Mar 22, 2015 - Good Shepherd Catholic Church

Knights of Columbus
Romeo Francisco, CPA 916-691-1272
Al Michel, CPA 916-684-1481
9245 Laguna Springs Dr., Ste. 145
Elk Grove, CA 95758
Specialities: Income Tax Returns,
Financial Audits
Good Shepherd Parish - Council 11236
General Meeting Every 3rd Wednesday
7:00 PM in the Youth Group Room
Contact Chancellor Larry Navarrette (916) 230-0369
Party & Rentals
weddings • birthdays • celebrations
(formerly Liz’s Craft & Party)
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7721 Laguna Blvd. Ste #128
(Located behind the Old Spaghetti Factory)
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Funeral Chapel
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variety of resort destinations in the USA, Canada,
Mexico. Location
dates, to
be determined by the winner. The date can be up to 18 months in the future. Condo
can be any resort in the WorldMark or Vacation International systems based upon
availability. Examples of locations include: Angels Camp and Palm Springs, CA;
Several locations in Las Vegas, Hawaii, Mazatlan, Mexico and Orlando Florida.. The
value ranges from $1,000 to $2,000 depending on the time and location and is based
upon nightly rentals of $150 to $300. Minimum bid $500.00.
(916) 689-9191
8007 Laguna Blvd, Suite 1
Elk Grove, CA 95758
Open 11am-7pm Daily
(916) 691-6442
Mention this ad for 10% off services!
2. Las Vegas Trip - $300 Southwest voucher, 2 nights at the Bellagio Hotel, dinner
for 2 at Sensi Restaurant and 2 tickets to “O” show. Minimum bid $800.
3. One week Studio Unit at Villa Del Palmar in Puerto Vallarta from May 4-May
11th-may change dates if available through the Villa Group. Minimum bid $300.
4. One Night Stay at the Double Tree by Hilton - Sonoma Wine Country, valid
through 10/31/15; 1 bottle of Edna Valley Merlot, 2 insulated Wine Tumblers, Godiva Chocolate. Minimum bid $100.00
With Gratitude to Our Donors
Please support
the businesses
that generously
donated to our
crab feed.
Where else can you support your Church
while advertising your business?
Starting at $7.00 per publication!
For more information, please e-mail:
Thank you to
our parishioners
that donated
raffle and
auction items.
Kim Anderson
B Street Theather
Jason and Malissa Benade
Bogle Winery
Jerry and Verne Bowers
Eddie and Menchie Cabrera
Natalie Camerino
Barbara Casey
Mark Casale of Dos Coyotes
Dr. Jocelyn Chavez
Carolyn Day
Carla Geach
Remy Gogo
Dave and Monica Goodale
Ben and Michelle Grotemeyer
Donna and Leland Ho
Fr. Leon Juchniewicz
Please support the businesses that support your Parish!
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Preschool
Fall registration begins on April 1st at 10:00 am. We offer programs
for children 3 years to 5 years old. Summer School information will also be available on April 1st
Please contact Tammy Babich Preschool Director for more information. 916-691-4825 or
Nick and Julie Kastanes
Julie Labrado
Louise Maestretti
Rebecca Marengo
Alison McManus
Larry and Tess Naes
Matilde Palmer
Monica Pfirrman
Elizabeth Pott
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Smith
Bill and Sharon Sousa
Smog’ N Go
Larry Stanton
Thomas Kuhl
US Foods
Denise Wesleder
Easter Schedule
Confessions:Holy Week and Easter:
Wednesday, Mar 25th ~ Communal Reconciliation~ 7:00pm
Saturday, Mar 28th~ Individual Confession 3:30pm-5:00pm
Holy Thursday, April 2nd ~ 7:00pm
Bishop Myron Cotta Main Celebrant
Good Friday, April 3rd ~
12 noon and 7 pm
Tuesday, Mar 31st ~ Individual Confession 10:00am – 12 noon Easter Sunday, April 5th
7:00am, 9:00am, 11:00am & 1:00pm
Monday, Mar 30th ~ Individual Confession
10:00am-12 noon
Easter Vigil, Holy Saturday, April 4
8:00pm, no 5pm Sat. Mass
Wednesday, Apr 1st ~ Individual Confession No evening Mass on Easter Sunday
10:00am ~ 12 noon 6:00pm ~ 8:00pm
Stations of the Cross
All You Can Eat!
Live Auction Items
1. One week Vacation Rental- 5 to 7 nights in a one or two bedroom condo in a
General Dentistry & Orthodontics
Please remember, if you are requiring a tax statement of your
church donations, you must contact the office via phone call or
email. If you requested a tax statement last year, you will automatically receive one this year.
9015 Bruceville Rd, Ste 120
Elk Grove, CA 95758
29. German Soup Tureen/Punch Bowl with 8 mugs in a Hunting Motif.
(Translation of German words on the tureen, ”The hunter thrives on beer and
Lic #FD1677
2014 Tax Statements
9101 Elk Grove Blvd.
Mission Statement: Good Shepherd Parish is an inviting and evangelizing community, which emphasizes
life long faith formation and genuine Christian Stewardship. Our Mission is to transform people by bringing
the good news of Jesus Christ into every human situation and living our Catholic Faith fully.
916.399.9026 •
9168 Franklin Boulevard, Suite A/B, Elk Grove, CA
Priscilla Cagampan, DDS
Good Shepherd
Interested in becoming a Knight?
March 22, 2015
Parish Registration And Change of Address
New to Good Shepherd Catholic Church Community? 
Recently moved or changed phone number? 
During Lent Stations of the Cross will be each Friday evening starting at 7:00pm lead by clergy. According to the tradition of our Catholic Faith stations will end with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
and Benediction. Please be a part of this beautiful old traditional
devotion of our Church during this season of Lent. Additionally
every Wednesday, Children’s Station of the Cross will be celebrated
@ 1:45pm, led by Clergy with students from SEAS. This special time
is perfect for older parishioners who do not wish to drive at night. Phone__________________________ E-mail____________________________
City, Zip__________________________________________________________
Please provide weekly offering envelopes  Yes  No
Please fill out and deposit in Offertory Basket. Thank You!
9539 Racquet Court
Elk Grove, CA 95758
(916) 684-5722 • (916) 684-4472 Fax
Hours: Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri 8am - 5pm,
Closed for lunch 12 - 1pm
Closed Wednesdays
Saturday 3:30 - 4:30 pm at the
church or by appointment. Please
call parish office to schedule.
Saturday 5pm Vigil
Sunday 7, 9, 11am & 1, 5pm
Pastor: Rev. Leon Juchniewicz
Parochial Vicar:
Rev. Lester Menor
Deacon: William Sousapresents
Deacon: Edward Smith
Office Manager: Program Title
Denise Wesleder
Parish Office Receptionist:
Monica Goodale
Coordinators of
Religious Education:
Sr. Sibele Gaya Moreira, VDMF
Sr. Reyna Colimote, VDMF
Religious Education Admin. Asst.:
Menchie Cabrera (916) 683-2963
One/Eight Confirmation Preparation
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Elizabeth Pott
Scotia Burrell
6:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.
Music Director:
Shepherd Parish Center
Life Teen Coordinator:
Laura Spaugh
Please see our baptism section at for information
regarding our baptism class
schedule. Parents and godparents
begin preparation for baptism by
contacting the parish to register for
baptism classes.
Please call 684-5722.
Engaged couples should begin
preparation a minimum of six
months prior to the date of the
wedding. Please call parish office
to schedule.
Weekdays 8:30am
First Saturday of the Month 9:30am
Holy day of Obligation Mass
Schedule: 7:00pm Vigil, 8:30am
and 7:00pm
Children’s Liturgy of the Word at
Sunday Masses 9am, 11am & 5pm
and Kinderchurch provided at
9am Mass only.
Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament:
Every first Thursday, adoration,
silent and with prayers of
devotion group from 6-9pm.
Every first Friday-Exposition of
the Blessed Sacrament at 10:00am
until 3:00pm with Divine Mercy
Chaplet and solemn benediction.
st. elizabeth
ann seton
catholic school
9539 Racquet Court
Elk Grove, CA 95758
K-8 Principal:
Trina Legacy Koontz (916) 684-7903
Preschool Director:
Tammy Babich (916) 691-4825
Dear parishioners,
My name is Christopher Schenck, and I am a student here at St
Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School. In support of Diane LIoyd
and the Respect for Life Ministry, I am conducting a Lenten Service
Project, in which I am collecting diapers and wipes for the Bishop
Gallegos Maternity Home. This is to help support poor young
mothers and their needy babies. Please drop off your donations of
diapers and wipes in the specially marked receptacle in the narthex
between March 9th and March 29th. In the spirit of Lent we are
called to help one another so please donate to help this worthy
cause. Thank you for your generosity.
Christopher Schenck
Egg Hunt Donations are needed by March 22 so that we can fill the
eggs from 11am -2pm in the Parish center-students may get additional hours by signing up to complete this task.
all the elements of professional theater, runs 75 minutes, and is suitable for all ages.
We are also collecting these items for the Mustard Seed School:
school supplies, bottled water, kleenex, healthy snacks, preschool
clothing, socks, and underwear which can be donated all the way
up to the day of the Easter Egg hunt. Watch the trailer & learn more at
Confirmation 1 &2 students can earn additional service hours by
donating 2 bags of candy = 1 service hour to their core teachers on
Sunday and Tuesday nights. (Max of 3 hrs or 6 bags)
SAVE THE DATE; SUN March 29, 2015 (Palm Sunday) - 4th Annual
Parish Wide Egg Hunt ~10:45am at SEAS Grassy Lawn. $5/ child
or $10 family + donation to Mustard Seed School. 3 Egg Hunting
Areas: 1-3YR olds, 4-6 YR olds, 7+ year olds. To sign up for “GSCC 2015 Easter Egg Hunt Community Service
Project.” Please click on the link below to view the online sign up
sheet. To sign up, go to:
Attention all Dynamic Catholic
Ambassador’s Club Members:
If you have received the entire series of DECISION POINT short
films and the accompanying workbook and would like to donate
it to our CFF Religious Ed Office, kindly drop it off at our Parish
Office with our Thanks! This is a program we currently use for our
RCIC program and find it to be very engaging and dynamic. Your
kind generosity is support to this ministry is much appreciated.
Annual EasterSaturday,
Egg Hunt
March 21, 2015
LENTEN - Soup for the Soul
Mass Intentions
Our Egg Hunt is in need of adult
and middle school and
high school students. Concepcion
In addition, all
(+) are encouraged
to bring donations of candy,
age approSerapion
Cortezstickers, erasers,
Sr. (DA)
priate items to fill 6000 Leonarda
-- 2” plasticCortez
Eggs for our 4th Annual
Parish Wide Egg Hunt taking place on March 29 after the 9am
Mass. All parishionersSerapion
may dropCortez
off theJr.
in the marked
Francis Magsuci (SI-healing)
boxes in the—————————————————————Narthex.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
7:00 am
Mass Intentions
Mass Intentions
Saturday, March
21, 2015 Gunabe (SI-healing)
Monday, March 23, 2015
5:00 PM Donald Lee Wilkins (+)
Concepcion Barroga (+)
Serapion Cortez Sr. (DA)John Cress (DA)
Leonarda Cortez
Do Family (TG)
Pantig AstorgaThe
Serapion Cortez Jr. (TG)
Leland Joseph Manaois (BD)
Francis————————————————————Magsuci (SI-healing)
Romeo Fernandez (+)
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Myrna Panelo
—————————————————————7:00 am Ela Del Rosario
Evangelization Outreach Ministry
Will be hosting the following events for the Lenten Season.
This is a time to walk with Jesus through the desert on a journey to
enhance your faith in becoming a better version of yourself. Come and be nourished with a hot bowl of soup, bread and a short
reflection to enhance your faith journey Date: Scheduled for the Fridays in March 6, 13, 20, 27
Time: 5:45-6:45 pm. In the Parish Center – followed by Stations of
the Cross in the church and Benediction by our clergy.
DON’T MISS OUT! GET YOUR TICKETS!!! ONLY $10.00 A PERSON a family of (4) or more $30.00.
Thérèse: The Story of a Soul, the moving, live production performed by actress Audrey Ahern and directed by Patti Defilippis
of Saint Luke Productions, will be presented at Good Shepherd
Catholic Church on Monday, March 23 at 7:00 p.m.
In this one-woman performance, Thérèse speaks directly to you, the
audience, with humor, grace and humility. Her honest, direct spirituality speaks powerfully to our busy culture, with the encouraging
message that anyone can become a saint. The program is filled with
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Joao Silva (DA)
Conrado Gunabe (SI-healing)
Donald Lee Wilkins (+) Aurea Diel (+)
John Cress (DA) Danilo Quero (SI)
Pantig Astorga (SI)
Arsenio Sahagun (+)
11:00 am
9:00 am
Myrna Panelo (+) BJ Aglubat (BD)
Ela Del RosarioRose
(DA) Ann Langamon
———————————————————Joao Silva (DA)
(WA) March 25, 2015
Aurea Diel (+)Langamon Family
Danilo Quero (SI) Joan Henscheid (+)
Jose Maria Obregon (DA)
11:00 am
Israel Moscoso, Jr. (+)
BJ Aglubat (BD) Ernesta A. Corpus (+)
Vivian Cao (BD)
Rose Ann
Langamon (BD)
Langamon Family (WA)
Joan Henscheid (+)
Jose Maria Obregon (DA) Jesus Cruz
(+) March 26, 2015
Ernesta A. Corpus Dr.
(+) Mariano Perez
Lina Berger
1:00 pm
and Lilian Soto (WA 32yr)
Jesus Cruz (SI) Consuelo Escoto
Jorge Armando Kafati (DA)
Viray (SI-healing)
Dr. Mariano Perez
Berger (+)
I.K. Mathew (+)
Consuelo Escoto (DA)
Fortunato Viray (SI-healing)
Holy Souls in Purgatory
March 27, 2015
5:00 pm
Corazon LisingFriday,
Holy Souls in Purgatory (+)
Corazon Lising (+)
Richard Norwood
Sotero (SI-healing)
Eddie Cabrera (BD)
Elizabeth Sotero (SI-healing)
Estonilo (BD)
Caleb Jay Estonilo (BD)
Deceased (+)
Deceased (+)
Death Anniversary
Special Intention (SI)
Thanksgiving (TG)
Special Intention (SI)
Birthday (BD)(+)
Anniversary (WA)
Special Intention (SI)
CFF Classes on break for March 30 – April 3 for Holy Week!
5th Sunday of Lent
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6 Chapter 22: We are Children of God
Celebrating Holy Thursday
Chapter 6: Jesus the Savior
Eucharist: We Live
Chapter 23: Living Our Faith
What are the Beatitudes / Holy Triduum
Chapter 22: Love Your Neighbors as Yourself
What is the Great Commandment? / Holy Triduum
Chapter 22: Love of Neighbor
What are the 4th, 5th, 6th and 9th commandments? / Holy Triddum
Holy Triduum: Holy Thursday and Good Friday
RCIC Level 1 Decision Point: Session 5: The Bible
RCIC Level 2 Decision Point: Session 7: The Holy Spirit
Thanksgiving (TG)
Birthday (BD) Thanksgiving (TG)
Birthday (BD)
Wedding Anniversary (WA)
Wedding Anniversary (WA)
5th Sunday of Lent
JER 31:31-34 | HEB 5:7-9 | JN 12:20-33
Mo: DN 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 | JN 8:1-11
Tu: NM 21:4-9 | JN 8:21-30
We: IS 7:10-14; 8:10 | LK 1:26-38
Th: GN 17:3-9 | JN 8:51-59
Fr: JER 20:10-13 | JN 10:31-42
Sa: EZ 37:21-28 | JN 11:45-56
Admission is $10 each, or $30 for families of 4 or more. For tickets
and additional information, contact Good Shepherd Parish Office
at (916) 684-5722 or visit or email Evangelization
Outreach Ministry at
Lent -Spiritual Growth - GSCC BIBLE STUDY
An excellent way to focus our thoughts and deepen our prayer lifeduring Lent is to turn to the Bible. The Good Shepherd Bible study
is a perfect opportunity. Come join the study… dig into the Gospel of
John, one chapter at a time. The Bible study meets every Wed (except
special holy days) at 6:30pm in the church. ALL are welcome! For
additional information please call the church office or email Kerry
Joseph at
Light House Catholic Media
Kiosk - On-going New Cd’s and pamphlets arrive for lent
Pamphlets – for your use to meditate and walk closer with Jesus
Don’t miss out on these spiritual opportunities to enhance your
faith journey during the Lenten season
Thank you, The Evangelization Committee
Saint Faustina said: Jesus instructed me to write down and make
this novena before the Feast of Mercy. It begins on Good Friday.
“I desire that during these nine days you bring souls to the fountain
of My mercy, that they may draw therefrom strength and refreshment and whatever grace they need in the hardships of life.....
Saint Faustina said: Jesus instructed me to write down and make
this novena before the Feast of Mercy. It begins on Good Friday.
“I desire that during these nine days you bring souls to the fountain
of My mercy, that they may draw therefrom strength and refreshment and whatever grace they need in the hardships of life, and
especially at the hour of death. On each day you will bring to My
Heart a different group of souls, and you will immerse them in this
ocean of My mercy, and I will bring all these souls into the house of
My Father. You will do this in this life and in the next. I will deny
nothing to any soul whom you will bring to the fount of My mercy.
On each day you will beg My Father, on the strength of My bitter
Passion, for graces for these souls”.
The Divine Mercy 2015 Novena schedule as follows
Good Friday, April 3rd @3:00 p.m.
Holy Saturday, April 4th @3:00 p.m.
The Kinderchurch Ministry is a parent participation ministry open to Good
Shepherd’s youngest parishioners – ages 18 months (by the first day of
Kinderchurch) through their Kindergarten year. * The Kinderchurch program seeks to build an enriching faith community for
the youngest members of our church. We supplement their Catholic foundation
with a meaningful religious education program through the use of age-appropriate lessons, stories, songs, and crafts while their parents attend Mass. * Kinderchurch is offered during the 9 am Mass from September through May.
* We are looking for more adult catechists to help provide this wonderful
religious experience for the children of our parish - NO teaching experience
is needed! Easter Sunday, April 5th @2:30 p.m.
Monday, April 6th @9:15 a.m.
Tuesday, April 7th @9:15 a.m.
Wednesday, April 8th @9:45 a.m.
Thursday, April 9th @9:15 a.m.
Friday, April 10th @9:30 a.m.
Saturday, April 11th @8:30 a.m.
Sunday, April 12th @1:00 p.m.
The Celebration of the Feast of the Divine Mercy. Exposition and
Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament (Right after the Mass). Followed by a reception at the Parish Hall.
HEALING MASS on Friday, the 10th of April, 2015 @7:30 pm at
Good Shepherd Catholic Church
The Holy Mass will be presided by Rev. Fr. Arnold Parungao, Parochial Vicar, St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Church Auburn, California.
The Healing Service will be conducted by Bro. Bob Canton,Council
Member, Vatican-Based International Catholic Charismatic Renewal. Sponsored by The Divine Mercy Charismatic Group. For
more details and information please call Rolly and Susan Gonzales
at (916) 203-8765.
Good Shepherd Music Ministry
Thank you for your continued support and participation in the
Good Shepherd music ministry. We are currently looking for
people willing to give of their time and talent to become active
members in this ministry. The Sunday 5 p.m. mass is looking
primarily for high school aged students and older. All other mass
times are open to all ages. Please see the music leader at your Mass
time of choice for the weekly rehearsal schedule. Rehearsals for
community wide celebrations (such as Triduum) are on Tuesday
evenings at 7 p.m. in the church. All are welcome. Contact our
music director, Suzanne Scoleri ( for
more information.
Good Shepherd Grief & Bereavement Ministry
“Hearts of Compassion”, will offer seven Monday evening group
sessions beginning April 6. This outreach ministry of Good Shepherd
parish provides support to parishioners and their family and friends
who are experiencing the loss of a loved one. The seven sessions will
help in understanding the stages of grief, surviving stress and loneliness, and will offer a session on how memories can become tools for
starting a new life. Led by grief peer counselors, the group will meet
in the resource room in the back of the narthex (church) at 9539 Racquet Court, Elk Grove at 7:00 pm. For more information, please call
Suzanne Dodd at (916)684-8612. All are welcome!
St. Vincent de Paul Society News
A HUGE THANK YOU to Sofia Zanzi and Joseph Ramirez from the 5th grade at SEAS school. Joseph baked cookies and sold them with the
profit going to SVDP of $26.00 and Sofia put bags
with a note saying she was collecting nonperishables for SVDP around her neighborhood (100
homes) and collected 35 bags which included
about 200 items for our closet. These were wonderful Lenten projects keeping the less fortunate in their young minds. Keep up the good work kids!!!
This week we had 63 families, 218 people and 215 boxes/bags of
food. We always give 1 or 2 boxes of non perishables depending
on the size of the family, and meat, vegetables and fruit in addition. Our construction is coming to an end and we will again be able to
take larger items , hopefully by the end of March. Please contact Laura Wade and Angela Banbury at
with any questions. CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD
CLOW is a parent participation ministry staffed solely by volunteers for 1st4th graders which takes place during Sunday 9am, 11am, and 5pm Masses.
Father calls up the children AFTER the Opening Prayer and we process the
children to the Parish Center for our class. The children return at the end of
the Homily so they can participate in Holy Communion. Please email clow@ for more information if you would like to volunteer as a Catechist
or assistant .
Stewardship at Good Shepherd
Grow our Gifts…Share our Blessings
Stewardship of Treasure
Our collection total for Mar. 14th/15th = $17,835.90
Catholic Relief Services = $4,661.45
Thank you for your generous support. Your ongoing donations are
essential in helping us meet the many needs of the parish and community.