: กก !"ก Social Network Structure of Health Promoting Clubs : The Case Study of Phitsanulok Province (Atchara Purakom)* . (Dr.Yothin Sawangdee)** . (Dr.Patcharin Sirasoonthorn)*** > ก&'()*+,-)ก&'( ,.'/'0 12(*2/3 4(,567&', 8491 /:;/, 6<3(=/:/ </.:;/:<>5 /4&25'?01@ก 2;) 0@ก?08 &,-)AB)(9ก@/</, 6<3( (Centralization) &F)3)FGH)</, 6<3( (Social cohesiveness) F@8JB;F:2/K=K=AB)(9ก@/L), 6<3( (Actor centralities) 12(=MกANก?,581 /:;/ &:5)O92;) กF@ก,@*7()<;B@<3&: (Information exchange network) F@8 &:5)O92; )ก.3&(,4@6:)K:)) (Instrumental network) ,กSK&K&<;B@1 /:;/, 6<3( 2;&(FKK:KT &:5)O984&3/K @L)ก@3:.'ก.:;/:<>5 M)&) 4 . &', 849<;B@2;&(1Fก UCINET version 6.158 F@81Fก NetDraw version 2.055 J@ก&'(5K&3 1 /:;/, 6<3(=/:/ </:.'ก.:;/:<>5 * 2 BFKK 6 , 6<3(8:)ก)=ก.3/=/ (All channel network) ,)67/ก:.'ก*ก`'2`3:67: F@8K-:3/<;B@<3&::<>584&3/ก)=ก ) F`3 &JBก5),-) <3(L(FKK4@&b F@8 BFKK, 6<3(B`;)c; (Tree network) dN7/ &.3&(,4@6:3&)L4e3กก@3Fก)4@ก F@8* ก(N21(/ก@3(3( b>(L), 6<3( 2;&( &JBก5)=+/FKK4@& (Weak ties) F@8FKK,-)gกFJ3) (Strong ties) ABSTRACT The research objective was to analyze social network structures of the Health Promoting Club in Phitsanulok province. Main purposes of this study were to examine pattern of social network structures and to investigate the network properties ; namely Centralization, Social cohesiveness, and Actor centralities . Two specific pattern of social relations ; Information exchange network and Instrumental network, were also examined. Social network data were collected through the dyadic relationship questionnaire and analyzed by UCINET version 6.158 whereas Netdraw version 2.055 was applied to visualize pattern of the social network structures. According to the Social Network Analysis q SNA , the over all network has been found in 2 main network features. Firstly , All channel network , which every individual actors were found directly interacted with each other around the network in order to sending as well as receiving health messages in loose knit manner. Secondly , Tree network , which most of supports for the whole network came from the core group whereas all sub-groups were tied in weak and strong ties. CCD : 1 /:;/, 6<3(=/:/ , AB)(9ก@/</, 6<3( , &F)3)FGH)</, 6<3( , JB;F:2/K=K=AB)(9ก@/ Key words : Social network structure, Centralization, Social cohesiveness, Actor centralitie * ก ก ! " #$% %# ** & %" ' #&%!( ก)! #$% % *** & %" ! " #$% %# >FC ก8K&)ก:;/:<>5L)8,=Ac=( =*7J3) F:2/L4;,4S)TN/ก8K&)ก5t)8KK:<>5 =*7c3,5*(/F`3 3/,);)ก,5'7 &:T</K @L)ก &K 2BF@ F@8 5t):<>&8</`),/L4;2*<N+) F`3(/&TN/ก:;/)1(K( :O08,567:<>5 (Healthy Policy) ก:;/ &,<;F<S/ </ก2M,)')/)L)..) (Strengthening Community Action) F@8ก K,@*7 ()K' ก: <>5 (Reqorienting Health Service) J3)ก@(=O9=*7:M e c2;Fก3 ก5t), 6<3(:<>5 8,.67 ; (= กก@3 // 9 ก=*7 * A ก(>5 =+ // 9 ก> w > ,ก.) :67&@.) =;/T'7) `@2) :: =+ /L) 82Kx,กK @ K & F@8..) ,<;3&ก)8:) 5@/ (Synergy) ,567ก2M,)')/):;/,:':<>53&ก) dN7/4ก)MF)& '2L)8,2S) y , 6<3(:<>5 z 2/ก@3& &', 849L)w)8=*7,-)1 /:;/L)ก5t)8KK:<>5 L)xK) 5K&3, 6<3(=*7ก{`&L)B.:;/:<>5 2c2;&3,-)4)3&(1 /:;/=/:/ =*7TBกJ@ก2)L4;,ก'2<N+) (3/F534@(L)=ก56+)=*7=7&8,=A 12(*,H4(,567L4; ,-)ก@cก<K, @67)ก8K&)ก,*()B;2;):<>5</..) J3)ก'ก:;/,:':<>5 T3(=2 &B; 8:Kก09 L4;Fก3, 6<3(67) b xK)*.:;/:<>5ก8((B3=7& 8,=A M)&) 32,780 . *:.'กM)&) 4,462,135 ) (ก/:<ANก? ก:)K:))K'ก:<>5 ก8=&/:O0:< , 2549 ) dN7/4ก5'01 /:;/>(L)</.,4@3)*+ 8,4S) c2;&3c3,5*(/F`3*ก2M,)')ก'กกกM@/ก( 2;&(BFKK&'O* `3/b ,=3)+) F`3(/*,)6+4:8,.'/:/ ,ก8`'2(B3กKก'ก =/ก( 12(,588,2S){':5)O984&3/K @>(L) F@8 84&3/, 6<3( dN7/ก3L4;,ก'2<3(L(1 /:;/ &:5)O9=*7* &:@KdKd;) (Multiplexity) F@8,ก'2,-)`@ก?09L)BFKK , 6<3 (=/: / =*7: .'ก* ก,.67 1(/ 12(J3 )ก* {':5)O9dN7/ก)F@8ก) ,ก'2กF@ก,@*7()<;B@<3&: &B; =ก?8 8:Kก09 ก`'2`38:)/)FKKc3 ,-)=/ก F@8ก.3&(,4@6,ก6+กB@dN7/ก)F@8ก) /4&25'?01@ก ,-)/4&2AB)(9ก@/ก K'ก> ,4)6`)@3/ *กกM4)2(=OA:`95t) ,-)/4&2=*73/L4;8..)*:<>52* 12(ก8`;)L4;=ก > :3&)*:3&)3&L)ก8K&)กF@8ก'ก:;/,:' :<>5(3/,<;F<S/ 12(L.;F)& '2 y z dN7/T6&3 ,-)..){'K` 'ก (Community of Practice) ,-) ก@cก2M,)')ก:;/,:':<>5L4;กK 8..)L)56+)=*7 ก'กกกกM@/ก(,-)ก'ก:;/,:':<>5 4)N/7 L)(=OA:`92/ก@3& *กก3,ก'2ก@3/.ก กM@/ก( ก8(`&ก,-)M)&)ก=+/L)82K4B3K;) `MK@ F@8M,> ,5'7ก=*7* (B3 488 . L) 5.A. 2546 ,-) 1,005 . L) 2548 (:M)ก/):O0:</4&2 5'?01@ก, 2548, 18-19) =ML4;,ก'256)+ =*7:O08,567 ก'กกกกM@/ก(`,6/`3/ b M)&)ก :T)ก09)*+ F:2/&3 .:;/:<>5dN7/=Mก'ก กกM@/ก(L)/4&25'?01@ก *ก,ก8,ก*7(&ก),-) , 6<3(F@8<((,-)&/ก&;/ก<N+) (3/cกS` , 6<3(.:;/:<>5,ก'2 กF)& '2 &:5)O9=/:/ 2/ก@3& (/c3c2;Kก :6K ;),567=M &,<;LL),.'/1 /:;/ =ML4;<2<;B@ ,.'/8ก?9=*7M,-)(3/('7/`3 &5((=*785t) , 6<3(.:;/:<>5,4@3)*+L)) ` 2/)+)JB;&'( N/`;/กANก?@ก?08, 6<3(=/:/ </.:;/ : <>5 12(* M Tก&' (&3 y , 6 <3 (.:; / :<>5 *FKKFJ)1 /:;/ &:5)O9=/:/ ,-) (3 /c ? z =M ก&' , 849 =+ /2; ) 0@ ก?08,.' / 1 /:; /=/: / F@8 &: 5 ) O9 `=?* (Social Network Theory) F@8,= )' &' O* ก! HI (Social Network Analysis - SNA) H>>!K! กANก? + /)*+ =M ก,กS K&K&<; B@2; & ( FKK:KT (Questionaire Survey) L)ก@3`&(3/=*7 2,@6กก.:;/:<>5 2 8,>=ก'ก c2;Fก3 .F1K' F@8.Mc;5@/ dN7/,-)ก'ก กกM@/ก(=*7* &F534@(L)/4&25'?01@กF@8* 0 :K `' `,ก09 =*7 กM 4)2 ก56+ )=*7 M ,>& /=/ F@8 M,>545' /4&25'?01@ก M,>@8 2 . JB;&'( กM4)2JB;L4;<;B@ (Respondances) dN7/,-):.'กL), 6<3( M)&) 318 ) 12(L.;,= )' &'O*,.'/, 6<3(FKK=+/ก@3 (The whole network approach) ,567,กSK&K&F@8&', 849<;B@ ,.'/ &:5)O9 (Relational data) </:.'ก>(L), 6<3( FKK.2<;B@,2*(& (One Mode data) :M&<;B@JB;F:2/,-) AB)(9ก@/ F@8JB;F:2/67) b =*7,.671(/ (alters) L), 6<3( =+/42 ก=8,K*():.'ก</. 12(L4;ก@3JB;`K8K (.67 F@8M)&) MT`=*7กM4)2,=3)+) JB;L4;<;B@dN7/,-) :.' กL).กกM @ /ก(8TBก:KT 2 MT dN7 /* @ก?08,.'/ 3 &:5)O9 F@8='A=/ (Valued relations and Directional data) 12(T&3 0*ก5B2 (กKL F@8 *ก F@ก,@*7()<;B@<3&:2;):<>5กKL K3( +/,5*(/L2 ( * 82K &T*7 0 q 2 , 0 = c3, ( 1 = K/ +/ 2 = K3( +/) <; MT8:8=;)TN/82K &,<;F<S/</ &JBก5) (Strength of ties) F@8 M T: 2=; (8:KT &: 5 )O9 ,.' /ก .3 &(,4@6 :) K:) ) @ ก?08 M T,- )FKK Dichotomous dN7 /T&3 L , (,- )JB; L4; ก.3 &(,4@6 :) K:) )2; )& :2 ก09 /K80 F@8K @ก ( &T*7 0 = c3, ( , F@8 1 = , () ก,กSK&K&<;B@ JB;&'(<(.67:.'ก=+/ 4 . ก,;4);=*7:O0:< F@8:: :O0:< (:.) F@8:KT<;B@(.67,5'7,`'ก:.'กFก))M 4@ก</. ,67c2;<;B@,.'/ &:5)O9 (Relational data) KT;&)F@;& )M<;B@=*7c2;K)=NกL)B`/ Symmetrized matrix 46 Actor by Actor matrix F@8)Mc&', 849F@J@ <;B@ 2;&(1Fก Netdraw L)1Fก 5'&,`9:M,SB Social network software package 1Fก UCINET Version 6.158 ,567 F:2/FJ)>51 /:; /, 6 <3 ( (Sociogram) F@8ก M)&0`&,@<2;&(4@ก Algorithm ,5674`&.*+&22;) &F)3) FGH) (Density) F@8JB;F:2/K=K= &,-)AB)(9ก@/`3/ b L) , 6<3( (Actor centralities) L"กก J@ก&', 849<;B@2;&(,= )' &'O*ก<;/`;) :T)M,:)>5 FKKFJ)1 /:;/=/:/ </ .:;/:<>5 (Images Visualization) 12(,= )' &'O*ก Multidimentional Scaling of Geodesic Distances (MDS) F@8 Spring Embedding F:2/L4;,4S)&3 FKKFJ)1 /:;/=/ :/ </, 6<3(กF@ก,@*(7 )<;B@<3&:</. :;/:<>5 (Information Exchange Network) *@ก?08,-) <3(L(=*7,ก8ก)(3/F)3)4) (Close-knit structure) 462 &3,-)BFKK1 /<3(=*7*ก8:)=ก.3/=/L) @ก?08 All - channel Network 2/>5 3 A-B F@8,67 5'0ก/ Principal components layout 5K&3 >(L)1 /<3( 8กK2;&( 56+)=*7 3 1d) 6 MFN 1 , 6<3(ก@3K @=*7(B&3 /L) dN7/,-) Fก)4@ก (Core structure) 46,*(ก&3 , 6<3(4@ก (Intimacy network) dN7/*'=O'5@`3ก@3K @6)7 b >(L), 6<3(ก=*7:2 MFN 2 , 6<3(ก@3K @=*7 * &Lก@;.'2 /@/ (Effective network) 8กK2;&( K @`3/b =*7L4;-K<;B@ <3&:84&3/ก));(ก&3ก@3Fก MFN 3 ก@3K @=*7*ก`'2`3ก));(=*7:2 ,*(ก&3 ก@31 /:;/'0@.(<K (Peripheral Structure) 46,*(ก&3 , 6<3(<(( (Egos extended network) 2/>5 1 A q B ก@31 /:;/)*+ * &:M eL) ก<((<K,<`. (Boundary Spanners) ก@3& 6 :T`'2`3 *{':5)O9กKก@3K @67)L), 6<3( c2;=+/12(`/F@812(; 12(J3)K @L), 6<3( Lก@;.'2L),<`=*17 46,<`=*7 2 *ก=*4)N7/ (Wasserman, Stanley & Faust, 1999 ; Scott , 2000) (3/cกS` T;4ก*ก,.678:)กK.:;/:<>567)b `MF4)3/</ก@3=*7(B3L)'0@.(<K:T,<;TN/ & '2F@8<;B@ <3&: c2;2* <3&: 8=ML4;กc4@,&*()</<;B@4(2./ก@/ dN7/`/ <;กK.K;)กK5&/,4)6=*7* &,-)AB)(9ก@/</ .);(ก&3 (Centralization = 69%) F:2/&3*.3/=/ก ก8(<; B @ก )กก&3 FKKFJ)1 /:; /</. `MK@8`;/ 2/>5 2 B Centralization =77.2% 1 A Principal components layout กS"กT"NF U" VC>"HV 2 A MDS กS"กT"NF U" VC>"HV Centralization =69% 1 B Principal components layout ก S"กT"NF U"ก>F TWFUFIก" (Centralization) L)F/3 &,-)AB)(9ก@/, 6<3(dN7/,-)กANก? FKKFJ)1 /:; /=/: / L)=' A=/,2* (&ก )ก K<; B @ 2/ก@3&<;/`;) 5K&3 .:;/:<>5`MK@8`;/*<K,<` </1 /:; / &,- ) AB ) (9 ก @/</.ก=*7 : 2 (Centralization = 77.2%) 2/>5 2 A F:2/&3 :.'ก:3&)L4e3 ,<;Lก@;AB)(9ก@/ F@8*M)&)ก@3(3( b =*7Lก@;.'2AB)(9ก@/ 3)<;/กก&3M)&)ก@3K @.(<K (Periphery) F@8,67 5'0TN/กMF)ก &JBก5)=/:/ (Social ties) </ :.'ก.:;/:<>5`MK@8`;/ ` 0@ก?082;)ก (B3A(L)4B3K;) 7 4B3K;) 5K&3 :.'ก=*7(B3L)4B3K;) ,2* (&ก ) ก8 K-:3 /<; B @<3 &:ก )>(L)4B3 K; ) 12(* :.'ก=*7,-)AB)(9ก@/,-)JB;8:)ก=M/)84&3/4B3K;) c3ก)ก F:2/TN/.3/=/F@ก,@*7()<;B@<3&:=*7*Mก2 * ,5* (/.3 /=/,2* (& T; <2K @=*7 ,- )AB )(9 ก@/<; B @ 2 B MDS กS"กT"NF U" ก>F ก&', 849FKKFJ)1 /:;/ก.3&(,4@6 :) K:) ) (Instrumental Network) กก กก !ก!" J@ก&', 849 dN7/F:2/2;&(>5 Complete graph F:2/L4;,4S) &3. :;/:<>5K;)&/ dN7/,-).=*7`+/(B3L),<`.)K=* 1 /:;/ &,-)AB)(9ก@/ก=*7:2 (Centralization= 94%) 2/>5 3 A :.'ก:3&)L4e3L).*ก.3&(,4@6 :)K:))ก),/=+/L)2;)ก2ก'ก F@8ก8:) 56+)=*7กกM@/ก( L)<08=*7J@ก&', 8491 /:;/ , 6<3(ก.3&(,4@6 :)K:))</.ก?9:<>5 ,=AK@ `MK@&/=/ M,>&/=/ 2/>5 3 B F:2/L4;,4S)TN/ @ก?08 &,-)AB)(9ก@/);(=*7:2 (Centralization = 42%) *@ก?08 <3(L(FKK4@&b (Looseqknit structure) #!$%& ' ก (%ก $#!$ ' ก"&ก #!$' ) *ก*&+ก 2 - 3 ก ),"-ก.$/ ก.0)#-1 *ก*ก!1 &+) #$1*'%2!'1$*! (Sub-urban area) "ก,* , 6<3(BFKK)*+:TFก;c<xe4c2;&2,S& ก=*7:2 (Kapferer, 1972) Centralization =94% 3 A MDS TWFUFIก" ก" F>FF>FZ Centralization =42% 3 B MDS TWFUFIก" ก" F>FFกI SFFS[\F (Social cohesiveness) 1 /:; /</ &F)3 ) FGH ) =/: / >(L) , 6<3( (Social cohesiveness) ,-):)5@/=*7=ML4;:.'กL) , 6<3(F:2/กL)ก,ก8,ก*7(&ก) ,567 /ก?, 6<3(L4; 2M,)')(3/`3,)67/ 12(.*+&2ก &4)F)3)>(L), 6<3( (Density) (Kilduff, Tsai, 2003) 4ก:.'กL). * &JBก5)=+/12(`/ (Direct ties) F@812(; (Indirect ties) กKK @67)ก 8:3 /J@L4; , 6 <3 (* &F)3)FGH ) ก<N+) ก`/ 1 F:2/L4;,4S) &F`ก`3/84&3/ &F)3)FGH)</. ,4S)c2;&3 , 6<3(กF@ก,@*(7 ) <;B@<3&::<>5</.:;/:<>5 =+/ 4 . * &F)3)FGH)>(L).L)82K 3)<;/`7M F@8,67 5'0(. 5K&3 , 6 <3 (กF@ก,@*7 ()<; B @ <3&:</.K;)&/ * &4)F)3)ก=*7: 2 (∆ = 0.64) ,)67/ก:.'ก.:3&)L4e3,-) K & ,2*(&ก) F@8K/ ),-), 6e`'ก) (Kinship network) (B3L).3&/(`+/F`3&(,2Sก)TN/&(JB;:B/( 2/)+) N/* & :)' =:)ก)ก F@8* F)&1);=*78,ก8,ก*7(&ก )(3/ ,4)* (&F)3 ),- )ก@3 (3 (b (Cliques) (Barabasi, 2002) )กก)*+ >(L).(/*ก'ก,.678:):.'ก , 6<3(=*74@ก4@( )ก,4)6กก'กกกM@/ก( =*7=M,-)8M 6 *Mc;5@/ก@/(& F@8ก'ก กกกM@ /ก(&'O* 67 )b ,.3) กM &/`w) ก<*7 ก() กF<3 /,6 ,- )`; ) ก &F)3 )FGH )</ , 6<3( F:2/L4;,4S)&3 <;B@:<>5:T,2')=/J3) &JBก5)=/:/ c(/:.'ก=ก ) =+/=/`/F@8 =/;ก)(3/Lก@;.'2 (Proximity) L)=/`/ก)<; .=*7 * &F)3 )FGH )`7M =*7: 2 6 . ก?9 : <>5 (∆ = 0.26) dN7/F;*M)&):.'กกTN/ 94 ) F`3* & JBก5)ก),KK/ก&3.67) b =+/)*+,58,-).=*7 ,ก'2<N+ )L)56+ )=*7,<`,6/ :.'ก:3&)L4e3*.*5 ; <( <;.ก c3 3(B;กก)ก)ก N/=ML4; &:5)O9L) ก5B2 ( F@8กF@ก,@*7()<;B@84&3/ก));( V 1 SFFS[\F กS"กT"NF U" .:;/ N Density S.D. :<>5 (N=318) (∆) `MK@8`;/ 80 0.46 0.67 กK5&/,4)6 50 0.45 0.49 &/ 94 0.64 0.47 ก?9:<>5 94 0.26 0.51 ,675'0 &F)3)FGH)</, 6<3(ก.3&(,4@6 :) K:) ) (Instrumental network) =+ /L)2; )& :2 ก09 :T)=*7 F@8/K80 </=+/ 4 . F:2/L)`/ 2 F:2/&3 .:;/:<>5K;)กK5&/,4)6 dN7/,-).=*7 *<)2,@S ก=*7 : 2 M )&):.' ก 50 ) F`3* ก.3 &(,4@6 :)K:))ก)(3/F)3)FGH)ก=*7:2 ,=3กK 0.38 4( &&3 .:;/:<>5K;)กK5&/,4)6 dN7/,-).=*7*ก'ก กกM@/ก(F1K' `+/(B3L)M,>545' :.'ก*ก 5N7/5' / .3 &(,4@6 dN7 /ก )F@8ก ):B / ,67 * x e4>(L). 5K&3.)*+:TFก;c<xe4c2;2* L)=/`/ก)<;กK .ก?9:<>5=*7*M)&):.'กกก&3 F`3*ก.3&(,4@6 :)K:))ก));(=*7:2 (∆ = 0.03) (3/cกS` ,4S)c2;&3 >5&</ &F)3)FGH)</, 6<3(ก.3&(,4@6</=ก .* 3,@*7(82K`7M V 2 SFFS[\F ก" F>FF N (N=318) Density (∆) S.D. `MK@8`;/ 80 0.19 0.4 กK5&/,4)6 50 0.38 0.48 &/ 94 0.26 0.43 ก?9:<>5 94 0.03 0.18 .:;/ :<>5 UFIก" >"^F (Actor Centralities) 1. TWFUFIก" >"^F ก S"กT"NF U" ก>5F:2/2;&(,= )' &'O* Gower Configuration F@8 ,= )' กF:2/>5/ 98กK4@ก (Principal Components Layout) F@8`&,@<ก&', 849ก@3 K @L), 6<3( MF)ก` 0@ก?08 &,-)AB)(9ก@/ 4 '`' 2/)*+ 1.1 ก (Degree Centrality) ,-)ก&2M)&) </ก`'2`3ก)12(`/</JB;8:)ก@/L), 6<3( & ,ก*7(&5)O9 (Kite Network) 5K&3 M)&)</กกK-:3/<;B@ <3&:12(`/</1)2`3/ b :5)O9กK2AB)(9ก@/ (Hub) L), 6<3( &,ก*7(&5)O9 (Kite Network) </.:;/ :<>5K;)&/ ก=*7:2 (C'D = 78.77) 12(5K&3K @=*,7 -) Hub </. c2;Fก3 (1) :: :O0:< (:.) F@8,-)JB;)M,`;)2;&( (W1) F@8(2) )(=8,K*()</. (W78) /@/ c2;Fก3 .ก?9:<>5 (C'D= 71.26) K @=*7,-) Hub </.)*+ 6 8O). (L1) JB;)M ,`;) (L92 , L93) F@8,;4);=*7:O0:<,=AK@ (L94) 12( =*7 K @,4@3 )*+ 8,- ) 2,.67 c:B3 :.' ก67 ) .3 &(L4; MF)8)MNก? 8:)ก'ก</. F@8(/.กB/ K @>()ก67 ),<; ,- ):.' ก <08=*7 .:; / :<>5`MK@8`;/=*7*M)&)กK-:3/<;B@<3&: );(=*7:2 (C'D = 50.00) !1ก&+) ก.0) ))$%-341%"ก กกก!1 1.2 ^ก" ! U FI ก" (Closeness Centrality) ,-) &JBก5) (Ties) 84&3/K @:/ ) =+/12(`/F@812(; =*7*=/,2')=*7:+)=*7:2 (Geodesic distances) ก<;B@F@8>5กG ,4S)c2;&3 JB;=*7* &T*7 </กF@ก,@*7()<;B@<3&: F@8,-)AB)(9ก@/ & Lก@;.'2</<;B@<3&:ก=*7:2</.:;/:<>5* M )&)กก&3 4)N7 / ) dN7 / 5K&3 :.' ก .:; / :<>5K;)&/ * &Lก@;.'2AB)(9ก@/ก=*7:2 (C'C = 83.66) F@8K @JB; K /`MF4)3/JB;8:)<;B@ 4@ก 6 :: :O0:< (:.) dN7/*`MF4)3/,-) JB;)M,`;)L).2;&( (W1) 8O). (W 68) F@8)( =8,K*() (W 78) /@/ c2;Fก3 .ก?9:<>5 (C'C = 78.43) dN7/*:.'กJB;Lก@;.'2AB)(9ก@/4@( ) :.'ก=*7* &Lก@; .' 2AB )(9 ก@/ก=*7 : 2 6 JB; )M กกM @ /ก( (L92, L93 , L85) 8O). (L1) F@8,; 4);=*7 :O0:<,=AK@ (L94) 12(JB;F:2/=/: / ,4@3)*+ :T,<;TN/K @=*7(B3F&2@;L), 6<3(c2;กก&3 )67) 46*ก)(4)N7/ก@3&c2;&3ก@3K @,4@3)*+(B3 L)`M F4)3 /=*7 :T`&2B กc4@,&* ()</<; B @ <3&:L), 6<3(c2;2* :T/,4S),4`ก09`3/ b =*7 ,ก' 2<N+ )L), 6 <3 ( 46 L) /,.' /M ) (Power) :8=;)TN/M)</ JB;F:2/ก@3)*+&3* &:5)O9กK AB ) (9 ก @/</, 6 <3 (ก :3 / J@L4; * M )ก (Bonacich, 1972 ; Knoke and Burt, 1983) <08,2*(&ก) .`MK@8`;/* &Lก@;.'2AB)(9ก@/);(=*7:2 (C'C = 68.33) F:2/TN/8(843/กAB)(9ก@/ (Farness) </:.'ก :3&)L4e3กก&3.67) 1.3 ก U H U F I ก " (Betweeness Centrality),-)`MF4)3/=*7K @TBก&/`MF4)3/c&;84&3/JBF; :2/ :/ )=*7*8(8=/=*7:+)=*7:2 5K&3 .:;/:<>5กK 5&/,4)6* 3,@*7(ก(B384&3/K @ก=*7:2 (C'B = 0.86) dN/7 ,-)ก M)&0ก &`3/</8(8=/=*7:+)=*7:2 (geodesics) 84&3/ B3</1)2:.'ก 12(=*7:.'ก=*7(B3L)`MF4)3/`&ก@/)*+ :TK - :3/<;B@<3&:กK:.'ก )67)L).c2;2* ก&3:.'ก=*7(B3 L)`MF4)3/)*+ 6 :. (K1) F@8(/* `MF4)3/,-)JB;)MกกกM@/ก( dN7/,-)JB;=*7=/'=O'5@ก =*7:2L), 6<3( 46,*(ก`MF4)3/)*+&3 )(4); `&ก@/ (Information broker) 46 JB;ก?,<`F2) (Gatekeeper) *'=O'5@ L)ก &K กc4@,&* ()<; B @ (Information control) </ , 6<3( :T`&2Bกc4@,&*()</<;B@<3&:>(L) , 6<3(c2;กก&3 )67) dN7/L)F)& '2</G*F) (Freeman, 1979) ก(B384&3/AB)(9ก@/8.3&(ก3L4;,ก'2ก5N7/5'/L) 82K=;/T'7) (Local dependency) ก@3& 6 :.'กL), 6<3(F`3 @8K @c3 :T{' K`' ก' ก2;&(`),/c2; `; /A ( K @L)`MF4)3/)*+.3&(L)กK'42ก 2BF@ OM/ก? , 6<3(L4; /(B3`3cc2; L)=/`/ก)<; 5K&3 .K;) &/ * 3,@*7(ก(B384&3/AB)(9ก@/);(=*7:2 (C'B = 0.23) 1.4 กTHFUFIก" (Eigenvector Centrality) ,-)`MF4)3/=*7K @=*7,.678:)`'2`3:5)O9กK:.'ก )67) (Bonacich, 1972 , 1987) 5K&3 .K;)กK5&/,4)6 *K @JB;=*7(B3L)`MF4)3/8:)ก@/กK,567) b :.'กL) , 6<3(:B/:2 (C'E = 18.99) K @ก@3)*+(B3L)`MF4)3/=*7 :TJ:J:) & '2 F@8 &B;=*7c2;กF4@3/`3/ b dN7/ c2;Kก,;4);=*7:O0:< (K50) ,567)M,<;:B3J@J@'`F@8 กกกM@/ก(BFKKL43 <08=*7.ก?9:<>5*K @ 8:)ก@/);(ก&3.67) 4 A กS"กT"NF U" ก>F 4 B กS"กT"N F U" >FZ V 3 `"NTWFUFIก"^F กS"กT"NF U" 4 .:;/ :<>5 `MK@8`;/ กK5&/,4)6 K;)&/ ก?9:<>5 3,@*7( &,-)AB)(9ก@/ N 80 50 94 94 2*ก* (C'D) 50.00 58.77 78.77 71.26 & Lก@;.'2 (C'c) 68.33 72.49 83.66 78.43 ก(B3 84&3/ (C'B) 0.64 0.86 0.23 0.31 ก 8:) (C'E) 14.72 18.99 14.45 12.20 2. TWFUFIก" >"^F ก " F>FF ก>5 5 A F@8`/ 4 F:2/L4;,4S) &,-) AB)(9ก@/</, 6<3(ก.3&(,4@6:)K:))</. :;/:<>5กK5&/,4)6*K @=*7* &,-)AB)(9ก@/ =+/82K2* ก* &Lก@;.' 2 F@8* ก8:)ก=*7 : 2 /@/ 6 .:; /: <>5`M K@8`; / O' K(c2; &3 .K; )ก K5&/,4)6 * K @กก&3 4)N7 / )=*7 (B3 L) `MF4)3/AB)(9ก@/8:)/).3&(,4@6ก)กก&3.67) dN7 /ก&3 ก@3 K @AB )(9 ก@/L), 6 <3 (ก.3 &(,4@6 :)K:)) ,-)ก@3,2*(&กKK @L), 6<3(กF@ก,@*7() <; B @ <3 &: L)<08,2* (&ก ) 5K&3 . ก?9 : <>5* K @dN7/(B3L)`MF4)3/AB)(9ก@/4@ก,5*(/ ),2*(& :3/J@L4; `;/*ก5N7/5'/K @=*7,-)AB)(9ก@/2/ก@3&:B/ 2/>5 5 B 5 A ก" F>FFก>F TL"ก!S"H F SFH ก&', 849FKKFJ)1 /:;/, 6<3(=/:/ </.:;/:<>5 dN7/*w)8,-)4)3&(4)N7/</:/ J@ก&'(5KBFKK1 /:;/, 6<3( 2 BFKK 2/)*+ 1. BFKK1 /:;/, 6<3(FKK=ก.3/=/ (All - channel Network) :.'กL), 6<3(*กK-:3/ <;B@>(L).ก)K3( F@8:.'ก.3&(,4@6dN7/ก) F@8ก)ก 12(=*7 /1 /:; // 9 8กK4@ ก >(L), 6<3( (Principle component layout) 8:T /,4S)BFKK1 /:;/ ,-) 3 1d) 8กK2;&(1d)=*7 1 , 6<3(ก@3K @=*7(B3&/L) dN7/,-)Fก)4@ก (Core structure) 46,*(ก&3, 6<3(4@ก (Intimacy network) dN7/,-)ก@3K @=*7,-)AB)(9ก@/</, 6<3( 1d)=*7 2 , 6<3(ก@3K @=*7* &Lก@;.'2/@/ (Effective network) 8กK2;&( K @`3/b =*7K-:3/<;B@ <3&: ก));(ก&3ก@3Fก F@81d)=*7 3 c2;Fก3 ก@3K @=*7*ก `'2`3ก));(=*7:2 ,*(ก&3 , 6<3(<(( (Egos extended network) (Boissevain, 1974) 46,*(ก&3 ก@31 /:;/ '0@.(<K (Peripheral Structure) 2/>5 6 A-B 5 B ก" F>FFกI 6 A S 3 MF VC>"HV V 4 `"NTWFUFIก" ก " F>FF 4 .:;/ :<>5 `MK@8`;/ กK5&/,4)6 &/ ก?9:< >5 3,@*7( &,-)AB)(9ก@/ N 80 50 94 94 2*ก* (C'D) 33.45 56.49 34.29 6.45 & Lก@;.'2 (C'c) 61.20 73.26 62.37 50.95 ก(B3 84&3/ (C'B) 0.85 0.91 0.71 1.07 ก 8:) (C'E) 14.45 18.96 13.22 11.03 Core 6 B S 3 MF 2. UTS>> S>>VFc (Tree Network) 5KL) &: 5 )O9 ก.3 &(,4@6 :) K:)) </.ก?9 :<>5 12(L).ก?9:<>5*ก@3Fก)4@ก (Focal group) F@8*ก@3(3(=*7F`กF<)/ก,-)ก@3(3( 3 ก@3 (N/1(/ 84&3/ก)c&;2;&(ก.3&(,4@6 ,ก6+กB@F@8FK3/x)=5(กก) 2/>5 7 A - B BFKK@ก?08,.3))*+8*5@/L)กOM/ก? , 6<3(c&;T;ก@3Fก)4@ก8* & &JBก5)=*7,-)gกFJ3) (Strong ties) F@8* &:5)O9FKK> * (arms length partnership) 5N7/5'/=5(กdN7/ก)F@8ก) (Resource dependence) กKก@3(3( =+/ 3 ก@3 (Uzzi , 1997) 7 A S กI 7 B S S>>VFc (Tree net) J@กก&', 849 &F)3)FGH)=/:/ (Social cohesion) </, 6<3(=+/ 4 . =+/L)2;) &:5)O9L) กF@ก,@*7()<;B@<3&: F@8ก.3&(,4@6 :)K:))ก) 12(L.;`&.*+&2 &4)F)3) (Density) dN7/,-)`&.*+&282K ก@3 (Group measures) (Moody, 2004) 5K&3 &F)3)FGH) </, 6<3(=+/:/.(B3L)82K 3)<;/`7M F@8, 6<3( กF@ก,@*7()<;B@<3&:* &F)3)FGH)กก&3, 6<3( ก.3&(,4@6 )กก)*+ (/5K &JBก5)FKK4@&b>(L) =ก. * &JBก5)(3/,-)gกFJ3) (Strong ties) L) K/ก@3:.'ก,=3)+) *<;:/,ก`=*7)3:)L 6 82K=*7 ,48:</กJ:J:) (Optimal Mix) 84&3/ & JBก5)FKK,-)gกFJ3) (Strong ties) กK &JBก5)FKK 4@& (Weak tie) &,-)(3/c ,567=ML4;c2;J@J@'`:B/:2 </. ,675'0K @=*7,-)AB)(9ก@/</, 6<3( กF@ก,@*7()<;B@<3&:</.:;/:<>5 F@8 , 6<3(ก.3&(,4@6 dN7/c2;Fก3 8O). :. F@8 ,;4);=*7:O0:< 5K&3K @,4@3)*+=M 4);=*,7 -)JB;K <;B@ `&=)<;B@=*7c2;K F@8,-)JB;,J(F53<;B@ <3&:กc(/:.'ก )67) `@2),-)JB;:;/: 9 J@'`<;B@L43 b H)L4;กK:.'ก =ML4;ก@3K @ ,4@3)*+*'=O'5@L)ก &K <;B@<3&:c4@,&*() >(L). 12(J3)K @=*7(B3L)`MF4)3/(B384&3/ AB)(9ก@/ 12(,58`MF4)3/=*7,-)AB)(9ก@/ (Hubs) </ , 6<3(=*7*ก`'2`3กK:.'กF@8ก@3(3(L). *'=O'5@=/:/ `3K @67) :T &K ก@3K @ =*7(@;,<,4@3)+)L4;*F)& '2 =A) `' 3)'( F@8 5`'ก=* 7 @;(` (Friedkin, 1991) ก(4ก.#''52-"-$-& 2=*7:M e </ก<((F@85 t ), 6 <3 ( 6 ก 2 L4; * ก8K&)ก5t)Aก(>5ก@3JB;F:2/=*7(B3L)`MF4)3/ AB)(9ก@/</, 6<3 ( dN7/,-)Fก)4@กL)1d) 1 </ 1 /:;/, 6<3( (Core structure) c2;Fก3 )=. :O0:< =*7{'K`'/)L)56+)=*7`+/</. 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