Map to ESC Region 12 CELEBRATING OUR YOUNGEST LEARNERS 2101 W. Loop 340, Waco, TX 76712 DIRECTIONS FROM 1-35 SOUTHBOUND: From I-35, take Loop 340/Hwy. 6 West (Exit 330 B). Stay on the Loop 340 access road until you reach the first intersection (Bagby). Turn left at the light (onto Bagby) and cross over Loop 340. Turn right immediately after the Salganik Vision Group & Optique. Parking for the ESC is available on the right. The front door to the Center is also accessible from this parking lot. DIRECTIONS FROM 1-35 NORTHBOUND: From I-35, take Exit 330 B onto Loop 340/Hwy. 6 West. Cross over I-35 and merge onto West Loop 340/Hwy 6. Take the exit toward Beverly Dr and merge onto the access road. Turn left onto Beverly Dr/Texas 6 Fwy S. Keep right to stay on the access road. Stay on the access road until you reach the Center's front entrance, which is just past Bird-Kultgen Ford on the right. DIRECTIONS FROM TEXAS HIGHWAY 6 EASTBOUND: Take the Bagby exit, which is the second exit past U.S. 84/Waco Drive. Stay on the access road until you reach the Center's front entrance, which is just past Bird-Kultgen Ford on the right. For questions, contact Deanna Franklin McLennan County- Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service 254.757.5180 or Individuals with disabilities, who require an auxiliary aid, a service or an accommodation in order to participate in this meeting are encouraged to contact Deanna Franklin at 254.757.5180 by March 21, 2015, to determine how reasonable accommodations can be made. Educational programs of the Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, sex, disability, religion, age, or national origin. The Texas A & M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating. featuring AL “MR. AL” RASSO EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION 12 2101 W. LOOP 340 WACO, TEXAS 04.18.15 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM The Week of the Young Child is an opportunity to recognize the incredibly important work of child care directors and teachers. We invite you to attend an early childhood conference with food, prizes, outstanding presenters and lots of appreciation! CONFERENCE SCHEDULE 7:30 AM 8:00 AM 9:45 AM 11:20 AM 12:00 PM 1:45 PM 3:15 PM Registration Keynote Speaker Interest Session I Lunch Interest Session 2 Interest Session 3 Evaluations & Certification Training Hours and CEUs Six hours of in-service training are included in the registration fee. 0.6 CEUs will be given for an additional charge of $10 per person if desired; please note your request for CEUs in the space provided on the registration form. INTEREST SESSION 1 CHOICES KEYNOTE SPEAKER Al “Mr. Al” Rasso Nationallyknown educator and children’s recording artist. With 27 years of experience, he’s a versatile entertainer, presenter, & keynote speaker. He has written, produced and recorded twenty children’s albums, two videos and one teacher resource book. 9:45 AM - 11:15 AM 1. Use Your Brain? Move Your Body! by Al Rasso Continue the Conversation with “Mr. Al” 2. Pin or not to Pin Using Pinterest to Develop Lesson Plans for a Multiage Classroom by Ana Abad In this engaging session, participants will learn all about using the online tool Pinterest to create developmentally appropriate activities for multi-age classrooms. 3. The Building Blocks for Teaching Preschool Children with Disabilities by Cory Camp M.Ed. Come discover research-based inclusion strategies that address common classroom challenges. This session will provide information on disability awareness, environmental and adult supports, and strategy adapting activities. 4. Administrator’s Session: Minimum Standard Updates by Sharon Pender Child Care Licensing Supervisor Understand all updates in the Minimum Standards and how it affects you. INTEREST SESSION 2 CHOICES 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM 1. Do We Really Want Children to Talk? Enhancing Language Development for Children ages 3-5 by Alvin Stewart M.Ed. In this interactive session participants will discover how to intentionally plan activities throughout the daily routine to enhance language development for young children. 2. Celebrate the Joys of Outdoor Play by Paula Barnes M.S. Participants will discover techniques and materials to enhance children’s outdoor play experiences. As well as examine the characteristics of an exciting , appropriate outdoor classroom. 3. Impact of Implementing a Worksite Wellness Program by Danielle Hairston-Green M.A. This discussion is designed to share strategies and best practices in implementing worksite wellness programs. 4. Math Counts and Science Matters: STEAM in the Preschool Classroom by Teresa Chavez M.A.Ed. Come hear about the research on Math and Science in the Pre-K Classroom. Learn how to support numeracy development and science processes. INTEREST SESSION 3 CHOICES 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM 1. Tweet, Poke, Blog, Snap…..Sounds That Make You Stop and Think! by Paula Barnes M.S. Have you ever considered how the use of e-mail, Facebook, Twitter and other forms of social media impacts the field of early childhood education? In this session participants will explore the appropriateness of using social media through the lens of the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct. 2. Paternal Influence on Children’s Nutritional Health by Danielle Hairston Green M.A. Participants will explore the factors that impact paternal influence on nutritional health and provide the results of a state agency’s research project on paternal influence. 3. Let’s Make a Mess! Multisensory Approach for Toddlers by Kerry Miller Ed.D., Angie Perrine M.Ed., Dee Dee Wiley M.Ed. Participants will rediscover the value of active exploration with young children. Also identify what looks like a mess on the surface is truly a learning experience. 4. Administrator’s Session: Leadership and Success Is There a Connection? by Alvin Stewart M.Ed. This session will focus on identifying characteristics and attributes of successful leaders. Participants will be given an opportunity to share with fellow administrators strategies used to help “keep it all together”. WEEK OF THE YOUNG CHILD 2015 Registration form Business Name: Address: City:Zip Code: Phone:Email: Session 1 Preferences Enter Session choices # 1-4 Names of Staff attending (please indicate teacher or director) 1. teacher director CEUs 2. teacher director CEUs 3. teacher director CEUs 4. teacher director CEUs FEES 1st Choice Session2 Preferences Enter Session choices # 1-4 2nd Choice Early Bird Registration $25 until March 27th x $25 Regular Registration $35 March 28th - April 10th x $35 = Late Registration $45 April 11th - April 17th x $45 = x $10 = # Requiring CEUs TOTAL DUE WITH REGISTRATION $ 2nd Choice 1st Choice 2nd Choice NOTE = = # Attending x fee 1st Choice Session 3 Preferences Enter Session choices # 1-4 • No on-site registration • The registration fee is transferable but not refundable • Make check payable to: Program Development Fund • Mail payment with this form to: Program Development Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service 420 N 6th Street, Waco, TX 76701
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