • • Depth to the water table + Cropland water budgets (deep percolation) + Soil type d Measured N = 87 Kg/ha Predicted N (MB) = 478 kg/ha Vadose Zone Travel Time Vadose Zone Travel Time 12 4/22/2015 Nonpoint Source Groundwater Modeling: Key Challenge (why MODPATH is not enough) High Resolution Flow Field spatially distributed sinks: wells spatio‐temporally distributed sources: loading to water table adaptive mesh grid refinement Kourakos et al., Water Resour. Res, 2012 Kourakos and Harter, Env. Simulation, 2014 Kourakos and Harter, Comp. Geosciences, 2014 Adaptive Mesh Refinement Finite Element Grid Kourakos et al., Water Resour. Res, 2012 Kourakos and Harter, Env. Simulation, 2014 Kourakos and Harter, Comp. Geosciences, 2014 Water Table Distribution Kourakos et al., Water Resour. Res, 2012 Kourakos and Harter, Env. Simulation, 2014 Kourakos and Harter, Comp. Geosciences, 2014 Kourakos and Harter, 2012, 2014, 2014 13 4/22/2015 Streamlines: Coarse vs. Fine Discretization FINE “NPS Assessment Tool” COARSE Kourakos et al., WRR, 2012 “mSim” NPS Assessment Tool Unit Response Functions: Examples Adaptive Mesh Refinement (DEAL.II) TRILINOS Matlab code available at: http://groundwater.ucdavis.edu/mSim (to be updated soon with adaptive mesh refinement code) Kourakos et al., Water Resour. Res, 2012 Kourakos and Harter, Env. Simulation, 2014 Kourakos and Harter, Comp. Geosciences, 2014 Source Loading + Transfer Function to Wells = Simulated Nitrate Concentration History Validation spatially distributed sinks: wells spatio‐temporally distributed sources: loading to water table 14 4/22/2015 Deep Percolation of Salinity Predictions Using Groundwater Nitrate Loading Exceedance Probability, Nitrate above 45 mg/L (MCL) Eastern Tulare Lake Basin A’San Joanquin river Alluvial Fan Boundary A N Hydrogeologic cross section of study area [Belitz and Phillips,1995] Location of study area. Zhang, 2005; Zhang, Harter, and Sivakumar, WRR 2006 Zhang, 2005; Zhang, Harter, and Sivakumar, WRR 2006 3 1 5 2 1—upper fan 2—inter-fan 3—distal fan II 4—distal fan I 5—Sierran Sand 4 Multi-unit division of the study area. Zhang, 2005; Zhang, Harter, and Sivakumar, WRR 2006 Zhang, 2005; Zhang, Harter, and Sivakumar, WRR 2006 15 4/22/2015 Upper fan realization. 1.5 cumulative distribution curve 1.5 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 averaged breakthrough curve of wells in upfan mean+1.96stdev -0.5 0 mean-1.96stdev -0.5 -1 0 500 1000 1500 averaged breakthrough curve of wells in interfan mean+1.96stdev 2000 mean-1.96stdev -1 time 0 1.5 1.5 1 1 500 1000 1500 2000 Zhang, 2005; Zhang, Harter, and Sivakumar, WRR 2006 arrival time of first 10% mass Zhang, 2005; Zhang, Harter, and Sivakumar, WRR 2006 500 400 upfan 300 inter-fan distal fan I 200 distal fan II Sierra Sand 100 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 depth of top screen 0.5 averaged breakthrough curve of wells in distal fan I mean+1.96stdev 0 mean-1.96stdev mean-1.96stdev -0.5 -0.5 0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 1.5 1 0.5 averaged breakthrough curve of wells in Sierra Sand mean+1.96stdev 0 arrival time of first 10% mass 0.5 averaged breakthrough curve of wells in distal fan I mean+1.96stdev 0 500 400 upfan 300 inter-fan distal fan I 200 distal fan II Sierra Sand 100 0 0 mean-1.96stdev 30 60 90 120 length of well screen -0.5 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Zhang, 2005; Zhang, Harter, and Sivakumar, WRR 2006 Breakthrough curves of salinity: probability of arrival Microbial nonpoint source pollution Zhang, 2005; Zhang, Harter, and Sivakumar, WRR 2006 16 4/22/2015 Fallow Field During Pre‐Irrigation with Manure Downgradient monitoring well Groundwater flow direction Upgradient monitoring well Fallow Field During Pre‐Irrigation with Manure Conceptual Model Transport Equation Downgradient monitoring well Dispersion Advection (Flow) Groundwater flow direction Filtration Upgradient monitoring well Modeling Source Loading Modeling Source Loading HETEROGENOUS: POISSON (High Intensity) HOMOGENEOUS HETEROGENOUS: POISSON (Intermediate Intensity) HETEROGENOUS: GAUSSIAN HETEROGENOUS: POISSON (Low Intensity) 17 4/22/2015 Principle of Poisson Loading • Defined by 4 simple Poisson distributed parameters • High, intermediate and low density considered (10 realizations each). • Poisson loading consistent with zones of preferential infiltration, or multiple distributed point sources Heterogeneous Aquifer Model Parameter Description Λc Expected number of Clusters Expected number of pulses per cluster Expected radius of pulse from cluster centre (m) Radius of a pulse (m) Mean spatial coverage (%) γn ρr φr Poisson Pulse Density High InterLow mediate 50 25 10 10 5 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 53 22 4 Facies‐Specific Parameters Facies Volumetric Proportion (%) 1 of 10 random realizations Heterogeneous Aquifer Model Gravel Coarse Sand Medium Sand Sandy Loam Clay 21 17 31 26 5 Mean Length (m) 2.56 1.7 Background 2.47 1.69 Hydraulic Conductivity (m/day) 100 50 10 1 0.001 Collector diameter (mm) 10 1.0 0.3 0.03 3.3 x 10-4 Enterococcus Escherichia Coli 1.01 5.98 0.85 3.70 1.80 5.89 14.01 25.44 716.4 1.36 x 104 Salmonella Campylobacter 4.38 3.99 2.75 2.66 4.44 4.58 20.38 24.93 1.23 x 104 1.46 x 104 One of 14,040 hypothetical monitoring well locations within this modeling domain (excluding areas near the simulation domain boundary). Collector Efficiency ηc* Collision Efficiency αc 4.5 x 10-5 1x 10-4 1x 10-3 5x 10-3 0.5 Filtration Coefficient λ* (m-1) Enterococcus 4.75 x 10- 8.93 x 10-2 6.31 2453 1.02 x 1010 0.39 20.63 4452 2.13 x 1010 0.29 15.56 3566 1.93 x 1010 0.28 16.05 4363 2.29 x 1010 3 Escherichia Coli 2.83 x 102 Salmonella 2.07 x 102 Campylobacter 1.88 x 10- 1 of 10 random realizations 2 Homogeneous Aquifer Probability of Prevalence in Time Heterogeneous Aquifer Loading: Homogeneous High loading rate Heterogeneous Aquifer Medium loading rate Low loading rate Homogeneous Aquifer 18 4/22/2015 Probability of Prevalence in Time Probability of Prevalence in Time Loading: Gaussian Loading: Poisson - high intensity Heterogeneous Aquifer Heterogeneous Aquifer Homogeneous Aquifer Homogeneous Aquifer Probability of Prevalence in Time Generation of additional transport “modes” owing to downgradient transport and secondary loading for a spatially discontinuous source. For repeated loading, observed concentration at any point is a function of the aquifer transport properties and loading density Loading: Poisson - high intensity Heterogeneous Aquifer Homogeneous Aquifer Probability of Prevalence in Time Homogeneous Aquifer Probability of Prevalence in Time Loading: Poisson - intermediate intensity Loading: Poisson - low intensity Heterogeneous Aquifer Heterogeneous Aquifer Homogeneous Aquifer 19 4/22/2015 Conclusions • fine grained alluvial aquifers: strong attenuation of fecal microorganism, disease outbreaks events most likely occur from loading immediately adjacent to wells / faulty well construction • High permable/low attenuation strata: large transport distances of fecal microorganisms • Poisson pulse source term - consistent with sporadic observations of fecal microorganisms in groundwater, even adjacent to persistent sources of contamination • Further research: spatial variation in fecal sources; remobilization of microbes at field/farm scale => better risk model parametrization • Additional processes: vadose zone, non-ideal behavior http://www.whymap.org/ 20
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