Cathy’s Thoughts for the Week Late Start There is a Late Start Schedule for all Birmingham Schools Wednesday, April 29th. 1st hour will begin at 9:00 am. Buses will pick up students 90 minutes later than the usually scheduled time. Parent Teacher Conferences Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Thursday, April 30 th from 4:00 -7:00 pm in the Cafeteria, Commons and Gym. Please review Power School prior to arriving. A strong partnership between home and school is important for student success. Parent Education Program Please join us for our third in a series of presentations dealing with family issues. Keeping the Balance When Schools Out will be held on April 28 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. in the Seaholm Little Theater. The session features BPS district experts and an audience question and answer session. The program is free and you do not need to RSVP for it. Keeping the Balance When Schools Out will focus on summer challenges and those that face families as students try their hand at a first job, stay home alone, or even prepare for life away at college. We hope that you can attend this informative session. Cathy Hurley Timely Information Senior Speeches and Music Auditions We are looking for Senior parents to judge speech and music auditions for graduation. We need 3 parents for each of the following dates: Tuesday, April 28th 7am-9am – Commencement Speech Auditions Thursday, April 30th 7am-9am – Commencement Music Auditions Bond 2015 Your Board of Education and administration have spent years preparing for this bond proposal through strong fiscal stewardship and a dedication to our students. The results of those efforts are a bond proposal that keeps our current millage rate at 3.9 mills while providing our district with $66 million in needed funding for instruction spaces, safety and security improvements, building and site work and technology upgrades. There will be no increase to the district’s debt millage with this bond proposal. Please access additional details regarding the bond on the BPS website. Tom Carson Award Nomination forms for the Tom Carson Award will be available on-line and in the main office at Groves beginning April 1st. The Tom Carson Award is a prestigious award given to one Senior male and one Senior female at Commencement. This award honors a young person who exemplifies the values of Tom Carson – service involvement in school and community, honesty, discipline and hard work. Parents are encouraged to complete a nomination for their student. Nominations are due no later than May 4, 2015. Upcoming Events Going Out With a Bang Hurry, hurry, hurry, get your tickets before they are all gone! Groves Performing Arts Company (GPAC) proudly presents its Spring Play, GOING OUT WITH A BANG This play is an original comedy about the woes of high school prom. Written by John W. Rutherford and the Creative Writing Class of 2013, it portrays many different stories within the story. You will laugh and cry with these characters! GOING OUT WITH A BANG will be shown in the Groves Little Theatre on the following dates and times: Thurs, Fri, Sat, April 23, 24, 25 at 7:30 pm Sunday, April 26 at 2:30 pm Park at Groves High School in the parking lot next to the Football field. Tickets are $10 for Adults and $8 for Students (K-12) and will be available in the main office at Groves High School (7:15 am – 3:30 pm) after Spring Break. Recommended for grades 8 and up. (PG13 Rating) If you have any questions, please email Leisa Passarelli at Orchestra 5K Forte Run Forte 5K Run on a certified 5K course When: May 17, 2015 at 9:00 am Where: Beverly Park Why: To support the Groves Orchestra Program! Register for the race at Be sure to include your t-shirt size! You can walk the course if you choose! Jump for Trevor this Friday! Our 8th grade student Trevor Sullivan, who is currently awaiting a heart transplant, got out of hospital after another two week stay – welcome home! He is now wearing a LifeVest, which is basically a defibrillator in a vest to make sure his heart is beating correctly. AirTime Trampoline (662 E Big Beaver Road, Troy, MI 48083) is holding a Jump for Trevor fundraiser this Friday, April 24, from 4-9 p.m. Kids get to jump for two hours for $25 – a great way to start the weekend. We need at least 100 jumpers to benefit so please consider supporting the event which promises to be a lot of fun! More info at: Wristbands and t-shirts will be available for purchase too. Groves’ Meetings Club Meetings/ Sports Senior Class Information The Jewish News will honor all Jewish students who are graduating this spring from Michigan high schools in our new Cap & Gown Yearbook 2015. The Yearbook will be published in our May 21 issue. For free, we will include a photo and up to 40 words listing the student’s name, school and accomplishments. We also encourage families to honor their students or out-of-state graduates with a congratulatory ad. It is easier than ever for students and their families to submit their information for the Cap & Gown issue — it’s all online. All free listings need to be submitted by May 7. Please direct students to They – or their parents — just need to follow the prompts, upload their photos and hit submit. ANY QUESTIONS? Call Sy Manello, 248-351-5147 or Senior All Night Party Updates Important information…. We will have a table set up April 30th, during conferences from 4-7 pm, where you will be able to register your senior for the All Night Party; buy Senior Wishes or pick up the forms; make a donation to the ANP; order Steeped Tea; drop off baby & senior pictures. See details below. PLEASE BRING YOUR CHECKBOOK! ____________________________________________________________________________ FUNDRAISING Fundraising is a huge piece of the All Night Party. We need your support with our fundraising efforts to help make the ANP a success. Following are our current fundraisers. Direct monetary donations are also welcome and can be made to the ANP mailbox in the office payable to ‘Groves PTSA Senior All Night Party’. If you or someone you know is affiliated with a business that may be willing to donate or discount items to our prizes or make a monetary donation to the general fund, please contact Linda- Thank you! You Eat, They Donate – Mark Your Calendar! Help fund the Senior All Night Party! Just mention Groves when paying and a percentage of your sale will go to Groves ANP. April 30th Thursday / Kalamata / 5-9 pm / 32538 Woodward (south of 14 Mile) · 20% of sales back to Groves ANP We’re helping you out with this one! The Kalamata fundraising event takes place the night of conferences. You can grab some dinner for your family before or after visiting with your student’s teachers and support Groves at the same time! April 13-May 1 / Steeped Tea / order forms are in the office. We will have a table at conferences, so bring your checkbook! Teas are just $12 each. See attached “Steeped Tea’ PDF for all the information. Prom corsages and boutonnieres As part of our fundraising efforts, Breath of Spring Florist will donate a portion of the proceeds from corsages and boutonnieres purchased for Prom to the Senior All Night Party. The donation is made for each order, so order each item separately. Say you are from Groves High School. That’s it! Wrist or pin corsage 3 large roses any color, with baby’s breath, greens, bow: $26.50 (incl. tax) 2 large roses any color, with baby’s breath, greens, bow: $21.50 (incl. tax) 1 orchid, white & pink, bow: $21.50 (incl. tax) Boutonniere 1 rose, any color, greens, baby’s breath: $11 (incl. tax) Breath of Spring 6636 Telegraph (at Maple) Bloomfield Hills 248-851-5335 Bottom of Form SENIOR WISHES What is a ‘Senior Wish’? A Senior Wish is a message to say, Congratulations; Good Luck; Good Job; or, I love you. It’s whatever you want to say to your favorite graduating senior(s). Who can send a Senior Wish? Anyone can send a Senior Wish – parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, neighbors, teammates, coaches, teachers, etc. When are Senior Wishes delivered? Seniors will receive their Wishes at the Senior All Night Party, specially designed, just for them. How much are Senior Wishes? Wishes are $5 each, or $20 for 5 Wishes. All proceeds from the sale of Senior Wishes help cover the cost of the All Night Party. We will have a table at conferences April 30th so bring your checkbook. The deadline for ordering your Wishes is May 23rd. Please see the attached ‘Wishes’ PDF to order your Senior Wishes. If you have trouble opening the document or have questions, contact: Chris Nader Elena Munoz Turner BABY PICTURE & SENIOR PICTURE OF YOUR STUDENT Please send in your senior’s pictures. We’re getting close to the event and we have to make the display. We want ALL the kids to be represented. This is a big part of the ANP event. If you have already sent in your pictures, thank you! Shhh – it’s a secret! We are collecting photos of your senior for a special display at the All Night Party. This is important-we don’t want anyone to be left out! Please send to the office ASAP…….. 8 x 10 baby picture (preferably before age 3) 8 x 10 senior or current picture Please put the name of your senior on the back of both pictures. Questions? Vanessa Parnell 313-629-9362 or Ellie Noble 248-417-7777. COMMUNITY SERVICE This year, the focus of the Senior All Night Party Community Service will be putting together family overnight bags for Beaumont Children's Hospital. Often, parents are not prepared for their child's hospitalization because of unexpected illness or injury. The items we are collecting will help them feel more comfortable during their hospital stay. Items being collected: Deodorant, toothbrushes, shower gel, shampoo, razors and feminine hygiene items The hospital has asked: Please do not include hotel soaps and shampoos. The items must be new. WE ARE COLLECTING ITEMS DURING THE MONTH OF MAY AND WE ARE ALSO ASKING EACH SENIOR TO BRING AN ITEM TO THE SENIOR ALL NIGHT PARTY AND THEY WILL RECEIVE A RAFFLE TICKET. THE COLLECTION CONTAINER WILL BE IN THE FRONT OFFICE STARTING ON MONDAY, MAY 4TH! REGISTRATION Please Respond – we still have several seniors with unconfirmed attendance. A list of students not registered for the ANP is posted in the office. This is a night your student doesn’t want to miss! Please ask your senior to check the list. The $55 registration fee can be sent to the ANP mailbox in the office. Make checks payable to ‘Groves PTSA Senior All Night Party’ and put registration and your student’s name in the memo. You don’t need the form. If you are not sure if you’ve already paid or if your senior will not be attending, contact Karen Carrick at 248-214-4901 or For financial assistance, contact Cathy Hurley. We will have a table at conferences April 30th so bring your checkbook. DECORATIONS The decorations committee is meeting on the following dates in preparation for the ANP. We really need some help with this and anyone is welcome. All meeting times are 1-3 pm MAY 2ND, 3RD Additional dates will be announced as needed. Questions? Barb Whalen - VOLUNTEERS An online document has been sent to senior parents so you may sign up for your choice of shift. Volunteers are needed for set up after school May 29th and May 30th as well as for the event itself on May 31st. Junior parents will have the opportunity to sign up shortly and are needed particularly on May 31st while senior parents attend graduation. Questions? Lori Sandercock BED BATH & BEYOND We are still collecting BBB coupons. Please send your unneeded coupons to the ANP mailbox in the office. SHOUT OUTS Check out our "shout out" section at the end of this email and thank those who have shown their support. If you know of a supporter we may have overlooked, please contact me and I'll be sure to include them in the next edition. Linda and Brett Stern 248-642-8134 Please be sure to read all weekly ANP emails, as there will be updates and special requests being made in order to make this event a huge success! Student News NCTE Writing Awards Congratulations to Emily Stillman, grade 11, as she is one of seven Michigan students to be named a recipient of the 2015 National Council of Teachers of English Superior Achievement Awards in Writing! This year, nationally 650 juniors were nominated. Of that number, 141 received Certificates for Superior Writing. Each student submitted two pieces of writing, which were read by national judges. Papers were judged on content, purpose, audience, tone, word choice, organization, development, and style. Groves junior Hayley West was also nominated, and will be receiving a Certificate of Nomination. Groves Forensic Team On Sunday, April 19 the Groves Forensic Team competed at the Region 6A competition. It was a long 12 hour day for the team and coaches. We competed with 27 individual events and advanced 23 to States, with the remaining 4 being declared alternates. And the results are: Olivia Reeves (Extemp 9/10)-1st Imani Roberson (Prose)-1st Halle Tilotti (Dramatic Interpretation)-1st Zach Heaton (Impromptu)-2nd Kyra Alpiner (Informative)-2nd Carly Stern (Sales)-3rd Emma Simonte (Poetry 9/10)-3rd Haley West (Dramatic Interpretation)-3rd Sophie Erlich/Caitlin McCoy (Duo)-3rd Sam Hardey (Storytelling)-3rd Joey Devine (Poetry 9/10)-4th Misha Adler, Miriam Goldstein, Ashley Moore, PJ Roberts, Giselle Ulep, Alex VanHeusden, Jen Weinger (Multiple)-4th Chance Stephenson (Extemp 9/10)-4th Casey Sherwood (Sales)-4th Haley Werthmann (Prose)-5th Victoria Lurz (Storytelling)-5th Morgan Mattler (Broadcasting)-5th Alison Rhen (Extemp Open)-5th Eric Green (Informative)-5th Rebekah Hafen (Impromptu)-5th Simone Porter (Poetry)-6th Lilah Kalfus (Oratory)-6th Rafey Rehman (Oratory)-7th Jacob Edelson (Extemp Open)-Alternate Telor McClarly (Poetry Open)-Alternate Ava Scott (Broadcasting)-Alternate Ryan Larson/Phillip Tran (Duo)-Alternate Community Service Opportunities COMMUNITY SERVICE This year, the focus of the Senior All Night Party Community Service will be putting together family overnight bags for Beaumont Children's Hospital. Often, parents are not prepared for their child's hospitalization because of unexpected illness or injury. The items we are collecting will help them feel more comfortable during their hospital stay. Items being collected: Deodorant, toothbrushes, shower gel, shampoo, razors and feminine hygiene items The hospital has asked: Please do not include hotel soaps and shampoos. The items must be new. WE ARE COLLECTING ITEMS DURING THE MONTH OF MAY AND WE ARE ALSO ASKING EACH SENIOR TO BRING AN ITEM TO THE SENIOR ALL NIGHT PARTY AND THEY WILL RECEIVE A RAFFLE TICKET. THE COLLECTION CONTAINER WILL BE IN THE FRONT OFFICE STARTING ON MONDAY, MAY 4TH! College & Career Center News For more scholarship opportunities and information on financial aid, visit my website at o o o Exploring College Options Information Session with Duke, Georgetown, Harvard, Penn and Stanford admission representatives will be held on Sunday, May 10, 7 pm at the Troy Marriott, 200 W. Big Beaver Road. To register, go to Visit Programs at the colleges: 1. Schoolcraft College Career Pathways Open House for all students to learn about programs and talk about career opportunities with area businesses, Saturday May 30, 9 am – 2 pm in Applied Science Building, Livonia campus. The Joyce Ivy Foundation invites female HS students and their families to attend College Admissions Symposium on Saturday, May 16 in Ann Arbor. The Symposium (JCAS) brings together talented young women from Midwest high schools, admissions officers from highly selective colleges and universities, high school college counselors, and local community volunteers. This free event is from 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. at the Washtenaw Intermediate School District Teaching and Learning Center, 1819 S. Wagner Rd, Ann Arbor. Lunch is provided. For more information and registration, go to: College Admission Test Preparation – The Princeton Review is offering a Free Practice ACT on Saturday, May 2 and a Free Practice SAT on Saturday May 9. Testing will be from 9 am – 1 pm. A Scores Back & Strategy Session will be held on Saturday, May 16 at 11 am. Register for these events by calling 1-800-273-8439 or online at Paying for College (for high school seniors) – William Davidson Jewish Loan Program: apply online at from April 1 – May 15. Questions? Email to or call 248-723-8184. West Maple School Alumni Scholarship: for seniors who attended West Maple; application available on the school’s website and due April 30, 2015. American Hotel & Lodging Educational Foundation Incoming Freshman Scholarship: for students planning to study in a postsecondary hospitality-related program; apply by May 1, 2015 at Arab American & Chaldean Council Scholarship: application available in College & Career Center and due by May 1, 2015. Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan Scholarships: information and application available at Due May 1, 2015. Credit Union One William G. Coyne Memorial Scholarship: for credit union members; application available at Due May 1. Vibe Credit Union Fu$e Scholarship: must be Vibe Credit Union member, have at least 3.0 GPA and 20 hours of community service. Applications are available in the College & Career Center and due by May 1, 2015. Robert A. Schuele Scholarship: six full-ride scholarship awards granted to students in Birmingham and surrounding areas. Apply online by May 3, 2015 at 9 pm at Paint Creek Center for the Arts Scholarship: for seniors enrolling in college to pursue visual arts degree; application available in College & Career Center and due May 8. Abbott and Fenner Scholarship Program: application due June 15 and available at For more scholarship opportunities and information on financial aid, visit my website at Job opportunities for high school students – Medical office clerk, library pages, food service, child care, and yard work jobs are posted on the Groves College & Career Center web page. Click on Jobs for Students to access the list. Community News and Opportunities Birmingham Bloomfield Community Coalition (BBCC) Parents: Mark your calendars for Tuesday, April 28, 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. for CHOICES Youth Dialogue Day 2015. This all area high schools, student-driven event will be held at the First Presbyterian Church in Birmingham and feature the Honorable Judge Diane D’Agostini, from 48th District Court, who will bring live court cases to demonstrate the real-life consequences which come from decisions to use alcohol and/or drugs. Attendees will also hear a young man who is in recovery and from our community, speak about his journey. Students, parents and other interested community members are encouraged to attend. There is no charge to attend this event, although donations will be accepted. RSVP to: Leanne at Visit for more info. Youth Mental Health First Aid USA Trainings for adults assisting youth. Saturday, May 16, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Taught by certified instructors, you will learn to recognize the signs and symptoms of anxiety, depression, substance abuse disorders and psychosis in youth ages 12-18. You will also learn what to do until appropriate professionals and other help can begin. To register, contact Leanne at or call 248-203-4615. We need 20-30 participants to hold this training. There is no cost to attend. For more information visit for more info. All trainings held at BPS Education and Administration Building, 31301 Evergreen, Beverly Hills. Visit for more info about keeping our youth safe & substance free. Carol Mastroianni Executive Director Birmingham Bloomfield Community Coalition (BBCC) 1525 Covington Road Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301 o) 248.203.4615 c) 248.506.1594 f) 248.203.4529 MAKE THE WORLD YOUR HOME Youth for Understanding is looking for some welcoming families to host exchange students for the 2015-2016 school year. Here are some of the boys and girls coming to our community soon. Families provide a place to live and meals, plus encouragement, guidance, love and limits. The students pay for their other expenses and become a true family member sharing in the real life fun and responsibilities of the family. Call Barb Kilkka at 248-932-0811 or for more details on these boys and girls (and others). All kinds of families host from all ethnic and educational backgrounds, different family configurations, with and without children at home. Elementary and middle school host siblings are among the greatest beneficiaries of the program. Here are just some of the kids headed to Oakland County homes. Maybe yours? Please click on the link. Call Barb Kilkka at 248-932-0811 or for information about hosting and for detailed profiles and letters of these boys and girls or to receive the list of other students available. Common Ground 1410 S. Telegraph Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 | 248.451.2613 | : Friends of Different Learners Friends of Different Learners Appreciation Awards Honoring those who See, Hear & Support the I in IEP May 7, 2015 7:00 p.m. Groves High School Main Auditorium, 20500 West Thirteen Mile Rd., Beverly Hills, MI 48025 Staff and Community members of BPS, chosen by members of Friends of Different Learners, are being honored with an Appreciation Award for 2015. This award recognizes individuals affiliated with Birmingham Public Schools who go the extra mile to maximize the potential of BPS students with different abilities. Please join us for a dessert reception in their honor. All Friends meetings are FREE and open to everyone! For more information contact Denise Moore at or 248-990-8282 or visit our web site Thank You From The Groves’ Senior Party Please support these businesses with your patronage 2015 Senior All Night Party Shout Outs! 7th Edition THANKS!! to the following for supporting the 2015 Senior All Night Party! Businesses Beyond Juice – Birmingham La Belle Provence - Birmingham Kroger-local stores Beverly Hills Club – Beverly Hills Franklin Athletic Club – Southfield Hunter House - Birmingham MJR Digital Cinemas – Livernois & Maple, Troy Kalamata Greek Grille – Woodward south of 14 Mile, Royal Oak Buddy’s Pizza – Corporate Offices Market Square – Beverly Hills Chipotle – Evergreen Rd., Southfield Happy’s Pizza – Orchard Lake Rd., Farmington Hills Bag Makers, Inc. - Union, IL Leeds - New Kensington, PA Dakota Bread - Orchard Lake Rd., West Bloomfield Brooklyn Pizza - Crooks Road, Troy & Downtown Birmingham The Dailey Method - Downtown Birmingham Big Boy - Southfield Plaza Olga's Kitchen - Lathrup Village Arby's - Southfield Rd, Southfield Artistic Printing - 12 Mile, Southfield Qdoba - 13 Mile & Telegraph Maggiano's - Big Beaver, Troy Chipotle - Woodward Ave, Birmingham Leo's Coney Island - 14 Mile & Orchard Lake Road, West Bloomfield Rocky Mountain Chocolate - Somerset Collection, Troy California Pizza Kitchen - Somerset Collection, Troy Noodles & Co - 12 Mile & Telegraph Bagger Dave's - Telegraph & Maple New York Bagel - Orchard Lake Road, West Bloomfield Individuals Scott Mazius Lisa and Scott Stern Catherine and Nathan Forbes Shane Levine - Designer of Logo, Posters - Richard McMullan and Blackthorn Schools, Community Organizations Birmingham Bloomfield Credit Union Groves PTSA Berkshire Middle School PTSA West Maple Elementary School PTSA Birmingham Youth Assistance NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATION: The Board of Education is committed to maintaining a learning/working environment in which all individuals are treated with dignity and respect, free from discrimination and harassment. There will be no tolerance for discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, genetic information, disability or age. The District prohibits harassment and other forms of discrimination whether occurring at school, on District property, in a District vehicle, or at any District related activity or event. The Superintendent will designate compliance officers and develop and implement regulations for the reporting, investigation and resolution of complaints of discrimination or harassment. The following people have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies: Students - Inquiries related to discrimination on the basis of disability should be directed to: Executive Director of Special Education, 31301 Evergreen Road, Beverly Hills, MI 48025, 248.203.3000. Direct all other inquiries related to discrimination to: Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, 31301 Evergreen Road, Beverly Hills, MI 48025, 248.203.3000. File attachments: 4.24Steeped Tea.pdf wishes - parent letter.pdf This e-mail has been sent to you by WYLIE E. GROVES HIGH SCHOOL. To maximize their communication with you, you may be receiving this e-mail in addition to a phone call with the same message. If you no longer wish to receive email notifications from WYLIE E. GROVES HIGH SCHOOL, please click here to unsubscribe.
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