Cathy’s Thoughts for the Week We were notified this week by Dr. David Keller from that Groves High School was named a National School of Character. (formerly the Character Education Partnership), a national character education advocate, recognized 64 schools and 3 districts from 14 states as 2015 National Schools of Character. This is recognition of the work we at Groves have done over the last few years. To be considered for this recognition we completed an extensive application, hosted site visits, and answered follow up questions for the national organization. This recognition could not happen without the support and work you as parents do every day from the time your child is born instilling right and wrong, teaching your children to be kind and considerate, and encouraging your children to give to back to others. Dr. Keller noted how impressive our students were when he met with them. Thank you for assisting us to earn this recognition. Now that the warm weather has arrived, we are experiencing daily dress code violations. Please review our dress code in the handbook. Shorts, skirts and dresses must be fingertip length. Tank tops must have straps that are 3 fingers wide. We do not allow spaghetti strap tanks. No bare midriffs and no low cut, overly revealing tops. There is a difference between school appropriate clothing and weekend and casual wear. Please assist and review these guidelines with your student. I do not want to see a student miss class time to change into school appropriate clothing, but that is the consequence for dress code violations. We will be celebrating at the Rooostertail tonight with over 400 Juniors and Seniors at the Fabulous Junior/Senior Prom. This is s special night for our students. As parents, enjoy watching their excitement, take plenty of pictures, tell them how wonderful they look, and remind them to make good decisions. And let’s hope the sun peeks through! Cathy Hurley Timely Information Dual Enrollment Information Students interested in dual enrollment for the fall must have their completed application to their assigned counselor by June 1, 2015. Please see below for more information regarding eligibility for dual enrollment. If you have further questions please contact your students counselor. STUDENT ELIGIBILITY The student must be a bona fide high school student (freshman – senior) for the year in which participation is sought. A foreign-exchange student is not eligible. A student is limited to enrollment in a subject area in which he or she has met the dual enrollment qualifying score criteria. In addition, the student must meet the eligibility requirements of the postsecondary institution of choice and be accepted by that institution. If a student has not met the dual enrollment qualifying score in all content areas (PSAT, PLAN, ACT or EXPLORE), the student is still eligible to take courses limited only to the content areas in which he or she has met the minimum dual enrollment qualifying score. A student is eligible to take courses within subjects for which there are no endorsements, and the courses are not offered by the district, as long as they have taken all test sections of one of the qualifying tests. A copy of the student’s most recent transcripts must be attached to this application. ELIGIBLE COURSES 1. Students must have exhausted all course offerings within the desired subject area in the district. 2. The course is not offered by the school. 3. The course is taken during the REGULARLY SCHEDULED school year. 4. The student’s schedule at high school has been reduced to accommodate a dual enrollment course. Summer Food Program We would like to provide families with information regarding the Summer Food Service Program as we enter the summer months. The SFSP is a Child Nutrition Program that feeds children during school summer vacations. Families that qualify for the Free and Reduced Lunch Program used during the school year are eligible. Summer Food Service Program information is available at,1607,7-140-43092_34491---,00.html or on the district’s Food Service website at 4f4754f1b880c2307ddd16 Upcoming Events Orchestra 5K Forte Run Forte 5K Run on a certified 5K course When: May 17, 2015 at 9:00 am Where: Beverly Park Why: To support the Groves Orchestra Program! Register for the race at Be sure to include your t-shirt size! You can walk the course if you choose! Birmingham African American Family Network Meeting The next BAAFN meeting is Monday May 18, 2015 from 7:00 - 8:30 pm at Groves High School in the staff planning room. This will be an exciting meeting.. Tell a friend, we look forward to seeing you there! Environmental Science Fall Trip Attention all future AP and regular environmental science students. There is an informational meeting for the Environmental Science field trip taking place in September 2015. These meetings will have more information and answer questions about the trip. You may come to Seaholm on Tuesday, May 19th from 3:00pm – 3:30pm in the Little Theater and at Groves Wednesday May 20th, 3:00-3:30pm in the Little Theater. Sign up is already open, you do not need to attend these informational meetings to attend. Questions? Email Mr. Wicker or see him in room C9 Student News 2015 Congressional Art Competition Each spring, the Congressional Institute sponsors a nationwide high school visual art competition to recognize and encourage artistic talent in the nation and in each congressional district. AJ submitted his entry to Congressmen Sandy Levin's office, where he competed against approximately two hundred entries from the 9th congressional district. AJ was recognized at the awards ceremony Saturday morning and will be recognized again at a national awards ceremony in Washington, DC. By winning the competition, he received two round trip tickets to the ceremony. His winning work will be displayed for one year at the Capitol. Community Service Opportunities Parents of Juniors Please click on the following link and sign up to assist with last minute food and decoration tasks for the Senior All Night Party while our seniors and their parents are attending graduation. Volunteering for this event will allow you to get a sneak peek at what goes on behind the scenes to pull together a great event for our seniors. If you are interested in participating in the SANP committee for your child next year, you definitely will want to volunteer!! Any questions, please contact Lori Sandercock / COMMUNITY SERVICE This year, the focus of the Senior All Night Party Community Service will be putting together family overnight bags for Beaumont Children's Hospital. Often, parents are not prepared for their child's hospitalization because of unexpected illness or injury. The items we are collecting will help them feel more comfortable during their hospital stay. Items being collected: Deodorant, toothbrushes, shower gel, shampoo, razors and feminine hygiene items The hospital has asked: Please do not include hotel soaps and shampoos. The items must be new. WE ARE COLLECTING ITEMS DURING THE MONTH OF MAY AND WE ARE ALSO ASKING EACH SENIOR TO BRING AN ITEM TO THE SENIOR ALL NIGHT PARTY AND THEY WILL RECEIVE A RAFFLE TICKET. THE COLLECTION CONTAINER WILL BE IN THE FRONT OFFICE STARTING ON MONDAY, MAY 4TH! College & Career Center News For more scholarship opportunities and information on financial aid, visit my website at College/Career Exploration – o o o o o Exploring Educational Excellence - an Information Program presented by Brown, Chicago, Columbia, Cornell, and Rice - will be held on Thursday, June 4, 7:30 pm at the Troy Marriott on Big Beaver Rd. To register, go to Coast to Coast College Tour - an Information Session with Dartmouth, Northwestern, Princeton, UC-Berkeley and Vanderbilt - will take place on Monday, May 18 from 7-9 pm at the Marriott Auburn Hills in Pontiac. Register at Automotive Design & Engineering Career Expo will be held on Thursday, May 21 from 6-8 pm at the Macomb Community College Expo Center on 12 Mile Rd in Warren. High school and middle school students and their parents are invited. The Joyce Ivy Foundation invites female HS students and their families to attend College Admissions Symposium on Saturday, May 16 from 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. at the Washtenaw Intermediate School District Teaching and Learning Center, 1819 S. Wagner Rd, Ann Arbor. Free event includes lunch. For more information and registration, go to: The Michigan Jewish Institute will host an Open House on Sunday, May 17 at 6:30pm at The Shul. MJI offers various dual enrollment courses for high school students. RSVP to Miriam at College Openings for Fall 2015 Semester - More than 220 colleges and universities (including several in Michigan) still have openings, aid and housing available to qualified freshman and/or transfer students for the Fall 2015 semester, according to the National Association for College Admission Counseling's (NACAC's) annual College Openings Update. The Update can be viewed online until June 30th at: Paying for College (for high school seniors) – William Davidson Jewish Loan Program: apply online at from April 1 – May 15. Questions? Email to or call 248-723-8184. Oakland Community College Chancellor’s Scholarship: $2500 award given to two graduating seniors from each Oakland County high school; must apply to OCC and have at least a 3.0 unweighted GPA; application available online at Due date was extended to May 15, 2015. Abbott and Fenner Scholarship Program: application due June 15 and available at Automotive Hall of Fame Scholarship Program: several awards granted to HS seniors and current college students interested in automotive industry including engineering, marketing and trucking; must of at least 3.0 GPA; apply online by June 30, 2015 at American Institute of Chemical Engineers Minority Scholarship: for minority students (African-, Hispanic-, Native American or Alaskan Native) graduating with at least 3.0 GPA; apply online by July 1, 2015. Fire Suppression Systems Association Education Foundation Scholarship: for current HS seniors and college students interested in Fire Protection program of study; apply online at by July 1, 2015. Xerox Technical Minority Scholarship Program: for minorities (African-, Hispanic-, Native American or Alaskan Native); current HS seniors or college students interested in chemistry, physics, info management, computing and software systems, material science, printing management science, or engineering; minimum 3.0 GPA; apply online by Sept 30, 2015. Job opportunities for high school students – Medical office clerk, library pages, food service, child care, and yard work jobs are posted on the Groves College & Career Center web page. Click on Jobs for Students to access the list. Senior All Night Party Updates Important information…. Thank you for reading the ANP updates! We’re almost there… We would like to list the plans Groves graduates have planned for the fall. Please let us know what college or post secondary educational program you plan to attend, where you plan to travel, what “gap year” activity you are pursuing”, what branch of military you are considering, or what other post secondary plans you have Send an email to OUR LAST MEETING!! Tuesday May 26th 7 pm – Staff Planning Room SENIOR WISHES and BABY PICTURES You’re close to the deadline. Don’t wait any longer! BABY PICTURES This will be one of your student’s favorite memories as well as being a beautiful memento. Wishes and pictures are a big part of the party décor and will be presented together as a handmade, specially designed piece of artwork, which your senior will take home. We want all students represented. Looking at these creative keepsakes is an event in itself for the kids. Please don’t leave your student out. If you didn’t have professional senior pictures taken, just send a current photo, and the baby picture can be of any young age. Please send to the ANP mailbox in the office ASAP…….. 8 x 10 baby picture (preferably before age 3) 8 x 10 senior or current picture Please put the name of your senior on the back of both pictures. The deadline for sending your pictures is May 21st Questions? Vanessa Parnell 313-629-9362 / Ellie Noble 248-417-7777. SENIOR WISHES What is a ‘Senior Wish’? A Senior Wish is a message to your senior which says, Congratulations; Good Luck; Good Job; or, I love you. It’s whatever you want to say to your favorite graduating senior(s). Who can send a Senior Wish? Anyone can send a Senior Wish – parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, neighbors, pets, teammates, coaches, teachers, etc. We encourage you to approach anyone significant in the life of your senior. When are Senior Wishes delivered? Seniors will receive their Wishes at the Senior All Night Party in a personalized, specially designed display. How much are Senior Wishes? Wishes are $5 each, or $20 for 5 Wishes. All proceeds from the sale of Senior Wishes help cover the cost of the All Night Party. The deadline for ordering your Wishes is May 23rd. Please see the attached ‘Wishes’ PDF to order your Senior Wishes. Questions? New EMAIL ADDRESS: Chris Nader AND Elena Munoz Turner You may not think pictures and wishes is a big deal, but really, it is. Please, make your senior a part of this one. You’ll be glad you did. VOLUNTEERS If you have a junior or senior—we need you! Please sign up on the links below to participate in the Senior All Night Party on May 31. If you have done so already, THANK YOU! With only 17 more days to go, we desperately need more parents to volunteer and get involved in the event activities that last ALL NIGHT! It's easy and no experience necessary! We especially need to fill slots in the following areas: 6:45-9:45 pm / Pre-Party Food Set-Up Shift 2 - 11:30pm-2:30 am / Entertainment & Games / Security / Community Service Shift 3 - 2:30-4:00ish / Event Bags / Food / Security / Clean Up Yes, I'm begging.....please consider pulling an "all nighter" with your graduate! We also need help with moving prizes from vans into the Groves gym on Saturday, May 30th from 9:00 am-12:00 pm. This is a great way to help if you are unable to make the party on May 31. For more information please contact : Lori Sandercock Volunteer Committee: Click or cut and paste to your browser 2015 SANP Senior Parent Volunteer Sign Up Up: 2015 SANP Junior Parent Volunteer Sign Up gid=0 COMMUNITY SERVICE This year, the focus of the Senior All Night Party Community Service will be putting together family overnight bags for Beaumont Children's Hospital. Often, parents are not prepared for their child's hospitalization because of unexpected illness or injury. The items we are collecting will help them feel more comfortable during their hospital stay. Items being collected: Deodorant, toothbrushes, shower gel, shampoo, razors and feminine hygiene items The hospital has asked: Please do not include hotel soaps and shampoos. The items must be new. WE ARE COLLECTING ITEMS DURING THE MONTH OF MAY. THE COLLECTION CONTAINER WILL BE IN THE OFFICE BEGINNING MONDAY, MAY 4TH! WE ARE ALSO ASKING EACH SENIOR TO BRING AN ITEM TO THE SENIOR ALL NIGHT PARTY. THEY WILL RECEIVE A RAFFLE TICKET FOR EACH ITEM. DECORATIONS The decorations committee is meeting at Groves near the area of the pool hallway on the following dates in preparation for the ANP. We really need some help with this and anyone is welcome. All meeting times are 1-3 pm Saturday May 16TH Sunday May 17TH Additional dates will be announced as needed. Questions? Barb Whalen - REGISTRATION Please Respond – we still have several seniors with unconfirmed attendance. This is a night your student doesn’t want to miss! The $55 registration fee can be sent to the ANP mailbox in the office. Make checks payable to ‘Groves PTSA Senior All Night Party’ and put registration and your student’s name in the memo. You don’t need the form. If you are not sure if you’ve already paid or if your senior will not be attending, please contact Karen Carrick at 248-214-4901 or For financial assistance, contact Cathy Hurley. It takes a village— We have many dedicated volunteers working hard to make this a fun and memorable event for all Groves seniors. Please be sure to read all weekly ANP emails and respond to requests as promptly as possible. Linda and Brett Stern 248-642-8134 Please be sure to read all weekly ANP emails, as there will be updates and special requests being made in order to make this event a huge success! Thank You From The Groves’ Senior Party Please support these businesses with your patronage 2015 Senior All Night Party Shout Outs! 10th Edition THANKS!! to the following for supporting the 2015 Senior All Night Party! Businesses Penn Station – Southfield & 13 Mile, Beverly Hills Astrein’s Jewelry – Downtown Birmingham Karma Yoga – Bloomfield Hills The Lodge Grill – Keego Harbor Roland Optics-Bloomfield Hills Franklin Athletic Club-Southfield The Varsity Shop-Birmingham Hunter House-Birmingham Buddy’s Restaurant Pizzeria-Farmington Hills The Bird and The Bread-Birmingham Bettermade Snack Foods Bed, Bath and Beyond Breath of Spring Florist – Bloomfield Hills Hit Promotional – Parma Heights, OH Fit For Health – Jan Jacobs Beyond Juice – Birmingham La Belle Provence - Birmingham Kroger-local stores Beverly Hills Club – Beverly Hills Franklin Athletic Club – Southfield Hunter House - Birmingham MJR Digital Cinemas – Livernois & Maple, Troy Kalamata Greek Grille – Woodward south of 14 Mile, Royal Oak Buddy’s Pizza – Corporate Offices Market Square – Beverly Hills Chipotle – Evergreen Rd., Southfield Happy’s Pizza – Orchard Lake Rd., Farmington Hills Bag Makers, Inc. - Union, IL Leeds - New Kensington, PA Dakota Bread - Orchard Lake Rd., West Bloomfield Brooklyn Pizza - Crooks Road, Troy & Downtown Birmingham The Dailey Method - Downtown Birmingham Big Boy - Southfield Plaza Olga's Kitchen - Lathrup Village Arby's - Southfield Rd, Southfield Artistic Printing - 12 Mile, Southfield Qdoba - 13 Mile & Telegraph Maggiano's - Big Beaver, Troy Chipotle - Woodward Ave, Birmingham Leo's Coney Island - 14 Mile & Orchard Lake Road, West Bloomfield Rocky Mountain Chocolate - Somerset Collection, Troy California Pizza Kitchen - Somerset Collection, Troy Noodles & Co - 12 Mile & Telegraph Bagger Dave's - Telegraph & Maple New York Bagel - Orchard Lake Road, West Bloomfield Individuals Mark and Susan Davis Lisa London James Toliver Scott Mazius Lisa and Scott Stern Catherine and Nathan Forbes Shane Levine - Designer of Logo, Posters -, Richard McMullan and Blackthorn Schools, Community Organizations Greenfield School PTA Pembroke Elementary PTA Oakland Community College Birmingham Bloomfield Credit Union Groves PTSA Berkshire Middle School PTSA West Maple Elementary School PTSA Birmingham Youth Assistance Community News and Opportunities Birmingham Bloomfield Community Coalition (BBCC) Youth Mental Health First Aid USA Trainings for adults assisting youth. Saturday, May 16, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Taught by certified instructors, you will learn to recognize the signs and symptoms of anxiety, depression, substance abuse disorders and psychosis in youth ages 12-18. You will also learn what to do until appropriate professionals and other help can begin. To register, contact Leanne at or call 248-203-4615. We need 20-30 participants to hold this training. There is no cost to attend. For more information visit for more info. All trainings held at BPS Education and Administration Building, 31301 Evergreen, Beverly Hills. Visit for more info about keeping our youth safe & substance free. Carol Mastroianni Executive Director Birmingham Bloomfield Community Coalition (BBCC) 1525 Covington Road Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301 o) 248.203.4615 c) 248.506.1594 f) 248.203.4529 MAKE THE WORLD YOUR HOME Youth for Understanding is looking for some welcoming families to host exchange students for the 2015-2016 school year. Here are some of the boys and girls coming to our community soon. Families provide a place to live and meals, plus encouragement, guidance, love and limits. The students pay for their other expenses and become a true family member sharing in the real life fun and responsibilities of the family. Call Barb Kilkka at 248-932-0811 or for more details on these boys and girls (and others). All kinds of families host from all ethnic and educational backgrounds, different family configurations, with and without children at home. Elementary and middle school host siblings are among the greatest beneficiaries of the program. Here are just some of the kids headed to Oakland County homes. Maybe yours? Please click on the link. Call Barb Kilkka at 248-932-0811 or for information about hosting and for detailed profiles and letters of these boys and girls or to receive the list of other students available. Friends of Different Learners Wrap Up 2015 & Plan 2016! June 4, 2015 7:00 p.m. Birmingham Covington School (BCS) 1525 Covington Road • Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301 Have input on speakers, programming, events, projects, and goals for the 2015-16 school year! Every voice brings added perspective and benefit for different learners. All Friends meetings are FREE and open to everyone! For more information contact Denise Moore or 248-990-8282 or go to our web site 2015 Academic Summer School REMINDER… EARLY REGISTRATION DEADLINE – May 29, 2015 Register on or before the deadline and $$ SAVE $$ High School* Classes- Save $30.00 Middle School Classes- Save $10.00 Register at or call (248) 203-3800 for more information. *The deadline for second semester high school classes is extended to June 16, 2015 NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATION: The Board of Education is committed to maintaining a learning/working environment in which all individuals are treated with dignity and respect, free from discrimination and harassment. There will be no tolerance for discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, genetic information, disability or age. The District prohibits harassment and other forms of discrimination whether occurring at school, on District property, in a District vehicle, or at any District related activity or event. The Superintendent will designate compliance officers and develop and implement regulations for the reporting, investigation and resolution of complaints of discrimination or harassment. The following people have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies: Students - Inquiries related to discrimination on the basis of disability should be directed to: Executive Director of Special Education, 31301 Evergreen Road, Beverly Hills, MI 48025, 248.203.3000. Direct all other inquiries related to discrimination to: Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, 31301 Evergreen Road, Beverly Hills, MI 48025, 248.203.3000. This e-mail has been sent to you by WYLIE E. GROVES HIGH SCHOOL. To maximize their communication with you, you may be receiving this e-mail in addition to a phone call with the same message. If you no longer wish to receive email notifications from WYLIE E. GROVES HIGH SCHOOL, please click here to unsubscribe.
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