29 March 2015 - GSMParishes.com.au

Palm/Passion Sunday
29th March 2015
The first day of Holy Week plunges us into the mystery of Christ
and His human/divine purpose. We dance the liturgy in, wave
palms, sing Hosannas. Then in fifteen minutes we are crushed
with sadness. Triumph and tragedy—hallmarks of the Paschal
Mystery characterise our whole week.
Fr. Frank Lourigan PP
Fr. Robert Doohan
Residing at O.L.D. Presbytery
Ph 3355 1349
Rev. Peter McDade, Deacon
Pastoral Associate:
Mrs. Tracie Gallagher (Wed - Fri)
Phone: 3355 1665
Sacramental Co-ordinator:
Mrs. Marie-Louise Singson
Monday & Tuesday mornings
Enqs. 3355 1665
Parish Secretary:
Mrs. Michelle Giuliani (Tues - Fri)
Finance Officer:
Mr. Tris van Twest
(Mon - Fri)
Assistant Secretary:
Mrs. Gail Bowley
Mon: am, Thurs: pm, & Fri. 8—4
Newsletter items to:
Passion and palms are not a contradiction here: sorrow over
against joy, thorns versus palms, tragedy in conflict with triumph.
Passion and palms are not enemies; they make up a single
mystery. We call it the paschal mystery. An inseparable
twosome, an unbreakable two-in-one: the dying/rising of Jesus.
Not sadness this Sunday, gladness next Sunday. Passion/Palm
Sunday weds triumph to tragedy, kingship to shame, hosannas to curses, joy to
sorrow. It suggests what Good Friday will trumpet to the far ends of the earth: Our
king triumphs not simply on Easter; he triumphs on Calvary. The tragedy is
triumph; the sadness is gladness.
Does this sound like nonsense? I’m not surprised. Every
Christian mystery sounds like nonsense: a God who is One
and Three; a Son of God who wears human flesh; a wafer
that tastes like bread but is Christ’s body and blood, soul and
divinity. It collides with our experience, our way of viewing
reality. So, too, for the paschal mystery—Lent, Holy Week,
Easter; we must try to see it as God sees it, knowing all the
while that we can never grasp it in our earth-bound existence,
never make complete human sense of it. But eyes opened
by faith can catch a glimpse of it, touch it without ever
exhausting it.
Holy Thursday Masses:
7pm Mitchelton &
The liturgy is trying to initiate us gradually, progressively, ever
more intensely into the paschal mystery, into the twin reality
of Jesus dying and rising. Not the sheer history: dying on Friday, rising on
Sunday. More the mystery: In Jesus’ very dying there is rising; life comes through
death, not simply after death.
Good Friday Stations Heavy stuff? Perhaps. Dry bones? I think not. For, at its
of the Cross:
best, our liturgy ritualises, symbolises, sacramentalises what
10am Mitchelton &
goes on, or ought to go on, in the rest of our lives. At its best,
liturgy gives expression to the faith experience of the Christian
people, and liturgy helps mould that experience.
might Passion/Palm say to our Christian living?
67 Dawson Parade, Keperra 4054
Ph 3355 2667 Fax 3855 3455
Email: grovely@bne.catholic.net.au
Hours: Mon 8am—1pm; Tues—Fri. 8am—4pm
Grovely Presbytery
67 Dawson Parade, Keperra 4054
Mitchelton Presbytery
11 Suez Street, Mitchelton 4053
St William’s School
67 Dawson Parade, Keperra 4054
Ph 3355 5122 Fax 3354 3330
St Andrew’s School
Cnr Hogarth & Upper Kedron Roads
Ferny Grove 4055
Ph 33516886 Fax 3851 1054
Our Lady of Dolours School
2 Willcocks Street, Mitchelton 4053
Ph 3355 7763 Fax 3855 2641
Mt. Maria College
67—69 Osborne Rd. Mitchelton 4053
Ph 3550 3400
YYY Radio FM 87.6
Ph 3855 0030
Email: operations@yyyfmradio.org
Good Friday Liturgy
of the Passion:
3pm Mitchelton,
Grovely & Oxford Pk
So, what
Let’s lock the answer into a single sentence: Like the life of
Christ, our Christian life is a journey to Jerusalem, and that
journey is a dying/rising in his image. To live as a Christian
means to be ceaselessly shaped into Christ, and that means I
am gradually, progressively, ever more intensely moulded into
the paschal mystery. My life, too, is a living/dying. Not
swinging like a pendulum from one to the other; not manic in
the morning and depressive in the evening. The two are wed
together: In our dying is our living; in our dying is our rising.
This is not some vague mysticism. By “dying” there are two
concrete, down-to-earth realities. In journeying with Christ to
Jerusalem, in trudging continually to life through death, we
must die in two ways. We die to sin and we die to self. The liturgies of Thursday,
Friday and Saturday take us into the story and mystery that can Easter Vigil Masses:
transform us and our lives. Ours to let go.
6.30pm Mitchelton &
So if we want to celebrate both liturgy and life these eight days,
three suggestions: (1) Don’t divorce passion and palms, Good
Friday and Easter. They are inseparable. In Christ’s death
there is life. (2) Act today, and all week, like risen Christians.
We have already risen with Christ. Then rejoice … today!
(3) Let our security blanket go. Let all our dying be a new
living. Not without pain; but let the pain be permeated with
Easter promise. There is no dying that does not bear within it
the seeds of fresh life.
Let go! Let the Liturgy take us!! Let live!
All Sunday Masses
as usual
Social Justice Group
30th March — 5th April
St William’s
Monday: Mass 9.15am
Wednesday: 6.00—6.55pm
Reconciliation during
6.15pm Silent Prayer before
the exposed Eucharist until
7.00pm Mass
Holy 7.00pm Mass of Lord’s Supper
Thursday: Adoration until 9.30pm
3.00 Liturgy of the Passion
Saturday: No 7am Mass
11.00am—12 noon
The Second Collection
amounted to $6395.70
We thank all who contributed
Counters this week:
1st Coll: Sue Skehan
2nd Coll: Tony & Sharon Agar
Rosary will be prayed in the home
of Suhar & Asaad Jarjees, 7
Greenfern Pl. Ferny Grove at 7pm
Thank You:
Bill Baulch and family would like to thank
the many people who assisted at Ann’s
funeral and the cuppa afterwards. Your
generosity is greatly appreciated.
Next Weekend Masses
Easter No 6.00pm Mass
Saturday: 6.30pm Easter Vigil Mass
Easter 6:30am, 8.00am, 9.30am
Sunday: 5:30pm
Our Lady of Dolours
Monday: 8.30am Mass
Tuesday: 8.30am Mass
Social Club:
Morning tea and bingo in the Daley
Centre this Wednesday at 10am.
Lift to Mass:
Can anyone offer a regular lift to 9.30am
Mass for a senior male parishioner who
resides at Arana Hills? Please call the
Parish Office if you can assist.
Wednesday: 8.00am Mass at Mt Maria
Holy 7.00pm Mass of Lord’s Supper
Thursday Adoration until 9.30pm
10.00am Stations of the Cross
3.00pm Liturgy of the Passion
Next Weekend Masses
Holy No 4.30pm Mass
Saturday: 6.30pm Easter Vigil Mass
8:00am Mass
Sacred Heart
Thursday: 7.00pm No liturgy
Good Friday 10.00am Stations of the Cross
Next Weekend Mass
Sunday: 8.00am Mass
Readings for this Week
Palm/Passion Sunday (Yr B)
Is 50:4-7
Phil 2:6-11
Mk 15:1-39
Next Week’s Readings
Easter (Yr B)
Acts 10:34, 37-43
Col 3:1-4
Jn 20:1-9
HOLY THURSDAY—Please maintain
the mood of silence and prayer outside
the church altar of repose after Mass.
GOOD FRIDAY—Readers, Leaders of
Prayer will be from the youth of our
community. We gather in the mood of
the day and leave in the same reverent
silence as last year.
EASTER VIGIL—(Begins at 6.30pm) Our ceremony will begin with the
blessing of the Easter Fire. We gather
around the fire for this ceremony and
then process inside following behind the
Paschal Candle.
Reserved Seats—The first few rows of
seats will be reserved for our R.C.I.A.
candidates. If you would like to place
something on your seat to identify it for
you as you gather around the fire,
please do so.
Supper—All are invited to share supper
under the sails afterwards. An
opportunity to catch
up with friends and
meet and congratulate
the new members of
the community.
Please bring a plate to
help with the catering.
Let’s Be a Welcoming Community
We often host many visitors at this special time of the year. We can all help visitors feel
at home and welcome, however—we do need a number of “official” welcomers also. A
warm welcome often takes nothing more than a smile and a warm “hello”. Please put
your name on the roster (under the Stations) if you can assist.
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Many of us never
encounter the prison
system and are content
to let authorities deal
with those unfortunate enough to do so.
At the moment Queensland prisons
operate under a zero tolerance policy. It
seems from the large numbers of reoffenders that this policy is ineffective.
Many inmates entering the system are
likely to come from disadvantaged backgrounds and often suffer from abuse and
mental illness. Many keep returning for
little is done to help restore their sense of
self worth and dignity. Prisons have
become a storeplace to shuffle many
who are disadvantaged out of sight.
Encouragingly, recent indications from
those who conduct Queensland’s prisons
offer hope that the government’s
tolerance towards
offenders, including our youth, may be
changing. Alternatives to imprisonment
may be more effective in some cases.
Minor matters such as traffic offences
and non-payment of fines, which are
currently punished with prison sentences,
could be dealt with outside the prison
system. . Hopefully, such offenders could
repay their debt to society and
experience true freedom within a less
threatening and dehabilitating structure.
Welcomers & Ministers of Communion
Still some needed for the Triduum
Please add your name to the rosters
available at the back of the church.
Helpers needed Friday 9am
We need able bodied people to assist
with setting up extra rows of chairs
outside the Church. These are
required for visitor over-flow at Easter
celebrations. Contact Michelle
(Parish Office—3355 2667) if you are
able to help.
Good Friday Liturgy:
For our Good Friday Liturgy.
Delivery to the Office on 1 & 2 April
Help also needed to cut up the
rosemary: 9am Good Friday
morning. Bring your secateurs.
Contact Michelle if you are able to
provide rosemary or help with
Supper after Easter Vigil:
Please bring a plate to
Thank you to all who volunteered over
the Triduum. Please check that we
have you on the correct time.
We still need a few more helpers!
Please print your first name & surname
clearly, on the roster under the Stations.
Mitchelton & Grovely - Samford
Stations of the Cross:
The complete set of Stations of the
Cross is now hanging for our prayer and
reflection. It is the emergence in icon
style of the deep spirituality and fine
artistic skill of Dianne Minnaar and the
creative but practical skills of Grahame
Shelley and his band of helpers. We will
use these images (projected) for the
Samford Stations this Good Friday
morning at 10am.
The Bishop will
formally bless them when he visits in
Ann Speed (Lisa Leahy’s mother),
Maureen Gleeson (Louise Stone’s grandmother), Jock King (Catherine Plunkett’s
husband), Gerard O’Reilly, Jenny Graham,
Braydon Smith, Jim Walsh, Ann Baulch,
Douglas Fordyce, Patricia Wilkes,
John Boughen, Elwyn Stewart,
Charlie Beswick, Trudy McCarthy.
Incidentally, quality prints will be
available for sale after Easter to inspire
and raise some money to pay for this
magnificent addition to our church breath
of spirit.
A funeral service for Ann Speed was held
at St. William’s on Friday. Our prayers
and sympathy are with her daughter Lisa
Leahy and the family.
Communion for the Sick:
If you are too ill to attend Mass and
would like to have the Eucharist brought
to your home then please let the Parish
Office know your situation or contact
Chris Ellis on 3289 3475.
Prayer Group –
Come for as long as you can!
9 - 10am Tuesday at Sacred Heart
Church, Samford
1st half hour – Rosary and Chaplet;
2nd half-hour – Adoration.
Joan Fitz-Herbert, Mary Anne Gale,
John Cahill, Tim Merrell.
Please let us know when your loved one’s
name may be removed from the list)
We pray for:
Camille Anderson, Rita Bennett,
Antoinette Brennan, Marie Courtney,
Paola Curatore, Noelene Ellis,
Dennis Farrell, Joyce Flynn,
Carmel Hales, Margaret Lally,
Mary-Lou McCallum, Rebecca Mellifont,
Bernadette Morgan, Jessie Neill,
Lorraine Tottenham, Lina Yang,
Katelin Yarde.
1st: Coll.
$ 221.40
2nd Coll.
This week: Group G—Rosemary Bierton
Next week: Group H—Barry Giddens
Family Rosary:
This week: Shirley Cunnington
Next week: Quang & Hoa Pham
The Catholic Leader - $2.00
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=U1wLpEuiH1g - watch Fr. Nigel, now
parish priest of Our Lady Help of Christians
Church, Nanango.
• Mass with battered Port Vila community
part of Caritas worker’s bitter-sweet
experience in Vanuatu after cyclone
• Same-sex marriage battle reaches crucial
• Nepalese visitor tells the story of his
journey from child labourer to Caritas leader
Page 3
Thanks to all
who picked up
a prayer partner
letter last weekend.
Please keep the families
of all the children in your
prayers and contact your
prayer partner soon by
sending them a greeting letter. If your
prayer partner has not included their
address, just deliver the letter to me at
the Parish Office and I will send it on.
The lists of the Confirmation candidates
and the first communicants will go up
closer to the celebration dates so watch
out for it:
May 1:
May 2—3:
First Communion in all
May 9—10: First communion in all
Marie-Louise F. Singson
Sacramental Coordinator
It is Mark’s version of the
Passion of our Lord which
we read today.
“Of all Gospel narratives
Mark’s is the most stark and brutal.
Jesus is abandoned not only by his
disciples but also, it seems, by God.
Three times he pleads with his disciples
to be ‘with him’ in the Garden. Three
times he pleads with his Father to allow
this cup to pass. As he dies, three
different groups mock him: the crowd,
the authorities and even the criminal
crucified with him. As he dies on the
cross, even nature goes dark. When he
cries to God in abandonment it is no
longer to ‘Abba, Father,’ but simply to
“The forces ranged against him seem
overwhelming. One of his own disciples
betrays him, the Jewish authorities
collude for his downfall, Pilate is weak,
the people are turned into a murderous
crowd, and the Roman soldiers indulge
in gratuitous brutality as sport. Yet out of
that very sinful group comes the one who
gives the declaration that is the central
point of this Gospel. The brutal centurion
who supervised his torture and execution
recognises: ‘In truth, this man was the
Son of God.’ ”
Taken from www.prayasyoucan.com.au
Follow us on www.stwilliams-afe.com
The annual collection for
the support of the church in
the Holy Land takes place
on Good Friday.
collection promotes the missionary work
of the Church in the Holy Land by
providing welfare assistance to local
Christians in areas such as health,
education, employment and housing.
Parishes, schools, orphanages and
medical centres throughout the Holy
Land also rely on assistance from the
Good Friday collection. The collection is
also used to maintain 74 churches and
shrines associated with the life of Jesus.
Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
We have a number of metres of
cloth used for our environment
during Holy Week and the
Triduum. If you can help with
ironing, please phone the Parish
Office on 3355 2667.
Mitchelton & Grovely - Samford
Unpredictable global weather
patterns are having a devastating effect on Indonesian
farmers who rely on the
land (and weather) for their
1st Rite of Reconciliation (individual)
Our Lady of Dolours
Good Friday
St. William’s
Sacred Heart, Samford
Holy Thursday
April 2
31 March
3 April
Holy Saturday
1 April
4 April
11.00—12 noon
Good Friday
3 April
To combat these changes, Vinsen
enrolled in the Sustainable Agriculture
Program (supported by Caritas Australia)
along with a group of farmers from his
village. Together they’ve learnt to terrace
land, harness water and grow sustainable food for life – regardless of the
changing weather.
Our Lady of Dolours
Mass 7.00pm
St. William’s
Mass 7.00pm
(Adoration until 9.30pm at both churches)
Good Friday April 3
Stations of the Cross - in morning
Liturgy of Passion - Main Liturgy
Our Lady of Dolours
Sacred Heart
Our Lady of Dolours
St. William’s
Oxford Park (Irish Room)
Until recently, the weather in
Vinsen’s small farming village
in West Timor has been quite stable.
However, in the last few years changing
weather patterns have made harvests
unpredictable and unprofitable.
Holy Saturday
April 4
Our Lady of Dolours 6.30pm (Vigil) Mass - No 4.30pm
St. William’s
6.30pm (Vigil) Mass - No 6.00pm
Easter Sunday
April 5
Regular Mass times all Churches
Grovely - 6.30am; 8am; 9.30am; 5.30pm
Samford - 8am
Mitchelton - 8am
Oxford Park (Irish Room) - 9.30am
Please donate to Project Compassion
2015 and help farmers in remote West
Timor grow sustainable crops for life,
regardless of changing weather
You can donate through Parish boxes
and envelopes, by visiting
www.caritas.org.au/projectcompassion or
phoning 1800 024 413
Around the Archdiocese
Thinking about Easter Eggs?
Pray for our four elect and candidates in
their final week leading up to Easter
Baptism and Reception into Full Communion with the Church. They spend
Palm Sunday on Retreat—pray for them
as they ready themselves in faith for
Elect: Neisha Bessell
Candidates: Kaye Beattie,
Kevin Andrews & Ferdinand Mercado.
Did you know that you
can buy Fair Trade
chocolate eggs at the
following stores:
Big W ,Bi-Lo, Chocolate to die for
(Brisbane), Cocoa Farm Chocolate
Coles, David Jones, Justice Products,
Mrs. Flannery’s Natural Grocers
Myer, Oxfam, QUT Gardens Point
(Brisbane),,Starbucks Target
The Parish Office will close at midday on Holy Thursday
(2nd April) to prepare for Easter Liturgies.. All items for
the newsletter will need to be submitted by midday
Wednesday 1st April.
• K.S.C. Members are reminded that
the next monthly meeting of the Branch
will be a combined meeting with Branch
1. The meeting will take place on
Thursday 9 April at St Michael’s Church
Hall 250 Bank Street Dorrington, at
7.30pm. Visitors are always welcome.
• Australian Christian Meditation
Community Qld Invites you to join us for
a Community Day. Come aside to spend
some time to deepen your understanding
of Meditation and God’s Gift’s, and join
with others walking the contemplative
path. Saturday 18 April at Holy Spirit
School Hall, 36 Villiers St, New Farm.
9.30am (morning tea) - 2.15pm.
Suggested donation: $10 – includes
morning tea. Save our earth: bring mug/
cup for own use. ALL ARE WELCOME.
Enqs contact: Johanna Lawrence
Email: johannal1@optusnet.com.au
Phone: (home) 33141404:
(mob) 0432 327 666.
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