printable flier. - Kaufman County Master Gardener Association

Kaufman County Master Gardener Association
A Program of Texas A & M AgriLife Extension
February 28, 2015
9:00 am to noon
Grace Fellowship
at 7650 FM 1388
(in Oak Grove)
Aquaponics is a hot trend in gardening! Find
out what it is and whether it’s right for you.
 Hydroponics versus Aquaponics
 Aquaponics Basics
Peter Woods, Extension Fisheries Program Specialist
Bay City Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Center
 Backyard Aquaponics
Adam Cohen, Green Phoenix Farms
Mansfield, Texas
Vendor Booths & Silent Auction
Cost is $15 per person. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. Light refreshments.
2 General CEUs for pesticide applicators. Limited to the first 75 who pre-register.
Pre-register by calling 972-932-9069 or emailing by
February 23, 2015.
Texas Master Gardeners is a program of Texas A & M AgriLife Extension. Educational programs of the Texas A & M AgriLife Extension Service are
open to all people without regard to race, color, sex, disability, religion, age, national origin, genetic information or veteran status. Individuals with
disabilities requiring auxiliary aids, services or accommodations in order to participate in Extension programs are encouraged to call the Kaufman
County Extension Office at 972-932-9069 to discuss specific needs. Please call at least 2 weeks before the program.