Submitted by John Lewicki (Continued on following page) 13 (Gutierrez - Continued from previous page) 14 LAST SATURDAY OF SPRING BREAK AT GXP Steele High School Key Club Members spent their last Saturday of spring break working with Master Gardeners at Gutierrez Xeriscape Park (GXP). The spring breakers laid cardboard for a new pathway behind the main sign; carted crushed granite in wheelbarrows to the new pathway; raked, leveled and tamped down the granite; weeded the butterfly garden; added mulch around trees; cleared a portion of the parking lot; filled sinkholes; planted sunflowers, rosemary, passion vine and succulents. Led by GXP Co-Chairpersons Kim Darrough and John Lewicki, the spring breakers Left to right: Parker Dentino, Judy Stanley, Joyce Briscoe, Timothy Kidd, Denise Leverich, Taylor Perry, Hunter Dentino, worked with Master Gardeners Judy Stanley and Joyce Briscoe in hauling top soil for Welta Burris, and Jacob Frentzen. planting sunflowers along the stone wall and Master Gardener Welta Burris in adding plants to the Xeriscape Garden and the new Herb Garden. A special thanks to Key Club Faculty Advisor Denise Leverich for not only her hard work but also for providing donuts that gave everyone a burst of energy to start their morning tasks Photos L-R: 1. Taylor Perry getting another load of mulch. 2. Parker Dentino planting sunflowers. 3. Welta Burris planting rosemary in herb garden. 4. Hunter Dentino & Jacob Frentzen clearing parking lot. 5. Kim Darrough, Joyce Briscoe, and Judy Stanley putting sunflowers in front of stone wall. 6. Denise Leverich raking mulch around trees by new granite pathway. 15 March Volunteer Recognition Program 43 Certified Master Gardeners qualified for the March Volunteer Recognition Program Drawing. Having done so, all 43 also qualify for one entry into the $150 Annual Recognition Drawing. March Volunteer Recognition Program March Volunteer FIRSTNAME Members Reporting 5 or More Hours in February 2015 1 Augustus Lillian 23 McIntyre Elaine 2 Benfield Regina 24 McKenney LaVerne 3 Bennett Kathy 25 Micheli Hughlene 4 Bowe Mary 26 Miller Marla 5 Briscoe Joyce 27 Moltz Marilyn 6 Cardona Ramonita 28 Montalvo Maria 7 Chandler Mike 29 Odvody Ann 8 Cox Robert (Bob) 30 Odvody Dale 9 Darrough Kim 31 Patterson Karen 10 Ermel Bill 32 Preston Jerilyn 11 Friesenhahn, Joyce 33 Romero Liz 12 Hadley Susan 34 Schultze Pat 13 Henry Beth 35 Seale Iris 14 Hughes Elizabeth (Betty) 36 Slaten Chuck 15 Jones Peggy 37 Stanley Judy 16 Knight, Jr. James 38 Styblo Mary 17 Krause Debbie 39 Turner Pamela (Pam) 18 Leos Cynthia 40 Tyler-White, Patricia 19 Lewicki John 41 Wallace Penny 20 Magee Janet 42 Watkins Patricia 21 Martin Cindy 43 Wise Donna 22 McElveen Kay Congratulations to John Lewicki our March winner. As our March Volunteer, John won a $20 gift certificate to Schulz Nursery. To qualify for the Monthly Volunteer Recognition Program drawing, Certified Guadalupe County Master Gardeners must report a minimum of 5 volunteer and continuing education hours earned during the month in VMS by the last calendar day of the month. Hours earned for attendance at the monthly GCMG Membership Meeting are not included in the minimum 5 hours, except those earned for meeting setup. Board members do not participate in the Volunteer Recognition Program. Don’t forget to earn and report your hours by 30 April 2015 to be eligible for the May Membership Drawing. Article submitted by Cindy Waechter GCMG has report 2295.55 Volunteer Hours and 381.15 Continuing Education Hours in 2015. Continue to report your hours on VMS! 16 Volunteer Opportunities Guadalupe County Master Gardeners Volunteer Opportunities Every Monday the MG office/library is open from 8:30am-noon except for holidays. Volunteers are always needed. Contact Betty Hughes. 830-401-4066 or e-mail Every Tuesday and Friday are work days at the Guadalupe County Community Garden. Check with Ann Odvody ( 830-914-3593) for start hour and access at other times. Every Friday 9 am is a workday in the gardens at the Big Red Barn. Check with Janice Knobles, 830-379-6193 or e-mail for details. KWED Master Gardener Lawn and Garden Show is always looking for volunteers. Contact Janet Grafe at 830639-4199 or e-mail to Chairperson is needed for the June 18th Summer Social. Contact Jose Contreras at Volunteers are needed to set up the chairs before each monthly meeting. Contact Treva Hicks at Spring Tours at the Big Red Barn The folks at the Big Red Barnbare holding spring tours of their facilities and gardens for school children (pre-K and up) and would like our help. There will be opportunities to help in April and May, but at this writing the specific dates are not yet known. A call list will be taken. Janice Knobles is working on a script appropriate for Spring as well as indoor activities in case of rain. If you would like to help children discover the wonder of growing things we eat, add your name to the call list of Master Gardeners. Give Karen Heinemeyer your name, number and email address by phone: 830-557-6308 or by email at: Of course you should and will earn volunteer hours for helping with this. Plan Ahead for the County Fair Cindy Martin, Chair for the 2015 County Fair, encourages everyone to not only volunteer, but to ENTER! Plan Ahead - and - Plant Ahead 17 M E M B E R S I N S E R V I C E Texas Master Gardener Board of Directors Two Year Term - Dave Elder - Alternate - Marvin Borth One Year Term - Peggy Jones - Bob Teweles, Alternate Membership Outreach Committee - Virginia Biggs Speakers Bureau - Treva Hicks Guadalupe Co. Community Garden - Dale & Ann Odvody Master Gardener Office/Library - Betty Hughes Refreshment Coordinator - Treva Hicks Big Red Barn - Janice Knobles Gutierrez Xeriscape Garden - John Lewicki & Kim Darrough Historian - Sandy Foss Class 27 Coordinators - Kay McElveen & Mike Murley Facebook Editor - Cynthia Leos Newsletter Editor - Elaine McIntyre Web Master - Bob Teweles KEYHOLE AND ELEVATED GARDEN BEDS WITH DRIP IRRIGATION DEMONSTRATIONS Saturday April 11, 2015 - 10 am-12-pm Guadalupe Community Gardens, 1101 Elbel Road, Schertz (Behind the Guadalupe Courthouse Annex) Learn how to build and maintain Elevated and Keyhole Garden beds and setup and maintain a drip irrigation system. $15 Cost recovery fee. Taking orders for custom made Elevated Bed Kits. For more information contact: or call 830-303-4712 or 830-303-3889 Agrilife Extension Office Educational Programs of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, or veteran status. 18 GUADALUPE COUNTY MASTER GARDENERS LUNCH & LEARN GARDENING PROGRAMS 12-1PM FREE to the Public Bring your own lunch Thursday April 2—“Landscaping with Wildflowers”, Deedy Wright, Guadalupe Master Gardener presented at the GC AgriLife Extension Office, 210 East Live Oak St. Seguin Thursday May 7,---“Lawn Care”, Marvin Borth, Guadalupe Master Gardener, presented at the GC AgriLife Extension Office, 210 East Live Oak St., Seguin Monday May 11, --“Twenty Great Herbs for South Texas”, Gail Johnson, Guadalupe County Master Gardener, presented at The GVEC Community Room, 908 Curtis Street, Schertz. Thursday June 4—“Gardening with your Kids and Grandkids”, Lo Ra Dick, Guadalupe County Master Gardener, presented at the GC AgriLife Extension Office, 210 East Live Oak St. Seguin. (Bring your own Kids) Monday June 8—“Gardening in the Shade”, Liz Romero , Guadalupe County Master Gardener, presented at The GVEC Community Room, 908 Curtis Street, Schertz. Thursday July 2—“Twenty Great Herbs for South Texas”, Gail Johnson, Guadalupe County Master Gardener, presented at the GC AgriLife Extension Office, 210 East Live Oak St. Seguin. Monday July 13—“Hello Invasives Good Bye Texas”, Nancy Masterson, Guadalupe County Master Gardener, presented at The GVEC Community Room, 908 Curtis Street, Schertz. Thursday August 6,-- “Planning and Planting a Butterfly Garden”, Judy Stanley, Guadalupe County Master Gardener, presented at the GC AgriLife Extension Office, 210 East Live Oak St. Seguin. Monday August 10--“Planning and Planting a Butterfly Garden”, Judy Stanley, Guadalupe County Master Gardener, presented at The GVEC Community Room, 908 Curtis Street, Schertz. For more information call 830-303-3889, AgrilLife Extension Office or http:// Educational Programs of the Texas A&M Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, genetic information or veteran status Floral Designs Wednesday, April 1, at 10 am 3310 N. New Braunfels @ Funston At the San Antonio Garden Center Clubs meeting well-known floral artist and teacher, Henry DeLeon, brings his joyful exuberance and riotous color palette with him. In true "Fiesta Flores" style, DeLeon will demonstrate how to create fabulous floral designs at home, and audience members will have the opportunity to take away more than just ideas. Join us for coffee at 9:30. Free and open to the public. For more information, go to or call (210) 824-9981. 19 Native Plant Society of Texas Guadalupe County (Schertz-Seguin) Chapter Tracking the Wild Invaders As a field botanist, Minnette Marr of the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center has surveyed plant communities on private ranches, and in state forests and national parks throughout Texas. Land managers use these surveys for many purposes, including the control of invasive species. Tonight Minnette will teach us how to get involved in mapping and eradicating invasive species in our own neighborhoods. Check out one of Minnette’s observations from the San Marcos River watershed at http:// When Minnette is not surveying plant communities, she is scouting for opportunities to collect seeds of native plants. You can follow her seedy adventures at Tuesday April 14, 2015, 7:00 PM St John’s Lutheran Church, FM 465, Marion, TX Meetings are open to the public. Visitors are welcome. There is a plant/seed exchange and greeting at 6:30 PM followed by the program at 7:00 PM. For more information, directions or membership applications see our website at: http:/www./ The purpose of the Native Plant Society of Texas is to promote research, conservation and use of native plants and habitats through education, outreach and example. Rain Gardens: Landscaping for Sustainability and Beauty April 21, 2015 at 7:00 PM GVTC Auditorium located at 36101 FM 3159, Smithson Valley At the Lindheimer Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas monthly meeting Lee Marlowe, Sustainable Landscape Superintendent for the San Antonio River Authority (SARA), will give a presentation on Rain Gardens: Landscaping for Sustainability and Beauty. She will describe specific native plants that can be used in rain gardens to provide multiple benefits including water conservation, pollinator habitat and beauty in the landscape. The public is welcome. For more information lindheimer Annual Grafting Seminar Sat., Apr 11, 9am-12pm Fanick’s Garden Center, 1025 Holmgreen Road, San Antonio Dr. Larry Stein from the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension service will show you how and why fruit, nut and citrus trees are grafted. You will learn all the different grafting techniques like inlay, four flap, cleft, approach grafts and some of the budding techniques like chip budding and t-budding. You will also learn about the overall care of your fruit, nut and citrus trees before and after you graft them. This seminar is very popular so arrive early for best parking and seating. Seminar is free. 3 CEU’s for Master Gardeners who attend. 20 Earth-Kind® Landscape Design and Management School April 10, 11 & 12, 2015 in Dallas, Tx During this unique educational experience you will learn how to design, plant and manage landscape that is beautiful, low maintenance, heat and drought tolerant, and the ultimate in environmental responsibility. No previous, design, plant or management knowledge is needed. This 2.5 day course will consist of an in depth classroom program, outdoor laboratory session, field trip to tour Earth-Kind® plant trials, plus a personalized, extended (1.5 hour) landscape design consultation, to be conducted a few weeks later. Dr. Steve George, Professor and Extension Landscape Specialist with the Texas A&M AgriLIFE Extension Service and creator of the Earth-Kind® Environmental Landscape Management System, is the lead instructor and will personally conduct all of the design consultations. This school is an outstanding value at only $295 per household. Class size is limited. For more information and to enroll contact Kim Betancourt (972-952-9211, TEXAS MASTER GARDENER SPECIALIST TRAINING Plant Propagation 12:30 pm May 7 - 12:00 Noon May 9, 2015 Tarrant County Master Gardeners – Ft. Worth, Texas All Master Gardeners with an up-to-date Master Gardener Certification are eligible to participate in this high quality training combined with hands-on experience. . Registration is $200. For additional information or contact Billie Hammack, P. O. Box 1540, Fort Worth, TX 76101-1540. DEADLINE TO REGISTER IS APRIL 1, 2015 Texas Master Gardener Specialist training Entomology September 28 through October 2 Montgomery County Extension Office, Conroe The training is designed to provide an in-depth exposure to the world of insects: 4.5 days of insectoriented field trips, lectures and hands-on insect collecting and photography. Montgomery County is not currently accepting applicants for the program, but for updates and further information see Turfgrass 101 Seminar Sat., Apr 25, 10:30am - 12:00pm Milberger’s Landscape Nursery, 3920 N. Loop 1604 E., San Antonio Speaker is David Rodriguez, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. 1.5 CEUs. Free. Learn the basics of lawn maintenance through proper nutrition, mowing, weed control, and irrigation. 21 GARDENING EVENTS Texas Master Gardener Conference for 2015 The Blooms on the Old Chisholm Trail April 16 -18. Bell County Expo Center in Belton, TX Please check for all the details. or Spring Native Plant Sale at Folkfest in New Braunfels Saturday, April 11, 2015 - 11 am - 6 pm. Sunday, April 12, 2015 - 12 pm - 5 pm • Butterfly and Hummingbird plants; Milkweed (weather cooperating with our grower!) • Children’s activities with plants Heritage Village, 1370 Church Hill Drive, New Braunfels, Texas (Take exit 189 off Interstate 35 and proceed west on Loop 337 to Church Hill Drive. Signs will also refer to this Loop as State Hwy. 46.) Sponsored by the Lindheimer Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas For more information, • National Children and Youth Garden Symposium July 9-11, 2015 - Austin, Texas This exciting event is related to the Learn, Grow, Eat & Go This conference is coordinated by the American Horticulture Society (AHS) and this year the International Junior Master Gardener (JMG) program will be a co-host for the conference. Information about the conference events, lodging, travel, etc. may be found on the following website: ncygs/2015-ncygs/overview The conference hotel is the Radisson Austin Downtown and the symposium has a special rate of $149.00 per night. Anniversary of Gutierrez Xeriscape Park Dedication Sunday, April 19th - Noon to 5 PM 1300 Borgfeld, Schertz See the new art work by Steele High School, listen to a mariachi band, get free food and drinks, visit the Guadalupe County Native Plant Society and Master Gardener information tables, and visit the Butterfly Garden and Monarch Waystation. Azalea and Spring Flower Trail Mar 20 through Apr 5, 2015 Tyler, TX In addition to the eight miles of residential gardens and historic homes sites, there are numerous Spring events and year-round attractions in Tyler to make the trip a great one! For more information http:// 22 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednes day 1 Thursday 2 LUNCH and LEARN Friday 3 GCCG Workday Red Barn 9 AM Saturday 4 KWED Radio 1580 AM Lawn & Garden Show 9 a.m. O - FULL MOON 5 Happy Easter! 12 6 Master Gardener Office/Library 8:30-Noon 13 Master Gardener Office/Library 7 GCCG Workday 8 9 GCMG Board Meeting 14 GCCG Workday 15 16 GCMG Meeting 10 GCCG Workday Red Barn 11 KWED Radio Lawn & Garden Show GCCG Workshop Keyhole & Drip 17 GCCG Workday Red Barn 18 KWED Radio Lawn & Garden Show . G NEW MOON 19 Gutierrez Xeriscape Park Dedication 26 20 Master Gardener Office/Library 21 GCCG Workday 22 23 24 GCCG Workday Red Barn 25 KWED Radio Lawn & Garden Show EARTH DAY PLANT SALE 27 Master Gardener Office/Library 28 GCCG Workday 29 30 GCCG - Guadalupe County Community Garden Newsletter Deadline 23 Extension Service Guadalupe County Master Gardeners, Inc. 210 East Live Oak St. Seguin, TX 78155 Guadalupe County Master Gardeners 830-379-1972 Ext 210 Guadalupe County Texas A&M AgriLIFE Extension 830-379-1972 Texas Master Gardeners GCMG Officers & Board of Directors Jose Contreras Bob Teweles Marvin Borth Cynthia Lyssey Welta Burris Jim Johnson Treva Hicks Dave Elder Open Cindy Waechter Travis Franke President Past President President Elect Vice President Secretary Treasurer Education Chairman Publication Chairman Volunteer Chairman Membership Chair AgriLIFE Agent Master Gardener Coordinator 24 April Meeting Thursday, April 16, 2015 - 7 PM AgriLIFE Extension Building 210 E. Live Oak, Seguin, Tx Reference to commercial products or trade names is made with the understanding that no discrimination by the Master Gardeners is implied, and no endorsement by the Master Gardeners is implied. Educational programs conducted by the Guadalupe County Master Gardeners and the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, genetic information or veteran status. Elaine McIntyre, Editor (
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