Service Leaflet - Grovehill Church of the Resurrection

Theme Prayer for Palm Sunday
True and humble King,
hailed by the crowd as Messiah:
grant us the faith to know you and love you,
that we may be found beside you
on the way to the cross,
which is the path of Glory.
Suggestions for Prayer and Thanksgiving
Pray for the persecuted church remembering Christians especially in the Sudan, Mali, Kenya, across North Africa, Nigeria, Northern India, Paki-­
stan and the Philippines.
We pray for a peaceful resolution for the escalating tensions in Iraq and pray for wisdom for the leaders. We pray for the crisis situation in the Gaza strip and pray for peace.
Church We pray for St. Alban’s Church, Parish of Warners End & Gadebridge. We pray for the building project soon to begin & for Stephen Crawley the surveyor (from St. Mary’s Old Town). We pray as they seek to reach out to their parish and community in the years ahead We give thanks for the children’s work. Please pray for all those involved especially for Ann, Hilary, Barbara & Jo. We pray for their home groups, members and leaders
We pray for Revd Pete Stevenson, and for the churchwardens – Sue Pullen and Beryl Vickery. Community
We pray for all in Chenies Court in Woodhall Farm and Crackley Meadow in Grovehill
We pray this week particularly for everyone preparing for Holy Week and Easter
We pray for the building of God’s Kingdom in love and wholeness.
We pray for all those who have recently lost loved ones.
Pray for healing and wholeness for all who suffer in body, mind or spirit.
We pray for all those supporting and caring for those who are in need.
We pray for Clare with back problems. We pray for John Saunders.
We pray for the Catholic congregation at Grovehill and their leaders
Parish of Grovehill& Woodhall Farm
Anglican / Freechurch
A partner within the
Hemel Hempstead Team
A Shared Church Welcome to All
Palm Sunday - 29th March
Special Communion with the children
Reading - The Passion Narrative
This Week Mon 30th 9am
Morning Prayer 1.30pm Sticky Fingers—Toddler Church 8pm Reflection with Compline Tue 31st 9am
Morning Prayer
Wed 1st Apr 9am
Morning Prayer
Ladies’ Bible Study Lunch
7pm Evening Prayer in the Chapel Thurs 2nd 4.15pm
Good News Club
7pm Iona Communion in the Hall with a simple meal, 9.30pm Catholic vigil in Chapel (we are invited to join) Good Friday 9am
Morning Prayer
10.45am March of Witness from Civic Centre. 1.30pm
Service at Grovehill Church Sat 4th 10.30am Making the Easter Garden in the hall Next Sunday 5th April - EASTER DAY
Easter Day 8am 11am chocolate hunt 3.30pm
Communion in Chapel Sunday Special for Easter Day – with Causeway Easter Celebration
Please note….
To continue our mission to make our Church all inclusive we now provide
Gluten free wafers for those with Gluten intolerance. Please let us know if you need them. Team Vicar: The Revd Austin Janes
(t) 01442 270585 (e)
Wardens: Derek Baulch: tel: 01442 266651, Helen Denmead: tel: 01442 249148
Sally Anderson:
Sat18 AprSat 9th MaySat 20th June-
7pm Beetle Drive £3 Social Meal in aid of DENS
1pm in Church Hall
Alban Pilgrimage Day
11.00am Parade
12.00 Service
details tbc
The CATHLEP DENS Project is to replace the Montego Bay Project to support DENS. If you want to be part of a planning team, please speak to Austin or Derek
Take your bucket and spade.
Folks, it’s the time of year when we think about summer holidays again, and if you book your holidays online, why not login via the Easyfundraising website? When you do , your fa-­
vourite travel agent will make a donation to this church. Please ask Bob for details how to do this if you’re interested.
Don’t forget your bucket and spade!
Holy Week and Easter Service card. For a list of services and events to attend including Night Prayer and Film Showing - please take a special card. Take them for friends and neighbours and spread the word.
Get ready for a MESSY EASTER!
Monday 13th April at 1.30 pm.
Planning has started, so get your bunny ears on, but think about the REAL meaning of Easter!
Churches Together in Hemel are providing a Gen-­
eral Election Hustings at South Hill Centre on Tuesday April 14th .
Doors open 7 pm for a 7.45 pm start. More details near-­
er the time. We
anticipate 5 candidates in attendance. Prayer and Meditation at Grovehill Church.
For 8 weeks after Easter beginning the 15th April at 7pm (ARRIVE 6.50), we will be learning to be quiet in the presence of God. See the leaflets for more information or speak to Austin
The Alban Pilgrimage
On Saturday 20th June 2015 we welcome two significant church leaders at the Alban Pilgrimage: the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Reverend Justin Welby will attend and preach at theEucharist, and the Archbishop of Rouen, Mgr Jean-Charles Descubes, will preach at Evensong.
More details to follow
Easter Monday Pilgrimage….
We would like to have a group walking to the Easter Monday Service at The Abbey on 6th April. If you are interested, please let Austin know. If you have anything you would like included on next week’s notice sheet, please contact Emma by email on or phone 01442 270585, by Wednesday lunch time, please!
This week’s Rota 29th March
Communion Assistants: Sue and John Stewards: Lorrie and Gloria Welcome: Helen & Rita Tea: Barbara & Joyce Projector set-up: Bob
Sound: Bob Mouse: Sue Read: (Cast) Prayers: Jenny Creche: Helen Junior Church: Lorna
Next week’s Rota 5th April
Communion Assistants: Joyce & Teresa Stewards: Rita & John Welcome: Derek & Bob Tea: Gloria & Norma B Projector set-up: Jenny
Sound: Geoff Mouse: Helen Read: Steve Prayers: Bob Creche: Gloria Junior Church: Jenny
If you would like to receive this notice sheet by email….
Please contact Rita on
For advance notice of the weekends events, and extra highlights!